New Insights into Cellular Functions of Nuclear Actin
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Role of Intranuclear Actin Network
3. Enigmatic Role of Intranuclear Actin Rods
4. Actin Role in Nuclear Membrane Rupture
5. Actin Role in Chromatin Organization and Remodeling
6. Actin Role in Transcription
7. Nuclear Actin in Macrophages and Other Immune Cells
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kloc, M.; Chanana, P.; Vaughn, N.; Uosef, A.; Kubiak, J.Z.; Ghobrial, R.M. New Insights into Cellular Functions of Nuclear Actin. Biology 2021, 10, 304.
Kloc M, Chanana P, Vaughn N, Uosef A, Kubiak JZ, Ghobrial RM. New Insights into Cellular Functions of Nuclear Actin. Biology. 2021; 10(4):304.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKloc, Malgorzata, Priyanka Chanana, Nicole Vaughn, Ahmed Uosef, Jacek Z. Kubiak, and Rafik M. Ghobrial. 2021. "New Insights into Cellular Functions of Nuclear Actin" Biology 10, no. 4: 304.
APA StyleKloc, M., Chanana, P., Vaughn, N., Uosef, A., Kubiak, J. Z., & Ghobrial, R. M. (2021). New Insights into Cellular Functions of Nuclear Actin. Biology, 10(4), 304.