Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process
:1. Introduction
2. Three Types of Learning
3. Emotions and “Felt” Dilemmas
4. Dialogical Self Theory
5. A Learning Process in Four Stages
6. Characteristics of a Good Dialogue Aiming at Identity Formation
- emotions have to be valued; in other words, all those involved in a social interaction should be grateful that emotions exist;
- emotions should be treated with caution. They are often extremely powerful motives for the behavior of individuals. When environmental issues are brought to the fore, people respond with anxiety, rage, depression and panic [115]. In addition, when an emotion is ignored or even denied, it can be turned against the person or organization that allowed this denial to occur;
- emotions demand respect or, in other words, concentrated attention. Many people feel uncomfortable when someone nearby shows some emotional involvement. The tendency to quickly move on to something else is prevalent. However, if emotions are ever to become a functional part of the learning process whereby an environmental identity may be constructed, then attention has to be paid to them. One should not try to suppress emotions but rather use them to illuminate the message that they are carrying as is explained in the section on emotions and felt dilemmas.
7. Do Schools Have Room for a Good Dialogue?
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Meijers, F.; Lengelle, R.; Kopnina, H. Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process. Resources 2016, 5, 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources5010011
Meijers F, Lengelle R, Kopnina H. Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process. Resources. 2016; 5(1):11. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources5010011
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeijers, Frans, Reinekke Lengelle, and Helen Kopnina. 2016. "Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process" Resources 5, no. 1: 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources5010011
APA StyleMeijers, F., Lengelle, R., & Kopnina, H. (2016). Environmental Identity and Natural Resources: A Dialogical Learning Process. Resources, 5(1), 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources5010011