Pathway of Trends and Technologies in Fall Detection: A Systematic Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Fall Risk Factors
1.2. Types of Fall
1.3. Fall Detection/Prevention Approaches
- MobileHelp
- Medical Guardian
- LifeFone
- Bay Alarm Medical
- GreatCall Lively Mobile Plus
- Apple Watch
- Notice if they are holding onto walls, or something else, when walking, or if they appear to have difficulty when walking or arising from a chair.
- Talk about their medication.
- Complete a walk-through safety assessment of their home.
- Enlist their support in taking simple steps to stay safe.
- Discuss their current health conditions.
- Perform regular checkups of the eyes and spectacles.
2. Methodology
3. Research Publications
3.1. Evaluation Parameters
3.2. Cell Phone-Based Approaches
- It is doubtful whether the quality of the built-in sensors of cell phones [17] is good enough to properly identify falls. The accelerometer sensor of smartphones have dynamic ranges of up to ±2 g, but the level required for a fall detection device to produce an appropriate result is ±4 g to ±6 g (1 g = 9.8 m/s2).
- The limited battery life (only a few hours) of smartphones on heavy usage is a major concern [17]. Past studies show that battery consumption rises to more than double when three sensors are used simultaneously. Using power-saver mode appears to be a genuine solution, but the performance would be affected considerably.
- Smartphones are not designed and developed purposefully for detecting falls [1]. The various compatibility and operational issues result in a compromise with accuracy when used in real time.
- The positioning of mobility sensors significantly impacts the behavior of fall detectors. The accuracy of the smartphone-based fall detection systems demands its mounting or placement at some particular and unnatural position, usually the chest or wrist [15]. However, this mandate of positioning either produces discomfort to the user or compromise with the accuracy achieved. Moreover, an additional device is needed to carry and position the smartphone at the desired point. It makes the product less attractive overall.
3.3. Sensor-Based Approaches
3.4. Camera-Based Approaches
3.5. Survey/Questionnaire
3.6. Threshold- and Machine Learning-Based Approach
3.7. Other Approaches
4. Patents
5. Projects and Surveys
6. Observations and Findings
- (i)
- The majority of the systems developed for detecting or predicting falls in elderly or ambulatory persons are not tested in the real environment. The testing of these systems is primarily performed on the volunteers, who are healthy and young, and usually in the laboratory. The lack of validation against actual users puts doubt on their performance in real life.
- (ii)
- The final acceptance of any system by the actual users is more likely if their opinions are incorporated at the initial stage of development. Unfortunately, the requirements are not gathered by actively involving the elderly peoples initially.
- (iii)
- Most of the projects, patents, and models developed validate their product by measuring certain parameters. There are hardly any cases where user acceptance or satisfaction is taken as the criteria for the effectiveness of the research work conducted.
- (iv)
- A hybrid approach of wearable, as well as ambient devices under reasonable cost would be beneficial to deal with obtrusive factors.
- (v)
- Most of the people who are under consideration are reluctant to press the panic button after a fall. It happens either because of difficulty in activating it or because they do not want to disturb their caregivers.
- (vi)
- Nearly no studies have so far involved the inputs of actual subjects and their relatives and family members. It may be the case that not every time a person falls requires the emergency services. Similar issues can be handled if they are actively involved in the requirement gathering step.
- (vii)
- Usually, the products are designed from a technological perspective, considering things such as power consumption, battery backup, response time, sensors mounting, etc. Medical grounds are surpassed generally by these technical debates.
- (viii)
- In the devices with a push-button, the older people take more time to realize that they are falling rather than younger ones (who are used for testing the device). Consequently, they might not press the button in a timely manner. This is challenge for older people that needs to be addressed.
- (ix)
- The existing systems are hardly in line with the patient confidentiality standards and regulations of the HIPPA.
7. Conclusions and Future Scope
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Title | Author Details | Year | Specificity | Sensitivity |
Evaluation of accelerometer-based fall detection algorithms on real-world falls | F. Bagalà et al. | 2012 | 83.3 | 57 |
Evaluation of a threshold-based tri-axial accelerometer fall detection algorithm | A.K. Bourke et al. | 2007 | 91.6 | 93 |
Comparison of low-complexity fall detection algorithms for body attached accelerometers | M. Kangas et al. | 2008 | 100 | 98 |
Accurate, fast fall detection using gyroscopes and accelerometer-derived posture information | Q. Li et al. | 2009 | 92 | 91 |
Barometric pressure and triaxial accelerometry-based falls event detection | F. Bianchi et al. | 2010 | 96.5 | 97.5 |
Assessment of waist-worn tri-axial accelerometer-based fall-detection algorithms using continuous unsupervised activities | A. Bourke et al. | 2010 | 100 | 94.6 |
A wearable pre-impact fall detector using feature selection and support vector machine | S. Shan et al. | 2010 | 100 | 100 |
Unsupervised machine-learning method for improving the performance of ambulatory fall-detection systems | M. Yuwono et al. | 2012 | 99.6 | 98.6 |
Evaluation of fall detection classification approaches | H. Kerdegari et al. | 2012 | 92 | 90.15 |
Patient Fall Detection using Support Vector Machines | C. Doukas et al. | 2007 | 96.7 | 98.2 |
A framework for daily activity monitoring and fall detection based on surface electromyography and accelerometer signals | J. Cheng et al. | 2013 | 97.66 | 95.33 |
S. No. | Patent ID | Patent Title | Year of Approval | Inventor Name | Country |
1 | US10037669B2 | Fall detection technology and reporting | 2018 | Mark Andrew Hanson, Jean-Paul Martin, Adam T. Barth, Christopher Silverman | USA |
2 | US8990041B2 | Fall detection | 2010 | Mark D. Grabiner, Kenton R. Kaufman, Barry K. Gilbert | USA |
3 | US20160100776A1 | Fall detection and fall risk detection systems and methods | 2015 | Bijan BolooriNajafi, Ashkan Vaziri, Ali-Reza | USA |
4 | US20180263534 | Fall detection device and method for controlling thereof | 2018 | Han-sung Lee, Jae-geol Cho, Moo-rim Kim, Chang-hyun Kim | USA |
5 | US20180146737 | Shoe system for the detection and monitoring of health, vitals, and fall detection | 2018 | Joseph Goodrich | USA |
6 | US20180007257 | Automatic detection by a wearable camera | 2018 | Senem Velipasalar, Mauricio Casares, Akhan Almagambetov | USA |
7 | 2316/CHE/2013 | System And Method For Personal Crash/Fall Detection And Notification | 2013 | Abhishek H Latthe | INDIA |
Project Title | Investigators | Year of Sanction | Organization | Funding Details | Project Description |
“Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Fall Injury Prevention Strategy: A Joint Initiative of PCORI and the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health” [61] | Shalender Bhasin, Thomas Gill, David B. Reuben | 2014 | Harvard Medical School; Yale Medical School; UCLA Medical School | Budget: $33,365,602 Source: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute | Behavioral Interventions, Care Coordination, Other Clinical Interventions, Other Health Services Interventions, Technology Interventions, Training and Education Interventions |
“Home Safety Adaptations for the Elderly (Home SAFE)” [62] | Unspecified | 2010 | Fall Prevention Center of Excellence, headquartered at the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology | Budget: Unspecified Source: The Eisner Foundation | Home safety for older people from Fall, fire, etc. and develop and implement related strategies |
“Design and Development of fall prediction and protection system for pelvis & femur fractures: Preliminary study” [63] | Dr. Dinesh Kalyanasundara m | 2015 | Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110 016. | Budget: Rs.26,78,162/- Source: DST INDIA | Unspecified |
“WIISEL(Wireless Insole for Independent and Safe Elderly Living)” [124] | Fanny Breuil, Meritxell Garcia Milà | 2007 | WIISEL, 7th Framework Programme | Budget: $2.9 M Source: European Commission | To prevent falls in older people |
“Development of a wireless sensor network based gait assessment system for fall predictionin elderly patients” [125] | Prof. Subrat Kar | 2008 | Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 16 | Budget: Rs.36,73,200/- Source: DST INDIA | Unspecified |
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Tanwar, R.; Nandal, N.; Zamani, M.; Manaf, A.A. Pathway of Trends and Technologies in Fall Detection: A Systematic Review. Healthcare 2022, 10, 172.
Tanwar R, Nandal N, Zamani M, Manaf AA. Pathway of Trends and Technologies in Fall Detection: A Systematic Review. Healthcare. 2022; 10(1):172.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTanwar, Rohit, Neha Nandal, Mazdak Zamani, and Azizah Abdul Manaf. 2022. "Pathway of Trends and Technologies in Fall Detection: A Systematic Review" Healthcare 10, no. 1: 172.
APA StyleTanwar, R., Nandal, N., Zamani, M., & Manaf, A. A. (2022). Pathway of Trends and Technologies in Fall Detection: A Systematic Review. Healthcare, 10(1), 172.