Risk Factors Affecting Bancassurance Development in Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Bancassurance—Literature Overview
3. Meaning and Specificity of Bancassurance in Insurance Distribution in Poland
3.1. Life Insurances in Bancassurance
3.2. Other Personal and Property Insurances
4. The Research Method and Database
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Survey on Bancassurance
- Your current role relating to insurance distribution:
- Natural person performing agency activities (in Polish: OFWCA)
- Expert in Agent’s Headquarters
- Management staff in Agent’s Headquarters
- Expert in the Insurance Company Headquarters
- Management staff in the Insurance Company Headquarters
- How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements:Key demographic, economic, market factors affecting the premiums written in bancassurance are:
I Strongly Disagree I Rather Disagree I Neither Agree Nor Disagree I Rather Agree I Strongly Agree I Have No Opinion Policyholder’s age Policyholder’s gender Policyholder’s family size (number of children, dependants) Policyholder’s earnings Policyholder’s assets Real properties owned by policyholder Insurance price Inflation Unemployment Situation on the stock exchange (e.g., WIG20 quotations) Exchange rate (EUR/PLN, CHF/PLN, etc.) Interest rate (WIBOR, etc.) - Other demographic, economic, market factors affecting premiums written in bancassurance (which ones—please list them).
- How much do you agree or not agree with the following statements:Key factors specific for the bancassurance sector affecting premiums written are:
I Strongly Disagree I Rather Disagree I Neither Agree Nor Disagree I Rather Agree I Strongly Agree I Have No Opinion Demand on cash loans Demand on mortgage loans Level of bank deposits Link of insurance with banking product (loan, payment card, etc.) Agent’s commission Caps in insurance products construction (e.g., max cost of exit in PRIIPs 4%) Changes in legal environment (e.g., ECJ judgment on returning commissions in case of early loan repayment) - Other factors specific for the bancassurance sector affecting premiums written in bancassurance (which ones—please list them):
Appendix B. Role of Banks in Insurance Distribution in Poland
Type of Insurance Distribution Entity | Application of Banks’ Role in Insurance Distribution in Poland |
Insurance company | No |
Insurance agent | Yes |
Agent offering supplementary insurance | Yes |
Insurance broker | No |
Policyholder in insurance contract for other party’s account | Yes |
Source: own study. |
Appendix C. Section I (Life Insurance) Polish Market and Bancassurance Specification
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7p Marketing Mix Dimension | Key Factors Influencing Customer Experience in Bancassurance |
Product | Product variety, receiving maturity benefit, the facility to get the claim payments, designing of service offering, ease of buying, after-sale services, past experiences. |
Price | Price, designing of service offering. |
Promotion | Price, designing of service offering. |
Place | Image, reliability of the channel, responsiveness of the channel, accuracy of the channel, opinion about staff, multiple service delivery channels, service quality (service convenience), |
People | Interpersonal relationships, trust, satisfaction on service, friendliness of the bank personnel, recommendation for business, past experiences. |
Process | Ease of buying, after-sale services, digitisation of the process, receiving stock market-related information, recommendation for business, past experiences. |
Physical evidence | Image, brand, trust, pleasant and welcoming branch environment, friendliness of the bank personnel. |
Area of Bancassurance | Number of Publications |
General rules of functioning | 39 |
Legal aspects | 9 |
Financial aspects | 8 |
Consumer aspects | 2 |
Sales analysis | 8 |
Product analyses | 8 |
Development premise | 11 |
Bank | Insurance Company | Customer |
No. | Variable Name Used for the Model | Variable | Detailed Data Description | Total Score from Survey among Professionals |
1 | Age | Policyholder’s age | Average life expectancy for women and men in Poland, data source: own calculation based on Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 49 |
2 | Policyholder’s gender | 7 | ||
3 | Fam | Size of policyholder’s family (number of children, dependants) | Average number of people in a household in Poland, data source: Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 49 |
4 | Sal | Policyholder’s earnings | Average disposable income, data source: Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 69 |
5 | Wealth | Policyholder’s assets | Assets accumulated in investment funds, data source: chamber of fund and asset managers (IZFA) | 54 |
6 | RealEst | Real properties owned by policyholder | Average usable floor space per 1 person in Poland, data source: Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 50 |
7 | P | Insurance price | CPI for insurance, data source: Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 64 |
8 | Inflation | 19 | ||
9 | Unemp | Unemployment | Average unemployment rate in a given year, data source: own calculation based on Statistic of Poland (GUS) | 40 |
10 | Situation of the stock exchange (e.g., WIG20 quotations) | 12 | ||
11 | Exchange rate (EUR/PLN, CHF/PLN, etc.) | 12 | ||
12 | Interest rates (WIBOR, etc.) | 26 | ||
13 | Cash | Demand on cash loans | Consumer bank loans for households, data source: National Bank of Poland (NBP) | 56 |
14 | Mort | Demand on mortgage loans | Bank housing loans for households, data source: National Bank of Poland (NBP) | 59 |
15 | Dep | Level of bank deposits | Deposits and other liabilities of banks to households, data source: National Bank of Poland (NBP) | 36 |
16 | Link of insurance and banking product (loan, payment card, etc.) | 53 | ||
17 | Wka | Agent’s commission | The ratio of acquisition costs to gross written premium, data source: own calculation based on Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) | 54 |
18 | DUM1 | Caps in insurance products construction | Dummy variable, value −1 for every year since the restriction has been in force, and the 0 value for the earlier ones, data source: own calculation | 58 |
19 | DUM2 | Changes in legal environment | 39 | |
Quartile 1 | 31 |
Model | |
Dependent variable (Y) | ∆(GWP_total) |
Explanatory variables (Xi) | ∆(Age), ∆(Fam), ∆(Sal), ∆ (Wealth), ∆(RealEst), ∆(P), ∆(Unemp), ∆(Cash), ∆(Mort), ∆(Dep), ∆(Wka), DUM1, DUM2 |
Regression equation | |
Additional explanations | Ai- estimated regression coefficients, C constant |
Model | ||
Final form of the model | ∆(GWP_total) = A1 × ∆(Fam) + A2 × ∆(Mort) + A3 × ∆(Wka) + C | |
Values of model parameters | A1 = −118,491,660.79 A2 = 65.35 A3 = −221,466,185.71 C = −4,269,523.78 | |
Regression statistics | R2 = 0.846 Adjusted R2 = 0.804 | |
Regression parameter statistics | A1: Standard error: 30,981,328.09 t-stat: −3.83 p-value 0.0028 < 0.05 A2: Standard error: 25.52 t-stat: 2.56 p-value = 0.0265 < 0.05 | A3: Standard error: 40,025,754.19 t-stat: −5.53 p-value = 0.0002 < 0.05 C: Standard error: 1,389,088.16256004 t-stat: −3.07361612839268 p-value = 0.0106 < 0.05 |
Variance analysis | F: 20.12 Significance F: < 0.05 | |
Stationarity of variables | KPSS Test for the ∆(GWP_total), ∆(Fam), ∆(Mort), ∆(Wka) variables shows p-value > 0.05, no basis for rejecting the series stationarity hypothesis | |
Residuals randomness | α = 0.05, (+): 8, (-) 7, (#):8, critical values of series test: (D): 3; (G): 13, no basis for rejecting the residuals randomness hypothesis (although the value at the test limit) |
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Śliwiński, A.; Dropia, J.; Duczkowski, N. Risk Factors Affecting Bancassurance Development in Poland. Risks 2021, 9, 130. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks9070130
Śliwiński A, Dropia J, Duczkowski N. Risk Factors Affecting Bancassurance Development in Poland. Risks. 2021; 9(7):130. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks9070130
Chicago/Turabian StyleŚliwiński, Adam, Joanna Dropia, and Norbert Duczkowski. 2021. "Risk Factors Affecting Bancassurance Development in Poland" Risks 9, no. 7: 130. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks9070130
APA StyleŚliwiński, A., Dropia, J., & Duczkowski, N. (2021). Risk Factors Affecting Bancassurance Development in Poland. Risks, 9(7), 130. https://doi.org/10.3390/risks9070130