Systematic Child Talks in Early Childhood Education—A Method for Sustainability
:1. Introduction
- What links can be found between the preschool teachers’ verbal approaches in the talks and different views on children and knowledge?
- How are the different approaches to knowledge related to education for sustainability?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Understanding Early Childhood Education Politically—A Broad Perspective of Variation
2.2. Young Children as Social, Active, and with Competences
2.3. Dialogues with Children: The Importance of a Competent Teacher
2.4. Early Childhood Education in Sweden: Communication and Sustainability in Focus
“An ability to use and understand concepts, see correlations, and discover new ways of understanding the world around them;
An ability to create and an ability to express and communicate occurrences, thoughts, and experiences in different forms of expression such as image, form, drama, movement, singing, music, and dance”.(p. 15, [35])
“A growing responsibility for and interest in sustainable development and active participation in society”.(p. 13, [35])
“An understanding of relationships in nature and different cycles in nature, and how people, nature, and society affect each other;
An understanding of how different choices people make in everyday life can contribute to sustainable development;
An understanding of natural sciences, knowledge of plants and animals, and simple chemical processes and physical phenomena”.(p. 15, [35])
2.5. Theoretical Perspective
2.6. Methods and Context
Data and Analyses
3. Results: Various Approaches in Systematic Child Talks between Preschool Teachers and Children
3.1. Joint Creation of Meaning
- T: if you think about what you feel you have learned about the animals during our project what do you say?
- C: that you shouldn’t litter in the forest
- T: what do you think is happening then?
- C: then the animals can eat the garbage and get the garbage in their throats
- T: what could we do about it?
- C: when we go out into the forest the next time, maybe we should take a bag with us
- T: we could do that, but what if more people still come and litter? Can we do anything more to try to get everyone else to understand?
- C: make a sign!
- T: make a sign—we could absolutely do that. What would you like to write on it?
- C: greetings—no, “please don’t litter nature because animals can eat it and get litter in their throats and maybe die, please don’t—greetings Preschool X” (anonymized name)
- T: that sounds great! And do you think that would help?
- C: Mmm
- T: Can you tell and describe what the word co-use means?
- C: Money
- T: What more do you think?
- C: You don’t have to buy everything new. You can collaborate and exchange things with each other. You can borrow from other preschools, do you remember that we talked to Preschool Y (anonymized). But you know, they have received things from us, but they haven’t given us anything. Have they forgotten it or …?
- T: We can talk to them and ask about that
- C: Yes please, can we talk to them again, on the computer. But can’t we go there some time, it’s not that far.
- T: What a good idea I think, I think we should do that
- C: Yes
- T: Is there anything else that can be shared?
- C: (thinks for a long time and then says) Books of course. You can borrow books downtown.
- have to buy new things all the time, I’ll tell my mom that
- T: Is there anything else you want to say about co-use?
- C: Just that it is important to share and to collaborate
- T: Why should one co-use?
- C: Because it’s good to learn before you start school. It’s good to learn that you don’t.
3.2. Question and Answer, Focusing on Remembering Facts
- T: Now I was going to ask you what kind of paper it is in the drawer behind you?
- C: (sucks in air)
- T: What kind of paper is that?
- C: Wood
- T: Is it wood?
- T: How do we get our paper here to the preschool?
- C: Don’t know (pause) I don’t know
- T: At home how do you get paper at home that you draw and write on?
- C: (silent) It lags a bit (a comment about the tablet the teacher is using for recording the talk)
- T: What happens when the paper runs out?
- C: Then you have wasted
- T: What do you do when you run out of paper then?
- C: (quick answer) make new paper
- T: Look here NN, this is yours, right? (T brings out NN’s pot)
- T: If you look at the pictures here, do you remember NN what we did here?
- C: Cultivated.
- T: Yes, what have we planted?
- NN is silent and looks thoughtfully at T.
- T: Do you remember what we put in the ground?
- C: No
- T: No. It’s perfectly okay not to remember.
- T: Do you remember what you have planted here? (T points to NN’s own plant)
- C: Cucumber
- T: Cucumber. How nice!
- T: What do you think will happen to the plant when you bring it home?
- C: Grow
- T: It will grow. Will it be more than just leaves? (The plant is currently just leaves)
- C: Cucumber
- T: It will be cucumber. How nice.
- T: NN do you think you’ve learned anything from this cultivation theme we’ve had?
- C: Mm maybe
- T: What have you learned?
- The child walks away
3.3. Following the Children
- C: Look what I found!
- T: What is it?
- C: A dinosaur egg
- T: Wow, where did you find that
- C: Down there (points to the fence and the tree)
- T: Is there anything else
- C: It was there
- T: Is there anything else?
- C: There’s another shell…. It’s probably an ant that has lived in the egg
- T: do you think, yes it is quite a small egg….
- C: So we shall eat. So we live. Good that we live.
- T: Yes that’s good isn’t it?
- C: If we die not good
- T: Yes, no Maybe it’s not so good. We want to live for many years
- C: And torosa is not funny
- T: What’s not funny?
- C: It’s not fun to get torosa
- T: Roses?
- C: No, torosa
- T: Panties?
- C: No (laughs) Torosa
- T: What? Can you explain a bit?
- C: TOROSA. A princess. She sat on a thorn, then she slept for a hundred years.
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Engdahl, I.; Pramling Samuelsson, I.; Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. Systematic Child Talks in Early Childhood Education—A Method for Sustainability. Children 2023, 10, 661.
Engdahl I, Pramling Samuelsson I, Ärlemalm-Hagsér E. Systematic Child Talks in Early Childhood Education—A Method for Sustainability. Children. 2023; 10(4):661.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEngdahl, Ingrid, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, and Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér. 2023. "Systematic Child Talks in Early Childhood Education—A Method for Sustainability" Children 10, no. 4: 661.