Design and Validation of a Test for the Types of Mathematical Problems Associated with Reading Comprehension
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Frameworks
2.1. Reading Comprehension
2.2. Reading Comprehension Levels
2.2.1. Literal Comprehension Level
2.2.2. Inferential Comprehension Level
2.2.3. Critical Comprehension Level
2.3. Mathematical Problem-Solving
Mathematical Problems
- Problems will be routine if the student knows a previously established routine for their resolution.
- Problems will be nonroutine if the student does not know an answer or a previously established procedure.
- Real Context Problem: A problem is a real context problem if it actually occurs in reality and engages the learner’s actions in reality.
- Realistic Context Problem: A problem will be realistic if it is likely to actually occur. It is a simulation of reality or a part of it.
- Fantasist Context Problem: A problem will be fantasist if it is the fruit of the imagination and has no basis in reality.
- Purely Mathematical Context Problem: A problem will be purely mathematical if it refers exclusively to mathematical objects: numbers, arithmetic relations and operations, and geometric figures, among others.
3. Methodology for Validation of the Mathematics Test
3.1. Procedure and Participants
3.2. Evaluation Test
A passenger in a drifting lifeboat fires a first emergency flare into the air. The height (in meters) of the flare above the water is given by the function f(t) = −16t (t − 8), where t is the time (in seconds) since the flare was fired. The passenger fires a second flare whose trajectory is represented on the graph. Find the function and determine the height of the flare that reaches the highest. |
- 1.
- What is the unknown of the problem?
- (a)
- The final parabolic trajectory of both flares.
- (b)
- The formula that represents the dwell time of the flare.
- (c)
- The height of the flare that remains the longest in the air.
- (d)
- The function and the highest height of the flare in a given time.
- 2.
- What data do you have to solve the problem?
- (a)
- The given function and the three points of a parabolic trajectory.
- (b)
- The time and the points of intersection of the parabolic trajectory.
- (c)
- The concavity of the functions, both with t ˂ 0.
- (d)
- The function and the vertex associated with the trigger over time.
- 3.
- What is the condition to solve the problem?
- (a)
- Establish and compare the coordinates of the intersection with the Y-axis.
- (b)
- Establish and compare the coordinates of the intersection with the X-axis.
- (c)
- Establish the function that passes through three points and compare the vertices.
- (d)
- Establish the discriminant of the function whose vertex is given.
- 4.
- What operations must be performed to solve the problem?
- (a)
- Calculate the residence times in the air of both flares.
- (b)
- Calculate the values of the discriminant of each function associated with the flares.
- (c)
- Set the missing function and compare the vertices of the two throws.
- (d)
- Calculate the “y” coordinates of the vertex of the parabolas.
- 5.
- What is the answer to the problem?
- (a)
- The formula is f(t) = −16t2 + 112t and the greatest height reached by a flare is 256 m.
- (b)
- The formula is f(t) = −16t2 + 128t and the greatest height reached by a flare is 196 m.
- (c)
- The formula is f(t) = −16t2 − 128t and the greatest height reached by a flare is 118 m.
- (d)
- The formula is f(t) = −16t2 − 112t and the greatest height reached by a flare is 112 m.
- 6.
- How do you check that your answer is correct?
- (a)
- By establishing the concavity of the parabola.
- (b)
- By evaluating the x-value of the vertex in the function.
- (c)
- By graphing the points of intersection with the x-axis.
- (d)
- By graphing the vertex of each function.
- 7.
- What can you say about the number of data to solve the problem?
- (a)
- Too much data.
- (b)
- Missing Data.
- (c)
- Exact data.
- (d)
- The amount of data does not matter.
- 8.
- What can you conclude about the given problem?
- (a)
- It is required to establish the points of intersection of the quadratic equation.
- (b)
- It corresponds to a problem of analysis of the maxima of a function.
- (c)
- The statement does not allow setting the height of the second flare.
- (d)
- Corresponds to a problem of analysis of the zeros of a function.
- 9.
- In your opinion, on what does it depend that problems that are not practiced routinely can be solved?
- (a)
- Of the practice that they allow to address their resolution.
- (b)
- From the approach of easy-to-understand unknowns.
- (c)
- From the statement of the mathematical function associated with the problem.
- (d)
- Prior knowledge.
- 10.
- What is your opinion regarding the type of problem raised and the data provided for its resolution? _______________________________________________________
3.3. Pilot Application
4. Results
4.1. Instrument Validation Process
4.1.1. Content Validity
4.1.2. Validity of Discrimination
4.1.3. Construct Validity
4.1.4. Reliability Estimation
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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N° of Problem | Type of Problem | % Nonresponse | Mean | Standard Deviation | Asymmetry | Kurtosis |
1 | Realistic | 0.4 | 3.3 | 1.06 | −0.25 | −0.37 |
2 | Nonroutine | 1.9 | 2 | 1.03 | −0.72 | −0.19 |
3 | Fantasist | 0.8 | 3.7 | 1.15 | −0.63 | −0.36 |
4 | Purely Mathematical | 0.3 | 3 | 1.01 | −0.16 | −0.4 |
5 | Nonroutine | 0.6 | 1.6 | 0.93 | −1.76 | 2.76 |
Goodness-of-Fit Statistics | Abbreviation | Criteria |
Absolute fit | ||
Chi-squared | p > 0.05 | |
Chi-square ratio/degrees of freedom | <3 | |
Comparative fit | ||
Comparative goodness-of-fit index | CFI | ≥0.90 |
Tucker–Lewis index | TLI | ≥0.90 |
Others | ||
Goodness-of-fit index | GFI | ≥0.90 |
Corrected goodness-of-fit index | AGFI | ≥0.95 |
Square root of the mean of standardized residuals | RMR | close to zero |
Root Mean Square Residual Approximation | RMSEA | <0.08 |
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Díaz, V. Design and Validation of a Test for the Types of Mathematical Problems Associated with Reading Comprehension. Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 795.
Díaz V. Design and Validation of a Test for the Types of Mathematical Problems Associated with Reading Comprehension. Education Sciences. 2022; 12(11):795.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDíaz, Verónica. 2022. "Design and Validation of a Test for the Types of Mathematical Problems Associated with Reading Comprehension" Education Sciences 12, no. 11: 795.
APA StyleDíaz, V. (2022). Design and Validation of a Test for the Types of Mathematical Problems Associated with Reading Comprehension. Education Sciences, 12(11), 795.