Intensification of Waste Valorization Techniques for Biogas Production on the Example of Clarias gariepinus Droppings
:1. Introduction
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- To achieve the aim of the study, the following tasks were performed:
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- An investigation of the dynamics of hydrochemical parameters in a series of experiments conducted on the intensification of the anaerobic digestion of clariid catfish droppings;
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- A comparative analysis of the effect of different types of treatment on biogas yield and quality in the digestion of clariid catfish droppings;
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- The modeling of the species composition of a consortium of methanogenic microorganisms;
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- The formalization of the electro-fermentation system in aquaculture technology.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Characteristics of the Substrate Used—Excreta of the Clariid Catfish
2.2. Characteristics of Stimulant Supplements
2.3. Lab Benches Used for Biogas Production Stimulation
- Substrate digestion with stimulating additives: zeolite and humic fertilizer;
- Pretreatment of the substrate by electrolysis;
- Treatment of the substrate by electric current during anaerobic digestion every day (electro-fermentation);
- Anaerobic digestion of substrate without treatment and stimulating additives (control).
2.4. Methods
2.4.1. Microbiological Studies
2.4.2. Control of Parameters during the Anaerobic Digestion Process
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- Nitrate level (NO3–);
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- Ammonia–ammonium level (NH3/NH4+);
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- Nitrite level (NO2–);
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- Solution salinity (TDS);
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- Redox potential (ORP);
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- Hydrogen potential (pH).
3. Results and Discussions
3.1. Comparison of Changes Occurring in Control Parameters in a Series of Experiments Conducted on the Intensification of the Anaerobic Digestion of Clarionic Catfish Excreta
3.2. Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Different Types of Treatment on Biogas Yield and Its Quality
3.3. Microscopy and Modeling of the Species Composition of the Methanogenic Microorganisms Consortium
3.4. Formalization of the Electro-Fermentation System in Aquaculture Technology
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- In a closed water supply system designed for the cultivation of clariid catfish, the following materials are supplied: prepared water (feed), combined feed, and heat to maintain the required temperature of the water solution;
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- The catfish consume and digest food, and release metabolic waste products into the water. These include proteins, peptides, and nitrogen compounds harmful to the fish, for which protein molecules from the feces can be broken down;
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- Aquaculture waste is removed from the fish tank using filtering elements and extracted for further processing;
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- The separated droppings are sent to an anaerobic bioreactor, integrating a substrate electrolysis process into its structure. Furthermore, during the digestion cycle, the waste is treated daily with a constant electric current (electro-fermentation process);
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- During the process of anaerobic conversion, biogas is released as a by-product of methanogenic microorganisms. The gas is drained from the reactor into a gas holder. Methane contained in this gas mixture is an energy carrier and can be used to generate heat and electricity;
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- Carbon dioxide (CO2) can be accumulated in liquefied form, and used to feed plants in greenhouses as one of the possible applications;
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- Water obtained after dewatering the sludge can be sent back to the fish farm by passing through a hydroponic system, and the dry residue rich in mineral salts and available forms of nitrogen can be used as fertilizer.
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- Until the organic substrate is obtained from the fish farm, the algorithm of action is similar to that described for the scheme presented in Figure 7 (option A);
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- After the droppings are removed from the filter, they are sent to the electrolyzer, where they are treated with a direct electric current;
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- Following the electrolysis treatment, the substrate is sent to the classical anaerobic bioreactor;
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- The subsequent algorithm obtained from the end of the digestion period is the same as in option A.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Shtepa, V.; Balintova, M.; Shykunets, A.; Chernysh, Y.; Chubur, V.; Plyatsuk, L.; Junakova, N. Intensification of Waste Valorization Techniques for Biogas Production on the Example of Clarias gariepinus Droppings. Fermentation 2023, 9, 225.
Shtepa V, Balintova M, Shykunets A, Chernysh Y, Chubur V, Plyatsuk L, Junakova N. Intensification of Waste Valorization Techniques for Biogas Production on the Example of Clarias gariepinus Droppings. Fermentation. 2023; 9(3):225.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShtepa, Vladimir, Magdalena Balintova, Aliaksei Shykunets, Yelizaveta Chernysh, Viktoriia Chubur, Leonid Plyatsuk, and Natalia Junakova. 2023. "Intensification of Waste Valorization Techniques for Biogas Production on the Example of Clarias gariepinus Droppings" Fermentation 9, no. 3: 225.
APA StyleShtepa, V., Balintova, M., Shykunets, A., Chernysh, Y., Chubur, V., Plyatsuk, L., & Junakova, N. (2023). Intensification of Waste Valorization Techniques for Biogas Production on the Example of Clarias gariepinus Droppings. Fermentation, 9(3), 225.