1. Introduction
Owing to theoretical challenges and several practical applications, the feedback control problems of triangular nonlinear systems have been actively addressed in the control community (see [
3] and references therein). Especially, as network-based industrial applications increase, input delays caused by the network transformation become unavoidable in the control system [
5]. Therefore, the control design strategies for uncertain nonlinear systems with input delay have been developed. In [
9], predictor-based control approaches are presented for nonlinear systems with input delay. A truncated-predictor-based control method has been studied for nonlinear systems with Lipschitz nonlinearities [
10]. However, these results [
10] only consider uncertain nonlinearities matched to the delayed control input. To deal with uncertain nonlinearities unmatched to the delayed control input, adaptive control design strategies using Pade approximation have been developed for uncertain triangular nonlinear systems with input delay [
14]. In [
19], input delay compensation approaches using the high-order auxiliary dynamics are presented to eliminate the influence of input delay on the recursive controller design. However, these studies do not consider the state quantization problem that is important with the input delay problem in network-based control environments with the communication channel bandwidth and limited computation resources. To the best of our knowledge, the state-quantized control problem of uncertain lower-triangular systems with input delay is still open.
The quantized control problem under capability-limited communication network is attracting much research attention recently, owing to extensive industrial applications [
21]. To overcome the capability-limited communication problem, the quantization of all measured state variables is required to transmit state-feedback signals to the controller through the network. In this procedure, the quantization errors in the closed-loop cause control performance degradation and even instability. Motivated by the above-mentioned issues, state-quantized control methods have been proposed for lower-triangular nonlinear systems with Lipchitz conditions [
23]. To approximate unknown and unmatched nonlinearities in nonlinear systems, a neural-network-based quantized feedback control result is presented in [
24]. This approach has been extended to nonlinear strict-feedback systems with state delays [
25] where the Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional technique is employed to remove the effects of state delays. Despite these studies, the input delay problem has not been investigated in the quantized feedback control framework of triangular nonlinear systems. The main difficulty in dealing with input delay in the state-quantized control design is to provide the input delay compensator using quantized states and to analyze the stability of the closed-loop signals including the input delay compensator.
In this paper, we aim at addressing the adaptive state-quantized control problem in the presence of input delay in uncertain triangular nonlinear systems with unknown nonlinearities and external disturbances. The measured full states are quantized by state quantizers and the quantized states are only used to design the controller. Different from the existing quantized feedback control results [
25], our primary contribution is to establish an input delay compensation strategy using quantized states in the state-quantized control framework while ensuring the robustness against unknown nonlinearities and external disturbances. To this end, an error coordinated transformation using the auxiliary variable is derived to design the delay compensator and the neural-network-based adaptive controller. An adaptive state-quantized control scheme is designed to guarantee the boundedness of all involved signals and the quantization errors. In the proposed control structure, the delay compensator and adaptive tuning laws based on quantized states are induced from the Lyapunov-based stability analysis methodology. It is shown that the control error is guaranteed to converge to a set that can be reduced as small as desired by adjusting design parameters. The simulation result on a hydraulic servo system is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed theoretical strategy.
The paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, the state-quantized control problem in the presence of input delay is formulated and the neural network approximation property is introduced. In
Section 3, the adaptive state-quantized control scheme with a delay compensator and its closed-loop stability analysis are given. In
Section 4, the simulation result on a hydraulic servo system is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the state-quantized control scheme. Finally, the paper is concluded in
Section 5.
2. Problem Formulation
In this paper, we consider the following class of uncertain lower-triangular nonlinear systems with input delay:
, are the state variable vectors,
denotes the system output,
d is a non-negative input delay,
is the control input with input delay,
, are uncertain exogenous disturbances, and
, are unknown
nonlinear functions. The networked-based control problem with state quantization is considered in this paper. Then, all state variables
, are quantized via the following uniform quantizer
is the quantization level,
, and
. Then, the quantization error is defined as
that satisfies the property
26]. Thus,
instead of
are available for the design of the feedback control law
u where
The main objective of this paper is to design an adaptive tracking law
u using quantized states
for nonlinear systems (
1) with input delay so that the system output
y follows the desired signal
while all the closed-loop signals remain bounded where
, and
are bounded.
Assumption 1. The disturbances are bounded as where and are unknown constants.
In the proposed control scheme, the unknown nonlinear functions
, are online approximated via the radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) over compact sets
as follows [
denotes an input vector,
is an ideal bounded weighting vector satisfying
with a constant
denotes a reconstruction error satisfying
with a constant
, and
is the Gaussian function vector with elements
. Here,
are the center and width of the Gaussian functions, respectively.
Lemma 1. [28,29] The Gaussian basis function vector is bounded as with a constant . 3. Adaptive State-Quantized Tracking Control in the Presence of Input Delay
In this section, we design the neural-network-based adaptive state-quantized controller using the following coordinated transformation:
, denote error surfaces,
is a design parameter,
is the auxiliary time-varying signal for compensating for the input delay effect,
are virtual controllers, and
are the signals obtained by the following low-pass command filters
, and
are design constants. Notice that the command filters (
5) are employed based on the command filtered backstepping approach [
Remark 1. Compared with the existing adaptive control works for state-quantized nonlinear systems [22,23,24,25], this paper presents the error transformation method using the auxiliary variable ρ to deal with the input delay problem in the quantized feedback control framework. We design the input delay compensator using quantized states at the last design step and the stability analysis strategy of the total closed-loop system including this input delay compensator is presented in this paper. This is the main contribution of our study. The controller design is presented from the Lyapunov-based recursive design step by step.
Step 1: Using (
1) and (
4), the dynamics of
is defined as
. By considering a Lyapunov function
and using (
3), we have
Then, we choose the virtual control law
denote design constants,
is the estimate of
, and
is the estimate of the unknown parameter
to be determined later.
Using (
7), (
6) becomes
is an estimation error vector.
Step i : Consider the Lyapunov function
. Using (
5), the time derivative of
is represented by
The virtual control law
is designed as
denote design constants,
is the estimate of
, and
is the estimate of
to be constructed later.
Using (
10), (
9) is obtained as
is an estimation error vector.
Step n: A Lyapunov function is defined as
. Using (
5), the time derivative of
is represented by
The input delay compensator is designed as
is a design constant.
Substituting (
13) into (
12) and defining an un-quantized control signal
, we have
is selected as
denote design constants,
is the estimate of
, and
is the estimate of
to be constructed later.
Applying (
15) into (
14) yields
is an estimation error vector.
For the design of the adaptive state-quantized control law
u, we define error surfaces
, using quantized states
are the command filtered signals of state-quantized virtual controllers
, respectively, and
is obtained using the input delay compensator (
13). The state-quantized virtual controllers
and actual controller
u are designed as
, and the adaptive laws for
are constructed as
, tuning matrices
, tuning gains
, and positive constants
modification. Here, based on (
5), the command filters for
are designed as
, and
Remark 2. The proposed adaptive state-quantized control scheme consists of the virtual and actual controllers (18) and (19) with the delay compensator (13), adaptive laws (20) and (21), and command filter (22) using the quantized states , . Compared with the existing control works for nonlinear lower-triangular systems with input delay [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19], the state quantization problem is firstly considered in this paper. Thus, the stability analysis strategy of the closed-loop systems with the proposed adaptive state-quantized control scheme in the presence of input delay should be newly presented. For the stability analysis, we present the following lemmas.
Lemma 2. If and are tuned via the adaptive laws (20) and (21), respectively, then: (i) , , is ensured when ; and (ii) , , is ensured when where , with a constant , , and with a constant . Proof. (i) A Lyapunov function
is considered. Then, differentiating
with respect to time and using
, we have
and Lemma 1, we obtain
Then, it is ensured that
. Thus, when
, is ensured.
(ii) By defining a Lyapunov function
and using
and the property
, the time derivative of
By defining
, we know that
. Thus,
is ensured for all
provided that
. ☐
Lemma 3. Let us define the errors between the un-quantized signals and quantized signals in the closed-loop system as , , , , and where and . Then, these errors are bounded as , , and where , and , , and are constants.
Proof. We prove the boundedness of the quantization errors step by step.
(i) From
, we have
. Then, using (
7) and (
From Lemma 1 and
, we have
. Then, using Lemma 2, it is ensured that
. Thus,
is bounded as
The vector forms of the command filters (
5) and (
22) are written as
, and
. Thus, we have
The solution of (
28) is represented by
, the invertible property of
, and the inequality
with constants
is bounded as
(ii) Using (
4) and (
17), we have
. From
is bounded as
. Then,
is given by
From the procedure similar to the previous step and
is bounded as
By applying the procedures (
29) and (
30) to
, and using the inequality
with constants
, we have
, and
(iii) Using (
4) and (
17) gives
. Then, it holds that
is obtained as
From the procedure similar to the previous step and
is bounded as
. ☐
Let us define the total Lyapunov function V as where and denotes a symmetric matrix.
Theorem 1. Consider the system (1) with input delay controlled by the adaptive state-quantized control scheme (18)–(22) with the input delay compensator (13). For any initial conditions satisfying with a constant , the control error is guaranteed to converge to a set that can be adjusted by design parameters while all the closed-loop signals remain bounded. Proof. The dynamics of
is represented by
, and
Substituting (
8), (
11), (
16), and (
33) into the time derivative of
, and
From Lemmas 1–3, Assumption 1, and
, there exist constants
such that
. Thus, we have
. In addition, due to the Hurwitz matrix
, there exists the matrix
such that
. Then, (
34) becomes
denotes a minimum eigenvalue of
From the boundedness of
, and
, there exist functions
, such that
. Consider the compact sets
, and
, respectively, where
is a constant. From (
36), it holds that
is a constant. Using the inequalities
, and
with a constant
, and choosing
with constants
, and
, (
35) becomes
. Because of
, (
37) becomes
. Here,
, denotes the maximum eigenvalue of
. (
38) implies that
provided that
. Therefore,
is an invariant set. It is ensured that all closed-loop signals are semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded. Thus, the control input
u is bounded. From the solution of (
38), the control error
converges to a compact set
that can be reduced by increasing
. Then, we check the boundedness of the input compensator
in (
13). Using the boundedness of
and Lemmas 2 and 3,
are bounded. Thus,
u is bounded. Then, there exists a constant
such that
. Owing to
is bounded. ☐
Remark 3. From the proof of Theorem 1, the control design parameters are selected to reduce the compact set . Thus, the guidelines are presented as follows:
(i) Decreasing the quantization level ω helps to decrease . This leads to reduce .
(ii) Selecting fixed small constants and and increasing , , and , help to increase , which subsequently reduces .
(iii) The eigenvalues of can be adjusted by the parameters and of the command filters , Thus, increasing helps to decrease .
Remark 4. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the adaptive state-quantized control design of uncertain lower-triangular systems with input delay. Based on the proposed control approach, the following topics can be recommended as future works.
(i) Nonlinear stochastic systems in lower-triangular forms have been studied in the adaptive neural control field (see [31,32,33] and references therein). Based on these works, an adaptive state-quantized neural tracking control problem of nonlinear stochastic systems can be considered as a future topic. To apply the proposed approach to nonlinear stochastic systems, the analysis methodologies of the quantization errors of virtual and actual control laws should be newly developed based on some technical lemmas dealing with nonlinear stochastic systems. Then, such a future topic can be extended to adaptive state-quantized control problems of uncertain pure feedback stochastic nonlinear systems with state constraints and nonlinear stochastic switched lower triangular systems with input saturation. (ii) The nonlinear systems concerned in this paper are in the lower-triangular form. To apply the proposed state-quantized control approach to non-lower triangular nonlinear systems, the well known technical lemma [34] on the radial basis function of the neural network (i.e., ) can be used in the proposed control design steps. Based on this lemma, the state-quantized control problem of non-lower triangular structure with unknown input saturation can be investigated as a future topic.