L3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive?
:1. Introduction
- (1)
- a. Maria arrested the mother of the woman that was talking about cosmetics. (English)b. Maria arestova-la mam-u zhenchin-y, kotor-ayaMaria.Nom arrested-past.fem.sg mother-Acc.fem.sg woman-Gen.fem.sg Comp-fem.sg
- govori-la pro kosmetiku.
- speak-past.fem.sg. about cosmetics.Acc.fem.sg‘Maria arrested the mother of the woman that was talking about cosmetics.’
- (2)
- Who was talking about cosmetics?a) the mother (HA) b) the woman (LA)
1.1. Two Opposing Approaches to Non-Native Processing
1.2. Previous Studies
- (5)
- Maria arrested the mother with the woman that was talking about cosmetics.
1.3. Pseudo Relatives and Predictive Processing
- (6)
- Maria saw [SC the mother of the woman talking about cosmetics]Interpretation: Maria witnessed an act of talking about cosmetics performed by the mother of the woman.
- (7)
- a.
- María vio a ….. [DP la madre de la mujer] [CP que estaba hablando de cosméticos]]. (RC)Maria saw the mother of the woman that was talking about cosmetics
- b.
- María vio a [SC [DP la madre de la mujer] [CP que estaba hablando de cosméticos]]. (PR)Maria saw the mother of the woman that was talking about cosmetics
- (8)
- a.
- Maria saw (who?)[DP the mother of the woman] [CP that was talking about cosmetics] 1. (RC)
- b.
- Maria saw (what?) [SC [DP the mother of the woman] [VP talking about cosmetics]. (PR)
- (9)
- a.
- Maria saw [DP the mother of the man] [CP that was talking about cosmetics]. (favors HA)
- b.
- Maria saw [DP the mother of the man] [CP that was talking about soccer]. (favors LA)
- (10)
- a.
- Marie a écouté [NP la mère de la femme] [CP qui parlait de cosmétiques]. (RC, French)
- Maria hear.PAST the mother of the woman that talk.PAST about cosmetics
- Maria heard the mother of the woman that was talking about cosmetics.
- b.
- Marie a écouté [SC [NP la mère de la femme] [CP qui parlait de cosmétiques]]. (PR, French)
- Maria hear.PAST the mother of the woman that talk.PAST about cosmetics
- Maria heard that the mother of the woman was talking about cosmetics.
- (11)
- Maria hörte [SC [NP die Mutter der Frau], [CP die über Kosmetika sprechen]]. (PR, German)
- Maria hear.PAST the.ACC mother the.GEN woman that about cosmetics talk.INF.
- ‘Maria heard that the mother of the woman was talking about cosmetics.’
2. Experimental Materials and Methods
2.1. Design
- (12)
- A woman with a child is walking in the park that was opened in the city. (distractor)
- What was open?
- (a) the park; (b) the city
2.2. Procedure
2.3. Participants
3. Results
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Maria saw the mother of the man that was talking about soccer
- Maria saw the son of the woman that was talking about soccer
- The police attested the mother of the man that was talking about soccer
- The police arrested the son of the woman that was talking about soccer
- Maria saw the mother of the man that was talking about cosmetics.
- Maria saw the son of the woman that was talking about cosmetics.
- The police arrested the mother of the man that was talking about cosmetics.
- The police arrested the son of the woman that was talking about cosmetics.
- A neighbor saw the husband of the woman that was buying flowers on the corner.
- A neighbor saw the wife of the man that was buying flowers on the corner.
- Maria arrested the husband of the woman that was buying flowers on the corner.
- Maria arrested the wife of the man that was buying flowers on the corner.
- A neighbor saw the husband of the woman that was buying coffee on the corner.
- A neighbor saw the wife of the man that was buying coffee on the corner.
- Maria arrested the husband of the woman that was buying coffee on the corner
- Maria arrested the wife of the man that was buying coffee on the corner.
- Bill saw the daughter of the man that was talking about politics in the cafe
- Bill saw the father of the girl that was talking about politics in the café
- The doctor called the daughter of the man that was talking about politics in the cafe
- The doctor the father of the girl that was talking about politics in the café
- Bill saw the daughter of the man that was talking about fashion in the cafe
- Bill saw the father of the girl that was talking about fashion in the café
- The doctor called the daughter of the man that was talking about fashion in the cafe
- The doctor called the father of the girl that was talking about fashion in the cafe
- The doctor saw the sister of the man that was choosing a tie in the shop
- The doctor saw the brother of the woman that was choosing a tie in the shop
- Bill stopped the sister of the man that was choosing a tie in the shop
- Bill stopped the brother of the woman that was choosing a tie in the shop
- The doctor saw the sister of the man that was choosing a shawl in the shop
- The doctor saw the brother of the woman that was choosing a shawl in the shop
- Bill stopped the sister of the man that was choosing a shawl in the shop
- Bill stopped the brother of the woman that was choosing a shawl in the shop
- A teacher saw the nephew of the woman that was looking at the flowers in the park
- A teacher saw the aunt of the man that was looking at the flowers in the park
- The boss interrupted the nephew of the woman that was looking at the flowers in the park
- The boss interrupted the aunt of the man that was looking at the flowers in the park
- A teacher saw the nephew of the woman that was looking at the boats in the park
- A teacher saw the aunt of the man that was looking at the boats in the park
- The boss interrupted the nephew of the woman that was looking at the boats in the park
- The boss interrupted the aunt of the man that was looking at the boats in the park
- Mapия видeлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во двоpe
- Mapия видeлa cынa мyжчины, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во двоpe
- Cоceдкa позвaлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во двоpe
- Cоceдкa позвaлa cынa мyжчины, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во двоpe
- Maria saw/A neighbor called the father of the boy/the son of the man that was buying flowers in the yard.
- Mapия видeлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл моpожeноe во двоpe
- Mapия видeлa cынa мyжчины, котоpый покyпaл моpожeноe во двоpe
- Cоceдкa позвaлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл моpожeноe во двоpe
- Cоceдкa позвaлa cынa мyжчины, котоpый покyпaл моpожeноe во двоpe
- Maria saw/A neighbor called the father of the boy/the son of the man that was buying ice-cream in the yard.
- Cоceдкa видeлa внyкa мyжчины, котоpый поcтaвил мaшинy во двоpe
- Cоceдкa видeлa дeдyшкy мaльчикa, котоpый поcтaвил мaшинy во двоpe
- Mapия позвaлa внyкa мyжчины, котоpый поcтaвил мaшинy во двоpe
- Mapия позвaлa дeдyшкy мaльчикa, котоpый поcтaвил мaшинy во двоpe
- A neighbor saw/Maria called the grandson of the man/the granddad of the man that parked the car in the yard.
- Cоceдкa видeлa внyкa мyжчины, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe
- Cоceдкa видeлa дeдyшкy мaльчикa, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe
- Mapия позвaлa внyкa мyжчины, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe
- Mapия позвaлa дeдyшкy мaльчикa, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe
- A neighbor saw/Maria called the grandson of the man/the granddad of the man that played with a kitten in the yard
- Bpaч видeл мaмy дeвочки, котоpaя пилa коφe в кaφe
- Bpaч видeл дочкy жeнщины, котоpaя пилa коφe в кaφe
- Cоceд позвaл мaмy дeвочки, котоpaя пилa коφe в кaφe
- Cоceд позвaл дочкy жeнщины, котоpaя пилa коφe в кaφe
- A doctor saw/A neighbor called the mother of the girl/the daughter of the woman that was drinking coffee in a café.
- Bpaч видeл мaмy дeвочки, котоpaя пилa молоко в кaφe
- Bpaч видeл дочкy жeнщины, котоpaя пилa молоко в кaφe
- Cоceд позвaл мaмy дeвочки, котоpaя пилa молоко в кaφe
- Cоceд позвaл дочкy жeнщины, котоpaя пилa молоко в кaφe
- A doctor saw/A neighbor called the mother of the girl/the daughter of the woman that was drinking milk in a café
- Bиктоp видeл внyчкy жeнщины, котоpaя paзговapивaлa c cоceдями во двоpe
- Bиктоp видeл бaбyшкy дeвочки, котоpaя paзговapивaлa c cоceдями во двоpe
- Bpaч оcтaновил внyчкy жeнщины, котоpaя paзговapивaлa c cоceдями во двоpe
- Bpaч оcтaновил бaбyшкy дeвочки, котоpaя paзговapивaлa c cоceдями во двоpe
- Victor saw/A doctor stopped the granddaughter of the woman/the grandmother of the girl that talked to the neighbors in the yard.
- Bиктоp видeл внyчкy жeнщины, котоpaя игpaлa c котeнком во двоpe
- Bиктоp видeл бaбyшкy дeвочки , котоpaя игpaлa c котeнком во двоpe
- Bpaч оcтaновил внyчкy жeнщины, котоpaя игpaлa c котeнком во двоpe
- Bpaч оcтaновил бaбyшкy дeвочки, котоpaя игpaлa c котeнком во двоpe
- Victor saw/A doctor stopped the granddaughter of the woman/the grandmother of the girl that played with a kitten in the yard
- Учитeль видeл тeтю дeвочки, котоpaя читaлa книгy зa cтолом.
- Учитeль видeл плeмянницy жeнщины, котоpaя читaлa книгy зa cтолом
- Диpeктоp пepeбил тeтю дeвочки, котоpaя читaлa книгy зa cтолом
- Диpeктоp пepeбил плeмянницy жeнщины, котоpaя читaлa книгy зa cтолом
- A teacher saw/A director interrupted the aunt of the girl/the niece of the woman that was reading a book at the table
- Диpeктоp видeл дядю мaльчикa, котоpый cмотpeл мyльтφильм нa тeлeφонe
- Диpeктоp видeл плeмянникa мyжчины, котоpый cмотpeл мyльтφильм нa тeлeφонe
- Учитeль пepeбил дядю мaльчикa, котоpый котоpый cмотpeл мyльтφильм нa тeлeφонe
- Учитeль пepeбил плeмянникa мyжчины, котоpый котоpый cмотpeл мyльтφильм нa тeлeφонe
- A director saw/A teacher interrupted the uncle of the boy/the nephew of the man that was watching a cartoon on the phone.
- Distractors (Russian distractors were exact translations of the English ones)
- Here comes our neighbor that walks with his wife every day.
- I saw the director that walks with his wife every day.
- Here comes the man whose wife runs in the park every morning.
- I see the director that is walking with his wife.
- Here comes the woman that sings on the balcony in the morning.
- I saw the woman that sings on the balcony in the morning.
- I can hear a woman that is singing on the balcony.
- Let us call the woman that is singing on the balcony.
- Here comes the man that loves talking about soccer.
- I see the man that is talking about soccer.
- The mother of the girl often goes to the park that opened a month ago.
- I like the park that opened a month ago.
- The wife of the politician likes the park that opened a month ago.
- There is a nice alley in the park that opened a month ago.
- Yesterday the mother of the boy went to the park that just opened.
- They will play at the stadium that opened last week.
- My mother liked the flowers that dad brought yesterday.
- I often go to the coffee-shop that is nearby.
- He is still drinking the coffee that I brought.
- Everybody likes the movie that won the prize.
- The man that is walking with his wife is my director.
- The woman that is reading in the park has a sister.
- The girl that is playing with a puppy lives in our building.
- The woman that is buying flowers is my teacher.
- The man that is buying flowers on the corner has a nice car.
- The children that are riding bikes are my nephews.
- The boy that is running in the yard knows my nephew.
- The man that is carrying a boy is his father.
- The woman that is talking about cosmetics is my neighbor.
- The man that is talking about soccer is a famous sportsman.
- I can hear the neighbor that is talking on Skype.
- I can see a woman that is talking about Russia on the phone.
- I have never heard of a game that you can play on Skype.
- This is the boy that always plays games on Skype.
- This is the boy that always wins when he plays computer games.
- I do not remember the game that we played.
- The game that we played was very interesting.
- She told me about the game that you were going to play.
- I cannot think of any movie that we can watch together with your family.
- I liked the movie that we watched last time in the cinema nearby.
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1 | In addition, the CP in 8a cannot modify the matrix subject. |
L1 Russian | L2 German | L2 French | L3 English | |
Attachment preference | HA | HA | HA | LA |
Eventive reading of a RC-like string | No | No | Yes | No |
Your Answer | Activity | Doer |
Talk about cosmetics Buy flowers Play with a kitten Talk about soccer Wear a tie Drink coffee Wear a skirt Play in the yard Talk on the phone | Man Woman Child Boy Old man Girl Old woman Baby |
Head Noun 1 | Head Noun 2 | |
Perception | Maria saw the mother of the man that was talking about cosmetics in the yard | Maria saw the mother of the man that was talking about soccer in the yard |
Non-Perception | Maria arrested the mother of the man that was talking about cosmetics in the yard | Maria arrested the mother of the man that was talking about soccer in the yard |
Head Noun 1 | Head Noun 2 | |
Perception | Mapия видeлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во вдоpe. Maria saw the father of the boy that was buying flowers in the yard. | Mapия видeлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe. Maria saw the father of the boy that was playing with a kitten in the yard. |
Non-Perception | Mapия apecтовaлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый покyпaл цвeты во вдоpe. Maria arrested the father of the boy that was buying flowers in the yard. | Mapия apecтовaлa пaпy мaльчикa, котоpый игpaл c котeнком во двоpe. Maria arrested the father of the boy that was playing with a kitten in the yard. |
Group | NE Native Speakers of English | NR Native Speakers of Russian | RGE L3 Speakers of English, Native Speakers of Russian, Second Language—German | RFE L3 Speakers of English, Native Speakers of Russian, Second Language—French |
Number | 10 | 10 | 15 | 15 |
Length of exposure to L3 | n/a | n/a | 3 years in college | 3 years in college |
Mean age | 40 | 33 | 22 | 25 |
C-test, % correct (range) | n/a | n/a | 56 (43–60) | 56 (30–64) |
Estimate | Std. Error | df | t Value | Pr(>|t|) | |
(Intercept) | 0.524444 | 0.025967 | 45.000000 | 20.197 | <0.0001 *** |
Group_factor1 NE vs. RFE+RGE+NR | 0.309760 | 0.062634 | 45.000000 | 4.946 | <0.0001 *** |
Group_factor2 NE+RFE vs. RGE+NR | 0.001187 | 0.059626 | 45.000000 | 0.020 | 0.984207 |
Group_factor3 NE+RFE+RGE vs. NR | 0.182071 | 0.078293 | 45.000000 | 2.326 | 0.024611 * |
VerbType_factor1 Perc. vs. Non-Perc | 0.068889 | 0.016756 | 45.000000 | 4.111 | 0.000165 *** |
NE | RFE | RGE | NR | |
Perception verb | 32% | 65% | 54% | 69% |
Non-Perception verb | 25% | 54% | 48% | 68% |
Estimate | Std. Error | df | t Value | Pr(>|t|) | |
(Intercept) | 5.225e-01 | 3.729e-02 | 7.688e+01 | 14.012 | <0.001 *** |
Social_factor1 | −2.712e-02 | 1.712e-02 | 1.770e+02 | −1.584 | 0.1149 |
RTverb | 5.392e-05 | 3.712e-05 | 1.012e+03 | 1.452 | 0.147 |
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Sokolova, M.; Slabakova, R. L3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive? Languages 2019, 4, 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages4030054
Sokolova M, Slabakova R. L3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive? Languages. 2019; 4(3):54. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages4030054
Chicago/Turabian StyleSokolova, Marina, and Roumyana Slabakova. 2019. "L3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive?" Languages 4, no. 3: 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages4030054
APA StyleSokolova, M., & Slabakova, R. (2019). L3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive? Languages, 4(3), 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages4030054