Notch Signaling in Skeletal Development, Homeostasis and Pathogenesis
:1. Introduction
2. Notch Signaling in Human Skeletal Diseases
3. Notch Signaling in Chondrogenesis
4. Notch Signaling and Osteoarthritis
5. Notch Regulation of Osteoblast Differentiation and Osteocyte Function
6. Notch Signaling in Osteoclastogenesis and Bone Resorption
7. Notch Function in Skeletal Stem Cells and Fracture Healing
8. Pathological Function of Notch Signaling in Cancer
9. Concluding Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Disease | Mutation | Notch Effect | Symptoms |
Adams Oliver Syndrome | NOTCH1 DLL4 RBPJK | Loss of function | Underdeveloped skull and absent or scarred skin (Aplasia cutis congenital), mild to severe limb defect (Terminal transverse limb defects), cardiovascular malformations/dysfunctions, brain anomalies, and less frequent renal, liver and eye anomalies |
Alagille Syndrome | JAG1 NOTCH2 | Loss of function | Multisystem disorder with a wide spectrum of clinical variability; bile duct paucity, cholestasis, cardiac defect, butterfly vertebrae, craniosynostosis and characteristic facial features, low bone mass and increased fracture incidence |
Spondylocostal Dysostosis | DLL3 MESP2 HES7 LFNG | Loss of function | Vertebral segmentation defects, rib abnormalities |
Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome | NOTCH2 | Gain of function | Short stature, coarse and dysmorphic facies, bowing of long bones, and vertebral anomalies; focal bone destruction (acroosteolysis) and osteoporosis |
Lateral Meningocele Syndrome | NOTCH3 | Gain of function | Facial anomalies, hypotonia, meningocele, short stature, scoliosis, Wormian bones, and thick calvariae |
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Zieba, J.T.; Chen, Y.-T.; Lee, B.H.; Bae, Y. Notch Signaling in Skeletal Development, Homeostasis and Pathogenesis. Biomolecules 2020, 10, 332.
Zieba JT, Chen Y-T, Lee BH, Bae Y. Notch Signaling in Skeletal Development, Homeostasis and Pathogenesis. Biomolecules. 2020; 10(2):332.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZieba, Jennifer T., Yi-Ting Chen, Brendan H. Lee, and Yangjin Bae. 2020. "Notch Signaling in Skeletal Development, Homeostasis and Pathogenesis" Biomolecules 10, no. 2: 332.
APA StyleZieba, J. T., Chen, Y.-T., Lee, B. H., & Bae, Y. (2020). Notch Signaling in Skeletal Development, Homeostasis and Pathogenesis. Biomolecules, 10(2), 332.