3. Results
Composite means were created for both the failure mindset and robotics self-efficacy scales after checking for univariate and multivariate normality. Failure mindset and robotics self-efficacy were positively correlated, r(215) = 0.25, p < 0.001. Independent samples t-tests revealed no significant differences in failure mindset by gender (t(235) = −0.83, p = 0.410, d = 0.11), race (t(235) = −0.51, p = 0.613, d = 0.09), or school level (t(235) = −0.07, p = 0.946, d = 0.02). We also found no significant gender (t(214) = 1.19, p = 0.234, d = 0.17) or race (t(214) = 1.15, p = 0.250, d = 0.17) differences in campers’ robotics self-efficacy. However, significant school-level differences emerged, indicating that elementary campers reported higher robotics self-efficacy at the end of camp (M = 3.51) than did middle school campers (M = 3.33), t(214) = −2.37, p = 0.019, d = 0.33.
We next created the failure mindset categorical variable. Campers whose failure mindset was one or more standard deviations above the group mean (i.e., M ≥ 3.53) were considered as having a failure-is-enhancing mindset (n = 30). Campers whose failure mindset was one or more standard deviations below the group mean (i.e., M ≤ 2.63) were considered as having a failure-is-debilitating mindset (n = 30). Campers with moderate failure mindsets were not included in the mixed-method portion of the analyses.
3.1. Sources of Robotics Self-Efficacy
The sources of self-efficacy in robotics have not previously been investigated and reported. For this reason, we took a qualitative approach for RQ1 (i.e., what sources of efficacy-relevant information do young adolescents consider when forming their robotics self-efficacy?). This allowed themes outside of the typical four sources to emerge (e.g., [
We first considered the proportion of camper responses for the full sample that related to the four main hypothesized sources (i.e., direct experiences of mastery and failure, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, physiological and affective states) and then considered other themes. As noted above, proportions were calculated as the total number of times a code was assigned divided by the total number of responses in a given group. All proportions are presented in
Figure 1,
Figure 2 and
Figure 3.
Direct experiences of failure were the most common source of lowered confidence. However, direct experiences of mastery were not the most common source of raised confidence. Prior exposure and access to robotics were reported as increasing confidence in higher proportions than direct experiences of mastery. Interestingly though, having limited prior exposure or limited access did not lower confidence in similar proportions. Failure experiences, on the other hand, more often lowered confidence than mastery experiences raised confidence. One elementary school girl noted that her confidence was lowered after facing many failures. “I failed 26 times in a row to make a robot move around to complete a challenge. This made me discouraged, thus, feeling less confident”. This same camper highlighted how an objective failure might be perceived as a success, noting that “I did a vex robotics competition. This made me feel confident, because I feel like I can do more things after losing 9–5. Even though I lost, I still am proud”.
Combined, the codes related to social sources (i.e., social models, social persuasions, and social comparison) were mentioned more often as confidence-raising than as confidence-lowering. Still, social comparison lowered the confidence of students like this elementary school boy who recalled feeling less confident “when I failed 7 times in a row and others did it first try” (emphasis added). Campers also looked to their physiological and affective states when forming their robotics self-efficacy, more often stating that feeling stressed or nervous lowered their confidence than that feeling happy or excited raised their confidence.
Students also pointed to other sources of their confidence beyond the four hypothesized ones. Perceived difficulty was reported as both raising and lowering confidence in similar proportions. Conversely, competition, working with a partner, perceived ability, self-regulation, and an interest in robotics were all more likely to raise a camper’s confidence than to lower it. One elementary school girl highlighted the power of working with an experienced partner, indicating that, “My partner has done this so I feel more confident”.
3.2. Failure Mindset and Sources of Robotics Self-Efficacy
We next investigated RQ2 (i.e., what is the relationship between young adolescents’ failure mindset and the efficacy-relevant information they consider when forming their robotics self-efficacy; does this relationship differ by school level?). We first compared the most common sources of self-efficacy across the two failure mindset groupings, and then considered possible developmental differences. Codes that were assigned to less than 10% of responses in a given mindset group were classified in an “Other” category.
3.3. Confidence-Boosting Experiences
We first considered what made campers more confident in robotics, finding overlap between the two failure mindset groups (
Figure 1). Both mindset groups often indicated that prior exposure, access, and success had increased their confidence. One camper with a failure-is-enhancing mindset indicated that, “I’ve done robotics for the last 5 years. So I’ve become confident”. A camper with a failure-is-debilitating mindset referenced both access and prior success when she said, “I have built one LEGO Mindstorm robot at home and got it to work”.
Although these three sources (i.e., prior exposure, access, and prior success) represent the majority of the assigned codes for both the failure-is-enhancing and failure-is-debilitating groups (66% and 53% respectively), there were some notable differences. Campers in the failure-is-enhancing group looked to self-regulated learning and perceived task difficulty when forming their self-efficacy. For example, one camper said that “easier things” boosted his confidence. Another failure-is-enhancing camper said that he was more confident because he knew he could practice more. Conversely, campers in the failure-is-debilitating group referenced the collective skill of the group, availability of help, and their own perceived ability as factors that raise their confidence. As one camper remarked, “Working in a group increases my confidence because when I make a mistake, people will be there to help me understand and fix the issue”.
3.4. Confidence Lowering Experiences
We next considered what has lowered campers’ confidence (
Figure 2). Again, we found similarities between the failure-is-enhancing and failure-is-debilitating groups. Both groups indicated that prior failures, negative affective states, and perceived task difficulty lowered their confidence. One camper with a failure-is-enhancing mindset indicated that a failure led to a negative affective state, noting that, “Sometimes the programming can go wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing and it can frustrate you”. These three experiences (i.e., prior failures, negative affective states, and perceived task difficulty) represent the majority of sources described by both the failure-is-enhancing and failure-is-debilitating groups (68% and 53% respectively).
When we looked for a confidence-lowering pattern unique to mindsets, we found only one. Campers with a failure-is-debilitating mindset often reported that perceived inability lowered their confidence. One camper said her confidence was lowered simply because “I’m not good at coding”.
3.5. Developmental Differences in Sources of Robotics Self-Efficacy by Failure Orientation
The interaction of failure mindset and school level was next investigated to consider the second aim of RQ2 (i.e., does the relationship between failure mindset and reported sources of self-efficacy differ by school level?). Due to sample size limitations, we assessed failure mindset differently for this portion of the analysis. Instead of the previously described failure-is-debilitating and failure-is-enhancing mindsets, we looked specifically at students’ failure orientation as reflected in students’ responses to an item about whether failure should be avoided or sought. Though all items on the scale provide useful information, this item was selected because it was the only action-oriented item in the failure mindset scale. We hypothesized that how campers approach failure was more likely to influence their lived experiences than the more generic measure of their feelings about failure. Campers were categorized as either failure-avoidant (nelem = 65, nmiddle = 70) or failure-seeking (nelem = 47, nmiddle = 50) based on their answer to the failure orientation question.
Using these intersected groupings (i.e., school level X failure orientation), we then calculated the proportions of codes assigned (see
Figure 3). The denominator in these proportions was the sample size of the group in question (e.g., failure-avoidant elementary students). For aesthetic purposes, we only included in the figure sources for which differences in response patterns were found between these groupings of campers. The left portion of
Figure 3 represents the proportion of camper responses describing events that lowered their confidence. The right portion of the figure represents response frequencies for what raised their confidence. Green bars represent campers who were classified as failure-seeking and blue bars represent campers classified as failure-avoidant. Finally, the darker shades of color represent elementary school campers and the lighter shades represent middle school campers. Using this representation, we were able to simultaneously investigate school-level differences, failure orientation differences, and the interaction between the two.
3.6. Differences in Raising and Lowering Confidence
Two codes (i.e., direct experience and prior exposure) presented failure orientation and school-level differences for both what raised and lowered campers’ robotics confidence. We first analyzed response patterns for direct experience of mastery or failure. When considering experiences that raised campers’ confidence, failure-seeking and failure-avoidant middle school campers reported mastery experiences in similar proportions. However, elementary school campers who were failure-avoidant reported mastery experiences slightly more often than elementary campers who were failure-seeking. One failure-avoidant, elementary school girl said that her confidence was raised because, “I made a robot last week in robotics camp, and that made me more confident because I knew I could do it because I already had”.
The opposite was found for confidence-lowering experiences. Failure-seeking and failure-avoidant elementary campers indicated that a failure experience lowered their confidence in similar proportions, whereas failure-avoidant middle school campers reported failure as lowering their confidence slightly more often than failure-seeking middle school campers. As one failure-avoidant middle school boy said, “The robots sometimes do not do what I want because I put the wrong code in”. For both failure orientations, elementary school campers reported failure as lowering their confidence in similar proportions as they reported mastery experiences raising their confidence. Conversely, middle school campers more than twice as often reported a failure experience as lowering their confidence compared to a mastery experience as raising their confidence. This difference was slightly greater for middle school campers who were failure-avoidant.
School-level differences were found in how many campers indicated that prior exposure raised or lowered their robotics self-efficacy. Middle school campers reported that prior exposure raised their confidence nearly twice as often as did elementary campers with the same failure orientation. Conversely, elementary school campers reported that limited exposure to robotics lowered their confidence in higher proportions than did middle school campers with the same failure orientation. One failure avoidant, elementary school boy said he felt less confident because, “This is the first time I have done robotics”.
We also detected differences in how often prior exposure was reported by students at the same school level who held different failure orientations. For elementary campers, those who were failure-avoidant reported prior exposure as raising their confidence more often than failure-seeking campers. This same pattern was amplified among middle school campers. One failure-avoidant middle school girl suggested that prior exposure to robotics raised her confidence because, “I know what is expected of me”.
3.7. Sources with Differences Only in Confidence Raising Experiences
Five codes were identified as having both school level and failure orientation differences for campers’ responses to what raised, but not for what lowered, their robotics confidence. Response patterns found in access, perceived difficulty, perceived ability, self-regulated learning, and social models all suggested that these sources more often raised the confidence of failure-seeking campers compared to failure-avoidant campers, and elementary campers compared to middle school campers. We detail these differences below.
Elementary campers less often indicated that having access to robotics raised their confidence compared with middle school campers. However, failure-avoidant elementary campers were almost twice as likely to report access as raising their confidence compared with failure-seeking elementary campers. Conversely, failure-seeking and failure-avoidant middle school campers reported access as raising their confidence in similar proportions. One failure-avoidant middle school boy noted that what made him more confident was that “I have my own EV3 and have been on many robotics teams”. As one middle school girl noted, “What’s made me less confident is only being able to do robotics once a year since they don’t have a strong program at my school”.
Failure-seeking elementary and middle school campers were almost twice as likely to report perceived difficulty as raising their robotics confidence compared with their failure-avoidant counterparts. However, within failure orientations, elementary campers more often cited perceived difficulty as raising their confidence than did middle school campers with the same failure orientations. One middle school failure-seeking girl said, “Being able to code a VEX Robot had made me more confident in robotics because it seems hard”. When considering confidence-lowering experiences, however, all campers reported perceived difficulty as lowering their confidence in similar proportions to each other (10.77–12.77%), with the exception of failure-seeking middle school campers. A larger proportion of these students reported perceived difficulty as lowering their confidence (16.67%). One failure-seeking middle school boy worried that, “Robotics will be really hard, so that makes me a little discouraged”.
Some differences were found in how perceived difficulty functioned for students (i.e., as raising or lowering robotics self-efficacy). For both failure-avoidant and failure-seeking middle school campers, perceived difficulty was more than twice as likely to lower their confidence than to raise it. This pattern was not reflected as strongly in elementary students who reported perceived difficulty as raising and lowering their confidence in more similar proportions within failure orientations. Overall, however, trends suggested that perceived difficulty more often lowered robotics confidence than raised it.
Response patterns in the code of perceived ability suggested that feeling capable raised the confidence of elementary campers more often than middle school campers. However, within school levels, failure-seeking and failure-avoidant students reported perceived ability as raising their confidence in similar proportions for both elementary and middle school campers. One failure-seeking middle school girl indicated her confidence was raised because robotics, “involves technology, and I’m good with technology”. In response to what lowered their robotics confidence, campers reported perceived inability as lowering their confidence in similar proportions to each other across all groupings (ranging from 2.13% to 4.17%) with the exception of failure-avoidant elementary school campers. These campers reported that feeling incapable lowered their confidence in a larger proportion (12.31%). For these failure-avoidant elementary school campers, feeling incapable was reported twice as often as lowering confidence as feeling capable was reported as raising confidence.
We next considered differences in students’ reports of self-regulated learning. Failure-seeking elementary and middle school campers were three to four times more likely to report that self-regulated learning raised their robotics confidence compared with their failure-avoidant counterparts. Furthermore, within failure orientations, elementary students more often cited self-regulated learning as boosting their robotics confidence compared with middle school campers with the same failure orientation. For example, one elementary school boy indicated that “practice” raised his confidence while “not practicing enough” lowered it.
We found grade level, but not failure orientation, differences in campers’ descriptions of how positive social models raised their robotics confidence. Failure-seeking and failure-avoidant elementary campers more often reported social models as raising their robotics confidence than did middle school campers. As one elementary school failure-seeking girl wrote, “I have seen 5th graders program robots many times. If they can do it, I can program a robot”. All groupings of campers reported poor social models as lowering their confidence in similar proportions.
3.8. Unique Patterns of Differences
For two codes (physiological or affective state and competition), we found notable response patterns, which are described next. All groups of campers reported physiological or affective states as raising and lowering their confidence in similar proportions to each other. However, larger proportions of campers indicated feeling that frustration lowered their confidence more than feeling happy raised it. As one elementary, failure-seeking boy said, “Sometimes the programming can go wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing and it can frustrate you”. Some campers found their confidence to be raised through physiological and affective states, like a middle school failure-avoidant boy who said his confidence was raised because, “I spent a lot of time being calm and focused. If I’m calm and relaxed I can focus better”.
The code of competition did not have failure orientation differences for middle school campers but did for elementary school campers. No elementary campers who were failure-seeking referenced competitions as either raising or lowering their confidence. Conversely, failure-avoidant elementary campers reported competition as both raising and lowering their confidence. One failure avoidant, elementary school boy said, “I’ve been more confident in robotics because last year I was in robotics, and we made the robot get 175 points”. Failure-avoidant elementary campers were the only campers to report competition as lowering their confidence. The same boy who indicated his confidence had been raised through competition also indicated that competition had lowered his confidence. He explained, “I feel less confident because last year I didn’t make it to states but I was so close with my team”. Middle school campers only reported competition as raising their confidence and did so in similar proportions whether they were failure-seeking or failure-avoidant.
3.9. Failure Mindset and Robotics Self-Efficacy
We addressed RQ3 (i.e., what is the relationship between failure mindset and robotics self-efficacy after a robotics summer STEM camp?) using hierarchical linear modeling. The regression model including failure mindset contributed significantly to the prediction of robotics self-efficacy in Step 2, after controlling for demographic variables in Step 1 (Δ
R2 = 0.08,
p < 0.001). The full model explained 10% of the variance in robotics self-efficacy,
F(4, 211) = 5.89,
p < 0.001 (see
Table 2). Failure mindset was a significant predictor of end-of-camp robotics self-efficacy (
b = 0.32,
p < 0.001), indicating that campers who began camp with a more adaptive (i.e., failure-is-enhancing) mindset about failure reported higher robotics self-efficacy at the end of camp.
We next investigated whether the relationship between failure mindset and end-of-camp robotics self-efficacy varied as a function of school level, our final research question. A regression model including failure mindset, school level (i.e., elementary camper = 1), and the interaction between the two (i.e., failure mindset X school level) explained 11% of the variance in robotics self-efficacy (
Table 2). Gender and race were not included in this model because they were nonsignificant in the previous model. The model revealed that elementary campers’ robotics self-efficacy was predicted to be 1.35 points higher than that of middle school campers. However, failure mindset was more strongly related to the robotics self-efficacy of older campers than to that of younger campers, as indicated by the significant interaction term (
B = −0.38,
p = 0.019). As shown in
Figure 4, as middle school campers moved from believing that failure is debilitating to believing that failure is enhancing, the associated change in self-efficacy was larger in magnitude than it was for elementary school campers.
4. Discussion
A recent push to normalize failure in the learning process has led many teachers to implement more failure opportunities within their classrooms. However, little is known about how young adolescents view these failure opportunities or how they might be related to young adolescents’ academic confidence. The purpose of this study was to investigate developmental differences in the relationship between early adolescents’ failure mindset and robotics self-efficacy development. Using the lens of social cognitive theory, we considered failure mindset as a preconception students hold as they move through their lives and examined how that preconception might frame the way elementary and middle school STEM campers perceive efficacy-relevant information. We then investigated how these beliefs adolescents hold about failure might influence their beliefs about their robotics capabilities as well.
Although the sources of robotics self-efficacy reported by campers were aligned with those identified in previous research, one notable nuance emerged. Students more often reported prior exposure and access to robotics as increasing their confidence than they did mastery experiences (i.e., success). This finding may be associated with the availability of educational robotics kits. Educational robotics kits are becoming more accessible, but for many adolescents, these kits are still only available through camps and clubs. This limited access may lead to adolescents having fewer opportunities for success. Prior research has well established that when students feel successful, they feel more confident in their abilities (e.g., [
39]). But what happens when students have limited direct information about their ability to succeed? Our findings suggest that in these cases, students may feel more confident simply by being exposed to a task, even if they believe their performance was subpar.
This could have major implications for students who have limited exposure and access to robotics due to low socioeconomic status or underfunded school districts. Educators need to consider how to bring robotics materials, which are often costly, to students who may otherwise not have access to them. This study took place at a STEM camp where students were actively participating in robotics (i.e., every student who took part in this study had access to robotics). Future studies should consider these same questions (i.e., describe something that has happened to you that made you feel [MORE/LESS] confident in robotics) in different contexts where the access to robotics may be more varied. In these other contexts, more students may refer to limited exposure and lack of access as lowering their robotics confidence.
Also of note, campers more often reported failures in robotics as lowering their confidence than they reported success as raising their confidence. As mentioned above, young adolescents tend to have limited exposure to robotics [
40]. Because robotics, like most STEM fields, requires many rounds of trial and error [
11], the ratio of success to failure might be skewed toward failures, meaning that this finding may suggest that young adolescents may simply have had more failure experiences in robotics than successful ones.
However, further investigation revealed that this unbalanced ratio of reported failure and success was unique to middle school students. Furthermore, middle school students who were failure-avoidant reported failures as lowering their robotics confidence in slightly higher proportions than did their failure-seeking peers. We have no reason to believe that middle school students would fail more often than elementary school students. In fact, we would expect the opposite (i.e., as students age, their skills should improve, leading them to make fewer mistakes). Similarly, students’ approach to failure would be expected to have the opposite effect of that seen here. That is, we would expect students who report avoiding failure to do just that: avoid failure. Our findings instead show these students reporting failures more often. For these reasons, we believe that the unbalanced ratio of reported failures and successes reflects cognition as opposed to a quantitative difference in the number of times adolescents have failed.
Working from this understanding, we believe that these findings suggest that as students transition from elementary to middle school, failures take on new, important meanings. Middle school campers seemed to more often notice and internalize failures than did elementary campers. They also less often noted that success raised their confidence. Why might this be the case? Middle school work increases in difficulty, so there is a possibility that these differences reflect more challenging work that results in more perceived failures. However, we do not believe that is what is reflected here. Instead, we think the findings of this study support what others have noted, which is that as students age, failures become more stigmatized, shifting from a natural part of learning to an indicator of inability [
21]. That is, elementary students are given more freedom to fail, and mistakes are expected. The transition to middle school comes with higher expectations, and mistakes are often viewed more harshly both by students themselves and those around them [
Middle school and elementary school campers alike looked to prior exposure and access to robotics as confidence-raising experiences. Of note, however, were differences in failure orientations. For both school levels, failure-avoidant campers more often indicated that their confidence was raised through prior exposure and access than did their failure-seeking counterparts. This finding may support the notion that young adolescents who are less comfortable with failure feel more confident in less ambiguous situations, which, in their minds, may pose a smaller risk of failure. That is, having a sense of what to expect may increase their confidence in their ability to succeed. This is important for educators to consider. Students may approach tasks with more confidence if they are given a preview of what to expect or time to explore before stakes are attached to performances. This may be especially important in middle school, where half of the failure-seeking and nearly two-thirds of failure-avoidant campers reported that prior exposure made them feel more confident in robotics.
For both failure orientations and school levels, campers tended to report that their confidence in robotics was lowered because they found the tasks to be difficult. However, some campers reported that completing hard tasks made them feel more confident. Campers who were younger and/or failure-seeking more often indicated that completing difficult tasks boosted their confidence. This may again reflect a stigmatization of failure as students transition to middle school. Older students may perceive difficulty as a failure as opposed to a natural part of learning. Similarly, failure-avoidant campers might feel threatened by a difficult task that may lead to a failure for them. Furthermore, failure-seeking campers may simply be more confident in their ability to overcome difficulties. That is, around one-eighth of failure-seeking campers reported a sense of innate ability as raising their robotics confidence, whereas only around half as many failure-avoidant campers said the same.
One possible explanation for these failure orientation differences in perceived difficulty and ability is self-regulation. Failure-seeking campers reported that being self-regulated made them feel more confident in their robotics abilities around four times as often as their same school-level, failure-avoidant counterparts. Findings from this study did not allow us to disentangle if campers were more confident because they were self-regulated or if being confident in their ability to solve robotics problems led them to persist and better regulate their efforts. The tie between this cognition and behavior is important to investigate further because it may explain important differences in performance outcomes if young adolescents who fear failure are also not effectively using the learning resources available to them.
Surprisingly, elementary campers looked toward social sources to raise their robotics confidence more often than did middle school campers. This does not align with previous work that suggests that the transition to middle school is fraught with heightened awareness of learners’ social structures and their place within them [
21]. However, elementary students also less often reported having prior exposure and access to robotics. The increased awareness of social models, therefore, may instead suggest that when young adolescents have limited direct experience within a context, they more often look toward social models or vicarious experiences. Vicarious experiences are one of the four main hypothesized sources of self-efficacy [
7] but have proven difficult to effectively measure given the subconscious manner in which they tend to function [
64]. This study provides some insight into how vicarious sources may be of increased importance for younger students or those who have limited direct experiences within a context.
As a final note on the sources of robotics self-efficacy, we were surprised by the response pattern found for the source of competition. For most camper groups, competition was a relatively nonsignificant source of robotics confidence. However, competition seemed to be more important to elementary failure-avoidant campers. We are unsure why this was the case because, intuitively, one might expect that failure-avoidant adolescents would be put off by competitions, which by their very nature result in winners and losers. Furthermore, these students reported competitions as both raising and lowering their confidence (the only participant group to do so), which suggests these students were not only aware of competition when they lost or failed, but also when they won. These findings suggest that perhaps failure-avoidant elementary students turn to competitions (i.e., social comparison/ranking) as an indicator of ability (i.e., to answer the question: can I do this?). This is juxtaposed to their failure-seeking peers, who often reported that their confidence was influenced by more internal factors such as feeling capable, being self-regulated, and completing difficult tasks.
In addition to considering the relationship that failure orientation and school level may have with the efficacy-relevant information that early adolescent campers paid attention to, we also investigated how failure mindset and school level might influence reported levels of robotics self-efficacy after a weeklong STEM camp. We hypothesized that failure mindset might frame the interpretations of efficacy-relevant experiences that adolescents perceive, as explored above, and thus influence self-efficacy.
Although the strength of the relationship was moderate, we found that adolescent campers’ failure mindset predicted their robotics self-efficacy. Specifically, campers who believed that failure is enhancing reported higher robotics self-efficacy at the end of camp. Conversely, those who endorsed a failure-is-debilitating mindset at the start of camp reported lower robotics self-efficacy at the end of camp.
Findings from this study also point to developmental differences in early adolescents’ beliefs about failure and their self-efficacy in robotics. As have researchers in other domains, we found that older campers had lower self-efficacy compared with younger campers (e.g., [
24]). We also found that the relationship between failure mindset and robotics self-efficacy was stronger for older campers than for younger campers, despite having similar failure mindset scores.
This significant interaction between school level and failure mindset may have several explanations. Perhaps elementary students simply cope better with failure (e.g., [
65]). Conversely, elementary-aged children may be more often protected from failure [
12]. If students are not facing failures, it is likely that their failure mindset will not play a significant role in their motivation.
Finally, elementary and middle school students may define failure differently. When considering their beliefs about failure, we allowed campers to determine for themselves what they might consider to be a failure. This was an intentional decision. Our hypotheses were based on the idea that failure mindset might be related to self-efficacy, in part, because of its influence on how students interpret their direct experiences. When students interpret these experiences, they will judge their performance against their own standard of failure. Therefore, whatever students may have considered as a failure when completing items regarding their beliefs about failure is likely the same standard of failure by which they judged their performances. In this way, allowing students to self-define failure maintained the same within-student definition of failure between the two measurements. However, by allowing students to self-define failure, developmental differences in what it means to fail may have gone unnoticed.
Overall, our findings suggest that teachers and directors of informal learning experiences might benefit from paying attention to how their students interpret failure. Identifying students who believe that failure is debilitating and attempting to reframe those beliefs to more adaptive ones might improve those students’ confidence. In our study, there were no differences in failure mindset between elementary and middle school students, which may suggest that beliefs about failure are relatively stable over time. However, previous research has found that STEM lessons that were intentionally developed to facilitate failure in a positive and productive way resulted in improved skill development and problem-solving [
32]. Targeting a failure mindset with similar intervention designs may help inform practices that promote a failure-is-enhancing mindset.
6. Conclusions
Our study took place in a summer, week-long, informal learning setting and was specific to robotics. Self-efficacy is highly contextualized and may develop differently in different domains [
14]. Campers’ beliefs about their abilities in robotics may not be related to their beliefs in other areas or learning environments [
66]. Future studies might consider the relationships investigated in this paper in other domains (e.g., math, science) or learning environments (e.g., schools, competitions).
Both qualitative and quantitative results suggested that there are developmental differences in the relationship between how students view failure and the development of robotics self-efficacy. Generally speaking, middle school students seemed more keenly aware of their failures and that salience was reflected in their robotics self-efficacy. Conversely, younger students may view failure more favorably, seeing it as a natural part of the learning process.
We chose to assess failure mindset in a domain-general way following the method used by Haimovitz and Dweck [
10]. However, learners’ views about failure may also differ across domains. More research is required to determine whether students’ views of failure depend on the domain in which failure is considered. For example, learners’ beliefs about failure may be different in domains where trial and error are commonplace than in domains where mistakes are less tolerated.
Personal cognitions (e.g., self-efficacy) and preconceptions (e.g., failure mindset) offer a lens through which experiences are interpreted (e.g., [
6]). However, the data in this study raise important questions about the sequencing and reciprocal nature of learners’ beliefs. For example, do young adolescents’ beliefs that failure is debilitating cause them to focus on failures, thus lowering their self-efficacy over time? Alternatively, do children with low self-efficacy more often view failure as debilitating because it reinforces their already suffering self-belief?
Assessing the relationship between robotics self-efficacy and failure mindset is a first step toward a better understanding of how children’s views of failure influence their academic motivation. We also investigated whether school level (i.e., elementary and middle school) affects the relationship between failure mindset and self-efficacy. Although much is still to be discovered, this initial step in understanding failure mindset in an informal learning context shows promise. Our evidence shows that failure mindset matters in the development of robotics self-efficacy in early adolescence.