An OpenCV-Based Approach for Automated Cardiac Rhythm Measurement in Zebrafish from Video Datasets
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Zebrafish Embryo Maintenance
2.2. High-Speed Videography
2.3. Calculation of Heart Rhythm Using ImageJ
2.4. Calculation of Heart Rhythm by Using OpenCV Libraries
2.5. Proposed Framework
2.6. Extraction of Video Signals from Bounding Box
2.7. Heart Rate and Cardiac Rhythm Measurement
2.8. Cross-Correlation Algorithm
2.9. Smoothing of Raw Data Using Spline Interpolation
3. Results
3.1. Overview of Heart Rate and Rhythm Analysis Pipeline by OpenCV
3.2. Cardiac Rhythm Comparison with ImageJ Method in Control Zebrafish Embryos
3.3. Cardiac Rhythm Comparison between OpenCV and ImageJ Methods with Different ROI Selected Positions
3.4. Use of the OpenCV Method to Detect Heart Rate Alterations after IBMX Treatment
3.5. Use of OpenCV Method to Detect Cardiac Rhythm Dysregulation after Camphor Treatment
3.6. Use of OpenCV Method to Detect an Ultrafast Heartbeat in Daphnia Magna
3.7. Use of OpenCV Method to Detect Heartbeat Irregularity in Daphnia Magna
4. Discussion
5. Potential Limitations and Future Work
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Software | Video Format | Environment/Platform | Selecting ROI | Automated Operation? | Endpoints Can be Measured | References |
OpenCV | MP4 | Python | Video | Yes | Heart rate, atrium-atrium, ventricle-ventricle, atrium-ventricle, and ventricle-atrium intervals, heart rate variability | This study |
ImageJ TSA | AVI | ImageJ | Image | No | Heart rate, atrium-atrium, ventricle-ventricle, atrium-ventricle, and ventricle-atrium intervals, heart rate variability | [26,80] |
Kymograph | AVI | ImageJ | Image | No | Heart rate, atrium-atrium, ventricle-ventricle, atrium-ventricle, and ventricle-atrium intervals, heart rate variability | [21] |
ZACAF (Zebrafish Automatic Cardiovascular Assessment Framework) | Not mentioned | Python (U-net deep learning model) | Video, Selected by deep learning tool | Yes | Heart rate only | [81] |
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Farhan, A.; Kurnia, K.A.; Saputra, F.; Chen, K.H.-C.; Huang, J.-C.; Roldan, M.J.M.; Lai, Y.-H.; Hsiao, C.-D. An OpenCV-Based Approach for Automated Cardiac Rhythm Measurement in Zebrafish from Video Datasets. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 1476.
Farhan A, Kurnia KA, Saputra F, Chen KH-C, Huang J-C, Roldan MJM, Lai Y-H, Hsiao C-D. An OpenCV-Based Approach for Automated Cardiac Rhythm Measurement in Zebrafish from Video Datasets. Biomolecules. 2021; 11(10):1476.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFarhan, Ali, Kevin Adi Kurnia, Ferry Saputra, Kelvin H.-C. Chen, Jong-Chin Huang, Marri Jmelou M. Roldan, Yu-Heng Lai, and Chung-Der Hsiao. 2021. "An OpenCV-Based Approach for Automated Cardiac Rhythm Measurement in Zebrafish from Video Datasets" Biomolecules 11, no. 10: 1476.
APA StyleFarhan, A., Kurnia, K. A., Saputra, F., Chen, K. H.-C., Huang, J.-C., Roldan, M. J. M., Lai, Y.-H., & Hsiao, C.-D. (2021). An OpenCV-Based Approach for Automated Cardiac Rhythm Measurement in Zebrafish from Video Datasets. Biomolecules, 11(10), 1476.