Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Provisional Resin Materials for Crown and Fixed Dental Prosthesis: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Items
- (1)
- Population: Dental provisional crown, bridge, or FDP.
- (2)
- Intervention: 3D-printed provisional, interim, or temporary materials.
- (3)
- Comparison: Milled or conventional fixed provisional or temporary or interim materials.
- (4)
- Outcome: Mechanical properties.
2.2. Information Sources and Search Strategy
2.3. Eligibility Criteria
2.4. Study Selection and Data Collection Processes
2.5. Synthesis of the Results
2.6. Data Extraction, Quality, and Bias Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Study Selection
3.2. Quality of Selected Papers and Bias Reporting
3.3. Study Characteristics
3.4. Results of Individual Studies
3.5. Results of Synthesis, Data Analysis of the Mechanical Properties
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Search | Literature Search Strategy | Results |
Population | Crown * OR exp Crowns/OR Fixed dental prosthesis OR bridge OR FDP OR Fixed partial prosthesis OR resin-bonded bridge OR bar OR specimen OR Dental Prosthesis Design* OR implant crown | 778,817 |
Intervention | 3D-printed provisional OR 3D-printed temporary OR 3D-printed interim OR 3D printed transient OR three-dimensional | 283,947 |
Control | Conventional provisional OR Milling provisional OR PMMA OR polymethylemethacrylate OR Bis-acryl composite | 19,315 |
Outcome | Mechanical properties OR flexural strength OR fracture toughness OR shear strength OR wear resistance OR chipping OR chip* OR surface roughness OR color OR color stability OR color alteration OR shade OR color change OR Bond* OR adaptation OR gap OR marginal discrepancy OR internal discrepancy | 1,987,353 |
Total | (((Crown * OR exp Crowns/OR Fixed dental prosthesis OR bridge OR FDP OR Fixed partial prosthesis OR resin-bonded bridge OR bar OR specimen OR Dental Prosthesis Design* OR implant crown) AND (3D printed provisional OR 3D printed temporary OR 3D printed interim OR 3D printed transient OR three-dimensional)) AND (Conventional provisional OR Milling provisional OR PMMA OR polymeth-ylemethacrylate OR Bis-acryl composite)) AND (Mechanical properties OR flexural strength OR fracture toughness OR shear strength OR wear resistance OR chipping OR chip* OR surface roughness) 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4 | 85 |
Author and Year | Peer- Reviewed | Complete stat | Randomization | Blindness | Sample Size Calculation | Dose-Response Relation | Statement of Compliance with Regulatory | Objective Aligned with Analysis | Risk of Bias |
Sadek et al., 2023 [52] | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | + | Low |
Bergamo et al., 2022 [53] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Britto et al., 2022 [54] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
de Castro et al., 2022 [55] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Ellakany et al., 2022 [56] | + | + | + | - | + | + | + | + | Low |
Pantea et al., 2022 [57] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Simoneti et al., 2022 [58] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Tasin et al., 2022 [59] | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | + | Low |
Turksayar et al., 2022 [60] | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | + | Low |
Al-Qahtani et al., 2021 [61] | + | + | - | - | - | - | + | + | Moderate |
Mayer et al., 2021 [62] | + | + | - | - | - | + | + | + | Moderate |
Myagmar et al., 2021 [63] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Martín-Ortega et al., 2021 [64] | + | + | + | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Park et al., 2020 [65] | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | + | Moderate |
Reeponmaha et al., 2020 [66] | + | + | + | - | + | + | + | + | Low |
Kessler et al., 2019 [67] | + | + | - | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Park et al., 2018 [68] | + | + | - | - | - | + | + | + | Moderate |
Tahayeri et al., 2018 [69] | + | + | - | - | - | + | + | + | Low |
Digholkar el al, 2016 [70] | + | + | - | - | - | + | + | + | Moderate |
Ref | Testing Method | Type of Specimens | Technique of Fabrication/Material Used (Brand Name Used®) | Outcome |
Sadek et al., 2023 [52] | FS | Disk-shaped (10 × 2-mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Tempron) -DMA (Protemp), -DMA (Tuff-Temp) Milled: -PMMA (VITA CAD-Temp) -PMMA (breCAM.multiCOM) Printed: - NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) | FS: printed than milled and conventional |
Bergamo et al., 2022 [53] | FS and EM | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Alike, GC) -PMMA (Dencor) -DMA (Tempsmart), -DMA (Yprov, Yller) Milled: -PMMA (TelioCAD) Printed: -CosmosTemp-DLP (Yller) | FS and EM: to 3D printed and than milled and DMA after TC. EM: than all except DMA. |
Britto et al., 2022 [54] | FS and EM | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Coroas e Pontes), -DMA (Yprov Bisacryl) Printed: -CosmosTemp-DLP (Yller) | FS and EM: showed than conventional DMA. |
de Castro et al., 2022 [55] | FS, EM and KH | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) Disk-shaped (15 × 2.5-mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (VitaTemp, Vita) Printed: -CosmosTemp-SLA (Yller) -CosmosTemp-DLP (Yller) -PriZma-Bioprov (Makertech) -Nanolab 3D (Wilcos) | After 24-h load: FS and EM: all printed than milled After 1-year load: FS: Nanolab and DLP than milled. DLP at printing orientation 45° than 0°,and 90° SLA(45°) to milled, SLA(90°) than milled EM: all printed than milled KN: Nanolab than milled. |
Ellakany et al., 2022 [56] | FS and VH | 3-unit FDPs | Conventional: -PMMA (Unifast TRAD) Milled: -PMMA (TelioCAD) Printed: - NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) -ASIGA (Denta Tooth) | VH and FS: printed SLA than conventional and to milled. However, printed DLP than milled. EM: printed SLA than milled Fracture site: connector except SLA in pontic |
Pantea et al., 2022 [57] | CS, FS and EM | Cylindrically-shaped (25 × 25 mm) Bar-shaped (80 × 20 × 5 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Duracryl) -PMMA (Superpont) Printed: - NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) -HARZ Labs Dental Sand (HARZ Labs) | FS and EM: printed than conventional -Printed more homogenous |
Simoneti et al., 2022 [58] | FR, SR and VH | Crown Rectangular-shaped (4 × 2 ×10 mm) Disks-shaped (10 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Dencor) -DMA (Yprov Bisacryl) printed: -Stratasys-SLS (Stratasys) -Gray Formlabs (Formlabs) | VH: Acrylic resin values than printed FR: SLA resin having the SR: SLA and SLS resin. |
Tasin et al., 2022 [59] | FS, resilience, and FT | Rectangular-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Temdent Classic) -DMA (Protemp 4) Milled -PMMA (Duo Cad) Printed -Temporis (DWS system). | FS: Milled 3D-Printed and Conventional. |
Turksayar et al., 2022 [60] | FS | 3-unit FDPs | Milled: -PMMA (Duo Cad) Printed: -Temporary CB (Formlabs) | FS: printing with 0° and 30° milled PMMA. |
Al-Qahtani et al., 2021 [61] | FS, VH and SR | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) Disk-shaped (3 × 10 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Jet) Milled: -PMMA (Ceramill) Printed: - Freeprint Temp (DETAX GmbH) | FS: printed than Conventional but than milled. VH and SR: printed than conventional and milled. |
Mayer et al., 2021 [62] | FS and WR | 3-units FDP | Milled -PMMA (Telio CAD) Printed -Temp PRINT (GC Europe) - NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) -Freeprint Temp (DETAX GmbH) | WR: Printed than Milled. FS: Printed than Milled. |
Myagmar et al., 2021 [63] | WR and SR | Bar-shaped (15 × 10 × 10 mm) Rectangular-shaped (15 × 10 × 10 mm) | Conventional: - PMMA (Jet) Milled: -PMMA (Yamahachi Disk) Printed: -NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) | WR: Printed than convensional and milled. SR: Printed than convensional and milled |
Martín-Ortega et al., 2021 [64] | FS | Implant’s crown | Milled: -PMMA (Vivo Dent CAD Multi) Printed: -SHERAprint-cb (Shera) | FS: printed than Milled |
Park et al., 2020 [65] | FS | 3-units FDP | Conventional: -PMMA (Jet) Milled: -PMMA (ViPi) Printed: - NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) | FS: Printed than Convensional but to milled. |
Reeponmah et al., 2020 [66] | FS | Crown | Conventional: -PMMA (Unifast Trad) -MDA (Protemp 4) Milled: -PMMA (Prylic Solid) Printed: -Freeprint Temp (DETAX GmbH) | FS: between the study groups except convensional PMMA |
Kessler et al., 2019 [67] | WR | Bar-shaped (NA) | Conventional: -DMA(Tetric EvoCeram) Milled: -PMMA (Telio CAD) Printed: -3Delta temp (Deltamed) -NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) -Freeprint Temp (DETAX GmbH) | WR: filler content of printed Materials showed WR |
Park et al., 2018 [68] | WR | Bar-shaped (15 × 10 × 10 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (Jet) Milled: -PMMA (ViPi) Printed: -NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) | WR: between the groups |
Tahayeri et al., 2018 [69] | EM and PS | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -DMA (Integrity) -PMMA (Jet) Printed: -NextDent C&B (Nextdent B.V) | EM: Printed to PMMA but than DMA. PS: Printed to DMA but than PMMA. There was no direct correlation between printing layer thickness and EM or PS. |
Digholkar et al, 2016 [70] | FS, WR | Bar-shaped (25 × 2 × 2 mm) | Conventional: -PMMA (NA) Milled: -PMMA (Ceramill) 3D-printed: -E-dent 100 (Envision TEC) | FS: printed among the groups WR: Printed among the groups |
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Alzahrani, S.J.; Hajjaj, M.S.; Azhari, A.A.; Ahmed, W.M.; Yeslam, H.E.; Carvalho, R.M. Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Provisional Resin Materials for Crown and Fixed Dental Prosthesis: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering 2023, 10, 663.
Alzahrani SJ, Hajjaj MS, Azhari AA, Ahmed WM, Yeslam HE, Carvalho RM. Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Provisional Resin Materials for Crown and Fixed Dental Prosthesis: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering. 2023; 10(6):663.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlzahrani, Saeed J., Maher S. Hajjaj, Amr Ahmed Azhari, Walaa Magdy Ahmed, Hanin E. Yeslam, and Ricardo Marins Carvalho. 2023. "Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Provisional Resin Materials for Crown and Fixed Dental Prosthesis: A Systematic Review" Bioengineering 10, no. 6: 663.
APA StyleAlzahrani, S. J., Hajjaj, M. S., Azhari, A. A., Ahmed, W. M., Yeslam, H. E., & Carvalho, R. M. (2023). Mechanical Properties of Three-Dimensional Printed Provisional Resin Materials for Crown and Fixed Dental Prosthesis: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering, 10(6), 663.