A Review on Comparative Remarks, Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of Quadrotor Controllers
:1. Introduction
1.1. Linear Control Techniques
1.1.1. PID Controller
1.1.2. LQR Control
1.1.3. H∞
1.1.4. Gain-Scheduling
1.2. Nonlinear Control Techniques
1.2.1. Feedback Linearization
1.2.2. Backstepping
1.2.3. Sliding Mode
1.2.4. Model Predictive Control
1.2.5. Adaptive Controller
1.3. Learning Based Control Techniques
1.3.1. Fuzzy Logic Control
1.3.2. Neural Network Control
2. Evaluation of Controllers
2.1. Stability of Nominal System
2.2. Robustness
2.3. Complexities
3. Challenges and Solution
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Controllers | Advantages | Disadvantages |
PID | Easy to choose gain; Can overcome steady-state error. | Cannot handle constraints, noise and disturbance; Cannot deal with multiple inputs and outputs at the same time. |
LQR | Can deal with multiple inputs and outputs. | Sometimes fails to overcome steady-state error. |
H∞ | Well performed when system is multivariable with cross-coupling among channels. | Requires well-designed model. |
Feedback Linearization | Systemactic model framework; Well-performed when linear and nonlinear models are almost similar. | Incapability of constraints handling and model uncertainities, poor robustness. |
Backstepping | Systematic and recursive designed; Precisely designed model is not required; Can handle nonlinearities to the system; Can overcome mismatched perturbations and ensures stability. | Over-parameterization; Difficult to choose proper parameters. |
SMC | Well-performed in high-nonlinearity; Less sensitivity in disturbances and model uncertainities. | Chattering problem sometimes create system instability. |
MPC | Predicts future behavior of the states; Deals with multiple inputs and outputs at the same time; can handle constraints at inputs and outputs; Can overcome noise and disturbances. | Slow in tracking. |
Adaptive | Very effective when parameters are unknown, dynamic and disturbance model changes continuously; Engineering efficiency is comparatively satisfactory. | Takes time to adapt with the parameters. |
Fuzzy Logic | Offers effective solution of a complex, ill-defined and uncertain model; Does not require accurate model. | Difficult to design control rule and system analysis; Takes linger time for parameter tuning; Approximation error; Presence of unkown nonlinear function. |
Neural Network | Model free; Excellent in parallel distributed processing, learning and adaptation; Provide robustness to the system. | Requires ample of data for learning; Poor system stability. |
Controllers | Controller Hybridization | Improvement of Existing Controller |
PID | H∞ [134], fuzzy [135,136,137], neural network [138,139,140,141], feedback linearization [142,143], backstepping [63,144,145,146], SMC [80,147,148]. | Nonlinear PID [149,150,151,152,153], cascaded PID [154,155], gradient optimization based PID [156,157], particle swarm optimization PID [158], self-tuning PID [29,159], genetic algorithm based PID [160,161], fractional PID [162], online iterative learning [163]. |
LQR | PID [41,41], adaptive control [103,164], feedback linearization [165], backstepping [166], SMC [167], fuzzy [168], neural network [169]. | Full-order state observer [33], discrete LQT [170], LQR with filter [24,171,172,173,174], optimal trajectory planner [175], distributed LQR [176], optimization [177], extended LQR [178]. |
H∞ | MPC [50], PID [49,179], LQR [45]. | Requires well-designed model. |
Gain Scheduling | PID [52,53,54,55,56], LQR [57], SMC [58,59] | |
Feedback Linearization | H∞ [180], LQR [165], adaptive [181,182], backstepping [71], SMC [94]. | Sliding mode observer [183], dynamic extension [184], recursive Bayesian filter [185], disturbance observer [186,187], lie derivative [188], block control algorithm [189], sliding mode compensator [190]. |
Backstepping | Neural network [191,192], feedback linearization [144], sliding mode control [72,193,194,195,196,197,198,199], fuzzy logic [200], fuzzy and SMC [201], PID [202,203,204]. | Integral with sliding mode [198,199], integrator [205,206], Frenet-Serret Theory—FST [145], nonlinear disturbance observer [207], EKF [208,209], command filter [210,211], command and auxiliary filter [211], robust adaptive function [212], particle swarm optimization [77,213], extended state observer [214], Nussbaum compensator [215], state transformation approach [216], time-variation formulation [217]. |
SMC | PD [218,219], backstepping [72], feedback linearization [220], adaptive and backstepping [221]. | Observer [222,223], integral [224,225], second order SMC [226,227], block control approach [228], adaptive control law [229], global fast dynamic terminal [230], fuzzy logic with gain switching [54], least square method [231], immersion and invariance method [232], adaptive control law [233], chattering elimination function [234], fractional order [235]. |
MPC | PID [236], LQR [237], H∞ [46], SMC [238]. | EKF [239], Gaussian Process model [240], Minimax optimization [241], convex optimization [242], disturbance observer [243] etc. or techniques such as piecewise affine [86,244], model reduction [245], cascade feature [246], two layer approach [247], state-dependent coefficient representation [248], Fast Gradient method [249], Reinforcement learning [250]. |
Adaptive | Neural network [91,92,93], SMC [94,95,96], fuzzy control [97], backstepping [98,99,100,101], gain-scheduling [102], LQR [103]. | Deadzone [251,252], parameter projection [251,252], e-modification [253], cerebellar algorithm [91,252], L1 [110,254,255], command filtered compensation [256], simpler state feedback [257], linear matrix inequality [258]. |
Fuzzy Logic | PID [22,135,259,260], SMC [58,201,261], backstepping [126,262], neural network [263,264,265], LQR [266]. | Cell decomposition [267], parallel distributed compensation [266,268], cascade [269], genetic algorithm [270,271], EKF [266]. |
Neural Network | PID [99,272,273], adaptive [91,99,274], backstepping [99,275], vision based control [276], fuzzy [265]. | Neural observer [93], neuro sliding mode observer [277], high gain observer [278], online [279] and offline [130] learning, Nonlinear Auto Regressive eXogenous input (NARX) model [280], backpropagation [273,281], Radial Basis Function [282], Modular Deep Recurrent [283], direct inverse control [90,139], dynamic inversion [284,285]. |
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Roy, R.; Islam, M.; Sadman, N.; Mahmud, M.A.P.; Gupta, K.D.; Ahsan, M.M. A Review on Comparative Remarks, Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of Quadrotor Controllers. Technologies 2021, 9, 37. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies9020037
Roy R, Islam M, Sadman N, Mahmud MAP, Gupta KD, Ahsan MM. A Review on Comparative Remarks, Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of Quadrotor Controllers. Technologies. 2021; 9(2):37. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies9020037
Chicago/Turabian StyleRoy, Rupal, Maidul Islam, Nafiz Sadman, M. A. Parvez Mahmud, Kishor Datta Gupta, and Md Manjurul Ahsan. 2021. "A Review on Comparative Remarks, Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of Quadrotor Controllers" Technologies 9, no. 2: 37. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies9020037
APA StyleRoy, R., Islam, M., Sadman, N., Mahmud, M. A. P., Gupta, K. D., & Ahsan, M. M. (2021). A Review on Comparative Remarks, Performance Evaluation and Improvement Strategies of Quadrotor Controllers. Technologies, 9(2), 37. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies9020037