CMAG: A Mission to Study and Monitor the Inner Corona Magnetic Field
:1. Introduction
1.1. State-of-the-Art in Coronal Science
1.2. Observing the Inner Solar Corona
1.3. Solar Corona Polarimetry
1.4. Scientific Goals of the CMAG Mission
- What is the structure of the inner coronal magnetic field? Understanding the magnetic field’s structuring in coronal loops and streamers and its evolution and relationship with photospheric fields is crucial. CMAG’s high spatial resolution (2.5″) and cadence (≈1 min) will determine the strength and direction of the vector magnetic field from close to the surface to the higher layers for providing an empirical basis that help validate and refine current extrapolations and improve coronal magnetic models.
- What is the coronal origin of the solar wind? The solar wind has distinct components: slow and fast, related to coronal streamers, coronal hole boundaries, and the solar network. CMAG will investigate the magnetic connection between coronal holes, streamers, and the solar wind, aiding the understanding of how the solar wind propagates through the heliosphere and its relationship with coronal waves.
- How are flares and CMEs generated? Flares and CMEs are phenomena with different effects on the heliosphere and the Earth’s environment. CMAG will reveal the inner corona’s internal structure and evolution and follow the magnetic field vector during the CME onset and the generation of associated waves. At a resolution of 2.5″, it could also provide a glimpse of the evolution of the magnetic field structure at the reconnection sites.
- What is the origin of solar coronal heating? Measurements of magnetic field strength will provide a quantitative basis for assessing the origin of non-thermal heat observed in the Sun’s inner coronal layers.
- What is the role of the inner corona in space weather? CMAG’s measurements of inner coronal magnetic fields at L5, provided in almost real time, will greatly enhance space weather nowcasting and forecasting capabilities, crucial for predicting radiation and energetic particle impacts on Earth as a consequence of flares and CMEs.
1.5. Top Science Requirements
2. Mission Concept
2.1. Mission Profile
2.2. Mission Operations Baseline and Spacecraft Concept
2.3. Payload Concept Design
2.4. CMAG Data Products
3. A Mission Opportunity
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CMAG | Coronal magnetograph |
ESA | European Space Agency |
CME | Coronal mass ejection |
MHD | Magnetohydrodynamic |
LASCO | Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph |
UVCS | Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer |
SOHO | Solar and Heliospheric Observatory |
STEREO | Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory |
SECCHI | Sun–Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation |
METIS | The multiwavelength coronagraph for the Solar Orbiter mission |
SoloHI | Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager |
ASPIICS | Association of Spacecraft for Polarimetric and Imaging Investigation of the |
Corona of the Sun | |
CRYO-NIRSP | Cryogenic Near-IR Spectropolarimeter |
DKIST | Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope |
SPARK | Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics |
PDE | Performance Drift Error |
COSMO | COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
PUNCH | Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem |
PHI | Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager |
TuMAG | Tunable Magnetograph |
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Spatial resolution | 2.5″ at 750 nm |
Aperture | 10 cm |
Cadence | ≈1 min for S/N = 1000 in Stokes Q, U, and V |
Field of view (FoV) | ≈2400″ (≈0.66 = 2.5 R⊙) |
Targets spectral lines | Fe XIV 530 nm; Fe XI 789 nm; Fe XIII 1074 nm |
Spectral resolution | 20 pm; 30 pm; 40 pm |
Maximum spectral shift over the FoV | 25 pm; 30 pm; 50 pm |
Detector dimensions | 4 k × 4 k pixels |
Etalon max. incidence angle 1 | 1.28° |
Etalon diameter | ≈60 mm |
Polarization modulator interm. image diameter | ≈55 mm |
dimensions | <1 m |
stray light requirements | <0.1% @ 1.02 R⊙ |
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Orozco Suárez, D.; del Toro Iniesta, J.C.; Bailén Martínez, F.J.; Balaguer Jiménez, M.; Álvarez García, D.; Serrano, D.; Peñin, L.F.; Vázquez-Ramos, A.; Bellot Rubio, L.R.; Atienzar, J.; et al. CMAG: A Mission to Study and Monitor the Inner Corona Magnetic Field. Aerospace 2023, 10, 987.
Orozco Suárez D, del Toro Iniesta JC, Bailén Martínez FJ, Balaguer Jiménez M, Álvarez García D, Serrano D, Peñin LF, Vázquez-Ramos A, Bellot Rubio LR, Atienzar J, et al. CMAG: A Mission to Study and Monitor the Inner Corona Magnetic Field. Aerospace. 2023; 10(12):987.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOrozco Suárez, David, Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta, Francisco Javier Bailén Martínez, María Balaguer Jiménez, Daniel Álvarez García, Daniel Serrano, Luis F. Peñin, Alicia Vázquez-Ramos, Luis Ramón Bellot Rubio, Julia Atienzar, and et al. 2023. "CMAG: A Mission to Study and Monitor the Inner Corona Magnetic Field" Aerospace 10, no. 12: 987.