4.1. Background on the Syntax-Phonology Interface
In prosodic phonology, the formation of prosodic structure is usually assumed to depend on syntactic structure, which roughly corresponds to prosodic structure (see
Bennett and Elfner 2019 for an overview). Theories on the syntax-phonology interface entertain two major approaches: in one approach the relation between syntactic and prosodic constituency is assumed to be direct, while in the other approach, which I will follow in this paper, it is assumed to be indirect (see e.g.,
Elordieta 2008;
Selkirk 2011;
Truckenbrodt 2011;
Féry 2017;
Bennett and Elfner 2019 for an overview). Following the latter approach, the present study is couched within Match Theory (
Selkirk 2011), which proposes that syntactic constituents are mapped into corresponding prosodic constituents, and vice versa. In Optimality Theory (OT) terms, the Match constraints are faithfulness constraints
2 that, very generally, match the syntactic constituents ‘word’, ‘phrase’, and ‘clause’ to the corresponding prosodic constituents ‘prosodic word’ (ω), ‘phonological phrase’ (φ), and ‘intonation phrase’ (ι). These interact with prosodic markedness constraints that require certain restrictions on prosodic structure formation. For instance, many languages require binary prosodic constituents with the result that a single prosodic word that constitutes a phonological phrase on its own according to the Match constraints would be merged together with another prosodic word in order to obey
Binarity at the phrase level (for
Binarity, see
Selkirk 2000).
In order to account for word-level and phrase-level harmony, the relevant Match constraints on word and phrase creation are shown in (15) (
Selkirk 2011). These input-output Match constraints ensure that strict isomorphy exists between syntactic constituents and prosodic constituents. Hence, each lexical word is matched to a corresponding prosodic word, and each lexically headed syntactic phrase is matched to a corresponding phonological phrase.
15. | a. | Match(LexWd, ω) |
| | The left and right edges of a lexical word in the input syntactic representation must correspond to the left and right edges of a prosodic word ω in the output phonological representation (Selkirk 2011). Assign one violation mark for every lexical word whose left and right edges do not correspond to the left and right edges of ω. |
| b. | Match(LexP, φ) |
| | The left and right edges of a lexical phrasal projection in the input syntactic representation must correspond to the left and right edges of a phonological phrase φ in the output phonological representation (Selkirk 2011). “Suppose there is a syntactic phrase (XP) in the syntactic representation that exhaustively dominates a set of one or more terminal nodes α. Assign one violation mark if there is no phonological phrase (φ) in the phonological representation that exhaustively dominates all and only the phonological exponents of the terminal nodes in α.” (Elfner 2012, p. 185). |
The original proposal of the Match constraints referred to general Match constraints that would match any syntactic word (X
0) and any syntactic maximal projection (XP) to their corresponding prosodic constituents (
Selkirk 2011). The constraint in (15a) is a more restricted Match constraint that takes the general distinction between lexical and function words into account (e.g.,
Truckenbrodt 1999;
Selkirk 1996). In (15b), I assume here a lexically specific phrasal Match constraint that restricts the relevant syntactic input to phrases that are lexically headed (
Elfner 2012). This assumption implies the widely held distinction between lexical and functional projections (e.g.,
Truckenbrodt 1999). As a consequence, functionally headed phrases are ignored in prosodic phrase formation (see
Elfner 2012 for a departure from the original Match constraints).
Given that recursivity frequently occurs in syntactic structure, a faithful match of syntactic constituency to prosodic constituency involves recursive prosodic structure by definition.
Itô and Mester (
2013) elaborate on this built-in effect of Match Theory, proposing recursive prosodic constituents that appear as a minimal or a maximal constituent (see
Figure 2). According to their model, a constituent of the same level dominates a minimal constituent. Conversely, a maximal constituent dominates a constituent of the same level, but is not dominated by a category of the same level. In addition, intermediate constituents dominate and are dominated by a constituent of the same level, rendering this sub-category as either non-minimal or non-maximal. Relevant for the present discussion is the maximal phonological phrase (φ
max), which is not dominated by any further φ, meaning that in syntactic input structure there is no further lexically headed projection.
The proposal I am arguing for here is that in Anum, both word-level harmony and cross-word harmony (RVH) are [+ATR] dominant and regressive in direction. The difference between the two is in the domain. While word-level harmony takes the entire prosodic word as its domain, cross-word harmony is a bounded and domain-sensitive phrase-level process. RVH applies within φmax, but it is blocked from occurring between φmax-phrases.
4.2. Word-Level Vowel Harmony in Anum
The approach to modelling word-level vowel harmony taken here is couched within Match Theory (
Selkirk 2011) and contains the following components. First, an input-output Match constraint ensures prosodic word formation such that lexical words are matched to corresponding prosodic words (ω) (15a). In addition to the interface constraint, a number of faithfulness and markedness constraints account for the word-level vowel harmony in Anum. Second, a sequential markedness constraint that drives vowel harmony (16a) (
Pulleyblank 2002;
Mahanta 2008; see also
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022 for vowel harmony in Gua). As with the faithfulness constraint, our adaption of this markedness constraint is to propose a domain-sensitive constraint referring to prosodic constituent structure, i.e., the prosodic word (ω). Third, a positional faithfulness constraint that requires feature identity within minimal prosodic words (ω
min) (16b). Fourth, a general faithfulness constraint requiring identity in the feature [+
ATR] (16c).
16. | a. | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω |
| | Suppose a feature sequence of [−ATR] followed by [+ATR] within a prosodic word. Assign a violation mark to [+ATR] segments preceded by [−ATR] segments within the prosodic word (adapted from Mahanta 2008; Pulleyblank 2002). |
| b. | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin |
| | Every vowel of a minimal prosodic word in the output with the value [αATR] must have a corresponding vowel in the input with the value [αATR]. Assign a violation mark for a vowel in ωmin that does not correspond in its [ATR] value with that vowel of the lexical word in the input. |
| c. | Ident-IO[+atr] |
| | Every vowel in the input with the value [+ATR] must have a corresponding vowel in the output with the value [+ATR]. Assign a violation mark for each input [+ATR] vowel that has no corresponding [+ATR] vowel in the output. |
| d. | Ranking of word-level vowel harmony constraints in Anum |
| | Match(LexWd, ω), Ident-OI(atr)ωmin, *([−ATR][+ATR])ω >> Ident-IO(+ATR) |
The sequential markedness constraint *([−ATR][+ATR])ω (16a) is a specific version of an
Agree constraint (
Baković 2000) encoding directionality (
Mahanta 2008). The drawback of assuming a general
Agree constraint is its symmetrical nature, which favours both [−ATR] and [+ATR] sequences. The fact that disharmonic words exist in Anum (see (6) above) would, however, require a decision on which of the feature values should be agreed on. As (6) showed, disharmonic words only have the structure of [+ATR] [−ATR], meaning that [+ATR] does not spread progressively, and, at the same time, [−ATR] does not spread regressively targeting [+ATR]. This fact provides an argument to assume [+ATR] dominance in Anum (see
Casali 2012 for [+ATR] dominance in Akan). Breaking up
Agree into sequential markedness constraints ensures that all vowels in a prosodic word agree in their [ATR] feature, and that directionality is encoded in the assimilation process. A violation of this constraint occurs at a juncture of two distinct feature specifications, i.e., between a sequence of [−ATR] [+ATR] or vice versa. This binary decision is different from a gradient version employed in Gua, where the analysis relies on a sequential markedness constraint that targets vowel sequences at any distance (
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022). This way, the analysis for Gua allows for gradient violation rather than assigning a penalty only at disharmonic junctures. Alternative approaches to vowel harmony include
Alignment constraints, which express directionality equally well. Like the gradient sequential markedness constraint proposed for Gua (
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022), an
Alignment constraint counts violations of feature identity up to a prosodic constituent boundary, hence evaluating vowel harmony in a gradient way (see
Walker 2012 for an overview). Our analysis for Anum favours a non-gradient vowel harmony trigger.
The positional faithfulness constraint (16b) makes reference to prosodic constituency, preventing the [ATR] feature value of a minimal prosodic word from changing compared to the corresponding vowel of a lexical word in the input. Applying it in an Output-Input correspondence ensures that the vowel in the output structure mapped from a lexical word in syntactic representation into a corresponding (minimal) prosodic word in phonological representation is identical to the corresponding vowel in the lexical word. For positional faithfulness in relation to vowel harmony, see for instance
Beckman (
Finally, a general faithfulness constraint requiring identity of the feature [+ATR] (16c) militates against harmony. Ranking it below the harmony-driving markedness constraint (Markedness ≫ Faithfulness) captures any process of assimilation within OT (
Mahanta 2008;
Walker 2012). The positional faithfulness constraint, however, necessarily dominates the general faithfulness constraint (16d).
Turning to the analysis, the evaluation of the [+ATR] word in (5b),
ku ‘to dig’, is given in Tableau (17). The 3.SG pronoun
mʊ has a [−ATR] vowel (see
Section 2.1). According to
Selkirk (
1996), three possible prosodic structures with respect to clitization of the function word can be assumed: First, affixial clitization (
ω, which leads to a recursive prosodic word structure but keeps the left and right edges of the lexical word in prosodic structure. Second, internal clitization (
ω, which leads to a mismatch between syntactic and prosodic structure, yet no recursivity. Third, a non-integration of the function word in prosodic word structure, free clisis (
φ, where the function word is parsed by a φ–phrase. This latter candidate can be ruled out by a general parsing constraint requiring exhaustive parsing, which is omitted in the present discussion for the ease of simplicity. The Match constraint requires that the word stem of the lexical word
ku be mapped into a prosodic word (ω), and that the pronoun, by virtue of it being a function word, is not mapped into a prosodic word. Cliticization to the ω occurs due to a general constraint requiring exhaustive parsing, which is not shown here. The resulting affixial clitization structure is shown in candidates (17a–d) where the entire prosodic word contains both the verb stem and the pronoun. Candidate (17e) shows internal clitization of the pronoun.
The optimal candidate (17a) obeys all of the constraints. Positional faithfulness is fulfilled since the stem vowel keeps its [+ATR] feature in the matched minimal prosodic word. The sequential markedness constraint *([−ATR][+ATR])ω requires regressive assimilation of the [+ATR] feature on the pronominal prefix, which is fulfilled. Finally, feature assimilation to [+ATR] does not violate the general
Ident constraint since the prefix contains a [−ATR] feature. In the case of a candidate being faithful to the input, (17b), the harmony-driving sequential markedness constraint is violated. If the [ATR] feature value of the stem vowel in the minimal phonological word (17c, d) is changed, the positional faithfulness constraint
min is violated. Both candidates also violate the general
Ident constraint because the stem vowel is not identical in its [+ATR] value of the input. Candidate (17e) violates the Match constraint since the left and right edge of the prosodic word do not match with the left and right edge of the lexical word.
17. | | | | | | |
| | [mʊ-[ku]] 3.SG dig (see (5b)) | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (mu-(ku)ωmin)ω | | | | |
| b. | (mʊ-(ku)ωmin)ω | | | *! | |
| c. | (mʊ-(kʊ)ωmin)ω | | *! | | * |
| d. | (mu-(kʊ)ωmin)ω | | *! | | * |
| e. | (mʊ-ku)ω | *! | | * | |
The Tableau in (18) illustrates that disharmonic words can occur in Anum as well, however with the structural restriction that any [+ATR] syllable must precede a [−ATR] syllable. Given the sequential markedness constraint *([−ATR][+ATR])ω driving [+ATR] harmony in Anum, a disharmonic word such as
humε ‘swell’ in (18b) does not violate the markedness constraint. The harmony trigger simply does not occur on the right (see
Mahanta 2008 for similar facts in Assamese). In the remaining candidates (18a, c, d), the change of the [ATR] of one syllable incurs a violation of the positional faithfulness
min constraint and/or the general
Ident constraint. Candidate (18d) has the reverse [ATR] pattern of both stem vowels and thus violates
min twice. All candidates obey the Match constraint since a lexical word is matched into a minimal prosodic word. There are no clitics as noun class prefix or the like that would need to be taken into account to arrive at a candidate deviating in prosodic structure that would violate the Match constraint.
18. | | | | | | |
| | [humε] swell (see (6)) | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (hume)ωmin | | *! (σ2) | | |
| b. | (humε)ωmin | | | | |
| c. | (hʊmε)ωmin | | *! (σ1) | | * |
| d. | (hʊme)ωmin | | *!* (σ1+2) | * | * |
4.3. Phrase-Level Analysis of RVH
This section provides an analysis of RVH in terms of prosodic phrasing. The proposal is that RVH is a domain-sensitive phonological assimilation process that operates within φ-phrases. The properties of RVH are identical to those of word-level harmony. In particular, the process is regressive, hence unidirectional, and it is [+ATR] dominant, i.e., [+ATR] is the triggering feature. The approach to phrasal RVH contains the following components. First, the phrasal Match constraint in (15b) requires lexically headed syntactic phrases to be matched to corresponding phonological phrases.
Second, the sequential markedness constraint in (16b) triggering vowel harmony is adapted to refer to prosodic word structure. The adaptation concerns a ban on a [−ATR][+ATR] sequence across prosodic word boundaries (19a). The direct reference to prosodic constituent structure fits into the syntax-phonology match approach proposed here given that prosodic word and phrase structure emerges through the Match constraints in (15). With this, it is an adaptation of the proposal of phrasal vowel harmony for Akan (
Kügler 2015) in that the sequential markedness constraint specifically refers to prosodic structure, which is a result of the syntax-phonology interface anyway. Note that the sequential markedness constraint evaluates the juncture between a [−ATR] and [+ATR] sequence, requiring a prosodic word boundary between the two feature specifications. Alternative formulations of this type of constraint have been proposed by
Pulleyblank (
2002), who suggests a sequential markedness constraint that evaluates any [−ATR] vowel preceding a [+ATR] vowel in a distal fashion, extending the sequential prohibition to long-distance environments. This way, the sequential prohibition scopes over all preceding [−ATR] vowels and assigns violations in a gradient fashion for all instances of a preceding [−ATR] vowel. See also
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose (
2022), who suggest the gradient version of the sequential markedness constraint for Gua.
The constraint formalized in (19a) triggers regular RVH as it penalizes the non-application of RVH across a prosodic word boundary. This prosodic markedness constraint is reminiscent of a constraint on tone spreading proposed in
Kula and Bickmore (
2015). The authors account for inter-word H tone doubling in Copperbelt Bemba, where an H tone on a word-final TBU of one word spreads onto the first TBU of the following word. They however do not relate their account of tone spreading to
prosodic words.
The third component is a constraint that militates against cross-word harmony (19b). I suggest using a constraint that requires sharp alignment of the [+ATR] feature with the boundary of a prosodic word. This way, the constraint demands that the [+ATR] feature not be shared across a prosodic word juncture. The requirement is fulfilled by a
CrispEdge constraint whereas classic
Alignment constraints would fail (
Itô and Mester 1999) because in a situation of cross-word harmony, the [+ATR] feature would be aligned with the right edge of the triggering word, although it also reaches across the boundary. As
Itô and Mester (
1999) argue, the
CrispEdge constraint is independent of general alignment.
19. | a. | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] |
| | Assign a violation for a vowel at the right edge of a prosodic word ω that is [−ATR] and is followed by a vowel at the left edge of a following prosodic word ω that is [+ATR]. (adapted from Kügler 2015, p. 184; Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022, p. 187) |
| b. | |
| | Assign a violation mark for a sequence of a shared feature across a prosodic word boundary if the [+ATR] feature is not crisply aligned with left edge of a prosodic word ω. |
Alternative analyses of phrasal vowel harmony include constraints that demand explicit restriction of iterative spreading of the feature [+ATR] further than the prosodic word juncture (
Kimber 2011;
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022). Kimber proposes a serial harmony account using a constraint of the
SHARE family (
McCarthy 2011).
SHARE(F) requires a violation mark for every pair of adjacent elements that are not linked to the same token of [F]. The sharing of a feature accounts for word-level vowel harmony in her account. To account for cross-word harmony, Kimber suggests an extension of the domain of the
SHARE constraint from the domain of the prosodic word to the domain of the prosodic juncture. This move requires identical features on both sides of the prosodic juncture. Similarly,
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose (
2022) propose a constraint that targets the prosodic juncture, allowing only the vowels at the juncture to be identical in the [+ATR] feature. They capture their analysis by proposing a co-phonology account within harmonic span theory (
McCarthy 2004). Their constraint
Adjacency[+ATR] starts from the triggering [+ATR] head vowel and requires a violation of all preceding non-head [+ATR] vowels except for the immediately adjacent vowel at the juncture. Their analysis requires a co-phonology account because the
Adjacency[+ATR] constraint has to be low ranked in word-level harmony but has to dominate the triggering sequential markedness constraint at the phrasal level.
The general occurrence of RVH, either within an NP or within a VP, is illustrated with these constraints in Tableaux (20), (21), and (22). Both constraints in (19) together limit the spreading of [+ATR] to the immediately left-adjacent syllable.
The data in Tableau (20), taken from (8a) above, show the application of RVH within the NP. The noun
kʊtʊ ‘hats’ and the modifier
bebree ‘many’ form an NP, and are matched accordingly to a φ-phrase. Note that we assume that an adjective forms a head of its own adjective phrase, which is adjoined to the NP projection (see e.g.,
Adger 2003). As a head of an AdjP it would be matched to a separate φ-phrase yielding a structure like [
NP [
AdjP modifier] [
NP noun]]. Adjoining the two phrases forms an NP on its own. For reasons of simplicity, we do not illustrate the NP-internal structure here since it does not bear on the analysis. RVH applies within this φ-phrase, more specifically between the modifier and the noun. The optimal candidate (20a) obeys the higher-ranked sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] (19a) triggering cross-word harmony but violates the
CrispEdge constraint since the [+ATR] feature of the modifier is not crisply aligned with the left edge of ω but spreads regressively across the word boundary. The feature assimilation incurs a violation of the positional faithfulness constraint
min for the noun. Cross-word harmony leads to a surface disharmonic word, violating the word-level harmony-triggering sequential markedness constraint *([−ATR][+ATR])ω. This shows that the phrasal harmony-triggering sequential markedness constraint necessarily needs to dominate the word-level harmony-triggering sequential markedness constraint: *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] >> *([−ATR][+ATR])ω.
Candidate (20b), being faithful to the input, shows no RVH. It thus violates the high-ranked sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] that requires cross-word harmony. Candidate (20c) shows unbounded or iterative application of RVH and is ruled out because of the violations of the general faithfulness constraint requiring input-output identity with respect to [+ATR] segments. Although the word-level
Ident constraint that requires faithfulness with respect to [ATR] within the minimal prosodic word is violated twice, the equal ranking of the
CrispEdge, the
min and the sequential markedness constraint *([−ATR][+ATR])ω takes no decision on this double violation. As a lexical word, the noun represents a minimal prosodic word, and since both vowels are assimilated to [+ATR], cross-word harmony incurs two violations.
3 Compared to the optimal candidate (20a), candidate (20c) violates the low-ranked general
Ident constraint, even twice. Note that both candidates (20a) and (20c) violate the
CrispEdge constraint because of cross-word harmony. Iterative assimilation of the [+ATR] feature is thus excluded by a word-level harmony constraint. Candidate (20d) shows an instance of two φ-phrases, each word projecting its own φ-phrase, violating the high-ranked Match constraint. Candidate (20e) shows progressive [−ATR] spreading to the modifier. This candidate is ruled out based on the low-ranked general
Ident constraint requiring identity in [+ATR].
20. | | | | | | | | | |
| | [NP kʊtʊ bebree] hats many (see (8a)) | Match(LexP, φ) | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | ((kʊtu)ωmin (bebree)ωmin)φ | | | * | | * | * | |
| b. | ((kʊtʊ)ωmin (bebree)ωmin)φ | | *! | | | | | |
| c. | ((kutu)ωmin (bebree)ωmin)φ | | | * | | ** | | *!* |
| d. | ((kʊtʊ)ωmin)φ ((bebree)ωmin)φ | *! | * | | | | | |
| e. | ((kʊtʊ)ωmin (bεbree)ωmin)φ | | | * | | * | * | *! |
The next Tableau (21) illustrates cross-word harmony between an object and a preceding verb. The object and the modifier form an NP, and together with the verb, the NP is embedded in the VP. The data are taken from (12b) above. The faithful candidate (21a) violates the sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] since no cross-word harmony takes place. The optimal candidate (21b) shows cross-word harmony, thus obeying the sequential markedness but violating
CrispEdge since [+ATR] is not crisply aligned at the left edge of the ω of the noun. It also violates the lower-ranked positional faithfulness constraint
min since the [ATR] of the verb changed its specification. Candidate (21c) shows an instance of a mismatch between syntactic and prosodic constituent structure and is ruled out because of the high-ranked Match constraint.
21. | | | | | | | | | |
| | [VP sɔ [NP kokosi blɔblɔ]] buy coconut sweet (see (12b)) | Match(LexP, φ) | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | ((sɔ)ω ((kokosi)ω (blɔblɔ)ω)φ)φ | | *! | | | | | |
| b. | ((so)ω ((kokosi)ω (blɔblɔ)ω)φ)φ | | | * | | * | | |
| c. | (((sɔ)ω)φ ((kokosi)ω (blɔblɔ)ω)φ)φ | *! | * | | | | | |
The next example illustrates that cross-word harmony is bound to the adjacent word, and does not iterate further to yet another word. As was shown in Tableau 18, cross-word harmony is bound to the immediately adjacent vowel of the preceding prosodic word and thus does not iteratively affect further vowels, unlike for instance in Vata (
Kimber 2011) or in Nawuri (
Casali 2002). The SVO sentence in (22) consists of a subject NP and a VP that contains a verb and an object NP. These are matched to two prosodic phrases, one corresponding to the subject NP and one to the VP, which contains a further φ-phrase that corresponds to the object NP. Candidate (22a) is faithful to the input, showing no cross-word harmony between the verb and the subject. As before in (20) and (21), the sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] is violated because no cross-word harmony takes place. The optimal candidate (22b) obeys the sequential markedness constraint but violates the lower-ranked
CrispEdge constraint, again because here the [ATR] of the object is not crisply aligned with the left edge of the prosodic word that contains the object noun. The candidate in (22c) shows iterative cross-word harmony through the verb to the final vowel of the subject noun. In this case, the
CrispEdge constraint is violated twice since the [ATR] of the object is not crisply aligned with the prosodic word twice, each instance counting as an alignment violation. Candidate (22d) illustrates a mismatch between syntactic and prosodic constituent structure in that the subject NP is integrated in the prosodic phrase that is matched to the corresponding VP. Note that the issue of subjects and their phrasing becomes important below as cross-word harmony regularly occurs between a subject and a verb (see e.g., the data in (7), (10), and (11) above).
22. | | | | | | | | | |
| | [NP kwamɪ] [VP sɔ [NP kokosi]] Kwame buy coconut (see (9a)) | Match(LexP, φ) | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | ((kwamɪ)ω)φ ((sɔ)ω ((kokosi)ω)φ)φ | | *! | | | | | |
| b. | ((kwamɪ)ω)φ ((so)ω ((kokosi)ω)φ)φ | | | * | | * | | |
| c. | ((kwami)ω)φ ((so)ω ((kokosi)ω)φ)φ | | | **! | | ** | * | |
| d. | ((kwamɪ)ω (sɔ)ω (kokosi)ω)φ | *! | * | | | | | |
Having established the general occurrence of RVH in Anum, further issues have to be discussed in order to account for the RVH patterns shown in
Section 3. First, the blocking of RVH shown in
Section 3.3 needs to be accounted for (
Section 4.4). The analysis proposed so far shows that RVH applies between words in general. To account for the blocking cases, I argue for an extension of the domain-sensitive constraint (19b) that penalizes the association of the [+ATR] feature across prosodic constituents.
Second, the data from
Obeng (
1995) shown in (7) needs an extended analysis to address the special role of subject NPs in Anum (see
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022 for the special role of subject NPs in the neighbouring dialect Boso). The syntax-phonology interface requires that a subject NP and a VP each be matched to a separate φ-phrase. The analysis of blocking of RVH takes φ-phrase boundaries into account. As shown in
Section 4.5, the blocking account discussed in the next
Section 4.4. wrongly predicts blocking of RVH between a subject and a verb.
4.4. Analysis of Blocking of RVH
The data discussed in the previous
Section 4.3 suggest a phrase-level analysis of RVH. The blocking contexts (see
Section 3.3) show that RVH is blocked at the edges of particular syntactic phrases, i.e., the AdvP in (13) and the VP in (14). Assuming the formation of prosodic phrases using Match Theory (
Selkirk 2011) (
Section 4.1) in combination with a theory on recursive prosodic phrasing (
Itô and Mester 2012), the proposal is that RVH is blocked at the edge of a maximal phonological phrase (φ
max). In terms of OT, this blocking is achieved by a prosodic markedness constraint
CrispEdge that is domain-sensitive with respect to φ
max. This constraint is formalized in (23), and it represents an extension of the
CrispEdge constraint referring to the level of the prosodic word (19b). Generally, the
CrispEdge constraints avoid multiple linking of features between prosodic constituents (
Itô and Mester 1999;
Selkirk 2011). The constraint in (23) has been shown to account for blocking of RVH in Akan (
Kügler 2015).
23. | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | |
| |
| Spreading of the feature [+ATR] is prohibited across the edge of a maximal phonological phrase. Assign a violation mark if [+ATR] is not crisply aligned with φmax. (Kügler 2015, p. 198) |
The constraint in (23) makes reference to recursion-based subcategories like φ
max. The question remains though as to why it is not just a phonological phrase boundary that represents the relevant prosodic category? In other words, why does the analysis refer to a
maximal phonological phrase? The data on VP-internal RVH discussed in
Section 3.2.2 suggest that RVH crosses φ-phrase boundaries. Consider the VP of example (9a), which is repeated in (24a). The VP contains a verb plus a following direct object NP. Application of the Match constraints (15) yields a φ-phrase containing the object NP, and a second φ-phrase containing the verb plus object NP. The application of RVH then crosses the left edge of a φ-phrase. Compare this case with the blocking case of a time adverbial in (13), repeated in (24b). Match phrase (15b) predicts that the object NP, the VP, and the AdvP each match to a φ-phrase. The VP and the AdvP are syntactically adjacent while the object NP is embedded in the VP. In (24b), RVH does not apply between the time adverbial
dudu ‘Monday’ and the preceding object
ŋkatɪ ‘groundnut’. The non-application of RVH cannot be accounted for if one assumes the presence of just a φ-phrase boundary. (24a) shows that RVH applies in spite of the presence of a φ-phrase boundary; (24b) shows that RVH does not apply. Hence, there must be a distinction between the types of boundaries in (24a) and (24b).
24. | a. | [VP sɔ | [NP kokosi]] | |
| | (so | (kokosi)φ)φ | |
| | buy | coconut | |
| b. | [VP dʑi | [NP ŋkatɪ]] | [AdvP dudu] |
| | (dʑi | (ŋkatɪ)φ)φ | (dudu)φ |
| | eat | groundnut | Monday |
The solution adopted here is to assume recursion-based subcategories (
Itô and Mester 2012) (see
Figure 2 above). The syntax-phonology match is illustrated in (25). There is no syntactic analysis of the time adverbial available for Anum. For Akan,
Saah (
1994) suggests an analysis of a time adverbial as an adjunct of TP. Let us assume this adjunct-of-TP analysis for Anum as well, thus a time adverbial takes scope over the whole sentence. Given this syntactic structure, both the VP and the AdvP have no further lexical phrasal projection above them. Following the Match constraints (15), the VP and the AdvP form a φ
max. This means that all daughters of TP which contain a lexically headed phrase are mapped into a φ
max. The prosodic structure arrived at clearly makes a distinction between φ
max and φ
non-max. A non-maximal φ-phrase is not crucial for RVH as it may cross φ-phrases that are dominated by a further φ-phrase (e.g., (12b) and its analysis in (21)). However, the crucial context for the blocking of RVH is met at a maximal φ-phrase boundary, in the example here between the time adverbial and the adjacent, VP-final word. Note that the match between CP or TP and its corresponding intonation phrase (ι) is not discussed in depth here but follows a Match constraint like (15) that targets the clause (
Selkirk 2011).
Turning to an OT analysis of the blocking contexts, the ranking of the domain-sensitive markedness constraint
CrispEdge in (23) needs to be higher than the sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] that triggers RVH because
CrispEdge forces the blocking of RVH at φ
max. Candidate (26b) shows RVH and thus incurs a violation of the high-ranked domain-specific markedness constraint. The high-ranked phrasal
Match constraint requires faithful prosodic phrasing, resulting in isomorphic syntactic and prosodic phrases. Any candidate violating faithful syntax-phonology match in any possible way is penalized; as an example, (26c) presents a prosodic phrasing that is not faithful to the input in that it integrates the time adverbial into the phonological phrase of the VP. The optimal candidate (26a) violates the sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] triggering cross-word harmony since no RVH has occurred. Such candidates have been losing candidates in the previous Tableaux, as RVH was mandatory. Here, in the case of the blocking context, the
CrispEdge constraint targeting maximal phonological phrases demands no cross-word harmony across a maximal phonological phrase boundary. Hence the lower-ranked harmony-triggering constraint is violated.
26. | | | | | | | | | | |
| | [VP dʑi [NP ŋkatɪ]] [AdvP dudu] eat groundnut on Monday (see (13)) | Match(LexP, φ) | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (dʑi (ŋkatɪ)φ)φmax (dudu)φmax | | | * | | | | | |
| b. | (dʑi (ŋkati)φ)φmax (dudu)φmax | | *! | | * | | * | * | |
| c. | (dʑi (ŋkati)φ (dudu)φ)φmax | *! | * | | * | | * | * | |
Like the time adverbial, in serial verb constructions each of the VPs form their own φ
max and hence, blocking of RVH is predicted between the two VPs (see the data in (14) above). I follow
Baker (
1989), who argues that in syntactic representation the two VPs are sisters of a higher functional projection. Each verb functions as the head of its own VP, and as a head each verb receives tense and aspect markers. Syntactically there are thus two adjacent VPs that are not dominated by any further lexical projection. Hence, the phrasal Match constraint (15b) predicts that each VP forms a maximal φ-phrase. The blocking of RVH between the two VPs is then predicted by the
CrispEdge constraint that targets maximal phonological phrases (23).
The analysis of phrasal vowel harmony so far assumes that RVH applies regularly within φ-phrases and across non-maximal φ-phrases, and that it is blocked at the edges of φmax. However, one crucial issue still remains to be discussed: the special role of subject NPs. Their prosodic phrasing leads to an analytical dilemma under the current analysis. The next section presents this analytical conundrum and discusses different options to address the particular syntactic role subject constituents play in Anum.
4.5. The Role of Subject NPs in Prosodic Phrasing in Anum
The original data of
Obeng (
1995) presented in (7) show that RVH occurs between a subject and a verb. The analysis so far suggests that a subject and a verb are prosodically phrased together, i.e., (subject verb)φ, as RHV occurs within phonological phrases. However, if one follows a general syntactic analysis in which the subject NP occupies a higher projection outside the VP (e.g., SpecTP; [
TP [
NP subject] [
VP verb]]), the phrasal Match constraint (15b) predicts that a subject NP is matched to a corresponding maximal φ-phrase since the subject NP has no further lexically headed projections above it. The verb also forms a separate maximal φ-phrase for the same reason. Under this syntactic analysis, the hitherto proposed phrasal approach to cross-word harmony runs into the analytical dilemma illustrated in Tableau (27). The prosodic phrase formation of two adjacent φ
max-phrases predicts blocking of RVH between the subject and the verb, as illustrated by the winning candidate (27a). The alleged winner (27a) obeys the Match constraint, resulting in the prosodic phrasing of two separate φ
max-phrases, and no RVH. The blocking of RVH is achieved by the
CrispEdge requirement, which predicted the correct blocking behaviour of cross-word harmony in the case of adverbial phrases and serial verb constructions. In contrast, the actual attested data are represented in candidate (27d), which, however, violates the high-ranked phrasal Match constraint. The unfaithful prosodic phrasing rules out the attested candidate and candidate (27c). If RVH applies across the edges of maximal φ-phrases as shown in candidate (27b), the
CrispEdge constraint demanding no feature assimilation across maximal φ-phrases is violated. The high ranking of the faithfulness constraint excludes candidates in which prosodic structure is not isomorphic to syntactic structure. Hence the analytical conundrum.
27. | | | | | | | | | | |
| | [NP kwamɪ] [VP dʑi] Kwame eat ‘Kwame eats.’ (see (7a)) | Match(LexP, φ) | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (kwamɪ)φmax (dʑi)φmax | | | * | | | | | |
| b. | (kwami)φmax (dʑi)φmax | | *! | | | | * | * | |
| c. | ((kwamɪ)φ (dʑi)φ)φmax | *! | | * | | | | | |
| d. | ((kwami)φ (dʑi)φ)φmax | *! | | | | | * | * | |
The crucial question now remains of how to account for a non-maximal φ-phrase boundary between the subject NP and the verb as in candidate (27d). There are in principle two possible solutions. The first one concerns prosodic well-formedness constraints that may restructure faithful syntax-phonology phrasing, leading to a non-isomorphic prosodic structure. The second one concerns the nature of the input itself. The two solutions to the analytical dilemma are each discussed in the following.
Concerning prosodic well-formedness constraints, it would be necessary to assume a constraint that is ranked above the faithfulness Match constraint which would solve the analytical problem by allowing a prosodic phrasing that is deviant from faithful syntactic structure. Based on the data in (7), one might be tempted to assume a constraint on the size of prosodic constituents. A requirement on prosodic constituency size has been proposed for different languages (
Selkirk 2000,
2011) and can be formulated in terms of a requirement that φ-phrases be binary (see
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose 2022 for such an account for phrasing in Boso). For the present purpose, it suffices to assume a general constraint on
Binarity as formulated in (28). Ranking of (28) above the faithfulness Match constraint leads to a restructuring of φ-phrases, resulting in prosodic constituency that is no longer isomorphic to syntactic constituency.
28. | Binarity–φ |
| A φ-phrase consists of two ω. Assign a violation mark if a φ-phrase consists of less or more than two ω’s. |
As the reanalysis of (27) in (29) shows, the addition of a markedness constraint like
Binarity–φ renders the previously winning candidate (27a) non-optimal—it violates
Binarity–φ twice since both φ-phrases consist of only one ω each. Candidate (27c) obeys
Binarity–φ but does not show regular RVH and thus fatally violates the sequential markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] that requires RVH to occur. Restructuring prosodic phrasing according to
Binarity–φ makes candidate (27d) the winner, which is the optimal output in (29). The addition of the prosodic well-formedness constraint thus accounts for the data in (7).
29. | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | [NP kwamɪ] [VP dʑi] Kwame eat ‘Kwame eats.’ (see (7a)) | Binarity–φ | Match(LexP, φ) | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (kwamɪ)φmax (dʑi)φmax | *!* | | | * | | | | | |
| b. | (kwami)φmax (dʑi)φmax | *!* | | * | | | | * | * | |
| c. | (kwamɪ dʑi)φmax | | * | | *! | | | | | |
| d. | (kwami dʑi)φmax | | * | | | * | | * | * | |
However, the
Binarity–φ constraint would also require binary prosodic constituents in the case of longer sentences, for instance in the case of a more complex subject NP. Consider for instance the sentence in (10c) containing a complex subject NP, consisting of a noun and following modifier, and a verb. Tableau (30) shows that in any of the candidates, there is inevitably a violation of
Binarity–φ since three prosodic words cannot be distributed evenly across two φ-phrases. Three candidates (30c, d, e) are not isomorphic to syntactic structure and thus violate the high-ranked faithfulness Match constraint. The remaining two isomorphic candidates obey the Match constraint. (30a) shows the correct cross-word harmony, but fatally violates the
CrispEdge constraint since in the case of isomorphic phrasing, cross-word harmony crosses a maximal φ-phrase. The winning candidate (30b) shows no cross-word harmony, being faithful to the input. Nevertheless, the winning candidate (30b) is not the attested candidate, but rather (30e). Hence,
Binarity does not solve the analytical dilemma of cross-word harmony between a verb and a subject NP as we might conclude from (29).
30. | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | [NP kwamɪ kɔɔ] [VP dʑi] Kwame fair eat ‘Fair Kwame eats.’ (see (10c)) | Binarity–φ | Match(LexP, φ) | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (kwamɪ kɔo)φmax (dʑi)φmax | * | | *! | | * | | * | * | |
| b. | (kwamɪ kɔɔ)φmax (dʑi)φmax | * | | | * | | | | | |
| c. | (kwamɪ)φmax (kɔo dʑi)φmax | * | *! | * | | * | | * | * | |
| d. | (kwamɪ)φmax (kɔɔ dʑi)φmax | * | *! | | * | | | | | |
| e. | (kwami kɔo dʑi)φmax | * | *! | * | | * | | * | * | |
For the neighbouring dialect of Anum, Boso,
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose (
2022) acknowledge the special role of subject NPs as well. Their account of prosodic phrasing is based on a combination of different rhythmic constraints that regulate the size of prosodic constituents, like
-Edge, and
Tern-Max. In particular, the positional
Binarity constraint referring to the edge of an intonation phrase (
-Edge) could be of interest for the present data as it requires a φ-phrase to consist of minimally two ω’s at either edge of an intonation phrase.
Tern-Max restricts the total number of ω’s in a φ-phrase to three. Applying the positional
Binarity constraint to the Anum data instead of the general
Binarity constraint (28) would solve the analytical dilemma of (30). If ranked highest, candidates (30a-d) would all violate the positional
Binarity constraint because either the φ-phrase to the left edge of the intonation phrase (30c, d) or the φ-phrase to the right edge of the intonation phrase (30a, b) consists of one ω, failing to fulfil the
Binarity requirement. The winning candidate would integrate all three words into one φ-phrase (30e), and cross-word harmony could apply, as is indeed the case for candidate (30e). However, the positional
Binarity constraint runs into trouble if we go back to Tableau (26), which illustrated the blocking behaviour of a maximal φ-phrase boundary in the case of a sentence-final time adverbial. Consider the data in (13) and the analysis in (26), where the time adverbial is one lexical word that is matched to one corresponding prosodic word.
-Edge requires a sentence-final binary φ-phrase with the result that the time adverbial and the previous object would be phrased together. If this were the case, cross-word harmony between the time adverbial and the preceding object noun would be predicted, which is however not attested. Thus, while the positional
Binarity constraint would solve the analytical conundrum at the left edge of the ι-phrase, it would cause a different dilemma at the right edge of the ι-phrase. Further, note that in Boso, cross-word harmony is blocked between a subject and a verb in certain constellations. For Anum, this subject-verb boundary blocking is not attested, which would speak against an adoption of the analysis of
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose (
2022) for Anum. In Boso, they found that unary φ-phrases might occur within an intonation phrase, yet not at the edges of an ι-phrase. This is a crucial difference from the data presented here, since in Anum a unary maximal φ-phrase is allowed to occur at the right edge of an ι-phrase, e.g., in case of a time adverbial.
In accounting for the positional peculiarities of the Anum subject NP, a possible
Binarity constraint referring to the next higher level of the prosodic hierarchy, i.e., the intonation phrase (ι-phrase), would need to be restricted to the left edge of the ι-phrase. Hence the
-Edge constraint of
Obiri-Yeboah and Rose (
2022) would need to be reformulated as in (31). While the targeting of a particular edge of a prosodic constituent is a conceivable extension of prosodic well-formedness constraints, this particular constraint (31) is, to my knowledge, not attested for any other language. Hence, its formulation is specifically tailored to the present data and needs more justification.
31. | BinMin(φ,ω)-LeftEdge (ι) |
| A φ-phrase at the left edge of an ι-phrase minimally consists of two ω’s. Assign a violation mark for each φ-phrase at the left edge of an ɪ-phrase that contains only one ω. |
Another solution to the analytical dilemma discussed above might be an examination of the nature of the syntactic input. The standard assumption in syntax concerning a subject NP is that it represents a syntactic phrase moved out of the VP (e.g.,
Adger 2003). Given such a syntactic structure, a subject NP is not lexically headed by any further phrase (32a) and would thus constitute a case of a maximal φ-phrase when applying the Match constraint in (15b). If we were to assume a different syntactic input, an alternative would be to assume that a subject NP is part of the VP (32b), presumably the specifier of VP after the application of Merge to satisfy the selection of an agent
θ-role (see
Adger 2003). In such a syntactic constellation, the subject NP and the VP would constitute syntactic sisters, each of which would be matched to a corresponding φ-phrase. As a result, no maximal φ-phrase boundary would occur between the subject and the verb, allowing for cross-word harmony.
32. | a. | Simplified syntactic structure of a subject outside VP |
| | [CP [NP subject] [VP verb]] |
| | and its corresponding prosodic structure after applying Match(LexP, φ) (15b) |
| | ( (subject)φ-max (verb)φ-max )ι |
| b. | Simplified syntactic structure of a subject within a VP |
| | [CP [VP [NP subject] [VP verb]]] |
| | and its corresponding prosodic structure after applying Match(LexP, φ) (15b) |
| | ( ( (subject)φ-non-max (verb)φ-non-max )φ-max )ι |
The crucial question for an account like (32b) is whether we can find independent arguments in favour of such a syntactic analysis. Two facts may at least point towards this direction. Of course, future research on the Anum syntactic constituent structure is required to show whether a subject-within-VP assumption turns out to be motivated.
First, a number of Bantu languages show a phrasing pattern in which subject NPs are integrated into prosodic phrases that also contain the verb (e.g., Southern and Northern Sotho,
Khoali 1991;
Zerbian 2007). Comparing the prosodic phrasing of Northern Sotho with that of other Bantu languages,
Zerbian (
2007, p. 259, Table 1) lists some further languages that integrate a subject NP into the prosodic phrase with the verb. The particular cues indicating phrase boundaries in Northern Sotho are High Tone Spread and penultimate phrase lengthening. The lack of these cues between a subject NP and a verb then indicates that there is no φ-phrase break between the two constituents. The fact that the occurrence of RVH between a verb and a subject in Anum indicates no strong or maximal φ-phrase boundary is thus not simply an exceptional phrasing pattern.
Similarly, not only Bantu languages but a language like European Portuguese seems to pattern with Anum (
Elordieta et al. 2005). In contrast to Spanish,
Elordieta et al. (
2005) argue that SVO sentences in European Portuguese are usually phrased in a single ι-phrase, the subject NP being part of the verbal domain, whereas in Spanish, a subject constituent regularly is phrased in a separate phrase. They argue that the prosodic difference is a result of different syntactic positions of a subject constituent in European Portuguese and Spanish: In European Portuguese, basically, the subject and the verb are syntactic sisters appearing in the same syntactic domain, which applying Syntax-Phonology Match constraints results in a single prosodic phrase. This representation for European Portuguese would be similar to the simplified syntactic assumption for Anum stated in (32b). Presumably, an SVO sentence in European Portuguese would constitute a maximal φ-phrase with the individual constituents being phrased into non-maximal φ-phrases. The main point of the European Portuguese facts for our discussion here is that a distinct syntactic structure for a subject NP is assumed that results in a distinct prosodic phrasing grouping the subject and verb together in one prosodic constituent.
Second, there is an asymmetry in the realisation of resumptive pronouns in Anum. In the case of subject focus, an obligatory resumptive pronoun appears as a clitic to the verb of the matrix clause, and the focused subject appears in a sentence-initial focus phrase that ends in a focus marker ‘ne’ (33).
33. | a. | Who is standing on the table? |
| b. | alebi | ne | a.yeli | ɔkplɔ | a | so |
| | child | foc | pro.stand | table | det | on |
| | ‘It is child that stands on the table.’ |
Similarly, an all-new context requires a resumptive pronoun as a clitic to the verb of the matrix clause. The resumptive pronoun indicates that the subject appears in a separate, sentence-initial phrase (34). This sentence-initial phrase may optionally end in a topic marker ‘leε’, rendering the subject the topic of the clause. Both with (34b) and without the topic marker (34c), an obligatory resumptive pronoun referring to the subject appears as a clitic to the verb.
34. | a. | What is going on? | |
| b. | alebi | a | a.yeli | ɔkplɔ | a | so | |
| | child | det | pro.stand | table | det | on | |
| | ‘The child stands on the table.’ | |
| c. | alebi | a | leε | a.yeli | ɔkplɔ | a | so |
| | child | det | top | pro.stand | table | det | on |
| | ‘The child stands on the table.’ |
Now, consider a case of VP-focus (35). The subject is in the background of the sentence. It is neither topicalized nor focused. Syntactically, no resumptive pronoun is required. The lack of the resumptive pronoun in this case clearly indicates that the subject has not moved into a particular position higher up in the tree. Of course, this empirical fact does not directly show that the subject stays as a specifier of VP. Yet the asymmetry in resumptive pronouns can at least give an indication that the subject constituent has not moved. Further syntactic evidence needs to be shown in future research to substantiate this claim.
35. | a. | What did the child do? |
| b. | alebi | yeli | ɔkplɔ | a | so |
| | child | stand | table | det | on |
| | ‘Child stands on the table.’ |
If we assume a representation in which the subject NP is the specifier of the VP in the syntactic structure, the syntax-phonology Match constraint in (15b) requires that the subject constituent be matched to a non-maximal φ-phrase (32b). Note that other syntactic structures might be possible, specifically similar to European Portuguese for instance. The exact syntactic structure is however irrelevant for the point of discussion here. Central to the argument, the assumption is that subject NP and VP are syntactic sisters. Note that under this assumption, the different syntactic analysis is unproblematic for the cases discussed before.
Given the distinct input structure of (32b) compared to (32a), the analysis proposed for Anum above works successfully. The winning candidate (36c) obeys both the faithfulness Match constraint and the sequential prosodic markedness constraint *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] triggering cross-word harmony. Since there is no φ
max between the subject and the verb, an analysis along the lines of a markedness constraint requiring RVH to occur between words suffices to account for the optimal output form. The word-level
Ident constraint is violated, which is similar to other regularly occurring cases of RVH shown above.
36. | | | | | | | | | | |
| | [VP [NP kwamɪ kɔɔ] [VP dʑi]] | Match(LexP, φ) | CrispEdge[+ATR]φmax | *[−ATR])ω ω([+ATR] | CrispEdge[+ATR]ω | Match(LexWd, ω) | Ident-OI[ATR]ωmin | *([−ATR][+ATR])ω | Ident-IO[+ATR] |
| a. | (kwamɪ kɔo)φmax (dʑi)φmax | *! | * | | | | * | * | * |
| b. | ( (kwamɪ kɔɔ)φ (dʑi)φ )φmax | | | *! | | | | | |
| c. | ( (kwami kɔo)φ (dʑi)φ )φmax | | | | * | | * | * | * |