1. Introduction
The study of air circulation, a primary medium of viral spread, has become a subject of great importance for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Due to wide-spread misinformation on topics related to closed environment air recirculation, particularly in indoor spaces, buildings, and public transport vehicles, the right form of ventilation that minimizes the risk of viral exposure remains an area that requires rigorous and carefully executed scientific investigations. Understanding and monitoring airflow is critical to monitoring the presence and spread of viral particles—especially in enclosed spaces such as, office buildings, restaurants, gymnasium, and public transportation systems. Analyzing and categorizing the airflow within a closed system can be used in determining the configurations with the least viral exposure in that given environment. This paper aims to apply Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to characterize the airflow inside a public transportation system bus and simulate modes of transmission, such as, breathing, sneezing, and coughing via Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) methods which may be used to make informed operational decisions. This research presents a joint effort by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Corvid Technologies to create a monitoring model of a Charlotte Area Transportation System (CATS) bus. This project is supported by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic and Security Act (CARES Act) as part of an award from the North Carolina Pandemic Recovery Office. The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the State of North Carolina or the U.S. Government.
In the COVID-19 pandemic, the most critical safety concern for transit operators and riders is the air circulation. This is because indoor environments are at higher risk than outdoor environments, due to the lack of natural air exchange and the potential accumulation of viral particles in a closed environment. There is an abundance of news headlines relating to passengers and riders that have been infected. For example, a reported cluster in Zhejiang province in China, observed that 24 out 67 passengers were infected during a 50-minute bus ride. Interestingly, most of the riders seated adjacent to an open window were not infected [
3]. Another example is the outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship where out of 3711 passengers and crew members on board, more than 700 were infected over a one-month period [
5]. It was observed that commercial airlines are safer than other transportation modes, due to the utilization of displacement ventilation with air entering from the ceiling and exiting at the floor [
7] implying that aircraft-like ventilation designs, in which air is not passed among the passengers, are most effective in limiting airborne transmission. As most public and urban buses have exhaust vents located either at the center ceiling or the back of the bus, air exchange increases viral transmission risks [
9]. This makes a systematic study on the viral transmission risk minimization inside public buses a very important issue.
Though such studies are not in abundance, however, there exists some interesting works relevant to this study. For example, Zhu et al. [
8] and Yang [
10] investigated the effects of HVAC vent placements and orientations on internal viral transmission on buses without the influence of windows. Kale et al. [
11] showed that opening windows significantly alters the flow field inside the bus, in which the air enters from the rear windows, moves to the front of the bus, and exits from the front windows. Studies by Li et al. [
12] and Chaudhry et al. [
13] show that this makes the internal environment susceptible to external air pollution. Naturally, the COVID-19 pandemic has once again highlighted the importance of outdoor air interactions and altered interior flow field on the transmission of the virus; these two factors are important to ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. This aspect is the central interest of a few other recent studies (cf. [
15]). Other similar studies include analyzing the ventilation systems, aerosol dispersion, and performing COVID-19 viral traces on commercial airlines [
16], buses, trains, and subways [
19], patient transport vans [
20], and cars [
22]. Using the experimentally validated Computational Fluid-particle Dynamics (CFPD) model, Feng et al. [
23] investigated airborne transmission, deposition, and clearance of the COVID-19 virus-laden droplets emitted from a patient in a patient room.
However, the effects of opening windows on passenger cars have led to two conflicting conclusions. One study concluded that car windows should be open diagonally opposite the driver and passenger [
21], while the other observed that maximum HVAC settings will clear up the air more effectively than opening windows [
22]. Yao and Liu [
24] studied the effect of the opening window position on aerosol transmission in an enclosed bus under a windless environment. The results from this study indicate that opening a window next to an infected person results in an unsatisfactory performance in both limiting the droplet spreading range and reducing droplet concentration, which eventually leads to a high risk of infection by aerosol transmission. Additionally, this study shows that as the turbulence inside the bus accelerates the spreading speed and expands the spreading range, opening multiple windows also proves to be unsatisfactory in removing droplets. Another very recent study by Ou et al. [
25] analyzed a COVID-19 outbreak in January 2020 in Hunan Province, China, involving an infected person taking two subsequent buses in the same afternoon. Their study shows that the difference in ventilation rates and exposure time could explain why passengers in one bus had a higher rate of infection than the other and concluded that a ventilation rate below 3.2 L/s would significantly increase the infection spread rate.
Given the internal structure of the vehicle, its ventilation systems, and the location of passengers, we aim to determine the likely distribution of viruses in the bus resulting from three common respiratory events: speaking, coughing, and sneezing. This allows for the identification of any specific surfaces or locations where virus particles are most likely to accumulate (given the flow dynamics). These areas can then be targeted for cleaning or passenger avoidance. The overarching goals of this study include:
Develop first-principle-based, high-fidelity, interior airflow data sets;
Create an automated Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) technique relevant to respiratory particle sizing;
Generate viral load models for various vehicle configurations and transmission mechanisms.
Utilizing these data sets, this research effort aims to address the following questions by developing a COVID-19 Public Transportation Monitoring Model that uses the data generated by hundreds of first-principles, physics-based Navier–Stokes calculations:
Are deposition location and particle density dependent on the distribution and density of passengers?
Given the ventilation structure and the behavior of aerosol and droplet particles, where are the optimal locations for placement of air samplers in the vehicle to maximize the chance of detecting the virus?
Assuming that new findings pointing to the greater-than-anticipated aerosol spread of SARS-CoV-2 are correct, to what extent do aerosol particles accumulate in the interior air while the vehicle is operating?
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the scientific community has been learning at an incredibly fast pace and has been met with significant informational challenges. Lack of information and inaccurate information (both intentional and accidental) can all create significant uncertainty. In order to shed light on viral transmission, this research effort relies on a first principles physics-based approach rather than a collection of controlled and uncontrolled field studies wrapped into a statistical representation. The number of variables associated with the problem of viral transmission are significant and case-specific which requires a research team to dedicate significant resources and rely heavily on automation in order to develop required number of datasets. Our approach is to model bulk flow patterns using Navier–Stokes methods, evaluate viral dispersion via LPT methods modified to include aerosols, and produce a viral load map that can be leveraged to identify probable areas of contamination throughout the control volume. Trends in the aggregate of solutions will provide insight into common areas of deposit, which would be primary target areas for sanitation measures and/or avoidance, and possibly operational procedures and configuration changes (seating arrangement/HVAC settings).
This paper is structured as following: A description of the problem setup and methods, including the bus model, Navier–Stokes flow solver, LPT algorithm, and viral load, are described in
Section 2.
Section 3 details the validation studies of the flow solver and the LPT algorithms.
Section 4 presents results of the study, which are finally summarized in
Section 5.
4. Results
Due to the number of cases considered as a part of the current study, all cases have not yet been thoroughly interrogated. In order to provide some perspective on the solution contents, we share preliminary observations by comparing a windows closed case with arbitrarily selected HVAC settings to the windows fully open and half open cases at 35 MPH.
Preliminary results are shown for a case with windows and doors closed, at half-seated occupancy under COVID-19 restrictions, with the main HVAC at a maximum flow rate, the driver HVAC on low, and the defroster on medium. The VMET is presented for injection events from the bus driver to show a comparison of the three types of events: speaking, coughing, and sneezing.
Figure 18 shows slices taken through the domain and centered on the driver. It can be seen in
Figure 18a that the overall flow is toward the rear of the bus, as indicated by the positive x-direction velocity. Also,
Figure 18c shows that the injection of air from the defroster is also clearly visible in the z-direction velocity. For all injection events, the viral load is most concentrated in the area immediately in front of the driver. This is because most of the viral load is contained in the largest particles which have the most inertia and are therefore least affected by the flow dynamics; they are also the largest and therefore drop rapidly due to gravity.
Figure 19 shows a volumetric threshold in the domain, which identifies any cells with a non-zero VMET. Although the viral load is concentrated in the area surrounding the driver, there is still an exposure risk from the smaller particles (i.e., aerosols) that are entrained in the flow and can spread throughout the bus. The smallest particles are correspondingly light and do not rapidly drop to the ground. The overall flow dynamics in the bus with the windows and doors closed is directed toward the rear of the bus, which is where the main HVAC return is located. This can be seen in
Figure 20, where the positive velocity in the x-direction indicates flow toward the rear of the bus. Therefore the aerosolized particles will migrate backwards from the driver.
To help determine the best HVAC/window configuration for CATS, the previous case was compared to cases with the windows fully open and half open with the HVAC off. The VMET was presented for a sneeze injection event for the driver.
Figure 21 shows the comparison of the volumetric threshold for the driver’s sneeze for each case. For both the windows fully open and half open cases, the VMET for the driver remains largely the same. While the viral load is more concentrated in the area surrounding the driver, there is no flow directed toward the rear of the bus as the AC remains off and the particles are instead ejected from the window just rear of the driver.
While this initially leads to the conclusion that the windows fully/half open cases are better for the prevention viral transmission, this does not represent the overall flow dynamics in the bus. To ensure incorrect conclusions were not drawn, two passengers were arbitrarily selected for comparison: passenger 14 and passenger 15. Once again, the VMET was presented for a sneeze injection event.
Figure 22 shows the comparisons of the volumetric threshold for passenger 14’s sneeze for each case. For the windows closed case, passenger 14’s aerosols largely move towards the rear of the bus where the main HVAC return is located. In contrast, the windows fully open case shows the aerosols circulating throughout the entire bus. This is a result of the increased turbulence within the bus from having multiple competing inlets in the form of open windows. The windows half open case shows a similar result, only to a slightly lesser degree.
Figure 23 shows the comparisons of the volumetric threshold for passenger 15’s sneeze for each case. The results are comparable to those for passenger 14, with the windows closed case directing a majority of the particles aside from the initial injection into the HVAC return. Both cases with windows open similarly show an increase in circulation of aerosols, with the windows fully open case again circulating more of the particles with a higher VMET.
With a significant number of cases yet to be investigated, it is difficult at this time to recommend a complete configuration of HVAC and windows open/closed for the best prevention of viral transmission. However, from these initial cases it seems that the spread of viral particles from infected passengers is reduced with the windows closed and the cabin HVAC set to high. This is a result of the positive velocity in the x-direction directing the particles toward the main HVAC return rather than circulating the particles throughout the bus due to the increased turbulence in the flow field from open windows. In contrast, it seems that both windows open cases reduce the spread of viral particles from the driver. It is possible that keeping the majority of the windows closed, however leaving the window just rear of the driver open could lead to a best case scenario. However, it is also possible that having the driver HVAC off is contributing to the lack of circulation. To isolate this phenomena, one more case was observed. The alternate configuration B for the windows half open case has the same HVAC settings as both previous windows open cases, but has the window behind the driver closed.
Figure 24 shows the comparison of the volumetric threshold for the driver’s sneeze for the windows half open and alternate open B cases. This clearly demonstrates that having the window just rear of the driver open can significantly limit the spread of the driver’s aerosols in most cases. While these preliminary results show a general trend of best practices, there are still many other cases to compare.