3.1. Provitamin A Carotenoids Contents
The provitamin A carotenoids contents and the contribution of different vegetable species to the RNI of vitamin A (retinol equivalents-RE) are presented in
Table 2.
Table 2 shows a range of β-carotene contents between 1.01 and 4.84 mg/100 g.
Amaranthus spp. (4.84 mg/100 g) had a high β-carotene content compared to other ILVs.
Sesamum angustifolium (4.06 mg/100 g),
Corchorus trilocularis (4.04 mg/100 g), and
Justicia heterocarpa (3.84 mg/100 g) were also rich in β-carotene (
Table 2). In comparison to other analysed ILVs,
Sesamum angustifolium (0.18 mg/100 g) and
Justicia heterocarpa (0.95 mg/100 g) had the highest content of β-cryptoxanthin and α-carotene, respectively.
β-Carotene contents of
Cleome gynandra,
Sonchus luxurians, and
Amaranthus spp., from this study, were in agreement with other reported values of ILVs in Tanzania [
21]. Limited results are available for β-cryptoxanthin and α-carotene comparison. A study on ILVs from Cameroon [
22], reported contents (per dry weight) of β-cryptoxanthin (0.21 ± 0.03 mg/100 g) and α-carotene (0.21 ± 0.05 mg/100 g) in
Ceratotheca sesamoides. However, a strong comparison cannot be made between the reported contents and data from the present study, as different drying techniques were used: Sun drying in the previous work versus freeze-drying in the present study.
The stability and retention of carotenoids in food are influenced by various factors including their chemical nature, storage time, storage conditions, cooking, and preparation methods [
23]. Indigenous leafy vegetables in Tanzania are mostly prepared by steaming, boiling, or stir-frying together with other vegetables such as tomatoes and onions. Steaming and stir-frying with oil are mentioned as desirable methods for preparing ILVs in view of carotenoids retention and bioavailability [
24]. Due to different plant matrices, the bioavailability of carotenoids from orange-pigmented fruits was superior to that of dark-green leafy vegetables, as reported by De Pee et al. [
25]. However, the bioavailability of β-carotene and other carotenoids can be enhanced through food processing (cooking, homogenisation) and fat in the diet [
28]. Moderate cooking and/or mechanical homogenisation, which destroys the cell walls, increase the release of carotenoids, while a sufficient amount of dietary fat (3–5 g per meal), especially if rich in unsaturated fatty acids, is essential for maximal carotenoid absorption from vegetables [
28]. Results in the present study indicate
Amaranthus spp.,
Justicia heterocarpa,
Sesamum angustifolium,
Corchorus trilocularis,
Amaranthus spinosus,
Ipomoea pandurata,
Vigna unguiculata and
Cleome gynandra as rich sources of vitamin A since the consumption of 100 g of these vegetable species can provide between 50% to 84% of the RNI for retinol equivalents (RE). A study conducted in central and North-Eastern parts of Tanzania [
29] reported an average per capita vegetable intake of 207 g per day, suggesting a contribution of 104 to 174 percent of the RNI for retinol equivalents (RE), and thus underlining an important contribution of these ILVs to ensuring vitamin A intake by the population in the study areas.
3.2. Tocopherols and Ascorbic Acid Contents
Low contents of γ- and α-tocopherol were observed in almost all analysed samples;
Sesamum angustifolium being the exception with a high concentration of α-tocopherol (7.29 mg/100 g) (
Table 3). In comparison to other ILVs,
Amaranthus spp. exhibited the highest γ-tocopherol content (0.67 mg/100 g) followed by
Sesamum angustifolium (0.54 mg/100 g). A 100 g portion of
Sesamum angustifolium with the highest level of α-tocopherol equivalents (α-TEs) could provide 98% of the acceptable intake for vitamin E (
Table 3). This could be explained by the presence of immature seeds that were part of the leaves in the sample; further research and analysis on separated leaves and seeds are required to describe and confirm
Sesamum angustifolium as an excellent source for vitamin E. Until now, little information is available on the tocopherol contents of
Sesamum angustifolium leaves. One previous study on
Sesamum angustifolium seeds [
30], reported total tocopherol contents of approximately 760 mg/kg oil, consisting γ- and δ-tocopherol, but no α-tocopherol. Studies done on the leaf of the sesame species
Sesamum indicum reported the presence of α-tocopherol content (0.55 mg/100 g edible portion) but no detection of γ-tocopherol [
31]. Vitamin E is the major lipid-soluble antioxidant that provides protection against lipid peroxidation and protects components of cell membranes from oxidation by free radicals, thus preventing or delaying the onset of chronic diseases associated with reactive oxygen species molecules [
32]. The richest sources of tocopherols include nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils [
32]. Results from the present study suggest further research into the contribution of
Sesamum angustifolium as a source of tocopherols in the diet.
The ascorbic acid contents of 13 analysed ILVs ranged between 0.08 mg/100 g for
Justicia heterocarpa, to 15.6 mg/100 g for
Cleome hirta (
Table 3). In previous studies a vitamin C content of 2 mg/100 g in
Amaranthus spp., 9 mg/100 g in
Vigna unguiculata and 2 mg/100 g in
Cleome gynandra [
3] was reported, which by contrast shows higher contents for
Amaranthus spp and
Vigna unguiculata but lower for
Cleome gynandra (
Table 3). Ascorbic acid values for
Cleome gynandra are in agreement with that reported in other studies [
33]. Variations in the contents of ascorbic acid in ILVs are known to be related to various factors such as plant variety or species, maturity stage, storage time and high temperature [
34]. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant required for normal metabolic functions of the body and plays an important role as an enhancer of dietary Fe absorption [
36]. Since non-heme Fe is the only Fe compound in plants, its absorption is said to be improved by dietary constituents such as ascorbic acid and other organic acids [
37]. Five of the analysed ILVs could contribute more than 10% of the RNI by 100 g fresh weight, with
Cleome hirta and
Cleome gynandra reaching 35% and 34% of the RNI, and thus the reported average per capita vegetable intake of 207 g per day [
29], would provide between 71 and 72 percent of the RNI for vitamin C (
Table 3). Since longer storage times and higher temperatures reduce the ascorbic acid contents, a significant ascorbic acid supply through
Cleome hirta and
Cleome gynandra can only be achieved when these leaves are utilized immediately after harvesting. Additionally, shorter cooking times, with low water content, as well as the consumption of the cooking water are also recommended as measures to ensure ascorbic acid retention and intake [
3.3. Mineral Contents
The mean values of the vegetable mineral contents and their contribution to the RNI are presented in
Table 4 and
Table 5. Considerable amounts of Fe (2.4–60.4 mg/100 g) Zn (0.37–2.05 mg/100 g), Ca (100–853.7 mg/100 g), and Mg (37.7–455.8 mg/100 g) were found in the analysed ILV species. The ILVs with highest Fe contents were
Amaranthus spp. (60.4 mg/100 g),
Cleome hirta (56.4 mg/100 g),
Corchorus trilocularis (43.5 mg/100 g),
Sonchus luxurians (42.2 mg/100 g),
Cleome gynandra (39.0 mg/100 g), and
Ceratotheca sesamoides (34.5 mg/100 g).
Amaranthus spp. also contained the highest amount of Zn (2.05 mg/100 g) in comparison to other ILVs (
Table 4). Previous studies in Tanzania [
39] reported Fe and Zn contents in
Amaranthus spp.,
Bidens pilosa,
Sonchus luxurians,
Chorchorus trilocularis, and
Vigna unguiculata in agreement with the ones in the present study. In a review on
Bidens pilosa [
2], Fe contents ranging between 2.0 to 6.0 mg/100 g fresh weight, Zn between 0.9 to 2.6 mg/100 g fresh weight, and Ca between 162 to 340 mg/100 g fresh weight were similar with contents reported in the present study. Other researchers [
41], however, reported lower Fe concentrations (2.48–14.4 mg/100) in
Bidens pilosa,
Cleome gynandra,
Amaranthus spinosus, and
Corchorus trilocularis compared to those reported in the present study. The Zn content for
Bidens pilosa was in agreement with the one reported by Reference [
Iron plays numerous biochemical roles in the body including the formation of red blood cells [
9]. Limited supply of Fe in most usual African diets is due to low intake of animal-based foods [
42]. ILVs such as
Amaranthus spp.,
Cleome hirta,
Corchorus trilocularis and
Sonchus luxurians with high Fe content which could contribute 103%, 96%, 74%, and 72% to the RNI per 100 g, respectively, can be recommended to alleviate iron deficiency anaemia in communities with limited access to animal food sources.
Zinc is important in gastrointestinal and immune functions, energy metabolism and as a co-enzyme in numerous biochemical reactions in the body [
9]. Low contents of Zn were recorded in most of the analysed ILVs (
Table 4). In comparison to other analysed ILV species,
Amaranthus spp. had a high Zn content (2.05 mg/100 g), which could contribute to 21% to the RNI (
Table 4). Similar results were reported in studies conducted in South Africa on
Amaranthus spinosus,
Bidens pilosa,
Cleome gynandra, and
Vigna unguiculata [
41]. Overall, these results show that the analysed ILVs can contribute to a lesser extent to Zn nutrition in comparison to Fe.
The range of Ca in the ILVs was between 100 mg/100 g in
Ipomoea obscura and 853.7 mg/100 g
Amaranthus spp., while for Mg it was between 37.7 mg/100 g in
Ipomoea obscura and 455.8 mg/100 g in
Amaranthus spp. (
Table 5). The Ca content was higher in
Amaranthus spp., followed by
Justicia heterocarpa: an estimated consumption of 100 g could contribute 85% (
Amaranthus spp.) and 48% (
Justicia heterocarpa) of the RNI for Ca. In comparison to other analysed ILVs, the Mg content in
Amaranthus spp. (455.8 mg/100 g), and
Amaranthus spinosus (202.9 mg/100 g) was high, contributing a possible 207% and 92% of the RNI, respectively. Ca contents of
Bidens pilosa and
Cleome gynandra were in similar ranges of those reported by [
41]. The values of magnesium in
Amaranthus spinosus and
Cleome gynandra were in agreement with the ones reported by [
41]. Ca and Mg play important roles in development and maintenance of healthy bones and muscles [
9]. A 100 g portion of the analysed ILVs did not meet the RNI for calcium but
Amaranthus spp. and
Justicia heterocarpa can be regarded as valuable Ca sources with possible contributions of 85% and 48% to the RNI (
Table 5).
Amaranthus spp. was the ILV with a high Mg content, reaching 2-fold the RNI per 100 g fresh weight. The bioavailability of Ca and Mg is dependent on the age and sex of an individual, fat content in the diet and the presence of antinutrients [
2]. Therefore,
Amaranthus spp.,
Amaranthus spinosus, and
Ceratotheca sesamoides could potentially contribute towards the dietary requirements of these two minerals when cooking methods such as boiling, steaming, and stir-frying with oil are applied [
The quantitative analysis on minerals in ILVs revealed considerable high contents of Fe, Ca, and Mg in certain ILV species and therefore an important contribution to recommended daily mineral intakes. Most notable are the high concentrations of Fe, Ca and Mg in
Amaranthus spp. compared to other ILVs.
Cleome gynandra and
Cleome hirta could serve as important ILVs in iron nutrition due to their appreciable contents of ascorbic acid that enhances Fe absorption. By contrast, the analysed ILVs could not serve as very good sources of Zn, since only 21% of the RNI was reached by the highest Zn content in
Amaranthus spp. (
Table 5). However, in comparison to the Zn contents of boiled rice (0.5 mg/100 g) and maize stiff porridge (0.6 mg/100 g), which are important staple dishes in Tanzania [
Amaranthus spp. has more zinc content and this suggests that its integration could improve Zn content in the consumed diets.
3.4. Phytate Content
The phytate contents and molar ratios along with the suggested critical values for estimating the effect of phytate on the bioavailability of Fe, Zn, and Ca are presented in
Table 6.
Amaranthus spp. (739 mg/100 g) and
Amaranthus spinosus (334 mg/100 g) had the highest phytate contents compared to other ILVs (
Table 6). The calculated phytate: Iron molar ratios for six ILV samples (
Table 6) were above the suggested critical level (>1) indicating poor iron bioavailability [
46]. In this context,
Cleome gynandra,
Cleome hirta,
Corchorus trilocularis,
Sonchus luxurians, and
Ceratotheca sesamoides with phytate:iron molar ratio <l are better sources of bioavailable iron (
Table 6). The phytate: zinc molar ratios of
Ceratotheca sesamoides,
Sonchus luxurians,
Bidens pilosa,
Cleome hirta and
Justicia heterocarpa were below the suggested critical level of 15, above which zinc bioavailability is seriously impaired [
Amaranthus spp. had high contents of Ca, Fe, and Zn (
Table 4,
Table 5 and
Table 6), a low phytate:calcium (0.05), a still acceptable phytate:iron (1.04), but an unfortunately high phytate:zinc molar ratio (35.71). However, in consideration of the applied RNI for low zinc and 5% iron bioavailability,
Amaranthus spp. can serve as an important source of Fe and Zn in the diet. The phytate: Calcium molar ratios in all the leafy vegetable samples ranged between 0.01–0.07, which is well below the critical level of 0.24, above which it is said that calcium bioavailability is impaired [
46]. This suggests that the phytate contents of the analysed ILVs will not have a substantial impact on the calcium bioavailability.
Phytate, which is the major storage form of phosphorus in plants [
2] has the ability to form chelates with di-and tri-valent metallic ions such as Zn, Fe, Mg, and Ca to form poorly soluble compounds that are not readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, thus decreasing their bioavailability [
47]. Previous studies reported that traditional food preparation and cooking methods (fermentation, boiling, or frying) can significantly reduce phytate content in vegetables [
43]. Therefore, the diminishing effect on phytate content by suggested cooking methods can even increase the contribution of ILVs as important sources of Fe, Zn, and Ca.