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RETRACTED: Study on the Removal Efficiency and Mechanism of Tetracycline in Water Using Biochar and Magnetic Biochar

College of Environmental and Material Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
College of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China
College of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran 1477893855, Iran
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Coatings 2021, 11(11), 1354;
Submission received: 3 October 2021 / Revised: 27 October 2021 / Accepted: 1 November 2021 / Published: 3 November 2021 / Retracted: 23 May 2024


In this study, a new type of sludge-derived biochar material with high tetracycline removal efficiency, named magnetic Fe3O4 biochar, was accomplished by KOH activated and loaded with magnetic Fe3O4. The particles with spherical pellets observed by SEM, as well as the XRD patterns, indicated that magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles were successfully loaded onto the biochar. We studied the adsorption effects and mechanisms of the following three different adsorption materials for tetracycline: biochar (BC), magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar (MBC), and the loading conditions and reusability of the materials were also considered. The adsorption effects were as follows: Fe3O4 (94.3%) > MBC (88.3%) > BC (65.7%), and the ratio of biochar to ferric salt was 0.2:1; the removal effect reached the best result. Under an acidic condition, the adsorption capacity of all the materials reached the maximum, and the adsorption of tetracycline in water, by three adsorbents, involves chemical adsorption as the leading process and physical adsorption as the auxiliary process. Various characterizations indicated the removal of tetracycline, including pore filling, electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bond action, and cationic-π action. Complex bridging is a unique adsorption mechanism of magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar. In addition, the magnetic biochar also possesses π–π bond interaction. The magnetic materials can still maintain a certain amount of adsorption capacity on tetracycline after five cycles. This study proved that the magnetic sludge-based biochar are ideal adsorbents for the removal of tetracycline from water, as well as an effective route for the reclamation of waste sludge.

1. Introduction

Since their discovery in the early twentieth century, antibiotics are emerging pollutants widely applied in human healthcare [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], veterinary practices, the livestock industry, and aquaculture [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]. Antibiotics are widely used because not only can they prevent bacterial infection and spread effectively [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30], but they can also improve feed utilization and animal growth rates [31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39]. In spite of bringing great benefits to human society, in practice, approximately 70–90% of the antibiotics administered are discharged into the environment, due to them being poorly absorbed and metabolized [40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50]. Antibiotic residues in natural environments have been widely detected in soils [50], sediments [51], and, especially, in aquatic environments [52]. Although the concentration of antibiotics in aquatic environments is at the μg·L1 or ng·L−1 levels [53,54], the low contents of antibiotics and their derivatives are more toxic than expected, for they dominate binary and multivariate mixtures in the case of actual contamination [55]. Accumulating evidence has shown that antibiotics strongly inhibit the growth of algae [56], and harm beneficial bacteria [57] and other aquatic organisms [58]. Moreover, simultaneously, the research is noteworthy to indicate that microcystin secreted by microalgae has a synergistic effect with some specific antibiotics, triggering a stronger negative impact on the organism itself [59]. Moreover, in addition to antibiotics themselves, the antibiotic resistance genes emerge and are transferred to the whole food chain, posing a more long-term hazard, both environmentally and health wise [60].
Due to the increase in the world’s population and the demand for food production, the total use of antibiotics in the world is increasing and is expected to grow further [61]. Therefore, antibiotic removal in wastewater has gained significant attention. At present, several techniques have been used to try to eliminate antibiotics from wastewater, including, but not limited to, ozone-based advanced oxidation technology (AOT) [62], photocatalytic degradation [63], electro-chemical processes [64], nanofiltration membranes, and reverse osmosis membranes craft [65], etc. These technologies can efficaciously remove antibiotics, but are often accompanied by relatively high costs, complicated operation, or unstable treatment effects. Without the above-mentioned disadvantages, the adsorption methods received much research focus, owing to their ability to treat high- or low-concentration antibiotic wastewater and the lack of risk of highly toxic by-products [66]. So far, the commonly used adsorbents in antibiotic wastewater treatment [67] are mainly as follows: zeolite [68], resin [69], clays [70], chitosan [71], biochar [72], etc. Due to its great capacity in stability, removal efficiency, and its wide range of applications, biochar has been adopted as a win–win solution for waste management and environmental restoration.
Biochar is a kind of carbon-rich material obtained by the pyrolysis of biomass in an anaerobic or anoxic environment, and at high temperatures (mostly lower than 700 °C) [73]. Made from waste or low-cost raw materials, biochar usually possess high specific surface areas, abundant pore structures, and rich functional groups. However, the adsorption effect of conventional biochar is relatively poor and time consuming, so it is necessary to modify biochar to enhance the adsorption effect of target pollutants. Biochar modification is a major way to improve the specificity of biochar, including physical approaches and chemical means. Physical approaches mainly use high-temperature calcination or other physical means to form porous structures, whilst removing organic matter and other impurities in the pores of biochar, so as to change the pore structure and increase the specific surface area [74]; for example, after secondary pyrolysis, the maximum adsorption capacity of corn stalks biochar for Cr6+ was about 138.89 mg·g−1, much higher than other congeneric biochar, and the removal rate of potato straw biochar for methylene blue increased by nearly 15% after ultrasonic treatment [75]. Through chemical modification means, the weak force between biochar and target pollutants can be transformed into a strong force (electrostatic effect, chelation, hydrophobic effect, etc.) [76]. After modification by metal or its oxide, the modified biochar-supported nano zero-valent iron exhibited a higher PHE removal rate, which was 1.2 times more than that of common alkali biochar [77]; the biochar loaded with Fe2O3 for the removal of Cr6+ increased from 36.05 mg/g to 95.23 mg·g−1 [78]. Recent studies showed that the adsorption effect of biochar for Cr6+ [79], Pb2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ [80] can be significantly improved by using organic modification (with polyethylenimine or chitosan). Adding an activator before biochar pyrolysis is also one of the options to optimize the adsorption capacity. The activation process is beneficial to the pore structure development of biochar. The commonly used activators are KOH, NaOH, H2SO4, ZnCl2, citric acid, and so on. The research showed that KOH has the best activation effect, and its specific surface area was nearly 1900 m2/g, followed by NaOH, which reached almost 1300 m2/g; ZnCl2 and citric acid showed poor performance [81].
The extensive articles above have shown that it is already common to use metals (compounds) to modify biochar, and the research is more thorough, but its environmental influences should not be neglected; metal oxides or metals contained on biochar that is supported or alone, such as zinc, inevitably have the phenomenon of ion precipitation, causing secondary pollution to water. At the same time, it is difficult to separate adsorbent materials when they are used up, which greatly hinders the large-scale application of adsorbent materials, and some raw materials of biochar are not conventional, making it difficult to collect and realize waste utilization. The excess sludge contains a lot of organic matter [82], so the pyrolysis method can be considered to obtain sludge-based biochar [83], which cannot only meet the treatment and disposal of sludge, but also prepare adsorption materials, so as to realize the “treatment of waste with waste”. Besides, as the second broad-spectrum antibiotic at home and abroad, tetracycline is widely used in the livestock and poultry industry [84], and is extensively detected in water environments [85]. In the background of an expected 67% increase in the use of antibiotics in food animals by 2030 globally [86], the preparation of KOH-activated magnetized sludge biochar to remove tetracycline (TC) from aquatic environments is of certain scientific and practical value.
The removal of tetracycline by biochar has been studied in relevant research; sawdust biochar doped with Fe/Zn showed highly efficient removal of tetracycline (102.0 mg·g−1), and iron oxide and hydrophilic sites were two main adsorption mechanisms [87]. Moreover, simultaneously, the research has indicated that pH has a significant effect on the tetracycline adsorption capacity of swine manure-derived biochar modified by H3PO4, from pH = 5 (143.9 mg·g−1) to pH = 9 (365.4 mg·g−1) [88]. After methanol treatment, rice husk biochar showed an approximately 45.6% enhancement of tetracycline adsorption capacity in 12 h, and 17.2% in equilibrium time, compared with the original biochar [89]. Although the study of tetracycline adsorption on biochar has been performed at a certain scale, less attention has been paid to the adsorption performance of the loaded materials themselves on tetracycline. In this paper, based on previous work, the adsorption properties of the prepared magnetically loaded material Fe3O4 were individually supplemented, and, at the same time, the adsorption properties and mechanisms of the following three adsorbent materials were deeply elucidated: sludge-based biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar, which are of some practical significance to achieve a reduction in waste raw material sludge. Thus, the purposes of this study were to investigate the optimum loading conditions of magnetic Fe3O4 onto sludge-based biochar, whilst exploring the tetracycline adsorption performance and influence factors of the following three kinds of adsorbent materials: sludge-based biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic Fe3O4 biochar, and, finally, to evaluate the potential adsorption mechanism of the three materials for tetracycline, and the reusability of the three materials was tested (see Figure 1).

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

The waste-activated sludge was obtained from the secondary sedimentation tank in a municipal sewage treatment plant in Yantai, Shandong, China. After drying in oven at constant 60 °C for 24 h, the solid sludge block was obtained. It was smashed by powder beater and then stored in a beaker covered with biomass film for further use. TC (≥98%) was purchased from Cool-Chemistry (Beijing, China). All other required chemical reagents, mainly including NaOH, KOH, FeCl2, FeCl3, were purchased from China National Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd., Beijing, China. All these chemicals were analytically pure (ACS). All solutions were prepared from Milli-Q water generated from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, MA, USA).

2.2. Preparation of BC and MBC

Biochar: The sludge powder and KOH powder were grinded and mixed in the ratio of 2:1 by one-step activation, then put into a tube furnace, and pyrolysis was completed under the protection of nitrogen (200 mL·min−1). The temperature of the tube furnace was increased by 10 °C min−1 and maintained for 3 h until the temperature reached 500 °C. After cooling to room temperature, biochar was subsequently acid washed and water washed until the supernatants of the solution approached neutrality. Finally, the supernatants were discarded and the biochar was oven-dried overnight at 50 °C to obtain the experimental biochar.
Magnetic Fe3O4 biochar: The ratios of biochar to iron salt in 0:1, 0.1:1, 0.2:1, 0.5:1, 1:1, 2:1, 5:1, 10:1, 1:0 were used to prepare magnetic biochar. The specific procedures were as follows: 50 mL, 0.2 mol/L NaOH solution was configured first; after being uniformly weighed, 1 g of FeCl2 and 3.2 g of FeCl3 were dissolved in 50 mL of deionized water at 70 °C, respectively, and magnetic stirring was performed at a constant rotation rate for 30 min until fully mixed. Then a certain amount of biochar was added separately at the above ratio into the iron salt solution with ultrasonication for 2 h. After that, the above NaOH solution was slowly added dropwise until the solution color turned black, stirring was continued for another 30 min. The substances above were separated by a magnet, deionized water and absolute ethanol were used for repeated rinsing until the supernatant was neutral, after which oven drying was performed at 50 °C to obtain magnetic Fe3O4 biochar.

2.3. Characteristics of Materials

A range of characterization means were used to study the physical as well as chemical properties of the following three materials: biochar, magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic Fe3O4 biochar. Sample morphologies were detected by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Zeiss Sigma500, Berlin, Germany), and the surface areas of the materials were determined by BET (micromeritics ASAP 2460, Norcross, GA, USA). The change in functional groups on surface materials before and after adsorption was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, Thermo Fisher, Nicolet iS5, Norcross, GA, USA) with 32 scans, a resolution of 4 cm−1 and the range of wavenumber between 4000 and 400 cm−1. An X-ray diffractometer (XRD, BRUKER, D8ADANCE, Berlin, Germany) was used to analyze the crystal structure, while X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Thermo Fisher, ESCALAB 250Xi, Norcross, GA, USA) determined the composition of the sample. Zeta potential was measured by nanoparticle size potential analyzer (Zetasizer, Malvern, Nano-ZS90, Norcross, GA, USA).

2.4. Adsorption Experiments

2.4.1. Batch Experiments

Batch experiments were conducted to study the effects of adsorbent dosage, pH, salt ion concentration, and the optimum preparation conditions for adsorbent materials. During the adsorption process, the study of each sample group was performed in parallel three times. Tetracycline solution (500 mg·L−1) was prepared with deionized water as the stock solution and stored in refrigerator at 4 °C away from light. The study of the effect of pH on the adsorption of TC was conducted under optimized conditions; the 50 mL tetracycline solutions with an initial concentration of 100 mg·L−1 and 0.3 g adsorbent material were added to the 100 mL conical flask, which was stoppered and shaken at 150 rpm for 24 h in a water bath shaker with a constant temperature of 25 °C, the pH values of TC solution were adjusted to 3.0–10.0 through 0.1/1.0 mol·L −1 HCl and NaOH. The effect of salt ionic strength was tested by varying NaCl concentration (0–100 mmol·L-1) at pH = 4.0. Other experimental conditions were the same as those in the pH experiments.

2.4.2. Sorption Kinetics

Adsorption kinetics experiments of three different concentrations of tetracycline solutions (20 mg·L−1, 50 mg·L−1, 100 mg·L−1) were carried out to preliminarily evaluate the dominant nature of the adsorption process. Fifty milliliters of the corresponding tetracycline solution along with 0.3 g of adsorbent material were added to the 100 mL conical flask, the mixture was reacted continuously at 150 r·min−1 for 12 h in a water bath shaker at 25 °C and samples were taken at specific time points. The acid–base of the mixture was adjusted to 4.

2.4.3. Adsorption Isotherms and Thermodynamics

The adsorption isotherm experiment and thermodynamic analysis were performed at temperatures of 25, 35, and 45 °C, and the concentration of tetracycline solution was added according to the gradient, which was 20–500 mg·L−1, respectively. The dosages of the three adsorbent materials were all 3 g·L−1, and the reaction pH value was set to 4. Then, the conical flask was put in the water bath shaker and rotated at 150 r·min−1 for 24 h. The thermodynamic results were calculated based on the adsorption isotherm data.

2.5. Regeneration of MBC

Regeneration capacity is an important indicator to evaluate the performance of adsorbent materials. In this experiment, 0.1 mol·L−1 NaOH was used to rinse the three adsorbent materials after adsorption followed by stirring at 150 r·min−1 at room temperature for 12 h. After desorption, the supernatant was discarded, and the remaining mixture was oven dried at 50 °C for the next adsorption experiment. In each cycle, the three materials were dosed at 3 g·L−1 with a tetracycline concentration of 100 mg·L−1, and the reuse experiments lasted for 24 h in a water bath shaker at a constant temperature of 25 °C at 150 r·min−1. The above process was repeated 5 times to verify material reuse performance.

2.6. Detection Method of Tetracycline

The concentration of tetracycline was determined by UV–Vis spectrophotometer (SP-2102UV, Shanghai Spectral Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China). After the adsorption experiment, the appropriate amount of supernatant was extracted using a needle tube. The sample was then centrifuged at 5000 r·min−1, filtered through a 0.45 μm filter membrane and detected by UV–Vis spectrophotometer at 391 nm. The residual amount of tetracycline after adsorption was calculated by the following equation:
q e = ( C 0 C e ) m × V
η = ( C 0 C e ) C 0 × 100 %
where qe is the adsorption capacity of MBC to TC when the reaction reaches equilibrium, mg·g−1; C0 and Ce represent the initial and the equilibrium remaining concentration of tetracycline, mg·L−1; V is the total volume of the solution, L; m indicates the amount of adsorbent material administered, g; η is the removal rate or adsorption rate.

3. Adsorption Results

3.1. Optimal Preparation Conditions for Magnetic Biochar

In order to explore the optimal loading conditions of magnetic Fe3O4 on biochar, the experiment set a series of loading ratios of biochar and iron salt. The reaction conditions are as follows: the initial concentration of tetracycline is 100 mg·L−1, the dosage of adsorbent is 0.1 g, and the pH is 7.
It can be observed from Figure 2 that when the ratio of biochar to iron salt is 0:1, the adsorbent material is pure magnetic Fe3O4, the adsorption effect is the best, the remaining concentration after adsorption is 11.9 mg·L−1, the adsorption capacity is 44.1 mg·g−1, and the adsorption rate is 88.1%. The main reason for this is that the magnetic Fe3O4 belongs to nanoparticles and has a large specific surface area, so it has a high removal efficiency for tetracycline. When the ratio of biochar to iron salt increases from 0:1 to 0.2:1, the adsorption capacity and adsorption rate of this process show a downward trend. At this time, the adsorption capacity decreases to 37.3 mg·g−1and the adsorption rate decreases to 74.7%. When the ratio continues to increase, it is found that both the adsorption capacity and the adsorption rate show a stable trend. It can be found that 0.2:1 is the demarcation point, which is also the best loading condition for the magnetic Fe3O4 loaded on the biochar. Since the specific surface area of biochar is constant, a certain amount of biochar can only be loaded with a certain amount of magnetic Fe3O4. While keeping the amount of magnetic Fe3O4 constant, the amount of biochar eventually continuously increases because of the magnet separation action, which causes the already loaded magnetic biochar to remain and the unloaded biochar to be lost, which explains the increase in the ratio of biochar to iron salt in the magnetic biochar from 0.2:1 to 10:1. The prepared magnetic biochar maintains a stable state in removing tetracycline from water. When the ratio of biochar to iron salt is 1:0, the adsorbent material is pure biochar. At this time, the removal efficiency of tetracycline is the worst, the remaining concentration after adsorption is 46.9 mg/L, the adsorption capacity is 26.5 mg·g−1, and the adsorption rate is 53.0%.

3.2. The Effect of Adsorbent Dosage on the Efficiency of Removing Tetracycline

The effect of the dosage of adsorbent on the removal effect of tetracycline in water is studied by adding magnetic biochar in a gradient of 0.5–4 g·L−1 to the tetracycline solution at pH = 7, and the initial concentration of tetracycline is 100 mg·L−1.
It is shown in Figure 3 that the remaining concentration of tetracycline is 63.2 mg·L−1 when the biochar dosing is 0.5 g·L−1, and 34.3 mg·L−1 when the biochar dosing increases to 3 g·L−1. Evidence suggested that the decreasing rate of the adsorption amount, as well as the rising adsorption rate, are both faster with a dosage less than 3 g·L−1, while with a dosage greater than 3 g·L−1, the rate change is significantly less than that before the dosing of 3 g·L−1. In order to allow the adsorbent material to maximize its removal, the dosage of the adsorbent material should be reduced to save the resource costs at a similar removal rate, from the perspective of the efficient use of resources. Therefore, 3 g·L−1 is determined as the optimal dosage of biochar.
Similar variation can be observed in the other two materials. In order to uniformly compare the adsorption efficacy tests of the three different adsorbent materials, the later adsorptions of all three adsorbent loadings are set to 3 g·L−1.

3.3. The Effect of pH on the Removal of Tetracycline

The pH value of the solution has an important influence on the adsorption reaction. The experimental results are shown in Figure 4. For biochar, it is found that when the experimental pH value ranges from 4 to 7, the adsorption capacity fluctuates slightly. The adsorption capacity reaches the maximum when the pH value is 4, which is 21.9 mg·g−1. When the pH value increases from 8 to 10, the adsorption capacity gradually decreases and finally reaches 18.3 mg·g−1. For magnetic Fe3O4, when the pH value increases from 3 to 4, the adsorption capacity increases by 30.8%. When the pH value increases from 4 to 8, the adsorption capacity decreases slightly, and a steep downward trend is observed with a pH value of 8–10. For magnetic biochar, it is found that the change pattern is the same as that of magnetic Fe3O4, the adsorption capacity reaches the maximum (29.4 mg·g−1) at pH = 4, and the adsorption capacity is the lowest (13.8 mg·g−1) at pH = 10. The above changes indicate that the pH value has an important effect on the adsorption of tetracycline on the three adsorbent materials, and the maximum adsorption amounts are achieved under acidic conditions.
The above phenomena can be explained by the pHpzc (Figure 4d) and PKa of tetracycline. The pHpzc of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar are 7.32, 7.85, and 8.54, respectively. The three hydrolysis constants of tetracycline are 3.3, 7.7, and 9.7. When the pH value is less than 3.3, tetracycline mainly exists in the aqueous solution in the form of TCH3+, and is converted to TCH2+ and TCH with a pH value of 3.3 to 7.7. When the pH of the solution increases from 7.7 to 9.7, the tetracycline molecules change into TCH and TC2− forms. Tetracycline mainly exists in the form of TC2− when the pH of the solution is over 9.7 [90,91,92]. Therefore, when the pH of the solution is less than 3.3, the biochar is positively charged, and the repulsive force of the same charge will repel the adsorption of tetracycline. When the pH of the solution is between 3.3 and 7.32, the tetracycline is mainly neutral and negatively charged, while the biochar is mainly positively charged. The two kinds of charges will promote the adsorption amount of tetracycline. When the pH is greater than 7.32, both tetracycline and biochar are negatively charged, and the repulsive force between the same charges inhibits the adsorption of tetracycline; the same is true for the other two materials. The above analysis also explains why the adsorption capacity of tetracycline for the three adsorbent materials reaches the maximum under an acidic condition. Subsequent experiments were performed at pH = 4.

3.4. The Effect of Ionic Strength on the Removal Efficiency of Tetracycline

After determining the optimal conditions for each of the above single factors, the influence of ionic strength on the removal of tetracycline by three different adsorbent materials is further explored. The test results are shown in Figure 5. It can be found that when NaCl is not added, the adsorption capacity of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar for tetracycline in water is 21.8, 31.4, and 29.4 mg/g, respectively. After adding NaCl, according to the gradient, the adsorption capacity is almost maintained in a constant dynamic equilibrium. Ionic strength does not have a significant effect on the removal of tetracycline from water by these three adsorbent materials, so ion exchange does not participate in the adsorption process of tetracycline in water by these three adsorbent materials.

3.5. Recyclability of Biochar/Magnetic Fe3O4/Magnetic Biochar

The reusability of adsorbent materials is an important index to evaluate the performance of adsorbent materials. It can be found from Figure 6 that in the first cycle, the adsorption amount of tetracycline by the three adsorbent materials is 21.9, 31.4, and 29.4 mg/g, and the removal rate is 65.7%, 94.3%, and 88.4%, respectively. After five cycles, the adsorption capacity is reduced to 2.8, 14.3, and 11.1 mg/g, and the removal rate is reduced to 8.4%, 43.0%, and 33.5%, respectively. The reason why the adsorption capacity of the three adsorbent materials decreases after repeated adsorption of tetracycline can be attributed the irreversible effect of some adsorption sites. In addition, the biochar already shows little remanence in adsorption capacity after five cycles of adsorption tests. The magnetic material can still maintain a certain adsorption amount after five cycles, which also indicates that the magnetic material is an ideal adsorbent and can be used to remove tetracycline from water.

3.6. Kinetic Analysis of Biochar, Magnetic Fe3O4 and Magnetic Biochar on Tetracycline in Water

It can be observed from Figure 7 that for the magnetic biochar, the adsorption equilibriums are all reached in 1 h at the three initial concentrations of tetracycline. In addition, it can be observed that as the initial concentration of tetracycline increases, the adsorption equilibrium time also increases. Table 1 shows the kinetic fitting data of this experiment. Both kinetics are well fitted to the adsorption reaction of tetracycline by the three adsorbent materials at three different concentrations. The R2 value of the pseudo-second-order kinetics of the adsorbent materials to tetracycline is significantly higher than the pseudo-first-order kinetics; meanwhile, the errors between the theoretical and observed values of the first-order kinetics are larger than those of the second-order kinetics. Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that pseudo-second-order kinetics are more suitable for describing the adsorption process and removal process of tetracycline in water by three adsorbent materials.
The Elovich model is also used for simulating the adsorption kinetics of tetracycline to magnetic biochar. The Elovich model is mainly used to describe the chemical adsorption and energy heterogeneity. At different concentrations, the Elovich model shows a good fit for the adsorption process of tetracycline.

3.7. Analysis of Isotherm of Tetracycline in Water by Biochar, Magnetic Fe3O4 and Magnetic Fe3O4 Biochar

The Langmuir model states that the same adsorption sites are uniformly distributed on the adsorbent material, and each adsorption site only adsorbs one unit of adsorbate, so the adsorbate is adsorbed on the adsorbent material in a single-molecule layer, and it is called the single-molecule adsorption theory and mainly describes chemical adsorption. The Langmuir correlation coefficients R2 at the three temperatures are found to be between 0.991 and 0.997, indicating that the adsorbent materials are well fitted to adsorb tetracycline. RL is a dimensionless constant of the Langmuir model. Generally, RL < 0 indicates that the adsorption reaction is reversible and 0 < RL < 1 indicates that the occurrence of the adsorption reaction is beneficial; RL = 1 indicates that the adsorption presents a linear relationship, whereas RL > 1 indicates that the adsorption reaction is not conducive to occurrence. The RL values are between zero and one at the three temperatures, indicating that the adsorption of tetracycline in water, by the three absorbent materials, is beneficial. The theoretical adsorption capacities show that increasing the temperature is beneficial to the adsorption of tetracycline by these three absorbent materials.
The Freundlich model is an empirical model, which describes that the adsorbent material surface is a heterogeneous surface, illustrating that there are physisorption and chemisorption processes by which the adsorbent material adsorbs adsorbate substances. It is found that for the three absorbent materials, the correlation coefficient R2 at the three temperatures is between 0.925 and 0.943. In addition, n in the Freundlich model represents the adsorption performance. The smaller the value of 1/n, the better the adsorption performance. When 0.1 < 1/n < 0.5, the adsorption reaction is favorable; when 1/n > 2, the occurrence of the adsorption reaction is difficult. At the three experimental temperatures, the 1/n values all decrease with the increase in temperature, and all less than two, indicating that the increase in temperature is favorable for the three adsorbent materials to adsorb tetracycline in water. This is consistent with the trend observed in this experiment, which shows that the higher the temperature, the larger the adsorption capacity.
The Sips model is a semi-empirical and semi-theoretical formula, which is actually a combination of the Langmuir model and the Freundlich model. In the Sips model, the value of m reflects the characteristics of the adsorption process. When the constant m approaches one, the Sips model changes into the Langmuir model, and when m is far from one, the Sips model approaches the Freundlich model. It can be observed from the table that the R2 coefficients of the three materials for tetracycline adsorption are 0.976 to 0.997, and the m values are in the range of 0.76 to 1.43, indicating that the adsorption process is more inclined to be described by the Langmuir model. In addition, the higher fitting of the Langmuir equation compared to the Freundlich equation indicates that the reaction of biochar adsorbing tetracycline is dominated by monolayer adsorption, with chemisorption predominating.
Temperature plays an important role in the adsorption process. To further understand the removal efficacy of tetracycline from water by the three adsorbent materials, thermodynamics were employed to investigate this adsorption process. When the enthalpy change ΔH is less than 20 kJ/mol, it indicates that the adsorption reaction is dominated by physisorption, and gradually converts to physicochemical adsorption when ΔH is between 20 and 80 kJ/mol; when the enthalpy change ΔH is more than 80 kJ/mol, chemisorption dominates. It can be observed from Table 2 and Table 3 that the Gibbs free energy ΔG of the three adsorbent materials is less than zero at the three experimental temperatures, indicating that the adsorption of tetracycline in aqueous environments, by the adsorbent materials, is a spontaneous process. For the three materials, the enthalpy change values ΔH are 81.44, 61.57, and 76.43 KJ/mol, respectively, indicating that the adsorption process is an endothermic reaction, and is dominated by both physical and chemical adsorption. In addition, the entropy values ΔS of the three adsorbent materials are greater than zero, indicating that the adsorption of tetracycline in water is a process of disordering and randomization (see Figure 8).

4. Characterization of Absorbents

4.1. The Morphology Observation and BET of Biochar, Magnetic Fe3O4 and Magnetic Biochar

The surface morphologies of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar (Figure S1) were determined using SEM. Figure S1a shows that the surface of BC is clear and has an irregular structure. Meanwhile, Figure S1b indicates that magnetic Fe3O4 has a clear shape and is composed of a large number of particles, and agglomeration occurs locally in the bond phenomenon. This is due to the fact that Fe3O4 belongs to nanoparticle materials, and when stirring is performed by the coprecipitation method, the agglomerated bond phenomenon is easily generated. The obtained magnetic biochar in Figure S1c is rough in structure and varied in shape, but the surfaces are all distributed with a large number of particles with spherical pellets, indicating that magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles are successfully loaded onto the biochar to form magnetic biochar materials.
The BETs of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar are 19.96, 73.26, and 70.17 m2/g, respectively. It is worth noting that the specific surface area increases by 2.5 times when magnetic Fe3O4 is loaded onto the biochar. The phenomenon not only explains the success of loading, but also explains one of the possible reasons for the better adsorption effect of modified biochar—pore filling.

4.2. XRD Analysis

Figures S1–S5 show the XRD patterns of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar. Compared with Fe3O4 standard card PDF#72-2303, the characteristic diffraction peaks appear in 2θ = 22.6°, 33.5°, 39.8°, 47.4°, 63.5°, and 69.1°, respectively. The characteristic diffraction peaks of the magnetic Fe3O4 are in good agreement with the standard card. Compared with magnetic Fe3O4, the characteristic diffraction peaks of magnetic biochar are almost the same, but the intensity is obviously lower. No characteristic diffraction peaks of Fe3O4 are observed in the patterns of biochar. XRD analysis further shows that magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles are successfully loaded onto the surface of biochar to form magnetic biochar (see Tables S1–S3).

4.3. Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis before and after Tetracycline Adsorption

Figure 9 shows the infrared spectra of biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar before and after tetracycline adsorption.
For the biochar, it is found that there are particularly obvious absorption peaks at 1088 and 1658 cm−1, which are caused by the stretching vibration of C–O and C=O, respectively, indicating that there are abundant oxygen-containing functional groups and aromatic rings. The peak migrates from 1658 to 1649 cm−1 after adsorption, representing the stretching vibration of C=O participating in the adsorption reaction. In addition, the adsorption peak migrates from 2916 to 2932 cm−1 after tetracycline is adsorbed, which represents that the stretching vibration of –C–H– participates in the adsorption reaction [93]. The absorption peak at the wavelength of 3413 cm−1 is caused by the stretching vibration of the hydroxyl group (–OH), which is obviously weakened after the biochar adsorbs tetracycline, indicating that the hydroxyl group is also involved in the adsorption reaction. These oxygen-containing functional groups on biochar can interact with the benzene ring, amino group, carboxyl group, and acid–base group on the tetracycline molecule by hydrogen bonding. The ketone group on tetracycline has a strong electron absorption ability, which makes it have a π acceptor, while biochar is rich in aromatic hydrocarbon rings. The ketone group on tetracycline has a strong electron absorption ability, which makes it have a π acceptor. Biochar is rich in aromatic rings, which act as π electron donors and form π electron donor–acceptor interactions with tetracycline. In addition, the amino group formed by the deprotonation of tetracycline can react with the benzene ring on biochar to form a cation–π interaction.
For magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar, it is found that a characteristic peak appears at 580 cm−1, which is caused by an Fe–O vibration, indicating that the magnetic Fe3O4 is successfully loaded onto the biochar. The peak intensity of the magnetic Fe3O4 and the Fe–O of the magnetic biochar change to different degrees after tetracycline is adsorbed, indicating that the tetracycline reacts with the ferrite group, which may be a complex bridging effect of metal ions. For the magnetic Fe3O4, the adsorption peak is attributed to the stretching vibration of–C–O at 1088 cm−1 and –C–H– at 2916 cm−1. The peak at 3400 cm−1 represents the stretching vibration peak of OH–. The reason why the above functional groups appear may be that the surface of the magnetic Fe3O4 is repeatedly cleaned with clean water and ethanol during the preparation process, causing the ethanol to remain in the internal pores of the magnetic nano Fe3O4. In addition, when the magnetic Fe3O4 adsorbs tetracycline, the iron oxide functional group on it may have hydrogen bonding and a cation–π interaction with the amino and benzene ring on the tetracycline. For the magnetic biochar, the stretching vibration absorption peak of C–O at 1088 cm−1 becomes stronger after adsorption, indicating that the C–O stretching vibration participates in the adsorption reaction. The stretching vibrations of C=C and C=O slide from 1610 cm−1 to 1606 cm−1, and –C–H– at 2916 cm−1 slides to 2924 cm−1 after tetracycline adsorption, suggesting that the above functional groups participated in the adsorption reaction [46,47,49]. Finally, it can be observed that there is a wide absorption peak at the wavelength of 3400 cm−1, and the peak becomes stronger after the adsorption of tetracycline. The peaks in this range mainly represent the stretching vibration peak of –OH, indicating that the hydroxyl group is a good adsorption site [50].

4.4. X-Electron Spectroscopy Analysis before and after Tetracycline Adsorption

Table 4 compares the analysis data of C1s, N1s, O1s, and Fe2p before and after the adsorption of tetracycline by biochar, magnetic Fe3O4, and magnetic biochar, through XPS analysis. It can be observed from the table that biochar is dominated by carbon, with a peak area of 2795.04, accounting for 64.52%. Carbon is mainly present in biochar as aldehydes at 284.8 eV, and the half width before and after adsorption, the area, and the specific gravity are equal changes. The half-minute width increases from 1.56 to 1.7 after adsorption, and the peak area decreases from 2795.04 before adsorption to 2676.87 after adsorption. However, the specific gravity increases from 64.52% to 65.75%. Oxygen is the second main component of biochar. The area is 1324.64, accounting for 30.58%. The oxygen element in the biochar mainly exists as CO at 531.8 eV. Its half width, area, and specific gravity also change before and after adsorption. Among them, the half width is reduced from 2.55 to 2.47 after adsorption, the peak area is reduced from 1324.64 before adsorption to 1178.34 after adsorption, and the specific gravity is reduced from 30.58% to 28.94%. Nitrogen is also one of the components of biochar. The peak area is only 212.64, accounting for 4.91%. Nitrogen is present in the biochar in the form of NH3+ at 399.9 eV. It also changes before and after adsorption. The half-minute width is reduced from 1.68 before adsorption to 1.65 after adsorption. The peak area increases from 212.64 eV before adsorption to 216.17 eV after adsorption, and the proportion increases from 4.91 to 5.31. It is worth noting that the total peak area of all the elements before the adsorption of tetracycline by the biochar is 4332.32 to 4701.38 eV, indicating that new substances appear after the adsorption of tetracycline by the biochar. In addition, because the three elements, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, of biochar change before and after the adsorption of tetracycline, it can be concluded that aldehydes, NH3+, and CO participate in the process of the biochar adsorption of tetracycline, which represents a π–π interaction, hydrogen bonding, and cation–π interaction.
For magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar, it can be found that the carbon element in these two magnetic adsorbent materials is still dominated by aldehydes at 284.8 eV, with peak areas ranging from 1337.01 to 3111.49 eV, accounting for 34.61% to 73.39%, respectively. Moreover, the peak area of carbon after adsorption is larger than before adsorption. The half-minute width also increases from 1.52 and 1.36 before adsorption to 1.88 and 1.52 after adsorption, respectively. Oxygen is the second largest content of magnetic materials, mainly in the form of Fe–O–Fe, C–O–Fe, and C=O/C–O at 530, 531, and 532 eV, respectively. It is found that before and after the adsorption of tetracycline, the peak area decreases from 1302.17 and 1611.13 to 1089.67 and 1511.01, and the half-minute width changes from 2.71 and 1.38 before adsorption to 2.66 and 1.5 after adsorption, respectively. Fe is the third largest content of magnetic materials (see Figure 10). The peaks of Fe before the adsorption of tetracycline mainly appear at 712.08/720.16 and 710.08/720.13, and the peaks of Fe mainly appear at 716.08/724.94 and 712.08/724.78 after the adsorption of tetracycline. Generally speaking, Fe peaks appear at 710, 712, 716, and 724 eV, which represent the presence of Fe2+, Fe3+, Fe3O4, and FeOOH species, respectively. It is found that before and after the adsorption of tetracycline, the peak area decreases from 196.42 and 915.31 to 38.65 and 690.75, and the half-minute width changes from 4.36 and 4.35 before adsorption to 4.79 and 4.07 after adsorption. In summary, it can be concluded that Fe–O–Fe, C–O–Fe, C=O/CO, Fe2+, Fe3+, Fe3O4, and FeOOH play an important role in the adsorption of tetracycline by magnetic materials, indicating that metal ion complexation, cation–π interactions, hydrogen bonding, and π–π interactions are involved in the adsorption process of tetracycline in water by magnetic adsorbent materials [94,95,96,97].

5. Conclusions

A biochar was made from waste sludge as a raw material and magnetically modified to remove tetracycline pollution from water bodies. The results showed that the biochar to iron salt ratio was 0.2:1; the prepared magnetic biochar performed best. The maximum adsorption capacity of the three materials above reached 71.54 (biochar), 153.90 (magnetic Fe3O4), and 139.80 (magnetic biochar) mg/g at 35 °C, according to the Langmuir model. The pH value greatly influenced the TC sorption amount, and the optimum reaction conditions were all in an acid environment. The adsorption capacity of tetracycline was not affected by metal ions (Na+), which illustrates that ion exchange does not participate in the adsorption process of tetracycline. Various kinds of characterization indicated that the mechanisms of the three adsorbent materials on the removal of tetracycline may be pore filling, electrostatic effect, hydrogen bonding effect, and cation–π effect. The complexation bridging effect is an adsorption mechanism that is unique to magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar. In addition, the π–π stacking effect also existed in magnetic biochar.
From the present findings, magnetic biochar have great potential for tetracycline removal from aqueous environments, and can be recycled several times, which is an ideal channel for resource reduction in sludge waste. However, due to the different raw material sources of sludge, there may be significant differences in its own physicochemical properties, which may cause differences in the adsorption efficacy of sludge-based biochar for tetracycline, and whether this material can remove other antibiotics or contaminants simultaneously and efficiently remains to be verified.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Figure S1: Tebuconazole and linuron particle morphologies, Figure S2: The adsorption effect of biochar prepared under different conditions on tebuconazole and linuron, Figure S3: Effect of temperature on adsorption of tebuconazole and linuron on BCF600, Figure S4: Tebuconazole and linuron removal efficacy in real water bodies on BCF600, Figure S5: XRD analysis of BC600, BCF600 and BCF600 after uptake tebuconazole and linuron, Table S1: Correlational analysis of BCF600 adsorption capacity and concentration of metal salt ions, Table S2: Correlational analysis of BCF600 adsorption capacity and concentration of humic acid and soluble starch, Table S3: Water quality parameters at different sampling locations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.L. and Y.W.; methodology, A.D.; software, J.Y.; validation, C.C.; formal analysis, Y.L.; investigation, H.S.; resources, H.S.; data curation, J.Y.; writing—original draft preparation, J.Y.; writing—review and editing, H.S.; visualization, A.D.; supervision, A.D.; project administration, H.S.; funding acquisition, H.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


General project of Shandong Natural Science Foundation (ZR2020ME226).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. A brief review of biochar.
Figure 1. A brief review of biochar.
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Figure 2. Effect of the mass ratio of biochar and iron salt in magnetic biochar on the removal efficiency of tetracycline.
Figure 2. Effect of the mass ratio of biochar and iron salt in magnetic biochar on the removal efficiency of tetracycline.
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Figure 3. Effect of the dosage of the following different adsorbent materials on the removal of tetracycline: (a) biochar, (b) magnetic Fe3O4, (c) magnetic biochar.
Figure 3. Effect of the dosage of the following different adsorbent materials on the removal of tetracycline: (a) biochar, (b) magnetic Fe3O4, (c) magnetic biochar.
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Figure 4. Effect of pH on the removal of tetracycline by different (a) biochar; (b)Fe3O4; (c) Magnetic biochar and (d) regular pH.
Figure 4. Effect of pH on the removal of tetracycline by different (a) biochar; (b)Fe3O4; (c) Magnetic biochar and (d) regular pH.
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Figure 5. Effect of ionic strength on the removal of tetracycline by different adsorbent materials.
Figure 5. Effect of ionic strength on the removal of tetracycline by different adsorbent materials.
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Figure 6. Analysis of the repeated removal efficiency of different adsorbent materials for tetracycline. (a) biochar; (b)Fe3O4; and (c) Magnetic biochar.
Figure 6. Analysis of the repeated removal efficiency of different adsorbent materials for tetracycline. (a) biochar; (b)Fe3O4; and (c) Magnetic biochar.
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Figure 7. The adsorption kinetic curves of the following different adsorbent materials: (ac) biochar, (df) magnetic Fe3O4, (gi) magnetic biochar.
Figure 7. The adsorption kinetic curves of the following different adsorbent materials: (ac) biochar, (df) magnetic Fe3O4, (gi) magnetic biochar.
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Figure 8. The adsorption isotherm curves of the following different adsorbent materials: (ac) biochar, (df) magnetic Fe3O4, (gi) magnetic biochar.
Figure 8. The adsorption isotherm curves of the following different adsorbent materials: (ac) biochar, (df) magnetic Fe3O4, (gi) magnetic biochar.
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Figure 9. Functional group changes in biochar, magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar before and after tetracycline adsorption. (a) biochar; (b) Fe3O4; and (c) Magnetic biochar.
Figure 9. Functional group changes in biochar, magnetic Fe3O4 and magnetic biochar before and after tetracycline adsorption. (a) biochar; (b) Fe3O4; and (c) Magnetic biochar.
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Figure 10. Mechanism diagram of removing tetracycline by magnetic biochar.
Figure 10. Mechanism diagram of removing tetracycline by magnetic biochar.
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Table 1. The adsorption kinetic parameters on tetracycline of different adsorbent materials.
Table 1. The adsorption kinetic parameters on tetracycline of different adsorbent materials.
ParametersBiocharMagnetic Fe3O4Magnetic Biochar
TC (mg·L−1)205010020501002050100
qm (mg·g−1) 15.2112.1520.086.4716.4631.425.9914.8829.44
K1 (min−1)
qm (mg·g−1) 25.1611.794.096.4615.8931.135.9814.4629.22
K2 (g·mg−1·min−1)
qm (mg·g−1) 25.2412.0720.086.5616.5931.546.0515.0229.52
A (g·mg−1·min−1)
7.431.04 × 10103.15 × 1042.154 × 1092.617× 1051.19×10205.318× 10201.33 × 1061.57 × 1034
Β (mg·g−1)8.622.120.583.790.861.548.571.072.77
1 Observed value. 2 Theoretical value. Kinetic models: t = time (min), qe = adsorption capacity (mg·g−1) at equilibrium time, qt = amount of pesticides adsorbed at any time t (mg·g−1), K1 = pseudo-first-order rate constant (min−1), K2 = pseudo-second-order rate constant (g·mg−1·h−1), α = rate constant of chemisorption, β = constant of the surface coverage.
Table 2. Adsorption isotherm-related parameters of tetracycline on different adsorbent materials.
Table 2. Adsorption isotherm-related parameters of tetracycline on different adsorbent materials.
ModelsParametersBiocharMagnetic Fe3O4Magnetic Biochar
Langmuirqm (mg·g−1)65.0870.8771.54136.65145.60153.90140.73141.63139.8
KL (L·mg−1)
FreundlichKF (mg1−n·g−1·L−n)6.468.7715.9218.6623.5632.8511.0616.0727.49
Sipsqm (mg·g−1)57.6769.4270.23140.87171.31212.02128.68144.55152.60
KS (L·mg−1)0.0250.0280.0850.0440.0460.0450.290.0410.081
Isotherm models: qm = maximum adsorption capacity (mg·g−1), KL = Langmuir adsorption isotherm constant, Ce = pesticides concentration of solution at equilibrium (mg·L−1), KF = Freundlich adsorption coefficient (mg1−n·g−1·L−n), n = Freundlich constant, KS and m = Sips model constants.
Table 3. The adsorption thermodynamic parameters of tetracycline on different absorbent materials.
Table 3. The adsorption thermodynamic parameters of tetracycline on different absorbent materials.
AdsorbentTemperature(K)ΔG (KJ/mol)ΔH (KJ/mol)ΔS (J/mol·k)
Magnetic Fe3O4298−5.9661.57226.12
Magnetic biochar298−3.1276.43265.98
Table 4. Analysis data of C1s, N1s, O1s and Fe2p in the XPS map.
Table 4. Analysis data of C1s, N1s, O1s and Fe2p in the XPS map.
SamplesElemenBing EnergyFWHMAreaArea %
Biochar (before adsorption)C1s284.81.562795.0464.52
Biochar (after adsorption)C1s284.81.72676.8765.75
Magnetic Fe3O4 (before adsorption)C1s284.81.522156.6459
Magnetic Fe3O4 (after adsorption)C1s284.81.883111.4973.39
Magnetic biochar (before adsorption)C1s284.81.361337.0134.61
Magnetic biochar(after adsorption)C1s284.81.521493.5640.42
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sun, H.; Yang, J.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Cai, C.; Davarpanah, A. RETRACTED: Study on the Removal Efficiency and Mechanism of Tetracycline in Water Using Biochar and Magnetic Biochar. Coatings 2021, 11, 1354.

AMA Style

Sun H, Yang J, Wang Y, Liu Y, Cai C, Davarpanah A. RETRACTED: Study on the Removal Efficiency and Mechanism of Tetracycline in Water Using Biochar and Magnetic Biochar. Coatings. 2021; 11(11):1354.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sun, Hongwei, Jingjie Yang, Yue Wang, Yucan Liu, Chenjian Cai, and Afshin Davarpanah. 2021. "RETRACTED: Study on the Removal Efficiency and Mechanism of Tetracycline in Water Using Biochar and Magnetic Biochar" Coatings 11, no. 11: 1354.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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