Networking Architectures and Protocols for IoT Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Developments and Perspectives
:1. Introduction
- It presents network requirements of the major SCAs including intelligent transportation, smart buildings, pipeline monitoring and control, smart water networks, smart grids, and manufacturing control and monitoring.
- It reviews networking architectures used for the above applications focusing mainly on the protocols’ suitability.
Systematic Literature Review
- Automated keyword-based search;
- Selection of the article based on the title, abstract, and quality of the publication;
- Elimination of inappropriate articles.
2. Smart City Applications
Analysis of Smart City Applications/Systems
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- Observing: It can be performed by monitoring satellite imagery, precipitation reports, surface data, and gathering data from other nearby forecasters.
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- Forecasting: It can be performed by forecasters as short-term and long-term forecasting. Short-term forecasting is carried out by evaluating the current weather conditions and projecting them over the next few hours using knowledge of the mechanics of the weather. Long-term forecasting, however, is possible through weather (numerical) modeling and the projection of such modeling using computer simulations. To produce these simulations for future forecasting, these modeling techniques use environmental data from satellite photography, weather balloons, and surface observations. Following completion of the forecasting, the forecasters translate the produced simulated expected output into a perceptible format for non-specialists so that they can respond appropriately.
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- Communicating: Finally, they communicate such output or forecasted information to appropriate authorities.
3. Network Requirements for SCAs
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- Network Protocols: Monitoring applications for smart cities often use a dense network of heterogeneous sensor nodes, including fixed sensor nodes, mobile sensor nodes, and crowd sensing nodes. Long-Term Evolution (LTE) [51], LTE for Machines (LTE-M), extended coverage GSM IoT, and fifth-generation (5G) technologies [52] are intriguing options to support such heterogeneous networks. First, the bulk of crowd-sensing nodes (smartphones) is already supported by LTE communications. Consequently, no further wireless communication devices are required. To save energy, LTE and 5G can be utilized on the sink nodes (also known as cluster heads) to allow the data gathered by the sink nodes to be transmitted to the monitoring center via base stations (the backbone network), as opposed to multihop relaying.
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- Zigbee [53], WiFi, and Bluetooth can still be used for the traditional stationary nodes to communicate within clusters. This layout has the advantage of allowing the sensor node clusters to be separated from one another while maintaining network connectivity. Additionally, the moderate number of nodes in each cluster makes maintenance simpler. In addition to supporting larger networks, LTE and 5G technologies also make possible sensor nodes with faster data rates, improving the performance of real-time monitoring [54]. Applications for crowd sensing, for instance, can accommodate video streams taken by cameras on smartphones or moving vehicles. The fast data rates provided by LTE and 5G can potentially be advantageous for the sink nodes or clusters. The use of vibration data (accelerometer readings) in structural health monitoring applications of bridges, tunnels, or towers is fairly common. The cluster heads will be able to send the vibration data in this situation in real time. In conclusion, practically all applications for smart city monitoring that demand a high data throughput and minimal delay may be satisfied by LTE and 5G. Additionally, there are some new sensor node standards, such as IEEE 802.11 ah [55], LoRaWAN [56], and Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) [57]. These narrowband protocols offer numerous advantages: greater coverage, improved scalability, reduced energy usage, and increased device longevity. Researchers have tested these standards in more than a few applications, including street lighting, energy metering, and home automation, even though some are still being discussed and revised. The new narrowband communication standards enable the sensor nodes to run more sustainably, which is beneficial for applications that aim for long-term monitoring. In addition to these protocols and standards, the FogC architecture [58] aids in monitoring smart cities. In such an architecture, the mobile users (the potential crowd-sensing providers) and the cloud are connected via fog servers. These fog servers are WiFi access points or cellular base stations. Mobile users are more inclined to participate in sensing since they may upload their crowd-sensing measurements to the fog server in just one hop, significantly decreasing the cost and energy usage compared to cellular networks. As a result, such an architecture can give us better sensing coverage. Using the measurements from the mobile users and the WSNs, the fog servers can perform some basic regional estimation based on the FogC architecture, such as the nearby traffic conditions. The service latency and response time are then decreased because mobile users can access such estimates directly from the fog servers rather than from a remote cloud through a backbone network. Lastly, using the appropriate networking protocols for each SCA is crucial to getting the best possible trade-off between delay, energy use, and cost. The networks may be hierarchical so that diverse roles and functions can be assigned at various layers to increase the networks’ dependability and cost-effectiveness. As a result, certain nodes may be able to transmit data utilizing various protocols.
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- Bandwidth requirements: Many video applications in smart cities require high bandwidth [59]. In these applications, sensors capture video from the physical environment. Moreover, video transmission is more bandwidth-hungry than the conventional scalar data traffic in IoT. Examples of these applications are intelligent multimedia surveillance systems for home monitoring, multimedia-based industrial monitoring systems, traffic monitoring systems for road safety, and remote multimedia-based monitoring of an environmental system.
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- Delay Tolerance: Some SCAs, such as smart transportation, only tolerate a small amount of end-to-end delay. For example, to prevent imminent danger to the vehicle or potentially fatal crashes, the data that are being relayed must arrive within microseconds. Therefore, the control systems must react in time. However, other applications have a higher tolerance for delays [49]. Such applications rely on data monitoring and information gathering for upcoming analysis.
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- Power Consumption: Another crucial need for applications is power consumption. Smart grid systems and other applications with local high-energy sources can tolerate protocols with higher energy expenditure levels [45]. Other applications have medium power needs and require energy sources with limited capacities. One example of such an application is intelligent transportation. Other applications demand protocols with low or very low energy consumption characteristics since they have limited energy resources. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), smart water networks, and pipeline monitoring for gas and oil are a few examples of such uses.
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- Reliability: The majority of applications have medium reliability requirements. A typical example of such applications is smart water networks. Some other applications have high-reliability necessities such as intelligent transportation and smart grids [49].
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- Security: The majority of applications need medium to high security. Applications such as production control and monitoring, for instance, need medium security, whilst others, such as smart grids, need high security because of the sensitivity of the data and the importance of the operations carried out [50].
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- Heterogeneity of network protocols: The majority of smart city systems use networking protocols that link the system’s parts together. Intelligent transportation and smart buildings are two examples of such systems. These protocols must coexist in such situations without conflicting with one another. To ensure seamless and effective operation, it is also necessary to correctly map the control information in the headers at the various networking stack tiers used by the many heterogeneous protocols and networks.
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- Wired/wireless connectivity: The majority of SCAs that include wireless connectivity are UAVs and monitoring of gas and oil pipelines. Others, including intelligent transportation and smart buildings, use wired and wireless connectivity [50]. In these situations, wired networking may be used for communication within a specific physical system (such as within a UAV), while wireless communication may be used to link the physical system to other such systems that are comparable to it or to the backbone and infrastructure networks.
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- Mobility: Some systems, such as the smart grid, pipeline monitoring for gas and oil, and smart water networks, have low to medium mobility [50]. Other systems, such as UAVs and intelligent transportation, are quite mobile. Medium- to high-mobility smart city systems can be connected if the networking protocols are reliable and adaptable to node mobility without using up a large amount of bandwidth on control messages and related processing to react to changes in the network architecture.
3.1. Additional Challenges
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- Interoperability: Smart city systems are built on several heterogeneous networking protocols that use various media access control (MAC) mechanisms at the physical and data link layers. For the underlying technologies to be integrated seamlessly, these protocols must be interoperable [60]. In digital home networks, the IEEE 1905.1 protocol [61], which was created to offer a convergent interface between physical/data link layers and the network layer, is aimed to perform this function. Future research should focus on the creation of similar protocols to increase the support system for smart city systems.
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- Scalability: A smart city platform must manage many devices that are connected to the city’s infrastructure. Large amounts of city-related data, which are continuously produced and consumed by devices and client applications, must be stored and processed. The platform must simultaneously be able to handle hundreds of requests from users and services that rely on it. Thus, the scalability requirements change depending on the features of the city as well as the installed applications and services. Recently, Del Esponte et al. [62] suggested InterSCity, a microservices-based, open-source smart city platform that facilitates the collaborative development of large-scale systems, apps, and services for smart cities.
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- Load Balancing: To maximize the usage of resources, load balancing assigns appropriate resources (i.e., network resources, storage capacity, computational resources, and energy resources) to user tasks. A large-scale IoT network performs better and avoids overload thanks to an effective load-balancing strategy [63]. Response time, cost, throughput, performance, and resource usage are all improved in terms of QoS parameters.
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- The Cloud/Edge/FogC Paradigms: Cloud, Edge, and FogC facilitate the creation of smart city prototypes. These computing paradigms efficiently aid in the gathering, upkeep, and analysis of city data to pinpoint crucial city-related events that demand advanced processing and response [64]. Nonetheless, some IoT applications/systems for smart cities have strict processing and delay constraints. These real-time applications present the greatest obstacles to cloud-based services. Consequently, FogC and Edge Computing have emerged as viable computing paradigms for designing, implementing, deploying, and controlling such systems/applications. These paradigms bring computing resources closer to the IoT/device plane so that the primary computation can be done locally [65,66]. Each computing paradigm offers particular assistance based on the requirements of the application at hand. For example, to support a cloud-based SCA, ClCom offers centralized storage and processing capacity. For certain SCAs, ClCom can offer scalable processing power and data storage [5]. The features of ClCom (e.g., powerful processing, massive and scalable data storage, and cutting-edge software services) can be used to provide various support services for a variety of SCAs. ClCom can be the primary control and management platform for SCAs. The city’s ClCom services can be used to connect various sensors and actuators for SCAs to gather, process, store, and manage sensor data for various SCAs. Vast volumes of data are gathered across a smart city, which can eventually become big data. The sophisticated platforms required for storing and analyzing this massive amount of data to improve operations and planning can be provided by Cloud Computing. To effectively support SCAs, the communication between city sensors and actuators and ClCom may involve various communication requirements. The network architectures used in the smart city should meet these requirements. Smart applications require the integration of sensors, actuators, and the cloud, and they can only function well with a robust network that offers good communication services linking both sides. The fact that cloud services are either provided at a single central location or across numerous distributed platforms in various locations is another problem that occurs when adopting ClCom for a smart city. For many cloud applications, the distributed ClCom strategy can offer greater quality and dependability support [67]. However, it is frequently necessary to establish effective communication channels between the distributed ClCom facilities that are present in various locations. The dependability and efficiency of the networks linking all components on both sides present another problem when using the cloud. There are issues with delays, dropped packets, and unstable connections when the Internet is involved. To consider these challenges, the SCA architecture must be carefully studied, as must the planning and control of network resources and communication models. However, some elements cannot be avoided, such as transmission delays. Ksentini et al. [68] investigated the QoS requirements of many IoT/cloud-enabled applications in a FogC environment to recognize QoS metrics. The authors introduced a QoS management model (QoS-Fog) that is inspired by the work of the OpenFog consortium on the reference architecture [69] for a FogC system.
3.2. Features and Challenges of Smart City Networks
- Large Densities: A smart city network has a very large density as thousands of smart devices are distributed in the area of a city.
- Abnormal Traffic Patterns: Cascading or synchronization among smart devices produces extremely bursty or correlated traffic patterns. These traffic patterns differ from the regular social-generated traffic patterns on which most existing schemes and technology used in our society are based.
- Disorganized Network Topology: Unlike the widely used wireless connectivity features, smart city networks often adhere to a mesh network topology. The problem arises when smart devices communicate across unreliable wireless channels, where packet losses caused by wireless channel special properties are extremely common and eventually have an impact on the functioning of the smart city system. Therefore, it appears very improbable that a single high-throughput backbone can be deployable soon.
- Heterogeneity: SCAs use a variety of technologies. In terms of power consumption, latency, throughput, and communication ranges, each of these technologies operates at a unique trade-off threshold. The involved dissimilar technologies must coexist on a single platform.
- Coexistence of heterogeneous technologies: Communication technologies used in smart cities are distributed over the same radio space. At the same time, independent radio infrastructures are connected through a variety of wireless channels. Under such circumstances, the SCA must handle interference issues with competence.
- Security and Privacy: SCAs are extremely vulnerable to several risks from malevolent users. The majority of specialized smart sensors, actuators, and other intelligent devices are developed by designers without considering security measures. Such applications may be highly vulnerable due to hostile actors’ ease of access to these cutting-edge technologies and potential threats to people’s security and privacy.
- Lack of Standardization Solutions: The IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth technologies for Personal Area Networks (PANs) and the IEEE 802.11 groups for wireless LANs adopt the concept of single-hop ad-hoc networking. These standards permit direct communication between two devices that are in the transmission range of each other. At the same time, the multi-hop ad-hoc networking paradigm enables the communication between any two devices which are not necessarily in their transmission range [71]. A problem that researchers must consider is how these intricate heterogeneous sets of devices (i.e., actuators, sensors, and other smart devices) can communicate uniformly without any standardization. Global distributors and manufacturers must propose and accept standardized network solutions that enable communication between diverse devices on homogeneous communication entities. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is the dominant solution that presents a sophisticated version of the Physical Layer. This standard deals with the trade-off between data rate, communication range, and power consumption. Several revisions or amendments (i.e., IEEE 802.15.4g and IEEE 802.15.4e) aimed at the SCA have just been released. The IEEE 802.15.4g amendment allows for a redesigned physical layer, allowing data rates and communication ranges compatible with neighborhood mesh (wide) networks. Then, it is followed by another cutting-edge modification, known as IEEE 802.15.4e, which modifies and enhances the method used by devices to access wireless channels while also using time-slotted channel hopping mode. This hopping mode further delivers low-power consumption and improved dependability. From another viewpoint, many researchers customized appropriate upper-layer protocols (i.e., the Internet Layer). They made the necessary modifications there to make smart applications compatible with conventional infrastructure. Since the network of low-power smart devices is confined, the researchers developed numerous adjustments to the Internet protocols to make them easily adaptable. For example, the most notable IETF projects are RPL [72] and 6LoWPAN [73], which greatly aid in creating and adapting smart city scenarios.
- Interference problem: Sophisticated technologies that are spread across the same radio space and independent radio infrastructures are linked via a range of wireless channels. Because of this, the smart application must handle interference problems in such situations. To share unlicensed bands, numerous networks must cooperate and be compatible with one another.
- Vertical handover (soft): Multiple radios are used by the rapidly expanding number of smart devices being developed. These devices should be able to recognize and use the best interface that is currently available while balancing power usage and throughput.
- D2D Communications: In the IoT context, there are numerous D2D communication demands. Unfortunately, conventional network gateways cannot handle such generated messages from heterogeneous devices.
- Short Communicating Messages: Internet-based protocols support and recommend acceptable performance for longer data packet scenarios. However, smart devices communicate with one another using short messages (since most of them are tiny and operate over low-powered battery devices). To this end, short communicating messages will positively impact network congestion detection and avoidance policies and promote in-band aggregation.
- Local Network Traffic Pattern: Smartphones and D2D-specific devices frequently use the same network infrastructure. However, most cellular data networks are exclusively planned, implemented, deployed, and managed for smartphone usage. Fitting traffic from these heterogeneous devices onto a single platform is now the main challenge that cellular data network providers face. It is difficult to integrate the traffic from these two types of heterogeneous devices into the same network infrastructure due to several intrinsic factors and the specified features of this traditional network. Additionally, D2D devices use a more significant proportion of scarce resources than smartphones, unnecessarily creating a problem of unfairness in the system [74]. Therefore, we must first comprehend D2D traffic patterns and how they differ from traffic patterns generated by smartphones. Understanding traffic patterns can provide insights into managing and allocating shared network resources more effectively and guarantee the highest level of service quality for both types of devices.
- Security mechanisms: Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are a remarkable threat to the security of smart city networks and must be identified. Some statistical methods have been proposed to solve this problem. Such a statistical method is presented in [75] that is based on feature distance maps that enhance the statistical analysis process. Another security mechanism is authentication, a process of identifying users and devices in a network and granting access to authorized persons and non-manipulated devices. Authentication is one method to mitigate attacks on the IoT systems such as the reply attack, the Man-in-the-Middle attack, the impersonation attack, and the Sybil attack [76]. To realize end-to-end security, the nodes must be encrypted. However, due to the heterogeneity of the IoT systems, some nodes might be able to embed general-purpose microprocessors for this task. In addition, low resources and constrained devices can only embed application-specific integrated circuits. Therefore, conventional cryptographic primitives are not suitable for low-resource smart devices due to their low computation power, limited battery life, small size, small memory, and limited power supply. As a result, lightweight cryptography may be an efficient encryption for these devices. Trust management is another security mechanism that detects and eliminates malicious nodes and provides secure access control. Automated and dynamic trust calculations are needed to validate the trust values of the participating nodes in an IoT network. The majority of trust management schemes focus on detecting malicious nodes; only a few trust-based access control methods have been proposed. In fact, with scalability and the large number of smart things storing sensitive data, there is an urgent need for automated, transparent, and easy access control management so that different nodes/users can be granted different levels of access. From another perspective, Blockchain technology can be used to create secure virtual zones where things can identify and trust each other [77]. Self-organization Blockchain Structures (BCS) can also be planned to set up the relationship between Blockchain and IoT, as suggested in [78].
- Anomaly Detection in Sensor Systems: The type of data that flow through the IoT system can vary to a great extent, in terms of either format, shape (in time and space), and semantics. Therefore, the process of separating normal from abnormal sensed data is extremely demanding. In the context of IoT applications, sensors are the real source of big data, which suggests that anomaly detection at the edge could be a powerful tool to address the inevitable data communication bottlenecks. Anomaly detection is concerned with identifying data patterns that deviate remarkably from the expected behavior. This is critical in the process of finding out important information about the IoT system’s functioning, detecting abnormalities that are often rare or difficult to model or, otherwise, to predict [79]. A timely identification of anomalies is vital to preventing IoT system failure.
- Advanced Techniques in Smart City Networks: Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) play a key role in the evolution of the smart city sectors [80]. These techniques are now being developed as solutions for completely automated IoT applications. Using these techniques, the optimal analysis of the big data is performed to reach an optimal decision. Utilizing DRL/ML approaches can improve security; decrease energy consumption; reduce latency; and increase precision and accuracy in surveillance, energy management, air quality prediction, person detection, traffic management, etc. For example, an intelligent transportation system is highly based on ML- and DRL-based techniques to realize self-driving vehicles and guarantee the security of connected vehicles. DRL techniques are also used to precisely monitor and estimate the real-time traffic flow data in an urban environment. In SGs, big data analytics and thus the aforementioned techniques can enhance the safety of power grids, decision-making of power-sharing, management, and power grid performance. In particular, SGs are making effective use of smart meter big data for different applications such as load assessment and prediction, baseline estimation, demand response, load clustering, and malicious data deception attacks. In health intelligence, extensive use of AI, ML, and DRL techniques is implemented due to high-performance IoT devices, Cloud Computing, and an increase in data rates. These techniques can play a vital role in disease diagnosis, cure prediction, social media analytics for a particular disease, and medical imaging [81]. In cyber-security, the role of AI-, ML-, and DRL-based techniques is also outstanding. These techniques can be used from an advanced security perspective of IoT to confront security threats. Notably, the accuracy and precision of the aforementioned techniques can be further enhanced by increasing the amount of training data to strengthen their learning capabilities and hence the automated decision efficiencies [82].
4. Protocols Used for SCAs
4.1. IEEE 802.11 Standards
4.2. IEEE 802.15.1
4.3. LoRA
4.4. WiMAX
4.5. Challenges in IoT Communication Using the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
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- The current IP addressing model cannot assist mesh communication (since it relies on a multi-link subnet prototype) at all.
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- In mesh communication, the multicasting and broadcasting communication methods are quite expensive, power-demanding, and prohibitive as the network nodes are extremely power constrained. Moreover, unicasting is the only remaining alternative method.
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- Unicasting is power intensive in and of itself because it may take many hops while forwarding and may wake up an excessive number of nodes that are asleep. Notably, idle nodes and hops can modify the radio state’s operation mode to save power. Additionally, a large amount of power is used and saved by a node during transmission, reception, overhearing, idle, and sleeping phases [117]. However, to ensure successful delivery, we cannot just alter the operational modes. Instead, it requires effective coordination and intricate synchronization [117,118].
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- There is a high requirement for scalable routing/forwarding schemes for IP communication to take place over mesh architectural systems.
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- For many IoT applications requiring data prioritizing and customized control, original TCP-suited features such as those operational on fixed MSS sizes (such as MTU sizes) that further lead to silly window syndrome or in-order byte-stream delivery to ensure dependability, are unsuitable [119]. Nonetheless, the IETF started defining standard Internet protocols such as RPL [120] for such specialized environments to minimize protocol overheads that impair the computing ability and memory management of these specialized resource-constrained devices.
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- TCP connection establishment and termination (three-way handshaking) incur significant overhead in the system as most communication in an IoT application includes the transmission of brief segments and relatively little data.
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- TCP functionality needs resilient P2P connections. It is impossible to sustain these connections in an IoT network environment because smart sensors and other connected devices switch their mode of radio state from active to sleep phase persistently [119].
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- Some IoT applications might need broadcast and multicast communication patterns, and enabling such patterns via TCP will result in substantial network overhead in the entire IoT system and high-power consumption.
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- Some IoT services have very granular delay requirements, and any extra delay in the form of connection establishment or MSS creation (waiting for data to fill the entire MSS) is completely unacceptable for their performance. Thus, TCP is unable to provide much support for these IoT services.
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- IoT applications that rely on wireless communication scenarios must deal with critical wireless channel characteristics such as channel error, interference, and wireless interface properties that result in buffer-induced, channel-induced, link-layer contention-induced, and collision-induced packet losses. When TCP operates in such a setting, its stringent in-order delivery requirements and retransmission policies (i.e., fast retransmission) may occasionally result in very serious system problems such as Head-of-Line (HoL) or Receiver Buffer Blocking, which ultimately results in a reduction in throughput, delay, and power consumption performance [121,122,123,124]. Furthermore, wireless MAC methods that use MAC-level retransmissions may further impair TCP’s performance, if Layer-2 retransmission latency exceeds the TCP Retransmission Time Out timer.
4.6. Compound TCP for IoT
4.7. Viewpoints of Network Layer Routing for IoT Systems
4.8. IoT Application Protocols
- Representational State Transfer Hypertext Transfer Protocol (REST HTTP): HTTP [145] is the primary client/server protocol that adopts the request/response model. HTPP has been related to the REST architecture [146] to ease the interaction between dissimilar entities over web-based services. The mixture of HTTP and REST enables IoT devices to make their status readily available in terms of the standardized CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functions [147]. The CRUD functions are mapped to the POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE techniques of HTTP, correspondingly. In this fashion, we can build a REST model for dissimilar IoT devices [148].
- Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [149]: It is a lightweight RESTful protocol lately standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). CoAP is used by IoT devices for IP-based, HTTP-like interactions. It uses UDP with acknowledgment messages to set up reliable communication based on a request/response interaction. It has reduced complexity, and thus it is suitable for resource-constrained IoT applications and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.
- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) [150] is established for IoT messaging. According to MQTT design principles, network bandwidth and device resource requirements should be kept to a minimum while also aiming to assure dependability and some level of delivery assurance. Since June 2016, MQTT has been recognized by ISO as a standard (ISO/IEC 20922). The protocol continues to progress by formalizing popular capability options and adding new functionalities. The most recent version, MQTT v5.0, was released in 2018. MQTT operates according to a publish/subscribe paradigm. Clients connect to a centralized broker when using MQTT.
- Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA) [151]: This interoperability standard is used for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation domain and other industries. It is platform independent and ensures the seamless flow of information among IoT devices from multiple vendors. It supports two different communication methods: the Client/Server method as well as Publish/Subscribe (e.g., over UDP or MQTT) to mainly meet different industry requirements from the production systems to edge and cloud scenarios. Today, the main IoT vendors including IBM, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and SIEMENS leverage secure, standardized information exchange in edge-to-cloud applications based on OPC UA.
- Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) [152]: This extensible protocol is based on text messages that use XML (Extensible Mark-up Language), through which it can implement both request/response and publish/subscribe methods by using suitable extensions. XMPP exchanges instant messages between clients, and this happens in real-time using a push mechanism to avoid increasing unnecessary network loads. XMPP also determines the state of an XMPP entity as online, offline, busy, etc.
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) [153]: An open standard for passing business messages between applications or organizations using TCP. It connects systems, feeds business processes with the information they need, and reliably transmits onward the instructions that achieve their goals using the point/point and publish/subscribe interaction modes. AMQP was designed to achieve the main goals of message orientation; queuing; routing; security; reliability; and interoperability.
- Data Distribution Service (DDS) [154]: DDS was developed by the Open Management Group (OMG). DDS is a real-time M2M protocol that enables dependable, high-performance, interoperable, scalable data exchanges using a publish–subscribe pattern. DDS provides low-latency data connectivity, high reliability, and scalability in publish–subscribe and request/response patterns over TCP and UDP. The needs of various IoT applications requiring real-time data exchange can be addressed using DDS. Such applications are air traffic control, transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, and smart grid management.
5. Networking Architectures and Protocols
5.1. Generic Architectures
- The Physical Objects Layer enables IoT sensors to collect data that will feed the smart city architecture with information used to offer services. After the sensors collect data, a Communication Device is used to collect sensor data. A communication device can implement different technologies (e.g., RFID, Bluetooth, and Zigbee). Sensor data are processed by a NodeMCU, which communicates with a Local Processing unit responsible for gathering information used by the application providing a service. The local processing unit brings elements of edge computing, as it pushes part of the computation to edge nodes instead of relying on concentrating all the computation in a centralized remote server.
- The Communication Layer: The architecture supports a variety of network access technologies. The communication layer supports the implementation of various wireless technologies. The local processing unit located at the Physical Objects Layer defines the technology to be used and relays data to the communication layer using the interface of a network access point.
- The Cloud Platform Layer provides three services: processing, database queries, and data storage. In the context of providing services for smart cities, each of these services can be dynamically allocated to satisfy the needs of various applications. Notably, only some applications and service types require a cloud platform to operate correctly. This layer is offered as part of the infrastructure provided, and its implementation is optional.
- The Services Layer implements four groups, which are called classes of services: (I) Surveillance, (II) Transportation and Logistics, (III) Infrastructure, and (IV) Technology. In each class, different kinds of applications can be implemented to deal with the challenges of smart cities.
5.2. SDN-IoT Architectures
5.3. Architectures for Smart Grid
- A multipath routing mechanism that compensates critical applications for their high-reliability requirements by using end-to-end physically disjoint paths, and
- Altruistic resource allocation with the QoS routing mechanism that targets communication with QoS guarantees for applications with strict QoS requirements.
5.4. Architectures for Smart Buildings
5.5. Smart Water and Pipeline Network Monitoring
5.6. Architectures for Smart Transportation
- Security authentication layer: The RSUs on the road may monitor traffic environment data in real-time after setting several sensors, surveillance footage, and radar. This layer determines the legality of the car and RSU that are requesting to join the network. Perhaps an illegal vehicle or an RSU that has been installed unlawfully will attempt to steal or alter the information of a real vehicle.
- Data acquisition layer: This layer collects and categorizes many types of data from various networks. To ensure that the data can be sent to the edge layer securely, it digitizes the data.
- Edge layer: Edge devices produce several data streams. As a result, processing and analyzing data in one go using ClCom will result in significant delays. As a result, we must process data more closely related to the data source. The edge node, a physical device situated closest to the data source, is used by the edge layer to carry out basic processing and analysis on the acquired local data. It releases data analysis findings for nearby traffic incidents and current road conditions in real-time, then creates a local decision-making plan, carrying out various ClCom jobs and boosting the cloud data center’s computing power.
- Cloud Platform Layer: The cloud data center analyses the information it has collected about global traffic in this tier, develops a plan, and rationally distributes traffic resources. This layer, having the ability to implement connection management, data management, aided autonomous driving, intelligent navigation, path planning, and information security, is the “smart brain” of the IoV.
5.7. Architectures for Smart Rural Areas/Smart Villages
6. Summary
- Various SCAs have different network requirements such as bandwidth, delay tolerance, power consumption, reliability, wireless connectivity, mobility, security, and privacy. Therefore, they need different protocols at the OSI-RM layers. The network architectures for IoT are heterogeneous and include various network technologies such as WiFi, WSNs, Mesh Wireless Networks (WMNs), Vehicular Networks, and Mobile Communication Networks (MCNs) (5G/LTE/4G/3G). The standards adopted in these architectures must allow interoperability, while cross-layer design-based recommendations for power consumption and congestion control are well-suited proposals.
- State-of-the-art generic network architectures for smart cities adopt the SDN paradigm and are based on FogC to reduce latency and increase the efficiency of provided services.
- Fog and ClCom will be used in smart grid communication system architecture in the future to fulfill QoS needs. Such architecture will additionally feature communication methods that can lessen QoS issues like latency, security, and spectrum efficiency. The CR technology will be an indispensable part of this architecture as this technology can quickly reconfigure the operating parameters of the SG communication system to the changing requirements through cognition.
- By extracting usable data from both the physical and network data space, it is possible to increase network security and transportation safety in IoVs. Future IoV architectures will become cognitive. These architectures will include cognitive data engines that will conduct cognition of user tasks by the use of data collected, e.g., driving behavior model analysis, emotion analysis, and road condition investigation.
- The networking performance of SDN is better than the customary networking of smart buildings (SB). However, as Younus et al. [190] state, it also has been facing some challenges such as network management in terms of maintenance, east–west interface, southbound interface, traffic management, energy, ML-based SDN networking for SB, and the network resources issue of SB SDN-based networking.
7. Open Research Issues
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) [286] that reflect signals and help in places where maintaining Line of Sight (LoS) is difficult. RISs will be mainly deployed on doors, windows, and buildings.
- Cell-Free Massive MIMO: The massive MIMO technology is introduced in 5G with a more dense network of access points (APs), and this is further developed in 6G to include a network with no cells (cell-free) [287]. Cell-Free Massive MIMO improves spectral efficiency in communication networks, but there are some health risks associated with such a dense network of APs.
- CubeSat communication or the Internet of Space Things [288]. A CubeSat (or U-class spacecraft) is a miniaturized spacecraft with sizes that are multiples of U, up to 6U, and U being 10 × 10 × 10 cm cubic units.
- UAVs/satellite communication.
- Terahertz communication and Optical Wireless Technology [289].
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AMI | Automatic Metering Infrastructure |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol |
AODV | Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AQMS | Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
ClCom | Cloud Computing |
CoAP | Constrained Application Protocol |
CPS | Cyber-Physical System |
CR | Cognitive Radio |
DDS | Data Distribution Service |
DERs | Distributed Energy Resources |
DL | Deep Learning |
D2D | Device-to-Device communication |
EPS | Electric Power System |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
FoC | Fog Computing |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IoV | Internet of Vehicles |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LoRA | Long Range (a spread spectrum modulation technique) |
LPWAN | Low-Power Wide Area Network |
LTE | Long-Term Evolution |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
MLB | Multipath Load-Balancing (routing) |
MQTT | Message Queuing Telemetry Transport |
M2M | Machine-to-Machine |
NFV | Network Function Virtualization |
OSI-RM | Open Systems Interconnection−Reference Model |
PAN | Personal Area Network |
PEVs | Plug-in Electric Vehicles |
PHY | Physical layer |
QoE | Quality of Experience |
QoS | Quality of Service |
REST | Representational State Transfer protocol |
RFID | Radio-Frequency Identification |
RPL | Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks |
SBA | Smart Building Architecture |
SCA | Smart City Application |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (system) |
SDN | Software Defined Networking |
SG | Smart Grid |
SWS | Smart Water System |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
VANET | Vehicular Ad-hoc Network |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WSN | Wireless Sensor Network |
XML | Extensible Mark-up Language |
XMPP | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol |
5G | Fifth Generation |
6G | Sixth Generation |
6LoWPAN | IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Network |
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Smart City Services/Applications | Seemingly Fitted Network Protocol/Technology/Standard | Transmission Range (Meters) | Bandwidth Requirement (Minimum) | Latency Tolerance | Number of Devices | Network | Mobility Support | Traffic Rate |
Smart Traffic Surveillance | Cellular, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.15.4 | ≈1000 | M | M | ≈1000 | Heterogeneous | H | L |
Smart Healthcare System | Cellular, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4j | ≈1000 | M | M | ≈1000 | Heterogeneous | L | L |
Weather and Air Quality Monitoring System | Cellular, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.15.4 | ≈1000 | L/M | M | ≈1000 | Heterogeneous | L | L |
Smart Waste Management | IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.15.4 | ≈100 | L/M | H | ≈1000 | Heterogeneous | L | L |
Smart Street Lighting System | IEEE 802.16 IEEE 802.15.4 | ≈10 | M | H | ≈100 | Heterogeneous | L | L |
Smart Emergency Response System | Cellular, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.15.4 | ≈1000 | H | L | ≈1000 | Heterogeneous | H | H |
Smart Residence/ Home Automation | IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.1 | ≈100 | M/H | L | ≈10 | Heterogeneous | L | M/H |
Smart Grid Networks | Cellular, IEEE 802.16 | ≈100 | L | M/H | ≈100 | Heterogeneous | L | M/H |
Communication Technology/Standard 1 | Physical Layer Specifications | Data Link Layer Specifications 4 | Data Rate 5 | Coverage Area 6 | |
Operating Frequency Bands 2 | Data Modulation and Receiver Sensitivity 3 | ||||
ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 | 2.4 GHz, 868 MHz–915 MHz (DSSS) | Data Modulation: 16-ary orthogonal modulation (2.4 GHz) and BPSK with DE (868 MHz–915 MHz). Receiver Sensitivity: −85 dBm (2.4 GHz PHY) −92 dBm (868/915 MHz PHY) | CSMA-CA, TDD (optional) | 250 Kbps (2.4 GHz), 20 Kbps (868 MHz), and 40 Kbps (915 MHz) | 30–50 m |
Bluetooth/ IEEE 802.15.1 | 2.4 GHz, 2400 MHz–2483.5 MHz (FHSS/FSK) | Data Modulation: GFSK and PSK (for higher data rates)— π/4 DQPSK and 8 DPSK Receiver Sensitivity: −70 dBm to −82 dBm (usually depends on the type of PHY use), say, Bluetooth LE 125K (Coded) PHY can achieve −103 dBm | TDD, M&S, FH | 1 Mbps | 1–100 m |
WiFi/IEEE 802.11 (Legacy) (a/b/g/n) | Conventional: 2.4 GHz a: 5 GHz (OFDM), b: 2.4 GHz (DSSS), g: 2.4 GHz (DSSS, OFDM), n: 5 GHz (DSSS, OFDM) | Data Modulation: Conventional: DI, DSSS, and FHSS, a: OFDM b: HR-DSSS, g: OFDM, DSSS, and CCK n: OFDM using MIMO and CB Receiver Sensitivity: Legacy: 1 Mbps: −80 dBm, 2 Mbps: −75 dBm b: 2 Mbps: −80 dBm, 11 Mbps: −76 dBM g: 6–54 Mbps: −82 dBm to −65 dBm n: 1–54 Mbps: −80 dBm to −65 dBm | CSMA-CA | Conventional: 1–2 Mbps a: 6–54 Mbps (VMT) b: 1–11 Mbps (VMT) g: 6–54 Mbps (VMT) n: 1–54 Mbps (VMT) | 1–100 m |
WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 | 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.8 GHz (MIMO-OFDM) | Data Modulation: OFDM using MIMO, AMC, AAS Receiver Sensitivity: QPSK (1/2): −80 dBm, QPSK (3/4): −78 dBm 16 QAM (1/2): −73 dBm, 16 QAM (3/4): −71 dBm 64 QAM (2/3): −66 dBm, 64 QAM (3/4): −65 dBm | TDD, FDD | 75 Mbps | 1–5 Km (NLoS), 10–50 km (LoS) |
LoRaWAN/LoRA Alliance | 867–869 MHz (Europe) 865–867 MHz (India) | Data Modulation: LoRA (CSSM) Receiver Sensitivity: −137 dBm (SF = 12, BW = 125 KHz, NF = 6) | Pure ALOHA with DCLs or PSA (LBT) | 250 bps–50 Kbps (Europe) NS (India) | 2–5 km |
3G (WCDMA Technology) (BIS) | 1.92–1.98 GHz, 2.11–2.17 GHz (licensed) | Data Modulation: AM/PSK using QAM Receiver Sensitivity: −102 dBm | CDMA | 384 Kbps (deployed)–2 Mbps | 1–10 km |
GPRS | 900–1800 MHz | Data Modulation: GMSK Receiver Sensitivity: −159 dBm | TDMA, FDMA, and FH | Up to 170 Kbps | 1–10 km |
Z-Wave/Z-Wave Alliance | 900 MHz | Data Modulation: FSK/BFSK (for 9.6 Kbps and 40 Kbps) GFSK (for 100 Kbps) with BT = 0.6 Receiver Sensitivity: −104 dBm | CSMA-CA | 9.6 Kbps–100 Kbps | 100 m |
LTE/3GPP | 2.5 GHz, 5 GHz, 10 GHz (OFDM CP for downlink, SC-FDMA CP for uplink) | Data Modulation: AMC, QPKS, 16QAM Receiver Sensitivity: −103 dBm (LTE/A signal—5 MHz BW, QPSK, CR = 1/3, SNR = −1 dB, NF of LTE/A-based receiver chain = 5 dB) −90.7 dBm (LTE/A signal—5 MHz BW, 16QAM, CR = 2/3, SNR = 11.3 dB, NF of LTE/A-based receiver chain = 5 dB) | TDD, FDD | 75 Mbps (UL) 300 Mbps (DL) | 30 km |
LTE-A/3GPP | 2.5 GHz, 5 GHz, 10 GHz, 15 GHz, 20 GHz (OFDM CP for downlink, SC-FDMA CP for uplink) | 500 Mbps (UL) 1 Gbps (DL) | 30 km | ||
5G (New Radio (NR) Air Interface) (Single Unified, 4G + World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW)) | For 5G mmWave access, an extensive spectrum of bands between 13 and 86 GHz has been recommended C-band (3300–4200 and 4400–5000 MHz) | Data Modulation: UFMC, F-OFDM, and FBMC 5G New Radio (NR) Uplink Receiver Sensitivity: PRef = TN + 10log10(BW) + NF+ IM + SNR At room temperature, the TN in a 50 system is −174 dBm/Hz. For Wide Area BS, Medium Range BS, or Local Area BS, the base station NF is 5 dB, 10 dB, or 13 dB, respectively. IM = 2 dB. The SNR value is that at which 95% of the maximum throughput is achieved. PRef = TN + 10log10(BW) + NF+ IM + SNR = −93 db, (For NF = 5 dB, BW = 100 MHz, SNR = −1) | TDD, FDD | 10–50 Gbps | Depends on changing cell radius (1 km to several km’s) |
Communication Technology/Standard 1 | Features 2 | Topology 3 | Network Category 4 | Limitations |
ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 | It allows short-range transmissions. It requires lesser bandwidth and minimal power usage. It clears channel assessment (for the case of CSMA). Dynamic selection of operating channels for coexistence. Packet strength signal for effective forwarding and location. It is designed and suited for PAN-based applications. | Mesh | WPAN | Low data rate and short coverage. |
Bluetooth/IEEE 802.15.1 | It creates dynamic (ad-hoc) connections using radio waves. It presents low-cost, robust, low-power solutions for P2P communication. It allows for short-range transmissions. It is mainly designed and suited for PAN-based applications. It suggests support for IoT devices, via BLE (version), and conserves power by continually maintaining devices in sleep mode until they are connected. It helps with quick device pairing and reconnections, which improves device availability and operational efficacy. | P2P | WPAN | Short coverage and less secure. |
WiFi/IEEE 802.11 (Legacy) (a/b/g/n) | General features: It can aid both in an infrastructure-mode and an ad-hoc manner. These standards are quickly utilized in temporary and permanent LAN installations and deployments because of their flexibility and performance. It supports network management service and asynchronous communication. It suggests time-constrained delivery services and support for broadcast and multicast services. Moreover, it offers support for long-range communication. Specific features: IEEE 802.11a—works on the 5 GHz band, has a lesser interference level than other devices but has higher propagation losses compared to the 2.4 GHz band. IEEE 802.11b—works on the 2.4 GHz band. There may be interference issues with those devices, which, too, operate on the 2.4 GHz band. However, it offers a higher capacity and reachability than the 5 GHz spectrum to get through obstructions. It can also provide support for the ARS method [79], which allows an IEEE 802.11b device to dynamically switch from its theoretical maximum data rate (11 Mbps) to lower data rates such as 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, or even 1 Mbps if interference rises. IEEE 802.11g—faster operating speed and generally has better signal range, being not easily obstructed. The IEEE 802.11g-based devices used OFDM to carry higher data rates while providing robustness against multipath fading/effects. However, additional modulation techniques (as shown in Table 2) are also used to preserve and manage compatibility. IEEE 802.11n—offers superior performance to its other peer standards by suggesting modifications in MIMO, OFDM, power saving, antenna technology, and wider channel bandwidth. The IEEE 802.11n-based access point can operate in Legacy, Mixed, and Greenfield modes [89]. This standard effectively exploits MIMO to take complete benefit of the available data rate. | Star | LAN | Short coverage, comparatively higher signal attenuation, less reliable and stable compared to wired connections. |
WiMAX/IEEE 802.16 | It was introduced initially to overcome the disadvantages of mobile networks and WLANs. It supports high data transmission rates while allowing more coverage than WLANs. It provides numerous QoS scheduling mechanisms supporting heterogeneous traffic, such as VoIP, voice data (traffic), video data/streams, and Internet traffic. Moreover, it has specific features such as high-speed Internet; a long-distance communication facility; and support for security, mobility, and scalability. | P2MP, Mesh | MAN | Not widespread and operationally expensive. |
LoRaWAN/LoRA Alliance | It provides long-range transmissions and offers robustness from interferences. The PHY layer of this standard or protocol modulates the signal in the SUB-GHz ISM band. This specification aims to provide low-power WANs with capabilities specifically required to facilitate low-cost mobile secure bidirectional communication. Additionally, it defines the idea of geolocation, which can be quickly applied to enable GPS-free tracking applications. It utilizes minimum amounts of power, and hence IoT-based sensors and actuators can operate for a long time. Additionally, it manages less bandwidth utilization, making it their default choice for IoT-based deployments. The overall architecture (i.e., star) is relatively straightforward since a LoRaWAN-based GW can be designed to manage numerous end devices or nodes. It also offers secure communication between the end device or node and the application server using the AES-128 encryption standard. | Star | WAN | Short coverage. |
3G (WCDMA Technology) (BIS) | This MNwT was initially engineered and designed to transmit and receive multimedia traffic with variable and high bit rates. This standard (having a comparable spectrum everywhere it is used) enables seamless worldwide networking. It utilizes the packet switching concept for data communication and circuit (or optional packet) switching technique for voice communication. It allows global roaming across a similar type of network (wireless) called a cellular network at 384 Kbps or even higher (up to several Mbps). | - | WAN | Spectrum licensed cost, huge power consumption, and insufficient bandwidth to handle growing user demands. |
GPRS | As an enhancement over GSM, GPRS adds several nodes called GSNs to support end-to-end packet-switched services in the system. It operates by aggregating several separate data channels by the concept of packetization. Moreover, it is a low-cost technology that suggests a packet-based radio service. It offers the capabilities such as a high transfer rate, volume-based billing, shorter access time, improved radio resource utilization, and simplified access to packet data networks [90]. | - | WAN | Low data rate. |
Z-Wave/Z-Wave Alliance | It allows for operation in the low-frequency range, hence offering better performance. It supports low-power mesh networks and employs BFSK modulation. The lower frequency with longer wavelength allows Z-Wave devices to establish more reliable and faster connections since these parameters assist these devices in easily penetrating objects and walls. Six layers of backward compatibility provide version interoperability. The interoperability facility among Z-Wave-based smart or conventional devices assists in blending several applications at once, such as HA, SA, and LA. | Star, cluster, mesh | WPAN | Difficulty in mobility management. Fewer security features. |
LTE/3GPP | It is a 3GPP interface (radio) based on UMTS/HSPA and GSM/EDGE networking technologies. It suggests improvements in data rate and capacity by employing new and modified modulation schemes. Moreover, it offers support for FDM and TDM techniques. It adopts an IP-based network model that promises a seamless handoff of voice and data to cell towers using an older technology. | Star | WAN | High operational costs because extra antennas are used at network base stations to transmit data. |
LTE-A/3GPP | Through modifying and proposing novel PHY layer specifications or implementations and reforming the CN, LTE-A offers much-improved performance over UMTS/HSPA MNwTs. It can speed up to 3 Gbps download and 1.5 Gbps upload. Additionally, it has various antenna systems that simplify switching between cell regions, as well as cutting-edge transmission techniques that pack more data per second into each hertz of the spectrum and improve throughput performance at the level of cell boundaries. Subsequently, it leads to superior performance in terms of consistent connection and capacity (network) [89,91,92]. | P2P | WAN | The installation of towers to improve signals while a smart device is in motion may result in significant costs. Device compatibility is a concern because older models of devices that do not support 4G LTE cannot connect to LTE networks. |
5G (New Radio (NR) Air Interface) (Single Unified, 4G + World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW)) | This technology addresses significant challenges: a massive and quick increase in highly sophisticated connected devices contributes to a sharp escalation in network traffic and an expanding variety of applications with distinct dynamic demands and features. Since LTE user equipment is not required to be able to operate on an NR carrier, NR is designed to be optimized for performance without taking backward compatibility into account. Moreover, NR can support operations in licensed spectrum bands from below 1 GHz to 52.6 GHz with a spectrum expansion facility. In the case of mmWave frequencies, excellent capacity and high data rates are possible. This technology’s ultra-lean design seeks to decrease interference and improve system power efficiency by effectively reducing always-on transmissions [93,94]. This technology utilizes sophisticated access procedures such as Beam Division and FBMC Multiple Access to adapt 4G to 5G networks. Beam Division Multiple Access (BDMA) schemes’ central design principle is concurrently serving numerous mobile users. This technique typically uses an orthogonal beam, which suggests that resources can be allocated in parallel to each mobile base station by separating the antenna beam in accordance with the position of the mobile stations to enable numerous accesses to the base stations. This subsequently assists in improving the capacity of 5G networks [79]. | E2E Network Slicing | WAN | In the case of the NLoS state, the effectiveness of this technology needs to be thoroughly examined, particularly when it runs at high frequencies because wireless channels’ basic nature is inconsistent when the frequency changes to higher values. Due to higher frequencies’ extreme vulnerability to interference from obstructions, this disadvantage exists. Subsequently, this hampers the throughput performance of underlying deployed Layer-4 protocols such as TCP and MPTCP. |
Standards (Year Released) | Enhancement(s)/Feature(s) * | Target |
IEEE 802.11 (1997) (Original) | The standard and its amendments serve as the foundation for wireless network products bearing the WiFi brand. This signifies two raw data rates of 1 and 2 Mbps that must be transferred via DSSS and FHSS at 2.4 GHz in the ISM band. | Wireless Standard (basic) |
IEEE 802.11b (1999) | This standard is intended to operate in the 2.4 GHz spectrum; however, the level of interference issues is higher when this standard-based device tries to interoperate with many other devices/standards operating on the same band. It can attain a theoretical data rate of 11 Mbps. Nevertheless, dynamic adaptations can be applied to the transfer rate subject to the current interference level and signal power to minimize the error rate (ARS Policy). Depending on the channel conditions, the raw data rates can be adapted to 5.5 Mbps, 2 Mbps, and 1 Mbps. Additionally, it provides somewhat simpler deployment processes (e.g., upgrading the current chipsets) as it demonstrates backward compatibility with the original standard due to the use of CDMA and DSSS (same as the original standard) [89]. The coverage indoor and outdoor ranges are 115 feet and 460 feet, respectively. | WiFi-1 |
IEEE 802.11a (1999) | Designed to operate on the 5 GHz spectrum and to have the least amount of interference compared to other devices. Depending on the needs, the raw data rates can be changed to 48 Mbps, 36 Mbps, 24 Mbps, 18 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 9 Mbps, and 6 Mbps. However, it can reach a theoretical transfer rate of 54 Mbps. The coverage indoor and outdoor ranges are 115 feet and 391 feet, respectively [89]. | WiFi-2 |
IEEE 802.11g (2003) | Allows for device compatibility with devices that operate and follow IEEE 802.16b standards. It can also attain a theoretical transfer rate of 54 Mbps. In real-time situations, it can achieve a practical data rate of 24 Mbps. Nonetheless, when IEEE 802.11b-based devices are introduced into IEEE 802.11g networks, or when these heterogeneous compliant devices interoperate, the rate decreases drastically to accommodate IEEE 802.11b-based transmission speeds every time that the compliant device tries to communicate [89]. The coverage indoor and outdoor ranges are 148 feet and 296 feet, respectively. | WiFi-3 |
IEEE 802.11e (2005) | It specifies a set of QoS augmentations for WLAN applications through extensive amendments to the MAC sub-layer. It addressed QoS requirements by emphasizing two-channel access schemes: (1) the contention-based EDCA scheme and (2) the contention-free HCCA scheme. This standard, via EDCA, provides traffic prioritization support based on QoS classes (similar to differentiated services). Conversely, this standard suggests parameterized QoS (similar to integrated services) via HCCA. It also specifies enhancement over the conventional IEEE 802.11 power saver method (APSD) and reduces the signaling load [95]. It is designed to operate at frequencies ranging from 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz or from 5.75 to 5.850 GHz. This standard also specifies that a high transmission rate may not be sufficient to meet the QoS requirements imposed by real-time audio, voice, video, and live-streaming applications. Following that, the provisions of traffic prioritization at the MAC sub-layer were insisted upon. | QoS improvements |
IEEE 802.11n (2009) | This standard was suggested while keeping the increased speed requirement in mind. Later, it was able to boost the attainable speeds of WiFi networks beyond what was possible with 802.11g. Achieving such high performance required several new features, including a modified OFDM scheme, power-saving mechanisms, antenna technology, MIMO, and wider channel bandwidth. Nonetheless, backward compatibility in the standard has been significantly affected (reduced) under exceptional scenarios. Whenever or not an old standard compliance-based device attempts to communicate with an IEEE 802.11g-based device in an 802.11g network, the network’s operation, performance, and other capabilities suffer significantly. These standard-based APs can operate in Legacy mode (choosing one standard amongst 802.11a/b/g), Mixed mode (choose (out of 802.11a/b/g/n) and operate on heterogeneous conditions), and Greenfield mode (operate with a single (common) 802.11n altogether) [89]. It can reach a theoretical transfer rate of 600 Mbps. The coverage indoor and outdoor ranges are 230 feet and 821 feet, respectively. | WiFi-4 |
IEEE 802.11ac (2013) | This standard (called initially VHT) was suggested while keeping increased speed requirements in mind (likewise with other standards). This standard was later able to increase the achievable speeds (up to 1 Gbps (minimum) to 7 Gbps (maximum)) of WiFi networks beyond what 802.11n was capable of. The standard enables the transmission of HD videos, online interactive games, live-streaming, and other demanding applications. It operates using MU-MIMO technology, which enables a single AP and its antenna to send data concurrently to several devices. As a result, this helps to increase airtime efficiency so that every associated client—regardless of the 802.11 types it operates on—finally receives the amount of airtime it is supposed to receive, depending on the technology used. | WiFi-5 |
IEEE 802.11 ah (2017) | Designed to operate on unlicensed spectrum below 1 GHz, it can provide significantly more transmission coverage than traditional 802.11 standards, which typically operate on 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. This standard can be employed in those scenarios where accessible bandwidth is comparatively narrow. It can normally apply with WiFi (outdoor) for performing CTO, large-scale WSNs (i.e., smart grid), and extended-range hotspots. Supporting a reasonably large transmission range/coverage property aids in managing large-scale networks where the number of devices may be much greater than what the conventional 802.11 standard can support. It advises that changes to the PHY and MAC layers be made to provide important improvements including energy-saving capabilities, support for accommodating a high number of devices, reliable media access techniques, and throughput performance improvement by using small frame formats [96]. | Extended coverage, low-power WLAN |
IEEE 802.11ax (2021) | This standard was proposed with the consideration of higher speed requirements. Later, this standard increased WiFi network achievable speeds above what was made possible by earlier standards. Specifically, it can offer support for a 10 Gbps data rate, consistency, and low power consumption. It operates using MU-MIMO and MU-OFDMA multi-user technologies, which enables a single AP and its antenna to send data concurrently to several end devices. Although the 802.11ac standard is where MU-MIMO technology was first introduced, 802.11ax now allows for groups of up to eight clients. In addition, this standard also suggests several improvements in spatial reusing policies and power-saver schemes [97]. | WiFi-6 |
Specific Standards | IEEE 802.16 (2001) 1 | IEEE 802.16a (2003) 2 | IEEE 802.16b 3 | IEEE 802.16c (2002) 4 | IEEE 802.16d (2004) 5 (Fixed) | IEEE 802.16e (2005) 6 | IEEE 802.16m (PAI) 7 |
Operating Frequency Band | 10–66 GHz (LS RF Bands) | 2–11 GHz (LS/ULS RF Bands) (WMANs) | 5–6 GHz (ULS RF Bands) | 10–66 GHz | 2–11 GHz (LS/ULS RF Bands) | 2–6 GHz (LS RF Bands) | 450–3600 MHz (LS/ULS RF Bands) |
Data Rate (max) | 32–134 Mbps (28 MHz) | 75 Mbps max, 20 MHz channelization | 75 Mbps | 70 Mbps (20 MHz) | 75 Mbps | 90 Mbps | 100 Mbps (MA) and 1 Gbps (FA) |
Coverage Area (Max) | 10–50 Km | 45 km | 45 Km | 50 km | 45 km | 100 km | 100 km |
Propagation model (Channel Condition) | LoS only | NLoS | NLoS | LoS | LoS/NloS | NLoS | NLoS |
Channel Bandwidth | 20, 25, and 28 MHz | Selectable between 1.25 and 20 MHz | 10, 20 MHz (5 MHz is optional) | 28 MHz | Selectable between 1.5 MHz and 20 MHz | 5–20 MHz/RF carrier, CA-supported feature to assist in attaining BW up to 100 MHz. | |
Mobility Support | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed/nomadic | Portable/mobile version of WiMAX | Portable/mobile version of WiMAX. |
Topology (MAC Architecture) | P2MP and Mesh | ||||||
Assistance | More extended coverage than WLANs while sustaining high transmission rates | VoIP | Licensed exempt applications. QoS support. | Creating profiles (systems) for 10–66 GHz will help with compatibility requirements for LoS broadband wireless access. | Technological fixes and minor modifications to 802.16a standard. The ETSI HiperMAN standard was matched with this standard to enable worldwide adoption. | Mobility (60–120 km/hr) facility to WiMAX. Better adaptability and improved QoS support. | Many additional service classes. Increases mobility (350 km/hr), and guarantees superior QoS services. |
Modulation Techniques Employed | QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM | BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM | BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM | QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM | OFDM, OFDMA, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM | OFDM, OFDMA, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, S-OFDMA | OFDM, OFDMA, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, S-OFDMA |
Access Scheme/Protocol | Request/Grant | ||||||
Salient Features | Overcomes the disadvantages of mobile networks and WLANs. | Designed to operate in the LS and ULS RF bands ranging from 2 to 11 GHz (to make it operable in low frequency ranges). As a result, gives WiMAX implementations more flexibility while maintaining data rate and transmission range. | Increases the amount of spectrum the technology may use in the 5–6 GHz RF channels and provides QoS support. | More specifics about this technology were standardized, which promotes interoperability by encouraging more consistent implementation. | Comprises minor enhancements and fixes to 802.16a standard. This extension also makes system profiles for the 802.16a device compliance testing. | Designed to standardize communication between carriers’ mobile devices and fixed base station, instead of between base stations and static receivers. | Designed to increase the mobility facility (typically more than IEEE 802.16e). Moreover, enables the use of numerous advanced antenna conceptions i.e., beamforming and MIMO. |
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Kanellopoulos, D.; Sharma, V.K.; Panagiotakopoulos, T.; Kameas, A. Networking Architectures and Protocols for IoT Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Developments and Perspectives. Electronics 2023, 12, 2490.
Kanellopoulos D, Sharma VK, Panagiotakopoulos T, Kameas A. Networking Architectures and Protocols for IoT Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Developments and Perspectives. Electronics. 2023; 12(11):2490.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKanellopoulos, Dimitris, Varun Kumar Sharma, Theodor Panagiotakopoulos, and Achilles Kameas. 2023. "Networking Architectures and Protocols for IoT Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Developments and Perspectives" Electronics 12, no. 11: 2490.
APA StyleKanellopoulos, D., Sharma, V. K., Panagiotakopoulos, T., & Kameas, A. (2023). Networking Architectures and Protocols for IoT Applications in Smart Cities: Recent Developments and Perspectives. Electronics, 12(11), 2490.