2. Stueckelberg Mechanism
Vector bundle E. We consider Minkowski space
with the metric
are coordinates on
. Let
G be a compact Lie group,
its Lie algebra and
a trivial principal
G-bundle over
M. We introduce a complex vector bundle
, where
is the space of irreducible representation of
G, and endow the space
V with a Hermitian scalar product
are sections of
E. Thus,
E is a Hermitian vector bundle and
G can be considered as a closed subgroup of
. For
we consider
and for
we have in mind the group
. We choose the normalization of the generators
of the group
G such that
for any representation,
Connections and automorphisms. Let
be a connection one-form (gauge potential) on
E, and
its curvature (gauge field) taking values in the Lie algebra
. On each fibre
of the bundle
the group
acts by rotations of the basis in
. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the group
and all
ordered basis, or
frames, on the fibres
. Thus,
G-frames on
E are parametrized by the infinite-dimensional group
of smooth
G-valued functions on
. This is the group of base-preserving automorphisms Aut
of the bundle
and its Lie algebra is Lie
Remark 1. One should not confuse frames and automorphisms of the bundle , even if they are indistinguishable in the case of a trivial bundle . For a curved manifold M, the frame bundle has only local sections. At the same time, the bundle of groups Inn, where G acts on itself by inner automorphisms for
, has global sections – they are automorphisms of the bundle . For trivial bundles both of these spaces are parametrized by the group (3), but their geometric meaning is different. We denote by
the space of all smooth connections on
E. The group
P-automorphisms acts on
by the standard formula
. Whether
(or its subgroup) is the group of gauge transformations or a dynamical group depends on the choice of Lagrangian and boundary conditions [
Lagrangian. Let us consider the Lagrangian density for massive gauge field,
is the gauge coupling constant and
is the mass parameter. Space-time indices here and everywhere are raised using the metric (
1). The massless case corresponds to
The mass term
in (
5) with
explicitly breaks the invariance of the Lagrangian (
5) under the transformation (
4) from the group (
3) of
G-automorphisms. The Lagrangian density (
5) describes massive gauge bosons having two transverse components
and one longitudinal component
of gauge potential
1 . In this case the group (
3) acts on
as a dynamical group, i.e., it maps
which is not equivalent to
Stueckelberg field. The Stueckelberg field
is a
frame on
E, i.e., a
G-valued function on
M which is parametrized by elements from the group (
3). For example, for
, the frame is given by
N basis vectors
such that
The Stueckelberg fields can be pointwise multiplied as
This is the right action of on itself. Thus, these fields are elements of the group which is a dynamical group in the case of nonzero mass of gauge bosons.
Let us map
and consider the term
It is easy to see that under the action of
given by (
4) and (
7), we have
Thus, the dressed
2 gauge potential
is invariant under automorphism group
Mass term. For both (
11) and (
12) the mass term (
9) is invariant under the action of the group
. This term reduces to the term
in (
5) after transforming
(gauge fixing). Hence, we can consider the
-invariant theory with the Lagrangian density
with the Stueckelberg field
. In other words, we can equally consider either
-invariant model (
13) with
or its gauge-fixed version (
5) with
, i.e.,
parametrizes the longitudinal components
of gauge potentials
. For the Abelian case
, this trading of degrees of freedom was proposed by Stueckelberg [
8] in 1938 and then, 25 years later, it was rediscovered as the Goldstone fields and the Higgs mechanism [
10] (for a historical overview and references see, e.g., [
Remark 2. Note that (13) is a Higgs-type Lagrangian with a G-valued field ϕ. Some sources claim that Stueckelberg proposed an “affine Higgs mechanism” in which the compact group is replaced by the non-compact group . This is nonsense, he introduced the field which is now called the Nambu–Goldstone boson. Framed bundles. As we discussed,
can be identified with an element of the group
of automorphisms of the vector bundle
E. The group
rotates frames on
E. Recall that (
5) is a gauge fixed version of (
13), where
-invariance is unbroken. Hence, we can consider a
fixed bundle
associated with (
5) and an unfixed bundle
E associated with (
13). Then
defines an
isomorphism of these bundles,
The bundle
E with the isomorphism (
14) is called a
framed bundle. This equivalent description of Stueckelberg fields can be used when considering them at boundaries (
edge modes [
14]) and has been discussed in detail in [
Unbroken subgroup . Let with be the generators of the Lie group G, normalized such that . We can expand in terms of the Lie algebra basis . Above, we described the Stueckelberg mechanism for the complete breaking of gauge invariance and the acquisition of mass by all gauge bosons , . Below we will consider how to keep massless bosons from a closed subgroup H of the group G and introduce masses for only the -part of all bosons.
Orbits . Consider a closed subgroup
H of
such that
is a reductive homogeneous space. The Lie algebra
G can be decomposed as
, where
is the orthogonal complement of the Lie algebra
H in
. We denote by
the Cartan subalgebra of
and by
the positive closed Weyl chamber. Let us choose an element
such that
, i.e.,
H is a stabilizer of
. Then the adjoint orbit
will be diffeomorphic to the coset space
. The definition (
16) gives a parametrization of one of the patches covering the orbit
. One can extend parametrization to all other patches by the action of the Weyl group of
Flag manifolds. A special case of orbits (
16) is related with a flag structure in the complex vector space
. A flag of
V is a filtration
, where
. We will not discuss a manifold of flags in
V in full generality (parabolic subgroups of
, highest weight representations etc.). We consider only the space
with a Hermitian metric preserved by the group
. In this case one should define the splitting
preserved by the subgroup
and then the flag manifold will be
. For example, with
one can associate the following homogeneous spaces:
All of them are Kähler manifolds.
Mass terms for . If we want to introduce masses only for gauge bosons parametrized by the coset space
, we can start from the mass term
which is invariant under transformations from the subgroup
of the group
. Generating the orbit (
16) by dressing formula
we transform (
22) to the
-invariant mass term
Here the
-valued field
is parametrized by the Stueckelberg field
with values in the coset space
according to (
16). Again we obtain a Higgs-type Lagrangian density
but now we obtain masses only for gauge bosons
. The mass term (
22) is the gauge fixed form of (
Note that if we consider
and the Hermitian vector bundle
E then the subgroup
H of
G preserves the flag structure (
17) in fibres
. The Stueckelberg field
parametrizes this flag structure (
3. Higgs Mechanism
Lagrangians (
13) and (
25) are standard for gauge fields interacting with
G-valued scalar field
-valued field
. In both cases
and fixing the gauge
one can obtain mass terms (
5) and (
22), respectively. From now on, we will consider the case (
13) with
and return to the case (
25) later.
Scaling field . As discussed in
Section 2, the Stueckelberg fields
can be identified with automorphisms of the gauge bundle
. In other words, we can consider
as a map from a fixed frame to the new ones, i.e., as a rotation of bases on fibres
E. These rotations act on sections
of this bundle as mapping
Recall that the bundle
E is Hermitian, with the metric (
2) on fibres. Obviously, this metric is invariant under rotations (
Let us now consider a rescaling of metric (
2) as a mapping
is a function of
. The maps (
26) and (
27) can be combined into the map
in (
28) is an element of the conformal extension of the group
defined [
15] as
As a manifold, the group (
29) is a cone
G with the metric
If we add the tip to the cone then we obtain a semigroup with identity (a monoid), since the element has no inverse.
Special point . The function
in (
30) defines a
scale on fibres
of the Hermitian vector bundle
is a
conformal structure on fibres of
E. Note that the cone
can be projected onto
with fibres
is a cohomogeneity one Riemannian
G-manifold. The orbit
is singular that is obvious from (
30). At this point both
and fibres
E shrink to a point.
Examples. For we have which is the multiplicative group of non-zero complex numbers. Adding the point corresponds to the transition from to the field of all complex numbers. For , the conformal extensions give the group of non-zero quaternions and adding the point we obtain the semigroup .
Mass term with . Recall that massive gauge bosons are described by the Lagrangian (
5). The longitudinal components of these bosons can be transferred to the Stueckelberg field
to obtain the gauge-invariant mass term (
9). To see the effect of
rescaling (
27) of the metric on fibres
of the bundle
E, we replace
in (
9) with
. Then we obtain the term
coinciding with (
9) if we put
const. Thus, the scaling field
becomes dynamical, and we can add to (
32) a potential term (self-action) of the form
4 Putting together the resulting terms, we obtain the Lagrangian density
for Yang–Mills-Higgs theory. From (
34) it follows that for
we can identify the scaling function
with the Higgs boson.
Higgs field in SM. The Standard Model (SM) uses the Higgs field
with values in the fundamental representation
of the group SU(2). We will show that this is equivalent to the description (
34) for
5 Let us introduce the matrix
. We have
and, therefore
6The last term in (
37) gives the kinetic term for
and from (
36) we see that
. In SM the vacuum state is usually chosen as
, so that
If we want to keep in (
37) only
then we can use in (
37) the term
P is a projector. The representation of the Higgs field in the form (
35) is important for a better understanding of the mechanism for generating a mass of gauge bosons. From (
35) we see that
defines a conformal frame on
E and
sets a scale on fibres of
Remark 3. Suppose we have two vector bundles, of rank and of rank , associated with a principal -bundle and a -bundle, respectively. Then we naturally have two scaling bosons, and , since they are related to the geometry of bundles, and are not introduced artificially. However, one or both of them can be “frozen” to a constant value.
Algebra-valued Higgs fields. In the case of masses for a part
of gauge bosons, discussed in (
25), one can generalize (
24) as follows. Replace
by a function
. Instead of (
22) one should start with the term
and dress
via (
16). After this we again obtain (
24) and (
25), but with
parametrized not only by
but also the
-valued function
. A potential term for such
can be introduced in term of
, e.g., as
For cosets of type (
18) one can take
. The fields
define non-uniform rescaling on subspaces
Summing up preliminary results, we can say that
G-valued Stueckelberg fields parametrize frames on gauge vector bundles E over M;
Fields in define scales on fibres of E;
In massless gauge theory, fields define gauge transformations;
In massive gauge theory, fields define longitudinal components of gauge potentials;
Vacuum value of the scale field sets the mass of gauge bosons.
The limit
in (
34) nullifies the mass term.
4. Rescaling and Scale Gauge Fields
Conformal geometry. Let
M be an
m-dimensional smooth Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold with a metric
g. Consider a smooth positive function
M and define the metric
The metric
is called conformally equivalent to the metric
g and an equivalence class
of such metrics is called a
conformal structure,
Considering rescaling (
42), Hermann Weyl introduced a conformal generalization of Riemannian geometry.
7 A conformal structure on manifolds with
is locally flat if the Weyl curvature tensor of some (and hence any) Riemannian metric
g from a class
is zero. It is globally conformally flat if also the Riemannian curvature tensor vanishes.
By considering rescaling (
42), Weyl introduced the generalized Christoffel symbols
are standard Christoffel symbols and
is a Weyl connection transforming when rescaling (
42) by the formula
Using this Abelian connection, one can introduce a scale covariant derivative on M. The above conformal generalization of (pseudo-)Riemannian geometry is being actively developed both in mathematics and in physics.
Scaling geometry. In
Section 3, we showed that the Higgs boson field
defines the rescaling (
27) of
and the metric
h on fibres
of the gauge vector bundle
E. The scale parameter
depends on
and hence it is reasonable to introduce a scale connection
similar to the Weyl connection
in (
45). The Abelian connection
a is defined on the principal bundle
with the multiplicative group
and on the associated real line bundle
In contrast to the Weyl connection
w, the connection
a is associated not with rescaling the metric on space
tangent to space-time
M, but with rescaling the metric on internal vector spaces
. We consider the tensor product
of bundles
E and
associated with principal bundle
. One-form of connection on this bundle is
and for simplicity we will write it as
. The covariant derivative
of sections
reads as
8When rescaling sections of
, we have
The field
in (
33) has scale weight one and hence the covariant derivative of the form (
48). Substituting
into (
32), we obtain the same formula with replacement
Substituting this into (
34) and adding the standard Lagrangian for the Abelian gauge field
, we obtain the Lagrangian density
is a fixed function.
Vacua of the model (
51) are given by flat connections
at the minimum
of the potential
. Hence, the field
is an arbitrary
-valued function defining the vacuum bundle
with the flat connections (
52) for which
. The standard vacuum arises as a special case when choosing
. The possibility of vacuum states parametrized by coordinate-dependent scaling function
appears due to the introduction of new degrees of freedom given by the scale connection (
Remark 4. Let us introduce a dressed scale connectionThen from (50) we obtainso that (51) can be rewritten in terms of and which are invariant under the transformationsfor real-valued functions . Then there will be no derivatives of ρ in (51). It is not yet clear which description is better to use. From (55) one can always return to the standard formulation with by considering the flat connection . Under scaling transformations (
56) the fields
are not transformed, but due to the factor
in several terms in (
51), the Lagrangian is not invariant under the transformations (
56). Note that the space-time scale transformations (
45) and scale transformations (
29), (
49) and (
56) of internal spaces are independent and all fields can have different scale weight with respect to these scaling groups.
5. Running Couplings and Adjoint Bundle
Group manifolds. Let
be the generators of the Lie group
G with structure constants
given by the commutation relations
We can normalize such that the Killing–Cartan metric on Lie is .
For group elements
not depending on
we introduce left- and right-invariant one-forms on
is the exterior derivative on
G. Then for the metric on
G we have
From (
60) one can see that left- and right-invariant objects are interchangable.
The forms
obey the Maurer–Cartan equations
and the same equations for
. We introduce left- and right-invariant vector fields on
G dual to
which obey the equations
and commute with each other.
Adjoint representation. We consider the group
in the
fundamental (defining) representation. The center of
is given by the matrices
, where
is the
N-th root of unity,
, i.e.,
Let us consider the left action of
G on itself,
. The maps (
65) are
inner automorphisms of
G denoted Inn
and we have an isomorphism
The group is locally isomorphic to the group which is a -cover of . The well-known example is the group .
The group
(projective unitary group) has no
N-dimensional representations. The adjoint
action (
65) of
induces the action
is the tangent space of
G at the origin
e. Thus, the group
-dimensional representation which is the
adjoint representation of
. Matrices
introduced in (
60) are matrices of this representation
. For fields
in the adjoint representation we have
i.e., they are transformed with the matrices
D. The metric (
59) is invariant under these rotations.
Rescaling. Note that
are defined in terms of angle variables on
G and one can interpret the metric (
59) as a metric with the length parameter
fixed to unity. Consider now the dimensionless parameter
and rescale
is the coupling parameter. We have
and the same formulae for
. This rescaling is equivalent to the rescaling
of matrices
representing matrices
under the homomorphism
, with
action on
For the rescaled metric we have
From (
72) it follows that the Lagrangian (
5) for pure Yang–Mills fields with
can be written as
defines a scale (
72) on the algebra
. All fields in the adjoint representation of SU(
N) are transformed in fact by the group PU
Group . We consider the scaling factor
and the group
D for
embedded into the orthogonal group SO
. Thus, we consider the conformal extension of the adjoint representation of
. In (
29) we introduced such an extension for the fundamental representation of this group.
The metric on
is given by formula
Under a homomorphism of the group (
29) into the group (
74) we have a map of
. It is natural to consider
since SU
N-fold covering of
The adjoint representation of
is trivial and the above logic cannot be used. The Abelian case is essentially different from the non-Abelian one, since for it we have two multiplicative groups
with coordinates
The natural homomorphism
The condition that the radii of both groups U(1) decrease and increase synchronously leads to the condition with but the case is preferable.
Associated bundles. Consider the principal bundle
of conformal frames on the vector bundle
introduced in
Section 4. The fibre of
over a point
is the group
matrices defined in (
29). These fibres are parametrized by the Stueckelberg field
and the scaling field
. Fibres of
are spaces
of the fundamental representation of the group
. The metric (
27) on
and the metric on
is given in (
Similarly, we consider the bundle of Lie algebras Ad
, where
G acts on
by adjoint action (
67) and introduce on
the metric
for sections
of the bundle Ad
P. We associate with this vector bundle the bundle
of conformal frames, where the group
is given in (
74). The scaling functions
are not independent, as we discussed above. The scaling function
is a dynamical quantity governed by the Lagrangian (
51). From the proposed model it follows that
tends to zero if
tends to zero, i.e., both the vector bundle
and the adjoint vector bundle Ad
disappear in the limit
) since their fibres shrink to a point. Considering conformally rescaled metrics
on Ad
, we enter the region of real-space renormalization group already at the classical level due to assignment of geometric status to the Higgs fields.
6. Building Models
Proposed ideas. Before proceeding to the discussion of the Standard Model (SM) with the structure group , we summarize the ideas discussed.
All fields entering in Lagrangian (
51) are related to the geometry of fibre bundles
and Ad
The G-valued Stueckelberg field parametrizes frames on the complex vector bundle E and these frames are dynamical if Lagrangian contains the term . Scaling function sets the value of effective mass of gauge bosons.
We have Yang–Mills-Higgs theory invariant under automorphisms Aut (gauge symmetry) and the Higgs field . If we do not add the term to the Lagrangian, then gauge bosons are massless.
The scaling function as well as the scale connection enter the Lagrangian both in the massive and in the massless case.
Scaling function defines “size” of fibres of the bundle of frames on the vector bundle and the inverse coupling defines “size” of fibres of the bundle of frames on the adjoint bundle Ad of algebras.
If tend to zero, then fibres of all gauge bundles shrink to a point, and there are no gauge fields in the region where and are equal to zero.
These ideas form a hard core of the proposed research program.
Geometry and matter. We consider two types of objects: those that define geometry and those that define matter.
Orthonormal (co-)frame and Weyl conformal factor on the cotangent bundle over curved 4-manifold M define conformal geometry of M.
A G-frame and conformal factor on Hermitian vector bundle define geometry of .
and the inverse running coupling
define a frame on the adjoint bundle. In particular, a metric on
can be written in the form
’s define a metric on
M and
define a metric on fibres
introduced in
Section 5. Similar metric with
can be written on
Thus, geometry is defined by frames and the associated metrics.
In the Standard Model we have a complex vector bundle associated with the group . Quarks and leptons are sections of the bundle tensored with the spinor bundle over M. They are matter fields.
Sections of vector bundles do not affect the geometry, so they can have any value, including zero. For example, a vector field W on M can be written in local coordinates as , where are any functions of . Zero values of simply mean that there is no vector field, and the same can be said for the fields of quarks and leptons. At the same time, if scaling functions or are equal to zero at some points of M or in some region of M, then this radically changes the geometry of the manifold M and bundles over it.
Fermions. Let
be a fermionic field with value in the complex vector bundle
. It is a section of the bundle
E tensored with the spinor bundle over
. The standard Lagrangian density for
has the form
-matrices satisfy the anticommutation relations
m is the mass of the fermion
. Note that we can add to
a flavour index and sum over it in (
In (
29) we introduced dressed fields
taking value in the bundle
and in (
49) we coupled
with a scale connection
. For such fields we have
is given in (
81) and
. Note that
as expected.
Higgs fields. What about the Higgs field - is it matter or geometry? It is well known that the prototype for the Higgs model was the Ginzburg–Landau model of superconductivity. The Lagrangian of this Abelian model with
has the form (
51) with
T is temperature and
is the transition temperature. The order parameter field
is the “condensate” of Cooper pairs of electrons, i.e.,
is a composite
matter field with
indicating the fraction of electrons that have condensed into a superfluid. The Higgs field
in this case is a
section of the complex line bundle
associated with the electromagnetic
-bundle. From (
84) it can be seen that at
the minimum of the potential is possible only at
, i.e., superconductivity disappear. In the Ginzburg-Landau model the field (
85) is not related to geometry, electric charge does not depend on
and equality
simply means the absence of Cooper pairs.
Generalizing the Abelian case (
85), the Higgs field in SM was introduced as a section
of the complex vector bundle
, i.e., as matter. It is fundamental and not composite like Cooper pairs. In color superconductivity, there are composite matter Higgs fields (condensate of pairs of quarks). However, the fundamental scalar field should be considered as a geometric one. We showed that it is a conformal frame on the Hermitian vector bundle
associated with the group
G which is
. They are parametrized by fields
and give mass to gauge bosons only if the Stueckelberg fields
are included in the Lagrangian. Furthermore, as
tends to zero, the fibres of all gauge bundles shrink to a point, and gauge fields disappear. In this limit there is nothing to “gauge”.
Next, we will discuss fields
in the Standard Model. However, before proceeding to this discussion, let us pay attention to two important features of the field (
85) in the theory of superconductivity. Firstly, the field
exists only in a compact region
S of
filled by a superconductor. Secondly, the minimum of potential energy is reached for
from (
84) depending on external parameters. I propose to consider Higgs-type fields
in particle physics also having such properties and also propose to consider
as a function depending on coordinates
. To begin with, we specify examples of functions supported on some subspaces
S of
, compact or noncompact.
9Functions supported on S. Suppose that
is a real-valued function whose domain is an arbitrary set
X. The
set-theoretical support of
f, written as supp
, is the set of points in
X, where
f is non-zero:
For example, a
characteristic function of a subset
is the function
The function
indicates whether
belongs to
S or not. Obviously,
is the characteristic function of the complement
. When
X is a topological space, the support of
f is defined as a closure in
X of the subset in
X where
f is non-zero,
Below we will consider functions on with coordinates and use .
S be a compact (closed and bounded) embedded submanifold of a Euclidean space. Real-valued compactly supported functions on a Euclidean space are called
bump functions. We will consider a three-dimensional submanifold
S in
as the closed 3-ball
of radius
R centered at
As an example of a bump function we consider a function
which can be written as
is the characteristic function of the open ball
. We have
(the limit from below).
The space of bump functions is closed under the sum, product or convolution of two bump functions. Any differential operator with smooth coefficients, when applied to a bump function, will produce another bump function. For example, for and for a smooth function f are again bump functions.
As an example function having noncompact support we consider a function
such that
(the limit from above). Note that we can multiply
by a smooth function and again have a function supported on
. As a last example, we introduce a bump function
. Different products of positive integer powers of these functions also give a bump function on
, e.g.,
Running couplings. We turn to discussing the construction of models using the geometric fields and with . Any constructions must be based on the facts established at the moment in experiments and theoretical studies.
(1) QED, : It is known that photons are massless and hence there should be no term in the Lagrangian. There is the energy scale at which the coupling parameter becomes infinite (Landau pole). We denote by L the length scale such that for and this length L can be smaller than the Plank length. This behaviour of is usually explained by vacuum polarization by virtual electron-positron pairs.
If we assume the reality of this Landau pole and interpret
as a function inverse to the
k-th power
of the scalar field
defining radii of U(1)-fibres in the bundle
, then this simply means that electromagnetic fields are defined only outside the ball
. An example of functions with such behaviour is the function
from (
(2) QCD,
: Gluons are considered massless, but there are a number of indications that they can be massive (see, e.g., [
17] and references therein). It is known that the coupling parameter
tends to zero at small
r (asymptotic freedom) and we assume that
. It is also known that
tends to infinity at some scale
, which specifies the size of hadrons, and this behaviour leads to confinement.
From a mathematical point of view, confinement in QCD means that all functions defining quarks and gluons have a
compact support on the bag (
89). If we regard this behaviour as a consequence of the geometry of
-bundles and interpret
as the inverse of the scale function
, then the QCD gauge bundles are defined only in the region
. An example of functions
with such behavior is given by
from (
92). Such a behavior of
is usually explained by a cloud of virtual gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. These virtual particles live inside the ball
and tend to accumulate near its boundary from the inside. Note that the Higgs potential in QCD is usually chosen to be zero.
(3) Weak
: It is known that SU(2) coupling parameter
tends to infinity in the infrared region, at
for some
, i.e., SU(2) theory is confining. Furthermore, there is the Higgs potential with the expectation value
corresponding to some
and this expectation value cuts off the growth of
The Higgs mechanism in the electroweak theory is turned off if
. Then both gauge groups SU(3) and SU(2) are asymptotically free and confining (see, e.g., [
19] and references therein). In fact, the electroweak SU(2) × U(1) case is a mixture of Abelian and non-Abelian behaviour of coupling parameters. Phenomenologically this is described in the Standard Model. However, one would like to obtain a clearer mathematical understanding and this requires additional efforts.
Order parameter fields. The introduced scaling parameters
are the order parameters specifying the points of “phase transitions” between different states. This
defines sizes of fibres in the bundle
, and for
we obtain an empty space
without gauge and fermionic fields. Recall that the metric on the group
is the “radius” of the group
. For
the group
shrinks to a point and for
we have
(asymptotic freedom) since the Lie algebra of
is Abelian, e.g., SU(2)
. Thus,
are the critical points of the theories under consideration.
Bag models. It is believed that quarks and gluons can never be liberated from hadrons since the force between color charges increases with distance. The QCD Lagrangian is considered as a sum of Yang–Mills part
and the coupling
and the quark part (
81) where a flavour index is hidden.
All hadrons are composed of quarks, and in 1974 the bag model was proposed to describe hadrons [
1]. This is a phenomenological model in which confinement of quarks and gluons is postulated by imposing boundary conditions such that all fields vanish outside the bag
. In this model, the Lagrangian density is chosen in the form
where the constant
is the vacuum energy density inside of
S (a local cosmological constant),
is the characteristic function (
87) and hence
. Note that the effective coupling in (
97) is
outside the bag
S. It is this behavior that is responsible for confinement.
As a next step, a soliton bag model was proposed [
2], where
in (
97) was replaced by a function
depending on the dynamical scalar field
included in the extended Lagrangian with terms
and coupling of
with fermionic fields
. Then the field equations for
contain quark fields and it has been shown that there are solutions such that
, where
R is the radius of the bag
2]. In fact, this model smoothes all functions of type
into bump functions
supported on
S and shows that such solutions
exist. This explains confinement, but this model was also phenomenological since the origin of the fields
was unknown. The search of more fundamental models of confinement continued, other models were proposed. A description of the most popular models can be found, e.g., in [
20]. All of these models, over more than 40 years of efforts, have failed to produce satisfactory results for QCD. Therefore, it makes sense to return to bag models using the ideas suggested above in this paper.
Dressed quarks. Both the MIT bag model [
1] and its soliton bag generalization [
2] contain the quark Lagrangian (
81) with fields
. The quarks, which determine the quantum numbers of hadrons, have small masses and are called valence or
current quarks
. Apart from these, hadrons contain an infinite number of virtual gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. Current quarks surrounded by a cloud of these virtual particles form
constituent quarks
with measurable masses
m which are much larger than those of current quarks
. We can identify
with the
dressed current quarks
via the maps [
discussed in
Section 2. Here
is the Stueckelberg field and the Lagrangian (
81) contains the dressed fields (
Note that virtual particles generate not only
but also the scalar field
discussed in
Section 3. Therefore, we should pass from the field
to the field
with the addition of the scale connection
. Then for fermions we obtain the Lagrangian (
83), where
has the form (
100). The field
is generated by the “sea” of virtual particles around quarks inserted into the bag
Confinement. Let us consider the non-Abelian case with
. In the potential energy
from the Lagrangian (
51), we leave only the
-independent term
which is a smoothed version of the term
from (
97). Here
is a bump function on the 3-ball
is the energy density required to create a bubble
S with quarks. In [
3], we interpreted this term as the Dirichlet energy density associated with an embedding of a 3-ball in
. In accordance with the discussion of
Section 5, we set
, where
is a constant. Then, as a bosonic part of the Lagrangian density, we have
The Lagrangian density for fermions was introduced in (
is given in (
81), and for the full Lagrangian
we have
In (
102) we choose
for massless and
for massive gauge bosons.
The Lagrangian (
104) is a modification of Lagrangians from [
2] and it is natural to expect that it will give solutions with fields supported on
S. We will not attempt to show this as it is not the purpose of this paper. Consider only one possible chain of reasoning. Non-Abelian gauge bosons cannot propagate freely in space far from sources, unlike photons. Therefore, in empty space without quarks
, we have
and all terms of the Lagrangians (
104) are equal to zero. We assume that
vanishes outside the bag
S and introduce the functions
are given in (
92), and choose
Then the Lagrangian (
104) will read as
Varying this Lagrangian with respect to
, we obtain the equation
The obvious solution is . For , we obtain a relation between gluon and quark fields, which can always be fulfilled.
W-bosons. The case of
was discussed around (
94). The
case is also confining and asymptotically free with
given by (
105) with
. However, the SM mass scale of the weak interaction is determined not by
but by the vacuum expectation value
of the scalar
corresponding to the radius
. This expectation value
also cuts off the infrared growth of the
coupling constant
if we add to (
102) with
the potential
is a bump function on
. For
is approximately constant as well as
which bring us back to the standard Higgs mechanism. Note, however, that the Higgs potential of the form (
109) is quite arbitrary and inexplicable from a mathematical point of view. There is no justification for it other than the conformity with experimental data.
Abelian case. For
the Lagrangian density is
for real-valued
. Let us assume that the function
behaves as
from (
92) and
. Choosing
we obtain for
the equation
Then for we obtain a relation between bosonic and fermionic fields. Note that for (size of hadrons) since .
In conclusion, we emphasize that the models building is not the main objective of this paper. Our intention was to give a geometric meaning to the fields , and to formulate a program for further research. Studying specific models requires additional efforts.