Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem
:1. Introduction
2. Effect of Medium on Deflection Angle of Schwarzschild Black Hole Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem
2.1. Case 1
2.2. Case 2
2.3. Case 3
3. Effect of Medium on Deflection Angle of Schwarzschild-Like Wormhole Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem
3.1. Case 1
3.2. Case 2
3.3. Case 3
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Övgün, A. Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem. Universe 2019, 5, 115.
Övgün A. Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem. Universe. 2019; 5(5):115.
Chicago/Turabian StyleÖvgün, Ali. 2019. "Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem" Universe 5, no. 5: 115.
APA StyleÖvgün, A. (2019). Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss–Bonnet Theorem. Universe, 5(5), 115.