Validation of HiG-Flow Software for Simulating Two-Phase Flows with a 3D Geometric Volume of Fluid Algorithm
:1. Introduction
2. Governing Equations
3. Numerical Procedure
3.1. HiG-Tree and HiG-Flow Software
3.2. Discretization Procedure in HiG-Flow
3.3. Interface Reconstruction
3.4. Interface Advection
3.5. Surface Tension Force and Curvature
3.6. Time-Step Constraint
4. Validation
4.1. 3D Shearing Flow Test
4.2. 3D Deforming Field Test
4.3. 3D Buoyancy-Driven Rising Drop
5. Conclusions
- Good agreement is observed between the 3D interface shapes obtained by the 3D PLIC-VOF HiG-Flow algorithm and those found in the scientific literature, specifically, the piecewise-constant flux surface calculation, the volume of fluid method implemented in OpenFOAM, and the high-order finite-element software FEEL.
- The absolute errors of the volume tracking advection calculation obtained using our algorithm are and for both shearing and deforming flow tests, respectively, being two orders lower than the results presented in the scientific literature at the same level of mesh refinement.
- Good agreement is obtained for the 3D interface shape using both the newly implemented algorithm and OpenFOAM, DROPS, and NaSt3D software. Specifically, the 3D PLIC-VOF HiG-Flow algorithm predicted a stable ellipsoidal droplet shape for and , and a stable cap shape for and .
- The bubble’s rise velocity and center of mass evolution are computed with the 3D PLIC-VOF HiG-Flow algorithm and found to be consistent with OpenFOAM, DROPS, and NaSt3D software. In the initial phases of the simulation, the rise velocity of the droplet experiences a gradual increment from its initial zero value to reach a maximum magnitude. Following this, in the steady-state phase, the droplet’s velocity decreases. This trend is particularly pronounced in the cap regime compared to the ellipsoidal regime.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BDF | Backward differentiation formula |
BiCGS | Biconjugate gradient squared |
Bo | Bond number |
CFL | Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy |
CSF | Continuum surface force |
HiG | Hierarchical grid |
HYPRE | High performance preconditioners |
MLS | Moving least squares |
PETSc | Portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation |
PLIC | Piecewise-linear interface calculation |
Re | Reynolds number |
SLIC | Simple line interface calculation |
TVD | Total variation diminishing |
VOF | Volume of fluid |
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Solver | Mesh | Error () |
HiG-Flow | ||
HiG-Flow | ||
CVTNA + unsplit [14] | ||
ELVIRA + COSMIC [39] | ||
CLC-CBIR [40] |
Solver | Mesh | Error () |
HiG-Flow | ||
HiG-Flow | ||
HiG-Flow | ||
CVTNA + PCFSC unsplit [14] | ||
CVTNA + PCFSC unsplit [14] | ||
CLC-CBIR [40] | ||
CLC-CBIR [40] |
Test Cases | g | |||||||
case 1 | 1000 | 100 | 10 | 1 | 35 | 10 | ||
case 2 | 1000 | 1 | 10 | 35 | 125 |
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Silva, A.T.G.d.; Fernandes, C.; Organista, J.; Souza, L.; Castelo, A. Validation of HiG-Flow Software for Simulating Two-Phase Flows with a 3D Geometric Volume of Fluid Algorithm. Mathematics 2023, 11, 3900.
Silva ATGd, Fernandes C, Organista J, Souza L, Castelo A. Validation of HiG-Flow Software for Simulating Two-Phase Flows with a 3D Geometric Volume of Fluid Algorithm. Mathematics. 2023; 11(18):3900.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSilva, Aquisson T. G. da, Célio Fernandes, Juniormar Organista, Leandro Souza, and Antonio Castelo. 2023. "Validation of HiG-Flow Software for Simulating Two-Phase Flows with a 3D Geometric Volume of Fluid Algorithm" Mathematics 11, no. 18: 3900.
APA StyleSilva, A. T. G. d., Fernandes, C., Organista, J., Souza, L., & Castelo, A. (2023). Validation of HiG-Flow Software for Simulating Two-Phase Flows with a 3D Geometric Volume of Fluid Algorithm. Mathematics, 11(18), 3900.