1. Introduction
Recently, Yue and Fang [
1] studied completeness and completion for ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces with the help of pair ⊤-filters. Completeness and completion are important problems in topology and uniform spaces and their extensions to the lattice-valued case [
2], such as ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces, are a natural setting for treating such questions. A further important application of completeness in uniform spaces are fixed point theorems for self-mappings, usually extending the famous Banach contraction principle [
A self-mapping in a metric space is called a contraction if there is a constant such that for all . If the metric space is complete, then such a contraction has a unique fixed point and this fixed point can be approximated by the sequence for an arbitrary .
Applications of this principle are abundant in mathematics, for example, in the fields of differential or integral equations or in numerical analysis. For a recent textbook we refer to [
4] where also applications in mathematics as well as to “real-world" problems are given. Further applications of fixed-point theorems outside mathematics can, for example, be found, among others, in the fields of psychology or biology [
In the realm of applications of Banach’s contraction principle, it is sufficient to require the convergence of Cauchy sequences, that is, we need only require so-called sequential completeness of the space.
In this paper, we address the definition of sequential completeness of ⊤-quasi uniform spaces with the help of the recently introduced ⊤-sequences, [
7]. ⊤-sequences are special instances of ⊤-nets and it was shown in [
7] that ⊤-nets provide an alternative tool to ⊤-filters for studying convergence in lattice-valued topology. Our definition can be characterized in a similar way as completeness in [
1], using pair ⊤-filters with countable ⊤-bases. On the one hand, this underlines the appropriateness of the definition based on ⊤-sequences. On the other hand, it shows that complete ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces are sequentially complete. Therefore, sequentially completing a ⊤-quasi-uniform space is trivial in the sense that any completion would do and the problem of constructing a completion was solved in [
1]. We give, as an illustration of the applicability of the concept of sequential completeness, a fixed point theorem for ⊤-uniform spaces, generalizing a corresponding result of Taylor for uniform spaces [
8]. The more general lattice-valued viewpoint of ⊤-uniform spaces encompasses probabilistic metric spaces and allows us to derive a fixed point theorem for probabilistic metric spaces from our result.
2. Preliminaries
In this paper, we will consider
commutative and integral quantales , where
is a complete lattice with distinct top and bottom elements
is a commutative semigroup with the top element of
L as the unit, that is,
for all
, and * is distributive over arbitrary joins, i.e.,
for all
, see for example [
well-below relation ⊲ in a complete lattice
is defined by
, if for all subsets
such that
there is
such that
. This relation is sometimes called the
totally below relation, see [
9]. For more details and results on lattices, we refer to [
In a quantale, we can define an implication by . Then if and only if , i.e., → is the residuum in the quantale.
Sometimes we additionally require that the top element of L is approximable by a sequence, in the sense that there is a sequence in L with the properties
- (1)
- (2)
for all and
- (3)
We call such a quantale ⊤-
approximable and the sequence
a ⊤-
approximating sequence. We note that for a ⊤-approximating sequence we have
As a consequence, for all , implies . For if , there is such that and hence, .
Typical examples are
with a left-continuous t-norm on
Lawvere’s quantale . Another example is given by the
quantale of distance distribution functions , where
is the set of all distance distribution functions
which are left-continuous in the sense that
for all
and ∗ is a
sup-continuous triangle function, see [
12]. It is shown in [
11] that
is a commutative and integral quantale. To see that it is ⊤-approximable, we consider, for
, the distance distribution functions
defined by
Then is the top-element in . We consider the sequence , and define . It is not difficult to see that the sequence is a ⊤-approximating sequence.
An L-set in X, or, more precise, an L-subset of X, is a mapping and we denote the set of L-sets in X by . We denote a constant L-set with value also by . For we write for the L-set on X defined by if and otherwise. For , and a mapping we define by for , and . The lattice operations are extended pointwisely from L to .
For L-sets in we define by for all and by for all .
we denote
. The relation
is sometimes called the
fuzzy inclusion order [
13]. We collect some of the properties that we will need later.
Lemma 1. Let, , , andbe a mapping. Then
- (i)
if and only if;
- (ii)
- (iii)
- (iv)
- (v)
Proof. We only prove (v), see also [
14] for
. We have
Definition 1 ([
. A subset is called a⊤-filter
(on X) if- (TF1)
for all, ;
- (TF2)
- (TF3)
We denote the set of all ⊤-filters on X by .
Example 1. For, is a ⊤-filter, the point ⊤-filter of x. More generally, for an L-set with for some , then is a ⊤-filter.
Definition 2 ([
. A subset is called a ⊤-filter base
(on X) if- (TB1)
for all, ;
- (TB2)
For a ⊤-filter base , is the ⊤-filter generated by .
For a filter on X, is a ⊤-filter base and we have if and only if .
It is well-known that, for a ⊤-filter
and a mapping
, the set
is a ⊤-filter base on
Y and we denote
the generated ⊤-filter on
Y, the
image of under φ, see [
For a ⊤-filter on Y and a mapping the set is a ⊤-filter base if and only if for all . In this case we denote the generated ⊤-filter by and call it the preimage of under φ. If , for the embedding mapping , for all , we denote for a ⊤-filter on X, the preimage . It is a ⊤-filter on M if and only if for all and in this case we have with the restrictions . Furthermore, we denote for , and we have . If and exists, then .
, then
is a ⊤-filter base. Here
for all
. We denote the generated ⊤-filter on
, see [
Proposition 1. Let , and and . Then .
Proof. We have with Proposition 3.11 in [
. □
Proposition 2. Let and and . If and exist then exists and is .
Proof. We first note that for
we have
, because
exist. Hence, we conclude for
exists. Let now
. Then there exists
such that
. We conclude
and we have
. □
For ⊤-filters
we define
as the ⊤-filter with ⊤-filter base
to be the ⊤-filter with ⊤-filter base
, provided
for all
, see [
Definition 3 ([
. A mapping , is called a ⊤-sequence
if for all . Here, . ⊤-sequences therefore consist of two ordinary sequences, the one a sequence in X, and the other a sequence in L. This latter sequence needs to satisfy the two conditions for all and for all . This yields straightaway an abundance of examples. e.g., for a sequence in X and the constant sequence for all , then defined by and for all is a ⊤-sequence. Similarly, for a ⊤-approximating sequence , the definitions and define a ⊤-sequence.
The concept of a ⊤-sequence is a special instance of the concept of a ⊤-net, see [
Proposition 3 ([
. For a a ⊤-
sequence ,
the L-sets form a ⊤-
base of a ⊤-
filter and we have For a ⊤-sequence
and a mapping
we denote
. Then
, see [
7]. For the special case,
and a ⊤-sequence
, we denote
and we have
If is a ⊤-sequence in X with for all , then we can consider s as a ⊤-sequence in M in a natural way. We write for this ⊤-sequence in M, with the defnitions and for all . It is not difficult to see that and, consequently, . Moreover, we have . To see this, let first . Then there exists with . Hence, , as for all . Therefore, . Conversely, if , then we define by if and if . It is not difficult to show that and hence, .
Proposition 4. Letandbe ⊤-sequences in X with values for all . If is ⊤-filter on with and, if exists, then .
Proof. Let with . Then there are and such that and we have and . Clearly, we have and hence, . Consequently, . □
Proposition 5. Letandbe ⊤-sequences in M. If is a ⊤-filter in such that exists and , then .
Proof. Let . Then and hence, there exist such that . We define by for and else. In the same way, is defined. Then and and we have and . As we see that . □
A ⊤-sequence
is a ⊤-
subsequence of the ⊤-sequence
if there is a strictly increasing mapping
such that
. The concept of a ⊤-subsequence is a special instance of the concept of a ⊤-subnet [
7]. If
t is a ⊤-subsequence of the ⊤-sequence
s, then
, see [
3. ⊤-Quasi-Uniform Spaces
Definition 4 ([
. A pair with a ⊤-
filter satisfying- (TU1)
for all, ;
- (TU2)
is called a ⊤-quasi-uniform space. is called a⊤-uniform space if additionally the axiom;
- (TU3)
is satisfied. A mappingbetween the ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces is called uniformly continuous if . The category with the ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces as objects and the uniformly continuous mappings as morphisms is denoted by .
For a set X, we define . Then the pair is a ⊤-uniform space, the discrete ⊤-uniform space. If we define the L-set by if and if , then . If we define , then is a ⊤-uniform space, the indiscrete ⊤-uniform space.
-quasi-metric space
, where
is an
-quasi-metric, i.e., it is
for all
, and
for all
, generates a “natural” ⊤-quasi-uniform space
, see [
17]. If the
-quasi-metric is
for all
, then we speak of an
-metric space. For an
-metric space
the space
is a ⊤-uniform space.
Further examples arise from uniform spaces as we shall see after Proposition 8 and from probabilistic metric spaces, see
Section 8.
Remark 1. ⊤-
quasi-uniform spaces are called probabilistic quasi-uniform spaces in [1], following the tradition of [18]. However, we would like to reserve the term “probabilistic” for the case where the quantale of distance distribution functions, ,
is used. Then a probabilistic metric space is a -
metric space and has a “natural” underlying probabilistic uniform space, that is, a ⊤-
uniform space defined by .
Furthermore, the name is also in line with other names such as ⊤-
quasi-uniform convergence spaces or ⊤-
uniform limit spaces, [14,16,17]. Naturally, it would be even better to include the quantale in the name and to speak of ⊤-
quasi-uniform spaces. However this seems to overload the nomenclature, and hence we refrain from it. The axioms of Definition 4 can be spelled out in the following form. For all and we have (TU1) ; (TU2) ; (TU3) ; and a mapping is uniformly continuous iff whenever .
The category allows initial constructions. We first need some preparations. We say that a subset has the finite intersection property if for all finite subsets we have . We call such a subset a ⊤-filter subbase.
Proposition 6. For a ⊤-filter subbase , the set of all finite intersections of L-sets in , is a ⊤-filter base.
Proof. (TB1) is the finite intersection property. (TB2) is obvious as for . □
We say that is a ⊤-filter subbase of the ⊤-filter base if .
Proposition 7. Letbe a ⊤-filter subbase.
- (1)
If for all, , then for all, .
- (2)
If for all, , then for all, .
Proof. (1) Let
. Then
. We then have
(2) implies and the proof is similar to (1). □
Proposition 8. For a ⊤-filter base on with the properties
- (TBU1)
for alland all, ;
- (TBU2)
for all, , the generated ⊤-filter is a ⊤-quasi-uniformity on X. If additionally
- (TBU3)
for all, is valid, then the generated ⊤-filter is a ⊤-uniformity on X.
Proof. (TU1) We have for by (TBU1) for all .
(TU2) For we have, using (TBU2), .
(TU3) For we conclude with (TBU3), and hence, . □
We call a ⊤-filter base satisfying (TB1) and (TB2) a ⊤-quasi-uniform base and a ⊤-filter base satisfying (TB1), (TB2) and (TB3) a ⊤-uniform base. Similarly, we speak of a ⊤-quasi-uniform subbase if the ⊤-filter base is a ⊤-quasi-uniform base and we call it a ⊤-uniform subbase if additionally satisfies (TBU3).
It is not difficult to see that for a (quasi-)uniform space , where is the filter of entourages, is a ⊤-(quasi-)uniform base and we have if and only if . Generally, if is a uniform base of the uniformity , then is a ⊤-uniform base. In this way, a metric space generates a ⊤-uniformity via its “natural” uniform base with .
Proposition 9. Letbe ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces and be a ⊤-quasi-uniform base for and be a ⊤-quasi-uniform subbase for . For a mapping the following assertions are equivalent.
- (1)
is continuous.
- (2)
For allwe have.
Proof. The one direction is obvious as
. For the other direction, let
. Then
and hence,
. □
Now let
be ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces for
X be a set and for all
, let
. Then the set
is a ⊤-quasi-uniform subbase. First we note that
from which the finite intersection property and (TBU1) for
follows. Furthermore, for
we have
We conclude that
and we have (TUB2) for
It is clear that all are uniformly continuous. If is a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and is a mapping, and is uniformly continuous for all , then also is uniformly continuous. This follows with from Proposition 9.
Finally, we point out that if all are ⊤-uniform spaces, then also is a ⊤-uniform space. To this end, we show (TUB3) for . Let with . Then and hence, . We conclude that , which shows (TUB3) for .
Putting everything together we can state the main result of this section.
Theorem 1. The categories and are topological categories in the definition of [19]. Later we will consider subspaces for subsets of a ⊤-quasi-uniform space . These are defined as initial constructions for the embedding mapping . It is not difficult to show that the initial ⊤-quasi uniformity on M is given by , which is the trace of on . However, we avoid the more cumbersome notation . We therefore call a subspace of .
4. Cauchy Pair ⊤-Filters and Cauchy Pair ⊤-Nets
Definition 5 ([
. Let be a ⊤-
quasi-uniform space and .
- (1)
The pairis called a pair ⊤-filter if for all , .
- (2)
The pair ⊤-filter is called convergent to x if and .
- (3)
The pair ⊤-filter is called a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter if , that is, if for all , .
We note that Yue and Fang [
1] used the opposite order on the set of ⊤-filters and demanded
. We showed in [
17], Remark 7.8, that
if and only if
if and only if
Proposition 10. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and be pair ⊤-filters on X.
- (TCP1)
for all, is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter;
- (TCP2)
Ifis a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter and if and , then is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
- (TCP3)
Ifare Cauchy pair ⊤-filters and if and exist, then , is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
Proof. - (TCP1)
For we have . Hence, is a pair ⊤-filter. From (TU1) we get and is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
- (TCP2)
Clearly, .
- (TCP3)
is a pair ⊤-filter. As
exists we have, using (TU2),
and, similarly, we obtain
. Hence, using Proposition 3.10 [
16], we obtain
Proposition 11. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and be a pair ⊤-filter on X. Then is convergent to x if and only if is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
Proof. If is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter, then and , which means that is convergent to x. Conversely, if is convergent to x, then and is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter. □
Proposition 12. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space, and be pair ⊤-filters on X. If is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter, and and is convergent to x, then also is convergent to x.
Proof. We note that by (TCP2), also is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter. From for all and all we conclude that exists and hence, also and exist. As and we see that is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter. With (TCP3) we conclude that is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter which means and , i.e., converges to x. □
Definition 6. Letandbe ⊤-sequences in X. We call a pair ⊤-sequence if there is a common ⊤-subsequence of s and t.
Clearly, if is a ⊤-sequence and t is a ⊤-subsequence of s, then is a pair ⊤-sequence.
Proposition 13. Letbe ⊤-sequences in X. Then is a pair ⊤-sequence if and only if is a pair ⊤-filter.
Proof. First let be a pair ⊤-sequence and let r be a common subsequence. We consider the ⊤-bases , and of , and , respectively, with elements the “tails” of and we denote these “tails” by , and . Let and . As there is such that . We then have .
Now let
. Then
and we conclude
and hence,
is a pair ⊤-filter.
Conversely, let be a pair ⊤-filter. Then for all and all . We consider a ⊤-approximating sequence . Since , we find and such that and .
Similarly, from we find and such that . Going on like this we obtain a ⊤-sequence r defined by , for . We define and and observe and . For we have and is strictly increasing. Similarly, is strictly increasing and hence, r is a common ⊤-subsequence of s and t. □
Definition 7. Letbe a ⊤-
quasi-uniform space. A pair ⊤-
sequence is called a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence
if for all we have It is sufficient to work with ⊤-quasi-uniform bases here.
Proposition 14. Letbe a ⊤-
quasi-uniform space, be a ⊤-
quasi-uniform base for and be a pair ⊤-
sequence. Then is a Cauchy pair ⊤-
sequence if and only if for all we have Proof. One implication is obvious as
. Now let the condition be satisfied for all
and let
. Then
. We consider a ⊤-approximating sequence
. Then there is
such that
. We fix
. Then
Taking the join for all yields the result. □
Proposition 15. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space. A pair ⊤-sequence is a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence if and only if is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
Proof. First let
be a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence and let
. We consider the “tails”
. Then
Hence, and we have .
Conversely, if
then for
we have
for all
and all
we have
and, similarly, for
we have
. We conclude
5. Completeness in ⊤-QUnif
We review concepts and theory introduced by Fang and Yue [
1], see also [
20], and adapt it slightly to suit our needs. In particular we use as order relation on
the subsethood order,
, whereas in [
1] the opposite order is used, and we identify for a one-point set
the sets
Let be a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and let . We call a left-promodule if and we call a right-promodule if . Here, is the ⊤-filter on X with ⊤-filter base with . Similarly, is the ⊤-filter on X with ⊤-filter base with .
If is a left-promodule and is a right-promodule, then we call left-adjoint to Ψ (and right-adjoint to Φ), denoted by , if and for all , i.e., if are a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter.
Proposition 16. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and be left-promodules and be right-promodules and and . If and then and .
Proof. We have
, because for
we have
Similarly, we can show . □
Proposition 17. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space and . We denote and the ⊤-filters on X with ⊤-filter bases and , respectively. Then is a left-promodule and is a right-promodule and .
Proof. It is shown in [
1] that
are Cauchy pair ⊤-filters. We show that
is a right-promodule. Let
. For
we note that
, i.e., we have
. Hence,
We conclude
and we have
. Similarly, we can show that
is a left-promodule. □
Definition 8 (cf. [
. The ⊤-
quasi-uniform space is called complete
if for all left-promodules Φ
and for all right-promodules Ψ
with there exists such that and .
Yue and Fang [
1] show that
is complete if and only if each Cauchy pair ⊤-filter converges to some
. The key point is here that two ⊤-filters
X are adjoint left- and right-promodules, respectively, if and only if they are a
minimal Cauchy pair ⊤-filter, that is, for any other Cauchy pair ⊤-filter
we have
A special case arises for
-quasi-metric spaces
. We review concepts and notation from [
11]. Let
be an
-quasi-metric space. A mapping
is called an
order filter if
and a mapping
is called an
order ideal if
. Furthermore, for an order filter
and an order ideal
we call
left-adjoint to ψ (and write
) if
for all
and if
. Then
is called
complete if and only if for all order filters
and all order ideals
there is
such that
Theorem 2. An -quasi-metric space is complete if and only if is complete.
Proof. Let be complete and consider a left-promodule and a right-promodule with in , i.e., we have
- (1)
and ;
- (2)
for all ;
- (3)
From (3), there exist
such that
. From (1), there exist
. We define
. We note that
for all
and similarly,
and hence, we have
. Furthermore, from
we infere
that is,
is an order filter and
is an order ideal. In addition,
from (2). Hence,
and from the completeness of
, there is
such that
. This implies
. As also
we conclude from Proposition 16 that
is complete.
Now let be complete and consider an order filter and an order ideal with . From we see that and . We define and . From we see that and from we obtain . As we have , i.e., and for , we have . Hence, and the completeness of ensures the existence of s.t. and , i.e., and and is complete. □
6. Sequential Completeness in ⊤-QUnif
Throughout this section we assume that the quantale is ⊤-approximable and we fix a ⊤-approximating sequence in L.
We call a ⊤-quasi-uniform space
sequentially complete if for all Cauchy pair ⊤-sequences
there exists
such that
converges to , i.e., such that for all
we have
A subset is called sequentially complete if the subspace is sequentially complete.
So we have that is sequentially complete if and only if for all Cauchy pair ⊤-sequences there exists such that and .
As in Proposition 14 we can see that it is sufficient to check convergence for a ⊤-quasi-uniform base of only.
For the proof of the next two important results, it is essential that we allow grades of our ⊤-sequences that need not equal the top element.
Theorem 3. Letbe a ⊤-quasi-uniform space. Then is sequentially complete if and only if for all Cauchy pair ⊤-filters with countable ⊤-bases there is such that and .
Proof. First let
be sequentially complete and let
be a countable ⊤-base of
be a countable ⊤-base of
. It is not difficult to show that for a countable ⊤-base
again form a countable ⊤-base. Hence, we may assume
. We consider now a ⊤-approximating sequence
. As
we conclude from
that there exists
such that
. Similarly, from
we conclude that there exists
such that
. Going on like this, we obtain a sequence
for all
. Hence, we have
We define the ⊤-sequence by , . Then and . Trivially, is a pair ⊤-sequence and we have , that is, is a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence. By sequential completeness, there is such that and . From Proposition 12 we conclude that also and .
For the converse, let be a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence. Then is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter with countable bases and hence, there exists such that and , that is, converges to . □
Hence, a complete ⊤-quasi-uniform space is sequentially complete. For this reason, a “sequential completion” of a ⊤-quasi-uniform space can be obtained by a completion of the space, see [
1] and no new contruction is needed.
We call a ⊤-quasi-uniform space countable if has a countable ⊤-quasi-uniform base.
Proposition 18. A countable ⊤-quasi-uniform space is complete if and only if it is sequentially complete.
Proof. Sequential completeness is implied by completeness by Theorem 3. For the converse, let
be a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter and let
be a countable ⊤-uniform base of
. From
we find for for every
such that
. We define
and we define
. For
we have
, i.e., we have
and hence,
. Similarly, we see that
. Let now
. Then
and hence,
is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter with countable bases. As
is sequentially complete, Theorem 3 implies that
exists with
. Hence, also
is complete. □
Remark 2. For an-
quasi-metric spacethe ⊤-
quasi-uniform space has the countable ⊤-
quasi-uniform base .
Hence, for -
quasi-metric spaces, countable completeness and completeness are equivalent. This result was obtained in a different way in [21].
Finally, we characterize sequentially complete subsets.
Proposition 19. A subsetof a ⊤-quasi-uniform space is sequentially complete if and only if for all Cauchy pair ⊤-sequences with for all there exists such that and .
Proof. Let be sequentially complete and let be a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence with values for all . Then and hence, , that is, is a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence in . Hence, there exists such that and . This is equivalent to and . Hence, and , that is, and .
Conversely, let be a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence in the subspace . Then and hence, and is a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence in with values in M. Therefore, there exists such that and . This implies and , i.e., converges to in . □
7. A Fixed Point Theorem
In this section we consider ⊤-uniform spaces, that is, we assume that the “symmetry axiom” (TU3) is satisfied and we generalize a fixed point theorem established by Taylor [
8] for uniform spaces. We point out that
is ⊤-approximable and we fix a ⊤-approximating sequence
For a self-mapping we define and for . For we denote and for .
For a ⊤-uniform space we call a Cauchy ⊤-filter if , that is, if is a Cauchy pair ⊤-filter. Similarly, we call a ⊤-sequence s a Cauchy ⊤-sequence if . This is equivalent to for all and again it suffices to check this for a ⊤-uniform base of . Finally, we call a ⊤-filter convergent to if and we call a ⊤-sequence sconvergent to if is convergent to x. We note that for a ⊤-sequence converging to x, a ⊤-subsequence t also converges to x. This follows from .
Proposition 20. A ⊤-uniform space is sequentially complete if and only if for all Cauchy ⊤-sequences there exists such that for all we have , that is, .
Proof. If is sequentially complete and s is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence, then is a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence and hence, there exists such that for all we have .
For the converse, let be a Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence and consider a common ⊤-subsequence r of . Then and hence, , that is, r is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence. Hence, there exists such that , i.e., the Cauchy pair ⊤-filter converges to . By Proposition 12 then also the Cauchy pair ⊤-sequence converges to . □
We call a ⊤-uniform space
a T2-space [
15] if for all
there is
such that
. We note the following simple result.
Proposition 21. A ⊤-uniform space is a T2-space if and only if convergent ⊤-filters (and hence, also convergent ⊤-sequences) have unique limits.
Proof. First let be a T2-space and let the ⊤-filter converge to x and y. Then and and hence, also . Therefore, for we have and .
Now let convergent ⊤-filters have unique limits. If for all , then , that is, the point ⊤-filter converges to x. As converges also to y, we obtain . □
For an -metric space we have that is a T2-space if and only if the -metric is separated, i.e., if implies .
Definition 9. Letbe a ⊤-uniform space, be a ⊤-uniform base for and be a self-mapping.
- (1)
φ is called a-contraction if for allthere existssuch that.
- (2)
φ is called asymptotically regular if for all and all we have .
- (3)
is called well-chained if for all and all we have .
For a uniform space
with uniform base
, a
-contraction in the definition of [
8] is a
-contraction for the ⊤-uniform space
Well-chainedness only depends on a ⊤-uniform base of , that is, is well-chained if and only if for all and all we have . To see this, let and and . Then there is such that and we conclude . Taking the join over all yields .
Furthermore, we note that a -contraction is uniformly continuous: For there is such that and as this implies .
Remark 3 (-metric case).
- (1)
For an-metric space, the “natural” ⊤-uniform space has a ⊤-uniform base for . A self-mapping is a -contraction if and only if . Noting that and, moreover, by transitivity also , then φ is a -contraction if and only if it is an expansive mapping, that is, if for all .
- (2)
For an-metric space, noting again thatfor all, is well-chained if and only if for allwe have. Ifis separated, this is only possible for a one-point space.
Both these properties point to the fact that, despite its simplicity, for an-metric spacethe spacemay not be an ideal choice for an “-metrically generated” ⊤-uniform space. However, we wish to point out at this point, that for Lawvere’s quantale , the metric uniformity of a metric space is not a ⊤-uniformity.
Lemma 2. Letbe a ⊤-uniform space, be a ⊤-uniform base for and be a -contraction. If for we have , then for all we have .
Proof. We use induction on n. The case is just the assumption. Now assume that for a given we have for that . As is a -contraction, there exists such that and from we obtain . We conclude . □
Proposition 22. For a well-chained ⊤-uniform space with ⊤-uniform base , a -contraction is asymptotically regular.
Proof. Let
and let
. By Lemma 2 there exists
such that
for all
. For
, choose
such that
. Then for all
we have
, and for
we obtain
Let now
. We have, for
Therefore, we get and is asymptotically regular. □
Proposition 23. Letbe a ⊤-uniform space, be a ⊤-uniform base for and be an asymptotically regular -contraction. Then for each , , with and for all , is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence.
Proof. Let
. Then
and we have
. Let
and choose
such that
. As
is a
-contraction, for
we may choose
such that
. As
is asymptotically regular, for
we may choose
such that for all
we have
. We fix
. We show that for
we have
This is clear for
. Now assume that
. Then
which completes the proof by induction. We conclude that for all
and all
Hence, we have for all
Now let
. Then there exists
such that for all
we have
for all
. Therefore,
for all
and we conclude that
Taking the join over all
this yields
is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence. □
In view of Proposition 23 a weaker completeness concept will be appropriate here. We call a ⊤-uniform space weakly sequentially complete if all Cauchy ⊤-sequences with for all converge to some point .
Putting everything together, we obtain the desired fixed point theorem.
Theorem 4. Let the ⊤-uniform space be weakly sequentially complete, well-chained and a T2-space. Furthermore, let be a ⊤-uniform base for and be a -contraction. Then φ has a unique fixed point and for each , the ⊤-sequence , with for all , converges to a.
Proof. From Proposition 22 we see that is asymptotically regular and Proposition 23 tells us that is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence. As is sequentially complete, this ⊤-sequence converges to a point . As is uniformly continuous, the ⊤-sequence converges to and as is a subsequence of , it also converges to a. The T2-property implies and a is a fixed point of .
It remains to show that the fixed point is unique. Assume
. Then for each
we have
. Let
and choose
such that
. As
is well-chained, for
we may choose
such that
and we have with Lemma 2,
Hence, . This is true for any and the T2-property yields . □
8. A Fixed Point Theorem for Probabilistic Metric Spaces
In the sequel, for notation and concepts, we refer to [
21]. We again denote
the set of
distance distribution functions. The top element in
is denoted by
. Furthermore, we consider a fixed left-continuous
t-norm on
, that is, a quantale operation on
and endow
with the quantale operation ⊛ defined by
for all
. A
probabilistic metric space [
12] (sometimes called a
Menger space) is a set
X together with a probabilistic metric
with the properties
- (PM1)
for all , ;
- (PM2)
for all and , ;
- (PM3)
for all , . Hence, a probabilistic metric space is an -metric space for the quantale . If the probabilistic metric satisfies
- (PM4)
Then we call the probabilistic metric space separated.
be a probabilistic metric space. Following [
18] we define a ⊤-uniform space for
by the ⊤-uniform base
, and denote it by
. So we have
is in
We note that [
18] considers a more general situation and uses the set
of distance distribution functions with values in
, and considers
L-probabilistic metric spaces. Our
is then
. In this setting, it appears natural to associate a ⊤-uniformity (for the quantale
) for an
L-probabilistic metric space.
Proposition 24. A probabilistic metric space is separated if and only if is a T2-space.
Proof. First let be separated. If for all , then for all we have , i.e., and hence, .
Conversely, if is a T2-space, let . Then for all we have . For then . Hence, and the proof is complete. □
For a probabilistic metric space
, a self-mapping
is called a
contraction mapping [
22] with
contraction constant , if
for all
and all
Proposition 25. Let be a probabilistic metric space. If is a contraction mapping then φ is a -contraction.
Proof. Let
and let
. Define
with the contraction constant
. Then
and we have for any
So for we choose and find . □
The following concept is used in [
22] for a fixed point theorem for probabilistic metric spaces. A probabilistic metric space
is called
chainable [
22] if for each
there exists a finite sequence
such that
for all
Proposition 26. Let be a probabilistic metric space. Then is well-chained if and only if is -chainable for all and .
Proof. Let
be well-chained. As for any
we have for
Hence, for there is and a finite sequence such that for all .
Now let for all
there be a finite sequence
such that
for all
. Let
. Then
and hence, for
there is
such that
. We choose a finite sequence
such that
for all
. Then
Hence, we obtain and finally and is well-chained. □
We shall therefore call a probabilistic metric space well-chained if it is -chainable for all and .
A sequence
in a probabilistic metric space
is called a
strong Cauchy sequence [
12] if for all
there exists
such that
for all
. It is called
strongly convergent to [
12] if for all
there exists
such that
for all
. Here, for
it is defined
The probabilistic metric space
is called
complete if every strong Cauchy sequence is strongly convergent to a point in
Proposition 27. A probabilistic metric space is complete if and only if is weakly sequentially complete.
Proof. Let be complete and let be a Cauchy ⊤-sequence in with for all . Then for all . Let . Then there exists such that for all we have and hence, is a strong Cauchy sequence in . Therefore, there exists such that for all and there exists such that , that is, we have for all and s converges to in .
Now let be weakly sequentially complete and let be a strong Cauchy sequence in . Then for all and there exists such that for all we have . Hence, for all we have and therefore defined by is a Cauchy ⊤-sequence in . Hence, there exists such that for all we have and we have for all and there exists such that for all we have , that is, is strongly convergent to in . □
We can finally formulate the desired fixed point theorem.
Theorem 5. Let be a separated, well-chained and complete probabilistic metric space and be a contraction mapping. Then there is a unique such that and for each the sequence strongly converges to a.
Proof. The Propositions 24, 25 and 27 ensure that the ⊤-uniform space is well-chained, weakly complete and is a T2-space. Furthermore, by Proposition 25, is a -contraction. Hence, Theorem 4 ensures that there exists a unique fixed point and that in , the ⊤-sequence converges to this fixed point for any point . Hence, the sequence strongly converges to the fixed point in . □
9. Conclusions
We defined sequential completeness for ⊤-quasi-uniform spaces and ⊤-uniform spaces using the recently introduced ⊤-sequences [
⊤-uniform spaces, like related lattice-valued generalizations of uniform spaces, allow us to study different kinds of spaces, such as metric spaces, uniform spaces, probabilistic metric spaces, from one viewpoint. We illustrated the advantage of such a lattice-valued approach by proving a fixed point theorem for ⊤-uniform spaces – which demonstrates that the definition of sequential completeness is working and useful – which transforms in the subcase of probabilistic metric spaces to a fixed point theorem in that setting.
If we only take the fixed point Theorem 4, it seems that we can restrict the theory to ordinary sequences, identified with ⊤-sequences where the elements of the sequence all have maximum grade ⊤. However, in order to show that completeness [
1] implies sequential completeness, we needed a characterization of sequential completeness by ⊤-filters with countable ⊤-bases. Such a characterization requires the use of our more general ⊤-sequences. As ⊤-sequences appear as a special instance of the concept of ⊤-net, this generality is even more justified as only if we allow grades of elements other than ⊤, do we get the usual “duality” between ⊤-filter convergence and ⊤-net convergence, see [
Results on completenes and fixed point theorems have a long history in the theory of probabilistic metric spaces, see e.g., [
22]. Our fixed point theorem seems different from existing results in this realm, as we had to impose a connectedness condition on the space. This condition is “inherited” from the fixed point theorem for ⊤-uniform spaces, as our concept of contraction mapping is motivated by a definition of Taylor [
8] for uniform spaces and is there, in the special case of metric spaces, weaker than the usual one. A similar connectedness property is also used in fixed point theorems for “local contractions” in probabilistic metric spaces [
22]. It would be interesting to relate this connectedness condition to conditions such as the boundedness of the trajectories
, see for example [
12], that ensure the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of contraction mappings in the theory of probabilistic metric spaces.
In the theory of uniform spaces, Tarafdar [
23] gave a definition of a contraction mapping that allows us to prove a fixed point theorem without further assumptions on the spaces (such as well-chainedness). In this way a closer analogue of Banach’s contraction principle was obtained. The keypoint of his definition is the representation of a uniformity by a family of pseudometrics. It would therefore be useful to find a corresponding representation of ⊤-uniformities by families of
From a categorical point of view, the category of ⊤-uniform spaces is not completely satisfactory, as it does not possess “nice” function spaces, making it Cartesian closed. Hence, it makes sense to study completeness and sequential completeness also in the supercategory of ⊤-uniform limit spaces [
17]. We will address this research question in the future.