Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
- Use of stationary sensors to count passing bicycles,
- Analysis of public surveillance videos through object detection,
- GPS-tracking through devices used by cyclists,
- Tracking of GPS devices directly mounted on bicycles.
3. Method
3.1. Dataset
3.1.1. Bicycle Annotations
3.2. Object Detection
3.2.1. Moving Bicycles
3.3. Evaluating Detections
3.4. Determining Thresholds
3.4.1. Confidence Threshold
3.4.2. Person Assignment Threshold
4. Bicycle Detection Results
4.1. Detection Accuracy
4.2. Spatial Distribution of Recognized Bicycles
4.3. Density of Images with Detected Bicycles
- The number of images in the YFCC100m Dresden subset,
- The number of bicycles detected on images from the subset,
- The number of stationary bicycles detected,
- The number of moving bicycles detected,
- The number of images containing at least one bicycle,
- The number of images containing at least one stationary bicycle,
- The number of images containing at least one moving bicycle.
4.4. Comparison with Other Datasets
- The positions of the stationary bicycle counting sensors installed by the city administration of Dresden.
- The defined bicycle return areas and a sample of positions of parked bicycles from the bicycle sharing system MOBI, obtained at different points in time throughout a week in September 2021.
4.4.1. Bicycle Counting Stations
4.4.2. Bicycle Sharing Systems
5. Case Study
5.1. Number of Parked Bicycles vs. Percentage of Photos Containing Parked Bicycles
5.2. Number of Parked Bicycles vs. Percentage of Photos Containing Parked Bicycles vs. Number of Available Parking Spots
5.3. Summary of Results
6. Discussion
6.1. Object Detection on Social Media Data as an Additional Data Source for Obtaining Bicycle-Related Information in Urban Areas
6.2. Relevance of Time in Our Approach
6.3. Influence of Bicycle Detection Errors and Potential Improvements
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Estimated | Moving | Stationary | None | ∑ | ||
True | ||||||
moving | 1368 | 226 | 281 | 1875 | ||
stationary | 194 | 2209 | 635 | 3038 | ||
none | 27 | 133 | - | (160) | ||
∑ | 1589 | 2568 | (916) | 4913 | ||
4157 |
(%) | 0.1–3.0 | 3.1–8.0 | 8.1–18.0 | 18.1–35.0 | |
1–3 | Low | Low | Low | Low | |
4–8 | Low | Medium | Medium | Medium | |
9–18 | Low | Medium | High | High | |
19–35 | Medium | High | High | High | |
36–65 | Medium | High | High | High |
[%] | 0.1–3.0 | 3.1–8.0 | 8.1–18.0 | 18.1–35.0 | |
1–3 | No. of cells:>100 Location: All over the city (both city center and outside) | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
4–8 | 61 Mainly in the city centers of Altstadt and Neustadt, university campus and Großergarten | 31 Mainly in the city centers of Altstadt and Neustadt | 0 | 0 | |
9–18 | 8 Outside of the city center of Altstadt | 29 Mainly in the city center of Altstadt | 7 Mainly in the city center of Altstadt | 0 | |
19–35 | 0 | 0 | 17 Mainly in the city center of Altstadt and main train station | 1 City center of Altstadt | |
36–65 | 0 | 1 Main train station | 5 Mainly at big train stations and university library | 3 City center of Altstadt |
[%] | 0.1–3.0 | 3.1–8.0 | 8.1–18.0 | 18.1–35.0 | |
1–3 | / | / | / | / | |
4–8 | I: 30/61 II: 0/61 III: 31/61; IIIa: 6/31 | I: 14/31 II: 0/31 III: 17/31; IIIa: 1/17 | / | / | |
9–18 | I: 3/8 II: 1/8 III: 4/8; IIIa: 2/4 | I: 15/29 II: 2/29 III: 12/29; IIIa: 1/12 | I: 1/7 II: 2/7 III: 4/7; IIIa: 2/4 | / | |
19–35 | / | / | I: 6/17 II: 4/17; IIa: 1/4 III: 7/17; IIIa: 3/7 | I: 0/1 II: 0/1 III: 1/1; IIIa: 1/1 | |
36–65 | / | I: 0/1 II: 0/1 III: 1/1; IIIa: 1/1 | I: 2/5 II: 3/5; IIa: 2/3 III: 0/5 | I: 0/3 II: 1/3 III: 2/3 |
[%] | 0.1–3.0 | 3.1–8.0 | 8.1–18.0 | 18.1–35.0 | |
1–3 | / | / | / | / | |
4–8 | Moderately insufficient to insufficient number of parking spots | Insufficient number of parking spots | / | / | |
9–18 | Moderately insufficient number of parking spots | Insufficient number of parking spots | Moderately insufficient to insufficient number of parking spots | / | |
19–35 | / | / | Moderately insufficient to insufficient number of parking spots | Moderately insufficient to insufficient number of parking spots | |
36–65 | / | Moderately insufficient to insufficient number of parking spots | Moderately insufficient number of parking spots | Insufficient number of parking spots |
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Share and Cite
Knura, M.; Kluger, F.; Zahtila, M.; Schiewe, J.; Rosenhahn, B.; Burghardt, D. Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 733.
Knura M, Kluger F, Zahtila M, Schiewe J, Rosenhahn B, Burghardt D. Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021; 10(11):733.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKnura, Martin, Florian Kluger, Moris Zahtila, Jochen Schiewe, Bodo Rosenhahn, and Dirk Burghardt. 2021. "Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, no. 11: 733.
APA StyleKnura, M., Kluger, F., Zahtila, M., Schiewe, J., Rosenhahn, B., & Burghardt, D. (2021). Using Object Detection on Social Media Images for Urban Bicycle Infrastructure Planning: A Case Study of Dresden. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(11), 733.