Inclusion through Participation: Fostering Pupils’ Feelings of Belonging in Swedish After-School Care
:1. Introduction and Background
1.1. Professional Role
1.2. Special Education in General
1.3. Pedagogy and Special Education in Different Contexts
1.4. Current Situation of After-School Activities
2. Theory
2.1. Compensatory Discourse
2.2. Differentiation
2.3. Participation
3. Purpose
- The starting points and conditions for an inclusive activity?
- Essential factors for an inclusive after-school environment?
- Ways to organise and increase children’s sense of belonging?
- Sustainable approaches to special pedagogy?
4. Method
4.1. Data Collection Method and Instruments
4.1.1. Positive and Negative Branding
4.1.2. Inclusive Individualisation
- Step one: What goals/expectations are directed towards the pupils? Value and knowledge goals.
- Step two: what tasks and activities are planned and carried out?
- Step three: how do the educators work?
- Step four: What groups does the child belong to? Classmates?
- Step five: what does the environment look like inside and outside?
- Step six: what materials and resources are used?
4.2. Study Population Characteristics
4.3. Data Analysis Method
5. Results
5.1. Starting Point and Conditions
We do not want to contribute to or support an exclusionary activity. There are a few exceptions, but the principle of inclusion should apply. (After-school teacher, male, 31–40 years, professional experience 2–10 years, rural workplace.)
Our after-school students must meet and learn by meeting children who now attend a particular school. The basic approach must be to try to make inclusion work. Some after-school centres give up too quickly. (After-school teacher, female, 4–50 years, professional experience 21–30 years, urban workplace.)
Some children may enjoy a particular activity. However, if there is an exclusion in the future, it is not a good solution. (Student, female, 21–30 years.)
Is anyone from my class here today? I have no one to be with. Who is in free time today?
I do not know everyone.
It feels empty; I have no one I know near me.
5.2. Essential Factors for an Inclusive After-School Environment
The class teacher can join in and encourage the child during free time. It would be appreciated by the staff and the children’s group. (After-school teacher, female, 21–30 years, professional experience 2–10 years, urban workplace.)
I wish we could have more time with the kids. Now we have huge groups. (After-school teacher, female, 41–50 years, professional experience 21–30 years, urban workplace.)
Sometimes you want to let go of the demands of the curriculum and hang out. (After-school teacher, male, 41–50 years, professional experience 21–30 years, rural workplace.)
5.3. Organising and Increasing Children’s Sense of Belonging
We must maintain an open and understanding climate. (After-school teacher, female, 21–30 years, professional experience 2–10 years, urban workplace.)
We must see all pupils as competent and really listen, showing that we believe in them. (After-school teacher, female, 31–40 years, professional experience 11–20 years, rural workplace.)
5.4. Activities That Have Been Tried and Found to Work Well
5.5. Planned Activities and Proposals for Activities
6. Discussion
6.1. Conclusions
6.2. Implications for Practice and Future Research
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Age | 21–30 | 31–40 | 41–50 | 51–60 |
Group interviews/discussion | N. 6 | N. 9 | N. 6 | N. 5 |
Individual interviews | N. 3 | N. 4 | N. 4 | N. 3 |
Gender | Male | Female | ||
Group interviews/discussion | N. 10 | N. 16 | ||
Individual interviews | N. 5 | N. 9 | ||
Workplace | Urban area | Rural area | ||
Group interviews/discussion | N. 17 | N. 9 | ||
Individual interviews. | N. 7 | N. 3 | ||
Professional experience | 2–10 | 11–20 | 21–30 | 31–40 |
Group interviews/discussion | N. 6 | N. 8 | N. 8 | N. 4 |
Individual interviews | N. 4 | N. 2 | N. 3 | N.1 |
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Karlsudd, P.I. Inclusion through Participation: Fostering Pupils’ Feelings of Belonging in Swedish After-School Care. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 376.
Karlsudd PI. Inclusion through Participation: Fostering Pupils’ Feelings of Belonging in Swedish After-School Care. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(4):376.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKarlsudd, Peter Ingemar. 2023. "Inclusion through Participation: Fostering Pupils’ Feelings of Belonging in Swedish After-School Care" Education Sciences 13, no. 4: 376.
APA StyleKarlsudd, P. I. (2023). Inclusion through Participation: Fostering Pupils’ Feelings of Belonging in Swedish After-School Care. Education Sciences, 13(4), 376.