CP Violation for the Heavens and the Earth
:1. Introduction: Our Life and Times
2. General Two Higgs Doublet Model
2.1. Extra Yukawa Couplings
2.2. Extra Higgs Quartic Couplings
3. The Heavens: Electroweak BaryoGenesis
3.1. Cpv Top Interactions
3.2. Watch Your Back: eEDM
4. Under the Heavens on Earth: EDM
4.1. Cancellation Mechanism for Electron EDM
4.2. Facing ACME: Thorium Oxide EDM
4.3. The Flavor Enigma and NFC
O Lord, our Lord, |
How Majestic is Thy Name |
in all the Earth, |
Who have set Thy Splendor |
above the Heavens. |
4.4. Comments: On “The Heavens and the Earth”
In the context of EWBG driven by an extra top Yukawa coupling, the impressive ACME’18 bound suggests an extra electron Yukawa coupling that works in concert to give exquisite cancellation among dangerous diagrams. The cancellation mechanism calls for the extra Yukawas to echo the hierarchical pattern of SM Yukawa couplings. |
5. Phenomenological Consequences
5.1. Leading Search Modes at the LHC
5.2. Glimpse of the Coming New Flavor Era
5.3. Lattice Connection: Phase Transition and Landau Ghost
5.4. Possible Implications of Muon G-2 in g2HDM
6. Summary
A Decadal Mission |
Find the extra H, A, bosons and crack the flavor code. |
Go ATLAS/CMS and LHCb/BelleII (and others) |
and Lattice, too. |
Conflicts of Interest
BSM | Beyond the Standard Model |
NNP | No New Physics, or No New Particles |
ALPs | Axion-like particles |
LLPs | Long-lived particles |
EFT | Effective Field Theory |
CPV | CP Violation |
EWBG | Electroweak Baryogenesis |
EWPT | Electroweak Phase Transition |
BAU | Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe |
LE | Low Energy |
HE | High Energy |
EDM | Electric Dipole Moment |
CKM | Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa |
NFC | Natural Flavor Conservation |
FCNH | Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs |
2HDM | Two Higgs Doublet Model |
g2HDM | general 2HDM |
Appendix A. CPV with Four Generations
Subtle is the Lord, but malicious He is not. |
Lucidity of Equation (10) vs. Equation (A2) is notable. |
First order EWPT is thrown in as a bonus. |
–So let us finish the walk at the LHC. |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | Note that has both tree level contributions mediated by neutral H, A, as well as couplings with and top in the loop. Although cancellations can be engineered, they are not ”stable” when combined with and mixings. Together they imply couplings are weaker than Equation (26), that is, () should be at the level or less. This also means that the , anomalies cannot be accounted for by g2HDM. Why the matrix should be near diagonal, precisely in the most sensitive sector, is part of the flavor enigma. |
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Hou, G.W.-S. CP Violation for the Heavens and the Earth. Universe 2022, 8, 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8040234
Hou GW-S. CP Violation for the Heavens and the Earth. Universe. 2022; 8(4):234. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8040234
Chicago/Turabian StyleHou, George Wei-Shu. 2022. "CP Violation for the Heavens and the Earth" Universe 8, no. 4: 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8040234
APA StyleHou, G. W.-S. (2022). CP Violation for the Heavens and the Earth. Universe, 8(4), 234. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe8040234