1. Introduction and Preliminaries
The notion of almost periodicity was introduced by H. Bohr around 1925 and later generalized by many others (see the research monographs [
10] for more details about the subject). Suppose that
is a continuous function, where
X is a complex Banach space equipped with the norm
It is said that
is almost periodic if and only if for each
there exists
such that for each
there exists
such that:
denotes the Euclidean distance in
. Any almost periodic function
is bounded and uniformly continuous, any trigonometric polynomial in
is almost periodic, and a continuous function
is almost periodic if and only if there exists a sequence of trigonometric polynomials in
, which converges uniformly to
see the monographs [
9] for more details about multi-dimensional almost periodic functions.
Concerning Stepanov, Weyl and Besicovitch classes of almost periodic functions, we will only recall a few well known definitions and results for the functions of one real variable. Let
and let
We define the Stepanov metric by:
It is said that a function
is Stepanov
p-bounded if and only if
The space consisting of all -bounded functions becomes a Banach space equipped with the above norm. A function is said to be Stepanov p-almost periodic if and only if the Bochner transform defined by is almost periodic. It is well known that if is an almost periodic, then the function is Stepanov p-almost periodic for any finite exponent The converse statement is false, however, but we know that any uniformly continuous Stepanov p-almost periodic function is almost periodic (). Further on, suppose that Then, we say that the function is:
- (i)
p-almost periodic, if and only if for each
we can find two real numbers
such that any interval
of length
L contains a point
such that:
- (ii)
p-almost periodic, if and only if for each
we can find a real number
such that any interval
of length
L contains a point
such that:
Let us recall that any Stepanov
p-almost periodic function is equi-Weyl-
p-almost periodic, as well as that any equi-Weyl-
p-almost periodic function is Weyl-
p-almost periodic (
). The class of Besicovitch
p-almost periodic functions can be also considered, and we will only note here that any equi-Weyl-
p-almost periodic function is Besicovitch
p-almost periodic as well as that there exists a Weyl-
p-almost periodic function which is not Besicovitch
p-almost periodic (
); see [
7]. For further information in this direction, we may also refer the reader to the excellent survey article [
11] by J. Andres, A. M. Bersani and R. F. Grande. Regarding multi-dimensional Stepanov, Weyl and Besicovitch classes of almost periodic functions, the reader may consult the above-mentioned monographs [
9] and references cited therein.
On the other hand, the notion of
c-almost periodicity was recently introduced by M. T. Khalladi et al. in [
12] and later extended to the multi-dimensional setting in [
13]. A further generalization of the concept
c-almost periodicity presents the concept
-almost periodicity, which has recently been introduced and analyzed in [
14]; here,
denotes a general binary relation acting on a corresponding pivot space (see also M. Fečkan et. al [
15] for the first steps made in the investigation of general classes of
-almost periodic type functions; the main assumption used in [
15] is that
is a linear isomorphism). The Stepanov and Weyl classes of multi-dimensional
-almost periodic functions have recently been studied in [
16]; it is also worth noting that multi-dimensional
-periodic type functions, multi-dimensional quasi-asymptotically
-almost periodic type functions and multi-dimensional
-slowly oscillating type functions have recently been analyzed in [
The main aim of this paper is to analyze various classes of multi-dimensional Doss
-almost periodic functions in the Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent (concerning one-dimensional classes of Doss uniformly recurrent functions and Doss almost periodic functions, we may refer to our recent research study [
18]). To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first research study of multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic type functions of any type (this was a strong motivational factor for the genesis of paper); more to the point, the notion of Doss
-almost periodicity and the notion of Doss
c-almost periodicity seem to be new even in the one-dimensional setting (
). We wish here, in fact, to present a rather general concept which extends the concepts Stepanov and Weyl
-almost periodicity in the multi-dimensional setting as well as the usual concept of Besicovitch almost periodicity in the multi-dimensional setting (it is worth noting that the classes of Besicovitch
c-almost periodic functions and Besicovitch
-almost periodic functions have not been analyzed so far, even for the functions depending on one real variable; this could be a very interesting topic of ongoing investigations). The introduced class of functions retains, in a certain sense, many important structural properties of the corresponding classes of Stepanov, Weyl and Besicovitch almost periodic functions.
We continue, in such a way, our previous research studies [
20] and revisit some known structural characterizations of one-dimensional Doss almost periodic functions [
6]. We introduce several new classes of multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic functions following a combination of methods already established in [
19]; basically, multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic functions retain almost all structural properties of one-dimensional Doss almost periodic functions. However, some important peculiarities appear in the multi-dimensional setting: in our definitions we require, for example, that the Doss
-periods of functions under our consideration belong to a non-empty subset
roughly speaking. This can be also required in the one-dimensional setting but the real beauty and importance of such notion is clearly manifested in the (still very unexplored) multi-dimensional setting, when the set
can possess various geometrical features. We investigate the main structural properties of Doss
-almost periodic functions; in particular, we analyze the convolution invariance of Doss
-almost periodicity, the invariance of Doss
-almost periodicity under the actions of convolution products, and provide certain applications to the abstract Volterra integro-differential equations and the partial differential equations (unfortunately, it would be really difficult and almost impossible to fully compare here the results and similarities/differences of this work with the results of papers mentioned in the former three paragraphs). It is also worth noting that some similar classes of almost periodic functions have been introduced and analyzed by D. M. Umbetzhanov [
21], M. Akhmet, M. O. Fen [
22] and M. Akhmet [
23]. In [
21], the author has investigated the class of Stepanov almost periodic functions with the Bessel-Mackdonald kernels and provided some applications to the higher-order elliptic equations, while the authors of [
22] have introduced the class of unpredictable functions and provided some applications in the chaos theory and the theory of neural networks. In this research, we have provided some different applications of Doss
-almost periodic functions; for example, we have considered the fractional Poisson heat equations, a class of abstract fractional semilinear Cauchy inclusions, and revisit the famous d’Alembert formula, the Poisson formula and the Kirchhoff formula in our context. We have also described how the considered classes of Doss
-almost periodic functions can be further generalized and applied in the study of second-order partial differential equations whose solutions are governed by the Newtonian potential. To the best knowledge of the authors, these applications are completely new in the subject area.
The organization and main ideas of this paper can be briefly described as follows.
Section 1 recalls the basic definitions and results about the Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents
. In
Section 2, we introduce and analyze various classes of multi-dimensional Doss
-almost periodic type functions of the form
Y is a Banach space equipped with the norm
is a binary relation,
is a general non-empty subset of
Section 1 for the notion. In Definition 1, we introduce the notions of Besicovitch-
-boundedness, Besicovitch-
-continuity, Doss-
-almost periodicity, and Doss-
-uniform recurrence. After that, we clarify the main structural characterizations of the introduced function spaces (see e.g., Propositions 1, 2–4, 6 and 7 below), providing also some illustrations in Examples 1, 3, 5 and 6. Of particular importance is to stress that the class of multi-dimensional Weyl-
p-almost periodic functions, taken in the generalized approach of A. S. Kovanko [
24], is contained in the class of multi-dimensional Doss-
p-almost periodic functions for any finite exponent
Section 2.1 for more details; especially, Proposition 8 and Example 7, where we propose some open problems and issues for further analyses). In
Section 2.2, we investigate the invariance of Doss
-almost periodicity under the actions of convolution products; see also [
6] for the first results in this direction. The main aim of
Section 3 is to provide certain applications of our results to the abstract Volterra integro-differential equations and the partial differential equations. In the final section of paper, we present some conclusions, remarks and proposals for further research studies.
Notation and terminology. Suppose that X and Y are given non-empty sets. Let us recall that a binary relation between X into Y is any subset The domain and range of are defined by such that and such that respectively; (), Define for some ().
We assume henceforth that
are three complex Banach spaces,
as well as that
is a certain collection of subsets of
X satisfying that for each
there exists
such that
we denote the Banach space of all linear continuous functions from
X into
, then we set
denotes the Euclidean norm in
denotes the diameter of set
denotes its Lebesgue measure (
). The symbol
stands for the characteristic function of a set
). By
we denote the Weyl-Liouville fractional derivative of order
stands for the identity operator on
Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Exponents
be a nonempty Lebesgue measurable subset and let
denote the collection of all measurable functions
Further on, by
we denote the vector space of all Lebesgue measurable functions
For any
we set
We define the Lebesgue space
with variable exponent by
It is well known that
see, for example, [
25] (p. 73). For every
we introduce the Luxemburg norm of
Equipped with this norm,
becomes a Banach space (see e.g., [
25] (Theorem 3.2.7) for the scalar-valued case), coinciding with the usual Lebesgue space
in the case that
is a constant function. Further on, for any
we define
then we know
We will use the following lemma (cf. [
25] for the scalar-valued case):
Lemma 1. - (i)
(The Hölder inequality) Let such that Then, for every and we have and - (ii)
Let be of a finite Lebesgue’s measure and let such a.e. on Then is continuously embedded in and the constant of embedding is less than or equal to
- (iii)
Let and a.e. on Then and
For further information concerning the Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents
we refer the reader to the monograph [
25] by L. Diening, P. Harjulehto, P. Hästüso, M. Ruzicka and the lists of references quoted in this monograph and the forthcoming monograph [
2. Multi-Dimensional Doss -Almost Periodic Type Functions
In this paper, we will always assume that
is a binary relation,
is a general non-empty subset of
as well as that
and the following condition holds:
In the remainder of paper, we will always assume that so that
In the following definition, we will extend the notion introduced in [
6] (Definition 2.13.2(i)–(iii)) and [
18] (Definition 7) (we can similarly extend the notion considered in [
18] (Definition 8; Definition 9); we will skip all details concerning such classes of Doss almost periodic type functions for brevity):
Definition 1. - (i)
Suppose that the function satisfies that for all and Then we say that the function is Besicovitch--bounded if and only if, for every there exists a finite real number such that - (ii)
Suppose that the function satisfies that for all and
- (a)
We say that the function is Besicovitch--continuous if and only if, for every as well as for every and we have the existence of an element such that - (b)
We say that the function is Doss--almost periodic if and only if, for every and there exists such that for each there exists a point such that, for every and we have the existence of an element such that - (c)
We say that the function is Doss--uniformly recurrent if and only if, for every there exists a sequence such that, for every and we have the existence of an element such that
If then we omit the term “” from the notation. Further on, if for some then we also write “c” in place of “”; we omit “c” from the notation if We also omit the term “” from the notation if
Let We would like to note that the notion introduced in Definition 1 is rather general as well as that the classical concept of Doss-p-almost periodicity (Doss-p-uniform recurrence) of function is obtained by plugging or and The classical concept of Besicovitch-p-boundedess of function is obtained by plugging the same values of a function is said to be Besicovitch bounded if and only if is Besicovitch-1-bounded.
Remark 1. Let The class of Besicovitch-p-almost periodic functions (see e.g., [1,6] for the notion) has been analyzed by numerous mathematicians by now. It is worth noticing that R. Doss has clarified, in [26,27], some equivalent conditions for a locally integrable function to be Besicovitch-p-almost periodic. In the one-dimensional setting, with the same values of parameters ϕ and as above, he employed conditions (a)–(c) from Definition 1, and the following non-trivial conditions (): - (A)
([26]) For every real number , there exists a p-locally integrable function of period a such that - (B)
([27]; ) For every , we have:
As emphasized in [6], the results established in [26,27] cannot be so simply extended to the vector-valued functions. We continue by providing the following illustrative example:
Example 1 (J. de Vries [
28] (point 6., p. 208), [
Let be a strictly increasing sequence in satisfying that and Define the function by and extend the function periodically to the whole real axis; the obtained function, denoted likewise by is of period (). Define nowThen we know that (see e.g., [7]): The last estimate simply implies that, for every real number we have: Therefore, there does not exist a non-empty subset of such that the function is Doss--uniformly recurrent with () and the meaning clear.
Before proceeding any further, we would like to emphasize that the notion introduced in Definition 1 has not been considered elsewhere if for some even in the one-dimensional setting with or and if this is the case, then we simply say that the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent). We accept the same notation if has not a constant value. Although we formulate almost all structural results of ours with the general function the dominant case in our analysis is that one in which we have observe also that any Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent) function is automatically Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent), with the meaning clear.
It is worth noting that [
19] (Example 2.13, Example 2.15) can be formulated for multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic type functions. In particular, Ref. [
19] (Example 2.15(ii)) shows that the assumption in which
can occur (cf. also [
7] (Example 6.1.15)):
Example 2. Suppose that as well as that the mappingis bounded and Doss-p-almost periodic, resp. bounded and Doss-p-uniformly recurrent, as well as that the strongly continuous operator families are uniformly bounded (). Define Then, for every () with (), we have:where This simply implies that the mapping is Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent, with the meaning clear, where In the following result, we continue our analysis from [
14] (Proposition 2.2):
Proposition 1. Suppose that is monotonically increasing and there exists a finite real constant such that Suppose, further, that , and the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent), where ρ is a binary relation on Y satisfying and is a singleton for any If for each we have then and for each the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent), where
Proof. The inclusion
can be deduced as in the proof of the above-mentioned proposition. Let
be given. If
satisfy (
1), then there exists a sufficiently large real number
such that
is monotonically increasing and there exists a finite real number
such that (
2) holds, the last three estimates in combination with Lemma 1(iii) simply imply that:
Let a number
be fixed. Since we have assumed that
it is clear that there exists a sufficiently large number
such that
for all
The last estimate in the above computation therefore yields
and the final conclusion simply follows from the estimate
and the substitution
Corollary 1. Suppose that is monotonically increasing and there exists a finite real constant such that (2) holds. Suppose, further, that and the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent), where ρ is a binary relation on Y satisfying and is a singleton for any Then for each the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent), where Keeping in mind Lemma 1, we can simply reformulate the conclusions established in [
18] (Remark 1, Proposition 5(i)) in our new framework. Concerning [
18] (Example 5), we would like to emphasize the following:
Example 3. Let and
- (i)
Suppose that and Then is Doss--almost periodic for every and This simply follows from the estimate - (ii)
Suppose now that and where K is a compact subset of Arguing as above (cf. also [7] (Example 6.3.8)), we may conclude that is Doss--almost periodic for every and - (iii)
Suppose that and Then cannot be Doss--almost periodic if This simply follows from the estimate - (iv)
Suppose now that and In the analysis carried out in [7] (Example 6.3.9), we have proved that for each and we haveThis simply implies that the function is Doss--almost periodic for every this is also the optimal result we can obtain here, as easily approved. On the other hand, arguing as in part (iii) it follows that for each the function cannot be Doss--almost periodic if
Concerning the pointwise products of multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic type functions, we will present the following illustrative example, only:
Example 4. Suppose that and there exists a sequence such that as well as that a scalar-valued function is Doss--uniformly recurrent, a Y-valued function is Doss--uniformly recurrent with ,and Suppose, further, that there exist a positive integer and two positive real numbers and such that Then the function is Doss--uniformly recurrent and (3) holds with the functions and replaced therein with the functions and , respectively. This simply follows from the decompositionan application of the Hölder inequality (see Lemma 1(i)) and the imposed condition (4). This enables one to simply construct many examples of multi-dimensional Doss--uniformly recurrent functions of the form see [7] for more details. The following results are motivated by some observations made in [
18] (Example 3):
Proposition 2. Suppose that and is a continuous function. Suppose that is -periodic, that is, for all set Suppose, further, that is monotonically increasing, is essentially bounded as well as that for each there exists a finite real number such that Then the function is Doss--almost periodic for each provided that for some rational number resp. for each provided that for some irrational number
Proof. We will consider the case in which
for some irrational number
only. Let
be arbitrary, and let
be given. Then there exists a strictly increasing sequence
of positive integers such that
for all
see for example [
7]. Inductively one easily proves that
as well as that
for all
is monotonically increasing and (
5) holds, we get
which simply implies the required. □
Proposition 3. Suppose that is a continuous function, and is Bohr -almost periodic, that is, for every and there exists such that for each there exists such thatThen the function is Doss--almost periodic provided that for each there exists a finite real number such that Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof of Proposition 2 and therefore omitted. □
Now we would like to provide some illustrative applications of Propositions 2 and 3:
Example 5.
- (i)
Suppose that and a continuous function is Bloch -periodic, that is, for all ( ). Let be an irrational number. Applying Proposition 2, we get that, for every number the function is Doss--almost periodic with and We can extend the established conclusions for the Bloch -periodic functions defined on the whole real line, because then we can take
- (ii)
The question whether a trigonometric polynomial is Doss--almost periodic, where and are given in advance, is not simple. For example, using Proposition 3 and our conclusions from [12] (Example 2.15), we can simply prove that the function is Doss--almost periodic if and only if: - (a)
provided that
- (b)
provided that
as well as that the function is Doss--almost periodic if Let us show that is not Doss--almost periodic if This is clear for for the remainder, it suffices to show that is not Doss--almost periodic if Suppose that for some and Suppose further that then and so thatfor any Since the function is periodic and not identically equal to zero, the last estimate yields the existence of a finite real number such that ( is given in advance):which simply yields a contradiction. Therefore, and there exists a constant such that, for every we have: Since the function is periodic and not identically equal to zero, the last estimate yields the existence of a finite real number such that ( is given in advance):which implies the required.
Example 6 (cf. also [
12] (Example 2.22), and [
12] (Example 2.23) for the pointwise products of
c-almost periodic functions).
Suppose that and Then we have the following:- (i)
Suppose that Then the space consisting of all Doss--uniformly recurrent functions is not a vector space with the usual operations as easily shown. Now we will prove that the space of Doss-1-almost periodic functions is also not a vector space with the usual operations. Define by for if for some and if for some Then we know that the function is Weyl-1-almost periodic as well as that for each we haveand that for each real number we havesee J. Stryja [29] (pp. 42–47), [11] (Example 4.28) and [7] (Example 8.3.20). Define by Hence, the functions and are Doss-1-almost periodic (cf. also Section 2.1 below); but, its sum is not Doss-1-almost periodic. In actual fact, if then the consideration from the above example along with the equation (7) indicates that there exists a finite real number such that If then the Equation (6) yields that there exist two finite real numbers and such that This implies the required statement; observe also that the above analysis implies that the collection of all Weyl-1-almost periodic functions has not a linear vector structure with the usual operations. We deeply believe that the collection of all Doss--almost periodic functions and the collection of all Weyl--almost periodic functions are not vector spaces with the usual operations, as well.
- (ii)
Suppose that Then the space consisting of all Doss--almost periodic functions is not a vector space with the usual operations since the functions and are Doss--almost periodic (cf. Example 5(ii)) but its sum is not. To prove the last statement, we argue as follows. For every , we have (cf. also [6] (Example 2.16.5(ii))):which simply implies the required. - (iii)
Suppose that Then the space consisting of all Doss--almost periodic functions is not a vector space with the usual operations since the functions and are Doss--almost periodic and its sum is not Doss--almost periodic (). The conclusions in this issue and the issue (ii) remain true for Doss--uniformly recurrent functions.
It is worth noting that it is not clear whether we can formulate an analogue of [
12] (Proposition 2.11(i)) (cf. also [
13] ([Proposition 2.16)) for Doss almost periodic type functions. Further on, let us note that Proposition 3 can be reformulated for the general classes of
-almost periodic functions and
-uniformly recurrent functions (see [
14] for more details). For example, the first example of a uniformly anti-recurrent function
has recently been constructed in [
12] (Example 2.20) as follows
Let be fixed; arguing similarly as in the proof of Proposition 3, we get that the function is Doss--uniformly recurrent if and only if
The main structural properties of multi-dimensional
-almost periodic type functions have been clarified in [
14] (Theorem 2.11(i)–(iv)); all these results admit very simple reformulations for multi-dimensional Doss almost periodic type functions introduced in Definition 1 (cf. also [
18] (Theorem 2) for the property of translation invariance, where some difficulties obviously occur). Details can be left to the interested readers.
Concerning the statement of [
14] (Theorem 2.11(v)), we will state the following result:
Proposition 4. Suppose that and () as well as that for every Let be monotonically increasing, continuous, and let there exist a finite real constant such that (2) holds. Let be a closed subset of and let ρ be single-valued and continuous in the following sense: - ()
For each there exists such that, for every with , we have with and
Assume, further, that there exist two finite real numbers and such that Then we have the following:
- (i)
Suppose that the function is Besicovitch--bounded for all . Then the function is likewise Besicovitch--bounded.
- (ii)
Suppose that the function is Besicovitch--continuous for all . Then the function is likewise Besicovitch--continuous.
- (iii)
Suppose that the function is Doss--almost periodic for all . Then the function is likewise Doss--almost periodic.
- (iv)
Suppose that the function is Doss--uniformly recurrent for all . Then the function is likewise Doss--uniformly recurrent.
Proof. We will prove the issue (iii) only, because the issues (i), (ii) and (iv) can be deduced similarly. It is clear that (
2) implies the existence of a finite real constant
such that
be fixed. Since
is a closed subset of
Y and the sequence
converges uniformly to a function
on the set
we have that
for all
Suppose that a real number
is chosen in accordance with the continuity of relation
and function
(at the point
). Set
Then we can find a positive integer
such that
and a positive real number
such that for each
there exists a point
such that, for every
we have the existence of an element
such that (
1) holds with the number
, the function
and the element
replaced respectively with the number
, the function
and the element
Fix now a number
and an element
Then we have (a point
satisfies the requirements in Definition 1 for the function
It is clear that
so that the mapping
is measurable due to the continuity of function
Furthermore, (
9) and (
10) together imply
Then the final conclusion simply follows from (
8) and the corresponding definition of Doss-
-almost periodicity. □
Now we would like to state the following analogue of [
12] (Proposition 2.9) (cf. also [
14] (Example 2.8)):
Proposition 5. Suppose that is monotonically increasing, there exists a finite real constant such that (2) holds, and there exists a function such that for all Let let , and let a function be Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent). Then the function is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent); in particular, is Doss--almost periodic (Doss--uniformly recurrent) if Proof. We will outline the main details of the proof for Doss-
-almost periodic functions. Let
be as in (
1). It is clear that (
2) implies the existence of a finite real number
such that
for all positive real numbers
Using this estimate, the decomposition
and the existence of a function
with the prescribed properties, we easily get that for each
we have:
Basically, the required conclusion follows from this estimate and the fact that we can use the substitution
here since
has a constant value; in actual fact, (
11) implies for each
one has:
and we only need to follow the corresponding definitions. □
Concerning the convolution invariance of multi-dimensional Doss
-almost periodicity, we will clarify the following extension of [
18] (Proposition 6):
Proposition 6. Suppose that supp for some compact subset K of and is a measurable function satisfying that for each we have Suppose, further, that is a closed linear operator on Y satisfying that:
- (B)
For each and the function is Bochner integrable.
Then the functionis well defined and for each we have Suppose, further, that is a convex, monotonically increasing function satisfying for all and Suppose, further, that the function is Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent, as well as that and, for every there exists a positive real number such thatfor any Then the function is Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent. Proof. We will consider only Doss-
-almost periodic functions. It is clear that the function
is well defined and
for all
. Let
be given. Then there exists
such that for each
there exists a point
such that, for every
the element
satisfies (
1). Since
A is a closed linear operator and condition (B) holds, for every
we have
be fixed. The prescribed assumptions together with the well-known Jensen integral inequality and the Hölder inequality (see e.g., [
7] and Lemma 1(i)) imply:
for any
Now the final conclusion simply follows as in the proof of [
18] (Proposition 6) using the corresponding definition of Doss-
-almost periodicity and the definition of Luxemburg norm. □
Unfortunately, the assumption
for some compact subset
K of
is almost inevitable here, so that we cannot so easily apply Theorem 6 in the qualitative analysis of solutions of the abstract inhomogeneous heat equation in
see [
19] for more details. The statements of [
14] (Proposition 2.5, Proposition 2.20) and the conclusions from [
14] (Example 2.5), showing that the assumption
is redundant, can be simply formulated in our new context.
Concerning the extensions of Doss
-almost periodic type functions (see [
14] for some results established for various classes of multi-dimensional
-almost periodic type functions), we first observe that any Doss-
-almost periodic function
, where
can be extended to a Doss-
-almost periodic function
defined by
(and, obviously,
for all
). Without going into full details, we will only note that a similar type of extension can be achieved in a much more general situation; for example, a very simple argumentation shows that any Doss-
-almost periodic function
can be extended to a Doss-
-almost periodic function
defined by
if the following conditions hold:
- (i)
is locally bounded;
- (ii)
The Lebesgue measure of is equal to zero;
- (iii)
For each set
we have
or there exists
such that, for every
there exists a compact set
such that
- (iv)
We will state only one composition principle for Doss
-almost periodic type functions. The following result for one-dimensional Doss
-almost periodic type functions can be deduced following the lines of the proof of [
12] (Theorem 2.28):
Proposition 7. Suppose that and satisfies that there exists a finite real number such that - (i)
Suppose that is Doss -uniformly recurrent, where for some strictly increasing sequence of positive reals tending to plus infinity. Ifthen the mapping is Doss -uniformly recurrent. - (ii)
Suppose that is Doss -almost periodic. If for each the set of all positive real numbers such thatandis relatively dense in then the mapping is Doss -almost periodic.
We can similarly analyze the composition principles for multi-dimensional Doss
c-almost periodic functions (see also [
14] for related results concerning the general class of multi-dimensional
-almost periodic functions). In combination with Proposition 6, this enables one to analyze the existence and uniqueness of bounded, continuous, Doss-
-almost periodic solutions of the following Hammerstein integral equation of convolution type on
where the kernel
has compact support; see also the issue [
19] (4.,
Section 3).
2.1. Relationship between Weyl Almost Periodicity and Doss Almost Periodicity
It is worth noting that Proposition 3 can be formulated for multi-dimensional
-almost periodic functions and their Stepanov generalizations considered recently in [
16]. This is very predictable and details can be left to the interested readers.
In this subsection, we would like to point out the following much more important fact with regards to Proposition 3: It is well known that, in the one-dimensional setting, the class of Doss-
p-almost periodic functions provides a proper extension of the class of Besicovitch-
p-almost periodic functions; see [
6] for more details. On the other hand, the class of Weyl-
p-almost periodic functions taken in the generalized approach of A. S. Kovanko [
24] is not contained in the class of Besicovitch-
p-almost periodic functions, as clearly marked in [
7]. A very simple observation shows that the class of Doss-
p-almost periodic functions extends the class of Weyl-
p-almost periodic functions, as well, which is defined as follows (
): Let
and let
Then we say that the function
is Weyl-
p-almost periodic if and only if for each
we can find a real number
such that any interval
of length
L contains a point
such that
So, let
be Weyl-
p-almost periodic, and let a number
be given. Then there exists a finite real number
such that such that any interval
of length
L contains a point
such that (
16) holds; hence, there exists a finite real number
such that, for every
we have
here, we easily get that, for each real number
we have:
which simply implies that
is Doss-
p-almost periodic.
In [
7] (Theorem 8.3.8), we have particularly proved the following: Suppose that
Then the function
is Weyl-
p-almost periodic, Besicovitch
p-unbounded and has no mean value (see [
7] for the notion). As a consequence, we have that a Weyl-
p-almost periodic function (Doss-
p-almost periodic function) is not necessarily Besicovitch-
p-almost periodic; also, a Doss-
p-almost periodic function
has no mean value and can be Besicovitch
p-unbounded in general (
The above consideration can be simply extended to the multi-dimensional setting. In order to do that, we will first recall the following definition from [
Definition 2. Assume that the following condition holds:
- (WM):
and is a Lebesgue measurable set such that and for all and
By , we denote the set consisting of all functions such that, for every and there exists a finite real number such that for each there exists such that, for every the mapping is well defined, and The usual concept of multi-dimensional Weyl-p-almost periodicity is obtained by plugging , or and The proof of following proposition is quite simple and therefore omitted (we employ almost all of the above-mentioned conditions but we allow the situation in which and is not identically equal to x for all ):
Proposition 8. Suppose that(WM)
holds with or , and ρ is single-valued on Suppose that for each there exists a finite real number such that If then is Doss--almost periodic.
It is worth noting that condition (
17) holds in the classical situation
We continue with the following instructive example, which has not been published in any research article by now and which will be published soon as [
7] (Example 3.2.14):
Example 7. Let and Define the complex-valued function: Then the function is Lipschitz continuous and uniformly recurrent. To prove the Lipschitz continuity of function it suffices to observe that the function is continuous and To see that the function is uniformly recurrent (cf. [7] for the notion), it suffices to see that for each integer we havewhere we have applied (18) in the last line of computation. In the case that for some integer we have that the function is Besicovitch unbounded. This can be inspected as in the proof of [30] (Theorem 1.1), with the additional observation that:here, we have used the well known recurrent formula:which can be deduced with the help of the partial integration. We would like to ask whether the function is Besicovitch unbounded in general case and for which functions we have that is Doss--almost periodic, that is, Doss--almost periodic? We continue by observing that the functions of the form:where for all , and and are real sequences such that the above series is absolutely convergent, are still very unexplored within the theory of almost periodic functions. For example, we know that the sequence of partial sums of the series (therefore, the sequence of trigonometric polynomials):is a Cauchy sequence with respect to the Weyl metric but its sum, which is clearly an essentially bounded function, is not equi-Weyl-2-almost periodic; see for example [8] (p. 247) and [6] for the notion. On the other hand, using the identitywe can simply prove that for each and we have In particular, the function is Doss-p-almost periodic for any finite exponent We would like to ask whether the function is equi-Weyl-p-almost periodic for some exponent or Weyl-p-almost periodic for some finite exponent
We close this subsection with the observation that, for every finite exponent
there exists a (Besicovitch-)Doss-
p-almost periodic function
which is not Weyl-
p-almost periodic; see for example [
11] (Example 6.24).
2.2. Invariance of Doss -Almost Periodicity under the Actions of Convolution Products
This subsection investigates the invariance of Doss
-almost periodicity under the actions of infinite convolution products (for simplicity, we will not consider here the finite convolution products). From the application point of view, the one-dimensional framework is the most important and here we will only note that the established results admit straightforward extensions for the infinite convolution product
and the finite convolution product
see [
19] for more details.
We start by stating the following extension of [
18] (Theorem 3):
Theorem 1. Suppose that is a convex monotonically increasing function satisfying for all and Suppose, further, , A is a closed linear operator commuting with , is Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent, and measurable, is a strongly continuous operator family and for every real number we haveand Suppose, further, that for each there exists an increasing sequence of positive real numbers tending to plus infinity and a number satisfying that, for every we have: Then the function given by:is well-defined and Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent. Proof. It is clear that
hence, (
19) implies that the function
is well-defined as well as that the integrals in the definitions of
converge absolutely (
). Furthermore, since
A is a closed linear operator commuting with
and since we have assumed (
20), we have
The remainder of proof is almost the same as the proof of the corresponding part of [
18] (Theorem 3), with the distance
replaced therein with the distance
Using a similar argumentation and inspecting carefully the proof of [
6] (Theorem 2.13.10), we may conclude that the following result holds true:
Theorem 2. Let , and satisfy: Let A be a closed linear operator commuting with let a function be Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent, and Stepanov p-bounded, and let provided that , resp. provided that . Assume that the function is Stepanov p-bounded. Then the function defined through (21) with therein, is bounded, continuous and Doss--almost periodic, resp. Doss--uniformly recurrent. Furthermore, if is -continuous, then is -continuous, as well. Remark 2. If for some then we can consider two different pivot spaces X and Y in Theorems 1 and 2. See also [6] (Theorem 2.13.7), where we have used the estimatewhich cannot be satisfied for fractional solution operator families. 3. Applications to Abstract Volterra Integro-Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations
In this section, we aim to present some applications of our abstract results to the abstract Volterra integro-differential equations and the partial differential Equations.
1. We start by observing that our results about the invariance of Doss
-almost periodicity under the actions of convolution products, established in
Section 2.2, can be applied in the analysis of the existence and uniqueness of Doss-
-almost periodic solutions in the time variable for various kinds of the abstract (degenerate) Volterra integro-differential equations (see e.g., [
6] for more details). For example, we can apply Theorem 2 in the analysis of the existence and uniqueness of Doss
-almost periodic solutions of the following fractional Poisson heat equation with Weyl-Liouville fractional derivatives:
possible applications can be also given to the higher-order differential operators in Hölder spaces. All this has been seen many times and details can be omitted.
2. It is worth noting that Proposition 4, Proposition 7 and Theorem 2 can be implemented in the analysis of the existence and uniqueness of Doss-
-uniformly recurrent solutions for various classes of abstract fractional semilinear Cauchy inclusions and equations. Suppose, for instance, that
a closed multivalued linear operator
X satisfies all requirements from [
6] (Subsection 2.9.2) and the solution family
is defined as therein. Define
Then we know that
and let
Fix now a strictly increasing sequence
of positive reals tending to plus infinity, and define:
. By Proposition 4(iv), the set
equipped with the metric
is a complete metric space. Suppose now that a mapping
satisfies the estimate (
15). We say that a continuous function
is a mild solution of the semilinear Cauchy inclusion
if and only if
Keeping in mind Proposition 7 and Theorem 2, we can simply prove the following analogue of [
12] (Theorem 3.1):
Theorem 3. Suppose that the above requirements hold as well as that the function satisfies that for each bounded subset B of X there exists a finite real constant such that If there exists a finite real number such that: (14) holds, and there exists an integer such that: wherethen the abstract semilinear fractional Cauchy inclusion (22) has a unique bounded Doss--uniformly recurrent solution which belongs to the space 3. In this issue, we continue our analysis of the famous d’Alembert formula. Let
then we know that the regular solution of the wave equation
in domain
equipped with the initial conditions
is given by the d’Alembert formula
Suppose now that the function
is Doss-
-almost periodic for some
, where:
Clearly, the solution
can be extended to the whole real line in the time variable; we will prove that the solution
is Doss-
-almost periodic in
In actual fact, we have (
satisfies that
then there exists a finite real number
such that
and therefore:
where we have applied the Fubini theorem in the third line of computation. The remaining three addends in (
23) can be estimated similarly, so that the final conclusion simply follows as in the final part of [
12] (Example 1.2).
4. In [
7], we have recently the existence and uniqueness of
c-almost periodic type solutions of the wave equations in
Let us recall that the famous Kirchhoff formula (see e.g., [
31] (Theorem 5.4, pp. 277–278); we will use the same notion and notation) says that the function:
is a unique solution of problem (
24) which belongs to the class
. Let us fix now a number
Then the function
is Doss-
-almost periodic (Doss-
–uniformly recurrent) provided that the functions
are of the same type (
). This is a simple consequence of the following computation, given here only for the function
provided that
the last being determined from the Doss-
-almost periodicity of function
with a number
given in advance.
We can similarly analyze the existence and uniqueness of Doss-
-almost periodic (Doss-
–uniformly recurrent) solutions of the wave equations in
Let us only recall that the famous Poisson formula (see e.g., [
31] (Theorem 5.5, pp. 280–281)) says that the function:
is a unique solution of problem (
25) which belongs to the class
4. Conclusions and Final Remarks
In this paper, we have analyzed the multi-dimensional Doss -almost periodic type functions of the form where X and Y are complex Banach spaces, and is a binary relation on The main structural properties of introduced classes of functions are presented, including some applications to the abstract Volterra integro-differential equations and the partial differential equations.
Concerning some drawbacks and research limitations of the class of Doss -almost periodic type functions, we would like to emphasize that the usually considered Doss almost periodic type functions ( is equal to the identity operator) do not have a linear vector structure, which can be very unpleasant for providing certain applications. It is also clear that a Doss almost periodic function need not have a mean value, which is also a very unpleasant property of Doss almost periodic functions.
Concerning some practical implications of our work, we would like to emphasize that the various types of Doss almost periodicity are invariant under the actions of the convolution products. This enables us to consider the existence and uniqueness of Doss almost periodic solutions for various classes of abstract Voleterra integro-differential equations and inclusions; the abstract semilinear Cauchy problems and inclusions can be also analyzed since we can formulate composition principles in our framework. It is also worth noting that the class of Doss
p-almost periodic functions provides, in the theoretical sense, a unification concept for the class of Besicovitch
p-almost periodic functions and the class of Weyl
p-almost periodic functions (
). In our further investigations, we will analyze the multi-dimensional analogues of conditions (A)–(B) and results established by R. Doss [
27] as well as the class of multi-dimensional semi-
-periodic functions and certain classes of (equi-)Weyl-
-uniformly recurrent functions. It could be also of importance to analyze the multi-dimensional Hartman almost periodic functions, as well.
We close the paper with the observation that we can further extend the notion introduced in Definition 1 by allowing that the function depends not only on but also on For example, we can consider the following notion (with the exception of assumption , which is replaced by the assumption here, we retain all remaining standing assumptions of ours):
Definition 3. We say that the function is Doss--almost periodic if and only if, for every and there exists such that for each there exists a point such that, for every and we have the existence of an element such that: In actual fact, sometimes it is very important to assume that the function
depends also on
We will illustrate this fact by considering the second-order partial differential equation:
has a compact support. Let us recall that the Newtonian potential of
defined by:
is a unique function belonging to the class
vanishing at infinity and satisfying
; see, for example, [
31] (Theorem 3.9, pp. 126–127).
In our final application, we will assume that
for some
as well as that
and there exists a finite real number
such that:
Then, we have the following:
Theorem 4. Suppose that f is Doss--almost periodic and . Then u is Doss--almost periodic.
Proof. Let
be given, and let
be as in (
26). Using the Fubini theorem, we have the existence of a finite real number
such that:
Keeping in mind the assumption (
27) and the notion introduced in Definition 3, this simply implies the required statement. □
We can similarly analyze the two-dimensional analogue of this example by considering the logarithmic potential of
given by:
see also [
31] (Remark 3.7, p. 128) and [