Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process
:1. Introduction
2. Theory Framework
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Reaction Cross Sections for s-Process Nuclei
3.2. Astrophysically Relevant Neutron Energy Window for Reactions
3.3. Astrophysically Relevant Neutron Energy Range for Reactions
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Küçüksucu, S.; Yiğit, M.; Paar, N. Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process. Universe 2022, 8, 25.
Küçüksucu S, Yiğit M, Paar N. Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process. Universe. 2022; 8(1):25.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKüçüksucu, Sema, Mustafa Yiğit, and Nils Paar. 2022. "Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process" Universe 8, no. 1: 25.
APA StyleKüçüksucu, S., Yiğit, M., & Paar, N. (2022). Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n,α) Reaction Cross Sections for the Weak s-Process. Universe, 8(1), 25.