3.1. One Sort of Strings and Particles
The following discussion closely follows that in [
9]. To start, we study a simplified situation with only one type of string. We consider both the original string stretched between the partons of the projectile and target and the fused strings of higher color which are generated when
n original strings occupy the same area in the transverse plane.
First, we consider the original simple string. Let it have its ends at and . For cumulative particles, we are interested only in the forward hemisphere and only in the “+” components of momenta; thus, in the following, we omit the subindex “+”.
We are interested in the spectrum of particles emitted from this string with longitudinal momentum
. Evidently,
x varies in the interval
or when introducing
in the interval
The multiplicity density of produced particles (pions) is then
and the total multiplicity of particles emitted in one of the two hemispheres is
is the total multiplicity in both hemispheres. The emitted particles have their “+” momenta
in the interval
and, as
Thus, the particles emitted from the simple string cannot carry their “+” momenta greater than a single incoming nucleon. They are non-cumulative.
Now, let several simple strings coexist without fusion. Each of these strings produces particles in the interval dictated by its ends. If the
ith string has its upper end
, then the total multiplicity density of
n unfused strings is
is the multiplicity density of the
ith string, and is different from zero in the interval
As a result, all produced particles have their “+” momenta lying in the same interval as that for a single string, meaning that they are all non-cumulative. We conclude that no cumulative particles will appear without string fusion. In this picture, only fusion of strings produces cumulative particles.
Now, consider that
n simple strings fuse into a fused string. The process of fusion obeys two conservation laws, namely, those of color and momentum. As a result of the conservation of color, the color of a fused string is
higher than that of an ordinary string [
6]. Of the four momentum conservation laws, here we are mostly interested in the conservation of the “+” component, which leads to the conservation of
x. A fused string has an upper endpoint
are the upper ends of the fusing strings. This endpoint can be much higher than the individual
of the fusing strings. In the limiting case when each fusing string has
, we find
. Consequently, the particles emitted from the fused string have maximal “+” momentum
and are cumulative with the degree
n of cumulativity.
At this point, we have to stress that there are several notable exceptions. The maximal value
n for
can be achieved only when different strings which fuse are truly independent, which is the case if the strings belong to different nucleons in the projectile. To picture this, imagine that two strings which belong to the same nucleon fuse, with one starting from the quark and the other from the antiquark. In this case,
have the same value as
. Thus, fusing of strings inside the nucleon does not provide any cumulative particles. Such particles are only generated by fusing of strings belonging to different nucleons in the projectile; compare the left and right panels in
Figure 2. In the left panel, the two fused strings come each from the same nucleon, and cannot generate cumulative particles; such configurations are to be dropped. In the right panel, the fused string is formed from strings belonging to different nucleons, resulting in cumulative paricles.
The multiplicity density of particles emitted from the fused string is denoted by
is the generated multiplicity. It is different from zero in the interval
or again, introducing
in the interval
We are interested in emission at high values of x, or of z close to unity, that is, in the fragmentation region for the projectile. Standardly, it is assumed that the multiplicity density is practically independent of x in the central region, that is, at small x. However, cannot be constant in the whole interval (7), and has to approach zero at its end in the fragmentation regions. At such values of z, is expected to strongly depend on z. Our task is to formulate the z-dependence of in this kinematical region.
To this end, we can set up certain sum rules which follow from the mentioned conservation laws and restrict possible forms of the spectrum of produced hadrons.
The total number of particles produced in the forward hemisphere by the fused string should be
greater than by the ordinary string. This leads to the multiplicity sum rule:
where, as before,
is the total multiplicity from a simple string in both hemispheres. The produced particles have to carry all the longitudinal momentum in the forward direction. This results in the following sum rule for
In these sum rules,
is provided by (3) and is small. Passing to the scaled variable
we can rewrite the two sum rules as
These sum rules place severe restrictions on the form of the distribution , which obviously cannot be independent of n. Comparing (7) and (8), we can see that the spectrum of the fused string has to vanish at its upper threshold faster than is the case for the simple string. In the scaled variable z, it is shifted to smaller values, that is, to the central region. This must have a negative effect on the formation of cumulative particles produced at extreme values of x.
To proceed, we choose the simplest form for the distribution
with only two parameters: magnitude
and slope
x sum rule relates
as follows:
The multiplicity sum rule finally determines
This equation can be easily solved when
. We can present the integral in (14) as
The integral term is finite at
; thus, we can write it as a difference of integrals in the intervals
. The first can be found exactly:
The second term has an order
and is small unless
grows faster than
n, which is not the case, as we shall presently see. In fact, we find that
grows roughly as
, which allows to neglect the second factor in (14) and rewrite it in its final form:
Note that the total multiplicity
from a simple string is just
Y; additionally,
, meaning that
Thus, Equation (18) can be rewritten as
This transcendental equation determines
for the fused string. Obviously, at
the solution does not depend on
and is just
. To finally fix the distributions at finite
Y, we have to choose the value of
for the simple string. We take the simplest choice
for an average string with
, which corresponds to a completely flat spectrum and agrees with the results of [
15]. This fixes the multiplicity density for the average string
which favorably compares to the value in 1.1 extracted from the experimental data [
8]. After that, the equation for
takes the form
At finite Y, this has to be solved numerically to provide , where is the upper end of the string n.
We find that with the growth of n the spectrum of produced particles goes to zero at more and more rapidly. Therefore, although strings with large n produce particles with large values of , the production rate is increasingly small.
3.2. Different Strings and Particles
In reality, strings are of two different types, attached to either quarks or antiquarks. Additionally, various types of hadrons are produced in general. In the cumulative region, the mostly studied particles are nucleons and pions, the production rates of the rest being much smaller. As mentioned in the introduction to this paper, the dominant mechanism for emission of cumulative nucleons is the spectator mechanism, which lies outside the color string picture. Thus, we restrict ourselves here to cumulative pions. The multiplicity densities for each sort of fused strings obviously depends on its flavor contents, that is, on the number of quark and diquark strings in it.
Let the string be composed of
quarks and
k diquarks,
We then have distributions
for the produced pions. The multiplicity and momentum sum rules alone are now insufficient to determine each of the distributions
separately. To overcome this difficulty, we note that in our picture the observed pion is produced when the parton (quark or diquark) emerging from string decay neutralizes its color by picking up an appropriate parton from the vacuum. In this way, a quark may go into a pion if it picks up an antiquark or into a nucleon if it picks up two quarks. The rules for quark counting tell us that the behavior at the threshold in the second case has two extra powers of
. Likewise, a diquark may either go into a nucleon by picking up a third quark or into two pions by picking up two antiquarks, with a probability smaller by a factor
at the threshold. On the other hand, at the threshold the probability of finding a quark in the proton is
smaller than that of the diquark; see Equations (5) and (6). These two effects, that of color neutralization and threshold damping in the nucleus, seem to compensate for each other, so that in the end the pion production rate from the antiquark string is only twice the rate of that from the quark string, provided the distribution of the former in the nucleus is the same as for the quark strings. This enables us to take the same distributions (5) for quark and antiquark strings in the nucleus, and to use
for the fragmentation function
, where
is the distribution (13) determined in the previous subsection. Equation (22) takes into account the doubling of pion production from antiquark strings. For the simple string, it correctly provides
Averaging (22) over all
n-fold fused strings, we have the average
; thus,
can be well approximated by
Note that should we wish to consider cumulative protons, then quark strings provide practically no contribution, being damped both at the moments of their formation and neutralized in terms of color. In contrast, antiquarks dominate at both steps, and provide effectively the total contribution. Thus, we would have to consider only antiquark strings and only one multiplicity distribution, that of nucleons , for which our sum rules are valid with the sole change , that being the total multiplicity of nucleons. However, it then becomes necessary to use distribution (6) for antiquark strings in the nucleus, which grows in the fragmentation region.