A Conflict Resolution Strategy at a Taxiway Intersection by Combining a Monte Carlo Tree Search with Prior Knowledge
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Formulation
2.1. Problem Statement
2.2. MDP Formulation
- (1)
- The impact of weather and trajectory deviation is negligible, and the next position of the aircraft only depends on the current state and the commands received from the ATCOs.
- (2)
- The flight deck is equipped with a speed display and suggestion device; the time used for voice communication between the controller and the pilot as well as the response time of the aircraft operation are not considered.
- (3)
- The prioritization of the aircraft was not considered in the taxiing process.
- is a set of states that are possible in an environment (state space);
- is a set of actions available to perform in a state;
- is the probability that the action performed in the current state will lead to the next state ;
- is a reward for reaching the next state with action .
2.2.1. State Space
2.2.2. Action Space
2.2.3. State Transition
2.2.4. Reward Function
- When two aircrafts cannot maintain the non-conflict requirement, a conflict will ensue and the state will terminate instantaneously;
- When both aircrafts cross the intersection safely, it is regarded as the success state and it will terminate this process.
3. Methodology
- The MDP model updates the state and provides feedback to MCTS;
- MCTS is the main search component of the agent, used as an online MDP solver to generate optimal decisions;
- The policy neural network will be pre-trained based on the historical taxiing trajectory and takes the “current state” explored using the MCTS as inputs and gives out “action distribution” as outputs to guide MCTS.
3.1. Policy Neural Network
- The taxiing trajectory data of each flight are preprocessed to eliminate singular points, match the taxiway map of the airport and obtain the actual path of every flight during taxiing.
- Identify flights that encounter stop-and-go situations during the taxiing process, and confirm the intersection position where the flight is located when waiting, as well as the start time of the waiting.
- Find out other flights passing through the same intersection, compare their time difference and determine the collision aircraft set.
- Extract the feature information of the conflict scene when the aircraft began to wait, including the aircraft’s own flight number, model, speed, position and heading, as well as the center position of the intersection. Additionally, categorize the waiting time of the conflict aircraft into four intervals: 5 s, 10 s, 15 s and 20 s.
3.2. MCTS Combined with PNN
- (1)
- Selection: Starting from the root node, traverse down the child nodes already stored in the tree, and choose the most promising node to explore using the predefined tree policy. At this stage, the tree policy should ensure an appropriate balance between exploitation (selecting nodes with high rewards) and exploration (selecting nodes that have not been chosen before). Classic Upper Confidence Bounds applied to Trees (UCTs) are introduced to specifically handle the exploitation–exploration problem. Each node has an associated UCT value, and during selection, it always chooses the child node with the highest value [31]. We integrate PNN into MCTS and modify the UCT formula. The improved UCT formula is as follows:
- (2)
- Expand: It occurs when the current selected node is a non-terminal state and has not been visited before. In this case, at least one new child node can be added to the current tree under its parent node (the previous state). The specific expanding operation relies on PNN and the action set. During each expansion step, the state of the leaf node is processed through the PNN to derive a probability distribution of all possible child nodes. This distribution is subsequently used to determine the UCT value of the node during the action selection phase. Since the PNN only provides the action evaluation for waiting time, the expansion of nodes is divided into two situations. When the aircraft’s speed drops to 0, signaling its transition into a holding state, the PNN processes the current node to ascertain the waiting time action and its corresponding probability (P ≤ 1). Simultaneously, the probability of speed actions is uniformly set to 1 (P = 1), discouraging an aircraft from coming to a halt in the conflict area. Conversely, the node will not be put into PNN for evaluation and the child nodes are only created with a set of speed actions.
- (3)
- Simulation: After adding the new nodes to the tree, a node is randomly selected following a default policy for simulation, which generates a new state. The simulation continues in the new state using the random policy until reaching a terminal state with a final reward. In the context of this paper, the aircraft taxiing process is simulated using the aircraft kinematics model, the terminal state of MDP formulation is used to determine if the simulation process has ended and the final reward value is calculated based on the reward function.
- (4)
- Backpropagation: When simulating the whole process to a terminal state, the evaluation value will be retroactively propagated to all nodes along the path. This process involves updating the visit count and action value of each node. Specifically, the visit count of each node increases by 1, and the average reward value of the node is computed based on the final reward during the simulation and the number of visits accumulated. These updated parameters are then utilized to calculate and update the UCT value of each node.
4. Experiment
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Experiment Results
4.2.1. Training Results of PNN
4.2.2. Performance of MCTS Combined with PNN
- (1)
- Parameter Settings
- (2)
- Evaluation metrics
- (3)
- Result analysis
4.3. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model Parameters | Parameters’ Value |
Number of layers in the network | 5 |
Number of nodes in each layer | (9, 9, 9, 9, 4) |
Activation function | Relu |
Loss function | Cross Entropy |
Number of training epochs | 1000 |
Network optimizer | Adam |
Batch size | 32 |
Learning rate | 1 × 10−³ |
Algorithm Parameters | Parameters’ Value |
Number of iterations | (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600) |
Number of search depths | (1, 2, 3, 4) |
ATD% | D = 1 | D = 2 | D = 3 | D = 5 |
N = 100 | 45.62% | 43.91% | 42.5% | 36.24% |
N = 200 | 47.83% | 45.84% | 42.77% | 36.36% |
N = 300 | 46.02% | 42.82% | 39.7% | 33.21% |
N = 400 | 43.9% | 41.43% | 37.19% | 31.48% |
N = 500 | 42.12% | 39.08% | 35.35% | 29.17% |
N = 600 | 41.85% | 39.11% | 35.23% | 29.98% |
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Share and Cite
Sui, D.; Chen, H.; Zhou, T. A Conflict Resolution Strategy at a Taxiway Intersection by Combining a Monte Carlo Tree Search with Prior Knowledge. Aerospace 2023, 10, 914. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10110914
Sui D, Chen H, Zhou T. A Conflict Resolution Strategy at a Taxiway Intersection by Combining a Monte Carlo Tree Search with Prior Knowledge. Aerospace. 2023; 10(11):914. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10110914
Chicago/Turabian StyleSui, Dong, Hanping Chen, and Tingting Zhou. 2023. "A Conflict Resolution Strategy at a Taxiway Intersection by Combining a Monte Carlo Tree Search with Prior Knowledge" Aerospace 10, no. 11: 914. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10110914
APA StyleSui, D., Chen, H., & Zhou, T. (2023). A Conflict Resolution Strategy at a Taxiway Intersection by Combining a Monte Carlo Tree Search with Prior Knowledge. Aerospace, 10(11), 914. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10110914