1. Introduction
Kinematic calibration is the process in which a parameterized mathematical model used in planning and control operations is adjusted to minimize pose-error. Parallel manipulators, or Parallel Kinematic Machines (PKM), of varying degrees of freedom (DoF) are well-suited for high load applications requiring precision motion and have been utilized in applications such as pick-and-place [
1], drone manipulators [
2], and space telescope mirror adjustment [
3]. Parallel manipulators are advantageous with respect to physical properties of manipulator stiffness and deflection, but have a significantly reduced workspace volume relative to serial manipulators. Hybrid manipulators incorporating elements from both parallel and serial manipulators combine these positive attributes and have been proposed for novel mechanism design [
4], near-field antenna measurements [
5] and medical robots [
6]. Although the majority of the parallel mechanisms in the literature incorporate coincident passive joints in the form of universal or spherical joints at the top and bottom of a prismatic leg similar to the popular 6 DoF Stewart–Gough configuration [
8], recent work has modified the design to use offset universal joints to increase stiffness and reduce manufacturing constraints [
9]. This 6-RRRPRR parallel manipulator configuration with offset R-R joints, with individual parallel members constructed of rotary (R) and prismatic (P) joints listed in order, requires more general kinematic and calibration approaches than typically used with Stewart Platform designs due to the removal of the geometric simplifications permitted by the coincident passive joints and is of particular interest within this work. We present constraint-based approaches to solve the kinematics and calibration problems for strictly parallel manipulators and hybrid parallel-serial manipulators, such as the example pictured in
Figure 1, with the general construction shown in
Figure 2.
Parallel manipulators are advantageous with respect to physical properties of manipulator stiffness and deflection, but present significantly more challenges in analysis than serial manipulators due to the large number of kinematic parameters required to describe the manipulator and the large forward kinematic solution space [
10]. Common planning operations, such as inverse and forward kinematics, are difficult to compute due to the possibility of singularities existing in the manipulator workspace, and the characteristic constraint-driven motion introduces difficulties in calibration. The calibration and kinematic evaluation of complex parallel manipulators typically relies on varying degrees of geometric simplifications and external measurements. Efficient forward kinematic calculation has been achieved through the use of special construction geometry, inverse-kinematic-residual minimization, algebraic solutions, and polynominal methods [
14]. Hybrid manipulator kinematics encounter similar problems to strictly parallel manipulators, with closed-form solutions detailed for specific construction geometries such as stacked 3 DoF parallel manipulators [
Parallel manipulator calibration has been achieved using classic second-order constrained optimization techniques to simultaneously solve passive joint positions and kinematic parameters [
15]. Although similar methods are implemented for kinematic workspace analysis and design [
17], the problem complexity grows rapidly with manipulator design. Subsequent calibration literature uses first-order fitting and addresses mechanism constraints by restricting physical motion of the manipulator [
19], adding redundant joint instrumentation [
22], or using inverse-kinematics solutions [
23] and forward-kinematics solutions [
24] to generate approximate passive joint information. Approaches that require manipulator modifications, such as physical motion restriction or joint instrumentation, are undesirable as they are difficult or impossible to add to existing manipulators. Accordingly, we focus on methods that approximate the passive joint information that can be extended to hybrid manipulators incorporating passive joint features.
The inverse-kinematic-residual approach to calibration minimizes the difference between a measured prismatic leg length and an estimate created from the inverse-kinematics solution at a desired pose [
23]. This method can be described as a position-vector-minimization implementation of loop closure methods with the approximate passive joint information [
20]. This calibration approach benefits from high-accuracy measurement methods, such as laser tracker metrology systems [
26], and has been extended to solve the inverse-kinematics and calibrate a 6-RRRPRR parallel manipulator with offset R-R joints [
27]. Recent work typically utilizes Product-of-Exponentials (POE) link representation [
28], with successful calibrations demonstrated on a 3 DoF parallel manipulator and a 6 DoF Stewart Platform [
Pose-error Jacobian minimization methods based on forward-kinematics solutions are commonly used in serial manipulator calibrations in which an end-effector measurement is used to create a virtual closed kinematic chain [
30]. The pose-error minimization embeds the passive joint estimate within the Jacobian to holistically minimize the difference between a measured pose and a forward-kinematics solution generated with the current parameter set. Analytical Jacobian formulations exist for standard Stewart Platform leg geometry [
31], but not for general manipulators. The difficulty associated with determining analytical Jacobians has led to the use of computationally intensive and less accurate direct perturbation methods to find an approximate Jacobian [
32] or the use of heuristic optimization methods to minimize pose-error such as the Nelder–Mead [
33]. Recent work using pose-error minimization has focused on specialized manipulators with relatively low mechanical complexity. Mechanism-specific analytical Jacobians have been developed in 3 DoF [
34] and 5 DoF [
35] cases and implemented with regularization techniques and genetic algorithm fitting to allow for pose-error calibration.
Although standard Least-Squares fitting methods are common throughout literature, the noisy measurements have been identified as having large impacts on calibration quality due to low parameter identifiability [
20]. Alternate approaches for handling the low parameter identifiability of parallel manipulators have been demonstrated in manipulator-specific or representation-specific cases, such as ridge regression, truncated singular value decomposition, and null space conditioning [
38]. These techniques can positively impact the quality of the final calibration and have been compared in [
Post-calibration manipulator uncertainty analysis has been sparsely identified in the literature. Monte Carlo techniques have been implemented on parallel manipulator for analysis, but remain computationally expensive for comprehensive workspace analysis [
39]. The uncertainty minimization calibration approach demonstrated by [
21] utilizes a priori covariance estimates based on construction specifications for kinematic parameters and encoders as inputs. As the covariance estimates were inflated arbitrarily to maintain congruence with expected manufacturing tolerances, final pose uncertainty cannot reliably be obtained from this approach.
The manipulator-specific approach to model derivation and analysis found in state-of-the-art literature for parallel manipulators starkly contrasts with the mature body of work for general serial manipulators, and the common inverse-kinematic-residual minimization approaches are problematic to extend to holistic hybrid manipulator calibration. The myriad of possibilities for the construction of novel parallel and hybrid manipulators exacerbates the lack of consensus in the robotics field concerning their kinematics and calibration, driving the need for a simple and generalized representation capable of implementation across the variety of manipulators found in the industry and research sectors.
This paper’s contribution can be broken into three distinct areas. First, we present a general approach to describing any robotic manipulator with the same mathematical framework as serial-chain manipulators. Second, we provide general analytical methods to construct both kinematic and calibration Jacobians for any robot manipulator. Third, we leverage these methods to quantify the post-calibration pose uncertainty for any robot manipulator based on measurement uncertainty, which has not been previously done. This work extends the state-of-the-art by allowing parallel, hybrid, and serial manipulators to be analyzed, calibrated, and controlled with the same analytical tools.
This paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we review the nonlinear least squares based kinematic calibration framework as implemented on serial robots and detail how a parallel manipulator can be represented using serial parameterization and simplified numerical kinematics solutions. A method to enforce mechanical constraints on a Jacobian level via null-space is introduced as a component of the inverse kinematics method. The analytical velocity Jacobian for a parallel manipulator is presented. We then extend the constraint propagation to generate a unified calibration Jacobian for hybrid manipulators allowing for simultaneous calibration. We additionally present a detailed uncertainty analysis based on this calibration method and develop guidelines for uncertainty-aware calibrations. In
Section 3, we demonstrate this method on a simulated and real world hybrid manipulator, respectively. In
Section 4, we discuss calibration performance and possible extensions of our work. For convenience, the notion used throughout this paper is summarized in
Table 1. Matrix size is displayed in brackets before description and subscripts provide contextual definitions.
3. Experimental Evaluations
3.1. Simulated Hybrid Manipulator Description
Algorithm robustness and covariance characteristics are validated by simulating a 12 DoF hybrid robot composed of a 6 DoF 6-RRRPRR parallel manipulator with offset R-R joints similar to that proposed in [
9] attached to the end of a midsize industrial 6 DoF serial manipulator. Nominal parameters representative of commercial products are initialized for both manipulators. A manipulator arranged in a similar configuration is displayed in
Figure 1.
Kinematic Model and Parameter Identification
Manufacturing errors are added by perturbing the nominal parameters of the hybrid manipulator. As the tolerances for the commercial robotic manipulators, within this scope, are assumed to be relatively small, kinematic parameters
are perturbed by a uniformly-distributed random amount within the intervals outlined in
Table 2 and applied on a link-by-link basis within the model before calibration occurs. Values are designed to reflect typical machining tolerances with respect to manipulator cost and scale. Parallel manipulator manufacturing error ranges are based on estimates from prior parallel mechanism design in the literature [
49]. Serial manipulator error ranges inflate these values by five times to account for approximate differences in scale. Quaternion parameters are renormalized to unit vector after perturbation. Unperturbed kinematic parameters are used during data set generation and error comparisons.
Due to the relative complexity of hybrid manipulators, the total number of kinematic parameters used to describe the manipulator can be very large. Although hybrid manipulators can typically be described by a relatively small subset of these parameters, this minimal set of kinematic parameters is dependent on the manipulator configuration and may be unknown. Non-minimal kinematic parameter sets include poorly identifiable parameters that must be addressed to prevent numerical instability from occurring during the calibration process. Jacobian columns associated with poorly identifiable parameters with a condition number above 500 are ignored by zeroing associated singular value components [
42]. This method provides an effective way of validating the calibration performance on a variety of manipulator types without extensive parameter set adjustment. A total of 68 kinematic parameters were calibrated, of which 48 were incorporated in the parallel manipulator and evenly distributed to the constituent parallel members. A listing of the calibrated parameters within this case study is found in
Table A3.
3.2. Simulated Pose Data
Repeated calibration testing is facilitated by the generation of 20,000 calibration and 2000 validation simulated pose data sets. Each data sets is randomly generated within feasible active joint space created using the nominal values of the hybrid manipulator, and contain uncertainty-free measurements in the form of forward kinematics solutions in a specified world frame. For parallel manipulators, joint parameters are selected such that a collision-free pose in operational space is formed for each data point.
3.2.1. Measurement Uncertainty
Normally distributed error sampled from covariance matrices is added to the simulated measurement data generated within this work. The purpose of creating these uncertain measurements is two-fold: (1) To permit validation of the calibration approach and algorithms by demonstrating that perturbations corresponding to manufacturing errors can be removed from kinematic parameters, and (2) to demonstrate that the post-calibration pose uncertainty will be reduced below that of the data set measurement uncertainty.
Random covariance matrices are generated using a 6 DoF Wishart distribution sampled from an identity matrix [
50]. To maintain comparable uncertainty values between trials, each covariance matrix is scaled such that its trace is equivalent in value to that of a base uncertainty case in which only variance terms displayed in
Table 3 exist at each point. Values are arbitrarily small and chosen to be distinct from one another. The covariance matrix for each pose is ordered to match the DoF error terms found in (
3.2.2. Impact of Data Set Size on Pose Uncertainty
The relationships between expected pose uncertainty and data set size described in (
41) and (
44) are validated by performing Monte Carlo analysis on randomly selected subsets of the simulated data. Calibration and velocity Jacobians are generated for each selected pose along with a single random pose covariance matrix scaled such that its trace matches that of the arbitrary baseline case. The expected Jacobians in each trial are formed by taking the element-wise mean of the respective point-wise matrices. Trial-invariant covariance matrices representing uniformly distributed encoder uncertainty are included in each trial. The trial covariance traces are combined and converted to percentages of the covariance traces found in the minimum calibration case in which only twelve 6 DoF pose measurements are present. The percentage distributions for trials at specified data point intervals are compared to the baseline encoder uncertainty levels and expected covariance trace values in
Figure 4.
The validation trials display overestimation of final pose covariance for the simulated manipulator. The large workspace volume covered by the simulated points results in a worst-case scenario, as the linear nature of the expected Jacobian cannot fully capture the highly non-linear behavior of the manipulator. As all trial values are bounded by the estimated pose covariance, conservative estimates for calibration data set sizes can be safely generated with (
3.3. Simulated Hybrid Manipulator Calibration
To more robustly test the calibration framework and ensure that convergence is observed over the entire workspace, repeated calibration trials are performed on copies of the perturbed model. A total of 100 trials are completed, with each trial using a 700 pose sub-set of the 20,000 simulated calibration poses. Jacobian dimensions in each trial are defined by (
35) are [4200 × 68]. The number of poses chosen for each sub-set is informed by the breakpoint for diminishing returns of expected covariance as displayed in
Figure 4. Each subset is selected randomly without replacement and is generated at the beginning of each trial. Measurement uncertainty is added to each data set during the trial; uncertain data sets are not shared between trials nor is uncertainty information permanently associated with any individual data point.
Each calibration trial typically reached exit conditions in 3 epochs. Standard Gauss–Newton steps described in (
7) are taken with a pseudoinverse cutoff ratio of 1:500 used to permit calibration of less observable variables. An additional constraint and error pair corresponding to each calibrated unit quaternion is appended to the previously described calibration Jacobian to ensure that only steps that retain the unit quaternion format are taken.
Each of the calibrated parameterizations is validated with the previously generated set of 2000 validation poses not used within the calibration process. Each trial utilizes the same baseline validation data set, although measurement uncertainty is added independently in each. Pose-error values for each trial are generated for validation data set in cases with and without added measurement uncertainty. A scalar metric of performance is found by separately taking the root-mean-square (RMS) values of the position and rotation components for each generated error vector. The distributions of the RMS pose-error residuals before and after calibration for all trials are displayed in
Figure 5.
It is important to note that the error terms generated from validation poses without measurement uncertainty fall below those with measurement uncertainty, indicating that for well modelled high precision mechanisms such as parallel manipulators, pose-error becomes bounded by measurement uncertainty during the fitting process. The calibration fitting process is capable of reducing kinematic pose-error below this measurement uncertainty threshold in cases with sufficiently large data sets. This can best be observed in simulated cases such as presented by merit of being able to generate perfect measurements.
3.4. Experimental Manipulator Description
The developed calibration approach is used to characterize a physical hybrid manipulator. Compared to the high-complexity simulation used for validating the calibration approach, this test case demonstrates the procedure’s effectiveness with real measurement uncertainties introduced by the metrology system and a nominal parameterization based on a commercial parallel manipulator.
A simple hybrid manipulator was constructed using a commercially available 6-RRRPRR parallel manipulator with offset R-R joints (H-850 6-Axis Hexapod, Physik Instrumente, Karlsruhe, Germany. Commercial products or brand names are only mentioned to clarify what was done in this work. This is not an endorsement of any particular commercial product.) and rotary stage (ACR240HT-ABS, IntelLiDrives, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Commercial products or brand names are only mentioned to clarify what was done in this work. This is not an endorsement of any particular commercial product.). Both robot components are fully calibrated individually, and represent the state-of-the-art calibration baseline to which we compare our methods.
Pictured in
Figure 6, the robots were securely mounted together and affixed to a precision optical table. To facilitate multiple data collection methods, laser tracker spherical targets (Red Ring Reflector 0.5
, Leica Geosystems, Norcross, GA, USA. Commercial products or brand names are only mentioned to clarify what was done in this work. This is not an endorsement of any particular commercial product.) were mounted in an asymmetric pattern to the top of parallel manipulator.
3.4.1. Encoder Information
Encoder information for each of the actuated joints within the experimental hybrid manipulator is listed in
Table 4 with calculated variance terms. Each of the legs of the parallel manipulator has identical construction and share a single row. Encoder counts are multiplied by any intermediate gearing to yield final effective resolution. Variance is calculated based on a uniform distribution of width matching one encoder count in the pose-error units of meters and radians.
3.4.2. Identification of Coordinate Systems
Consistent world and end-effector frames are necessary for calibration. Although the laser tracker used for pose measurements within this work (Leica Absolute Tracker AT960, Leica Geosystems, Norcross, GA, USA. Commercial products or brand names are only mentioned to clarify what was done in this work. This is not an endorsement of any particular commercial product.) generates a measurement frame, the points can be recorded in reference to an arbitrarily positioned world frame. A coordinate frame with the z-axis nominally centered and normal to the rotary stage motion was defined using 3 DoF measurements recorded during motion. This world frame is referenced to static spherical target monuments (Leica Red-Ring Reflector 0.5
(Commercial products or brand names are only mentioned to clarify what was done in this work. NIST does not endorse commercial products. Other products may work as well or better.)) attached to the table in
Figure 6 and serves as the nominal proximal frame for the hybrid robot model. Frame errors compensated for by positioning the proximal frame with a calibrated offset.
The frame generated by a 6 DoF target at the home position served as the virtual end-effector for the hybrid manipulator and is used to determine the nominal distal offset. To allow for multiple measurement methods, this frame is also referenced to the spatial locations of the four spherical target nests integrated in the sensor.
3.4.3. Kinematic Model and Parameter Identification
The parallel manipulator kinematic model is implemented as described above, with parameterization listed in
Appendix B. Offsets at the proximal and distal ends of the hybrid manipulator and between manipulator components are calibrated to compensate for the poorly defined initial states. Parameters for each of the manipulators were estimated with physical measurements and available CAD models.
Identifiable parameters within the kinematic model are determined by singular value analysis. Although singular values below a specified threshold of are removed during the pseudoinverse generation process, it is important to reduce the model to a minimal state for increased effectiveness of the calibration process and reduced computation time.
A concatenated calibration Jacobian is generated from an experimental data set described below. To ensure appropriate parameter steps, the column scaling is applied to the Jacobians such that a unitary parameter change would result in an RMS error change of 1 × 10
51]. By identifying the parameters listed as primary components in the
columns associated with the singular values with a condition number below 1:500, the parameter list is reduced significantly. Several parameters related to parallel member link lengths are retained despite falling below this value for model completeness and to test the impacts of different condition number cutoff points during calibration. It is noted by inspection that many of the poorly identifiable parameters removed overlap with either retained kinematic parameters or passive joint components within individual parallel members. The limited workspace of the experimental parallel manipulator results in the lack of rigorous exercise of all degrees of freedom on parallel members leading to poor identifiability. The permitted condition number is expanded to 1:1000 in the calibration experiments in the interest of capturing some of these poorly identifiable degrees of freedom in the hybrid manipulator throughout the experiments below. A total of 53 kinematic parameters were calibrated, of which 48 were incorporated in the parallel manipulator and evenly distributed to the constituent parallel members. A listing of the calibrated parameters within this case study is found in
Table A4.
3.5. Experimental Pose Data Collection
To allow for accurate measurement of the pose of the robotic manipulator, sets of four laser tracker spherical targets are mounted asymmetrically to the end-effector as shown in
Figure 6. Each target is measured in 3 DoF by the laser tracker system previously detailed and a 6 DoF end-effector pose is generated by fitting each point cloud to a nominal relationship of the mounting points to a virtual frame definition. A total of 200 randomized poses are generated for the hybrid manipulator within the supported motion ranges such that all of the spherical targets remain in view of the laser tracker system. The hybrid manipulator home position is recorded in this manner and included in the data set. The motion of the rotary stage is constrained to
radians to prevent cable breakage.
Laser tracker measurement uncertainty is dependent on the distance between the spherical target and the measurement head with manufacturer specification
m +
m/m for 3 DoF points [
52]. A 3 × 3 covariance matrix
is returned by the data collection software for each point measurement, which is converted to mean standard deviation using (
40). The resultant distribution of uncertainty values calculated in this manner is displayed in
Figure 7, with low variation observed due to the small workspace of the experimental manipulator.
Encoder values for controllable joint parameters are converted into appropriate input variables , with rotary stage position reported with units of radians and parallel manipulator leg-lengths reported with units of millimeters.
Frame Reconstruction and Uncertainty
Pose reconstruction is implemented as SVD-based point cloud fitting [
53], which calculates the transform between two ordered sets of 3D points while minimizing the least squares error. Provided a known home position in the world frame, the transform between a point groups collected at the hybrid manipulator home position and a calibration pose is used to determine the final pose.
Sets of 3D point measurements acquired by a laser tracker can be used to construct 6 DoF pose measurements. The calculation of pose uncertainties of a 6 DoF pose derived from a set of N point (3D) measurements is detailed below.
For a series of
N point measurements, the final covariance matrix for a single pose is represented as
is a 3 × 3 covariance matrix for a point indicated by the subscript.
The relationship between the combined covariances and pose-error as defined in (
4) is facilitated by representing the transform of a manipulator in the
format detailed in
Appendix A. The calibration Jacobian defined for this construct can be utilized to model the uncertainties of the least squares fitting process as
is the [6 × 7] analytical Jacobian for a
offset link representing the optimal transform as specified in
Appendix A. Individual point measurements relative to the frame are added to the
offset separately, with the resulting combinations used to generate an analytical Jacobian at each point. The Jacobian rows related to the position error terms are vertically concatenated to form
, a [3
7] matrix where
N is the number of 3D point measurements included in point group
The combined Jacobian
are used to propagate the measurement covariance using form (
38) as
is a 6 × 6 matrix which represents the final measurement uncertainties and couplings present in each 6 DoF pose. The order of the terms corresponds to that found within the standard pose-error vector within this work (
4). The uncertainty distributions for the reconstructed frames used in this calibration are displayed in
Figure 7. For the reconstructed frames, the uncertainties associated with the rotation parameters are significantly higher than those related to position terms.
3.6. Experimental Hybrid Manipulator Calibration
Calibration of the as-assembled hybrid manipulator was conducted in a two step process. First, errors introduced during assembly are compensated for by calibrating pose offsets introduced between the manipulator components and at the distal and proximal ends of the manipulator. The nominal parameters of the rotary stage and parallel manipulator are not calibrated in this case to preserve the baseline accuracy of the components. Using the full data set inclusive of manipulator home position, this calibration process yields 118 m RMS position error and 182 rad RMS rotation error. This offset compensation case is considered representative of the hybrid manipulator accuracy without the calibration techniques developed in this work.
The second step expands the scope of the calibration to include kinematic parameters of the rotary stage and parallel manipulator components in addition to the pose offsets identified in the prior step. Calibration was conducted using a random selection with no replacement of 70% of the data set collected inclusive of the manipulator home position and rounded up. For the subset of 141 poses, calibration Jacobian dimensions as defined by (
35) are [846 × 53]. The calibration terminated after three epochs upon reaching the parameter change exit condition, with 91.1
m RMS position error and 64.1
rad rotation error using a singular value cutoff ratio of 1:1000. The updated parameterization was validated with the remaining 30% of the poses from the original data set that were not used within the calibration process, resulting in 90.4
m RMS position error and 76.8
rad rotation error. The calibration process was repeated with the complete 201 point data set, achieving a final 91.1
m RMS position error and 71.2
rad rotation error. This represents a 46.7% reduction in error compared to the baseline assembly offset calibration case.
Pose-error distributions for the validation data set are generated for the calibrated and uncalibrated hybrid manipulator and converted into scalar distributions by separately taking the RMS of the position and rotation components of the error vector at each pose. The resultant distributions are displayed in
Figure 8 and exist near the identified measurement uncertainties for the laser tracker system. Measurement uncertainty cannot be stripped from the measurements outside of simulation, but it is anticipated that the real performance of the calibration falls below the measurement uncertainty of the laser tracker.
3.7. Comparison to Alternate Calibration Methods
Kinematic loop closure calibration methods are implemented on the parallel manipulator portion of the hybrid manipulator. These established methods have been adapted to the parallel manipulator geometry of interest as demonstrated in [
54], but have been widely implemented for use on canonical Stewart Platform manipulator designs [
23] and other novel parallel mechanisms [
20]. Each implementation minimizes a scalar representation of the position error found within specified kinematic chains, referred to as Position Vector Loop Closure (PVLC) in this work. Within this work, a basic implementation in which the position error between the end effector of each parallel leg
and the manipulator transform
at each measurement is minimized with serial Jacobians generated using the passive joint parameters
found by solving the inverse kinematics to reach the measured
and actual leg length measurements
. This configuration is chosen to most closely match contemporary literature. After the loop closure calibration has been completed, the serial manipulator offset calibration is repeated to ensure convergence.
The Nelder–Mead simplex method has been implemented in contemporary literature for final optimization of a novel 6 DoF parallel manipulator after coarse calibration has been completed [
33]. This approach is implemented using the MATLAB general minimization function
fminsearch, with evaluation function corresponding to the RMS of the total pose-error vector
. As no options are specified in the corresponding work, default termination options are retained.
Contemporary literature has implemented Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) fitting on a variety of parallel manipulators with comparisons to alternate calibration approaches [
29]. This approach is composed of genetic algorithm minimization followed by gradient-based constrained minimization facilitated by the MATLAB optimization functions
ga and
fmincon, respectively. The option settings are adjusted to a crossover fraction of 0.7, a population size of 100 with 3000 maximum generations. Function tolerance is specified to 1 × 10
, with hybrid function specified to use SQP. As the use of genetic algorithm methods greatly impacts computational performance, a trial calibration is also performed with only the gradient-based
fmincon function for comparison purposes. Options are identical to the prior case. Parallel computation is enabled to improve optimization performance for both related test cases.
The final pose-error found by each of the described calibration approaches and associated computation time are listed and compared to both the baseline hybrid manipulator parameterization and our approach (Constrained NLS) in
Table 5. In the Nelder–Mead, HGA, and fmincon cases, the pose-error of the manipulator was not reduced from the baseline parameterization. Results for these comparisons are discussed in the following section.