Structure-Function of the Human WAC Protein in GABAergic Neurons: Towards an Understanding of Autosomal Dominant DeSanto–Shinawi Syndrome
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Bioinformatics
2.2. Animals
2.3. DNA Vector Generation
2.4. Immuno-Fluorescence Labeling and Imaging
2.5. MGE Primary Cultures
2.6. Western Blotting
2.7. Statistics and Cell Assessments
3. Results
3.1. Functional Domain and Motif Annotations of WAC
3.2. Human Clinical Variants Annotated to Functional Motifs of WAC
3.3. Expression of WAC within Human Brain and Neural Cell Types
3.4. Generation and Structure/Function of GFP-WAC Mutant Fusion Proteins
3.5. WAC Deletion Mutant Proteins Exhibit Differential Targeting and Aggregation in Neurons
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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WAC Change | Conservation Score | CADD Score | PolyPhen2 Damaging | HPO Profiles | Homozygous Count | Abnormality Noted in HPO |
S94I | 98.87% | 27.2 | probably | 4 | 3 | nervous system |
L426F | 98.30% | 31 | probably | 1 | 0 | nervous system |
R517H | 98.58% | 24.6 | probably | 1 | 0 | nervous system |
K466R | 98.87% | 24.1 | probably | 1 | 0 | nervous system |
P557A | 97.45% | 20.8 | probably | 1 | 0 | nervous system |
E600K | 97.17% | 22.1 | probably | 1 | 0 | nervous system, abdomen |
Y95C | 92.63% | 20.6 | probably | 4 | 0 | nervous system, limbs, eyes |
P464L | 93.20% | 34 | probably | 3 | 0 | nervous system, genitourinary system, skeletal system |
H530R | 96.88% | 23 | probably | 2 | 0 | abdomen |
K581R | 98.02% | 26.8 | probably | 2 | 0 | cardiovascular system |
S511C | 98.58% | 26.6 | probably | 1 | 0 | cardiovascular system |
S520R | 95.47% | 21.2 | probably | 1 | 0 | cardiovascular system |
G74V | 95.47% | 25.1 | probably | 1 | 0 | eye |
S449P | 99.15% | 24.7 | probably | 1 | 0 | eye |
Q516P | 98.02% | 20.6 | probably | 1 | 0 | eye |
T556M | 97.45% | 25.5 | probably | 1 | 0 | genitourinary system |
P526L | 97.17% | 34 | probably | 1 | 0 | immune system, abdomen |
S140I | 99.43% | 33 | probably | 2 | 0 | limbs |
H591R | 98.02% | 24.6 | probably | 2 | 0 | limbs |
P347S | 98.58% | 31 | probably | 2 | 0 | skeletal system |
Q631R | 97.17% | 25.2 | probably | 2 | 0 | skeletal system |
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Rudolph, H.C.; Stafford, A.M.; Hwang, H.-E.; Kim, C.-H.; Prokop, J.W.; Vogt, D. Structure-Function of the Human WAC Protein in GABAergic Neurons: Towards an Understanding of Autosomal Dominant DeSanto–Shinawi Syndrome. Biology 2023, 12, 589.
Rudolph HC, Stafford AM, Hwang H-E, Kim C-H, Prokop JW, Vogt D. Structure-Function of the Human WAC Protein in GABAergic Neurons: Towards an Understanding of Autosomal Dominant DeSanto–Shinawi Syndrome. Biology. 2023; 12(4):589.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRudolph, Hannah C., April M. Stafford, Hye-Eun Hwang, Cheol-Hee Kim, Jeremy W. Prokop, and Daniel Vogt. 2023. "Structure-Function of the Human WAC Protein in GABAergic Neurons: Towards an Understanding of Autosomal Dominant DeSanto–Shinawi Syndrome" Biology 12, no. 4: 589.
APA StyleRudolph, H. C., Stafford, A. M., Hwang, H.-E., Kim, C.-H., Prokop, J. W., & Vogt, D. (2023). Structure-Function of the Human WAC Protein in GABAergic Neurons: Towards an Understanding of Autosomal Dominant DeSanto–Shinawi Syndrome. Biology, 12(4), 589.