Finnish Teachers’ Perspectives on Caring and Meaningful School Development Work
:1. Introduction
2. Study Framework
2.1. School Development
2.2. A Caring Work Culture
2.3. School Development and Leadership in the Finnish Context
3. Aim of the Study
4. Data and Method
4.1. Participants
4.2. Data Collection
4.3. Data Analysis
4.4. Ethical Considerations
5. Results
5.1. Overview of the Results
5.2. Meaningful School Development
5.2.1. Professional Learning
5.2.2. Impact on the School Community
5.2.3. Caring in Meaningful School Development
5.3. Prerequisites for School Development
5.3.1. Vision/Strategy
5.3.2. Leadership
5.3.3. Structure
5.3.4. Caring for Prerequisites for School Development
6. Discussion
7. Limitations and Future Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Description | Data Example |
Meaningful school development | ||
Professional learning | -Collaboration | “Different student groups require different kinds of leadership and guidance” (Teacher 3, School 1). |
-Implementing new ideas in teaching | ||
-Considering the needs and the situation of students or groups | ||
-Applying equal and flexible evaluation practices | ||
-Meeting the goals given in the curriculum | ||
Impact on the school community | -Developing teaching practices | “It would help a lot if we had clear and joint practices…that the students are also aware of. That would increase a feeling of safety” (Teacher 2, school 4). |
-Developing student integration practices | ||
-Promoting student equality | ||
Prerequisites for school development | ||
Vision/strategy | -Mutual discussions between the leader/leadership group and the teachers | “To be able to take part in the discussion of values and such things, the vision and the strategy are also important…” (Teacher 4, School 5). |
-Accepting and sharing ideas in respectful working atmosphere | ||
Leadership | -Instructions given by the leader or leadership team | “The leader or the leadership group should filter the tasks given to schools from the municipal administrative level” (Teacher 1, School 4). |
-Instructions from the municipality or the National Board of Education | ||
-Prioritizing and fair delegation of tasks | ||
-Noticing teachers’ work and efforts, positive feedback | ||
Structure | -Time and space | “I think [development] must be a task of a group of teachers, so it won’t be the responsibility of one single teacher.” (Teacher 1, School 4) |
-Teacher teams | ||
-Salary |
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Share and Cite
Hosio, M.; Heikonen, L.; Kallioniemi, A.; Ahtiainen, R. Finnish Teachers’ Perspectives on Caring and Meaningful School Development Work. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 880.
Hosio M, Heikonen L, Kallioniemi A, Ahtiainen R. Finnish Teachers’ Perspectives on Caring and Meaningful School Development Work. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(9):880.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHosio, Maarit, Lauri Heikonen, Arto Kallioniemi, and Raisa Ahtiainen. 2023. "Finnish Teachers’ Perspectives on Caring and Meaningful School Development Work" Education Sciences 13, no. 9: 880.
APA StyleHosio, M., Heikonen, L., Kallioniemi, A., & Ahtiainen, R. (2023). Finnish Teachers’ Perspectives on Caring and Meaningful School Development Work. Education Sciences, 13(9), 880.