Empowering Pedestrian Safety: Unveiling a Lightweight Scheme for Improved Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety
:1. Introduction
- We build up on our previous V2P lightweight scheme [21] by enhancing an efficient VANET-based pedestrian protection scheme based on vehicle-to-pedestrian (V2P) communication between smart vehicles and vulnerable road users’ smartphones. Consequently, our scheme contributes to a decrease in road collisions and casualties that are likely to occur, and roads are anticipated to become safer as a result.
- We show the efficiency of our scheme through simulations and implementations to meet the real-time constraints of V2P communications in different traffic scenarios. We measured critical network parameters in terms of average throughput, processing delay, and network load.
- We compare the different technologies used in V2P system design in terms of range, latency, and ease of deployment in our related work and study the factors that influence V2P system design specifications, like VRU types, VRU roles, VRU devices, communication technologies, notified parties, and purpose.
2. Proposed Vulnerable Road Users Protection Scheme
Scheme Overview and Network Model
Algorithm 1 Efficient Collision Detection Algorithm (CDA) |
3. Simulation
3.1. Simulation Setup
- Low traffic scenario: 50 vehicles/10 pedestrians;
- Average traffic scenario: 100 vehicles/30 pedestrians;
- High traffic scenario: 145 vehicles/60 pedestrians.
3.2. Simulation Metrics
- Average throughput: The average amount of data in Kbps received by vehicles/pedestrians per second. This is an important metric for measuring the required bandwidth and assessing the feasibility of the proposed scheme.
- Processing delay: This is the average time it takes to run our proposed scheme and send a reply back to the sender. For example, when a vehicle receives a BSM message from a pedestrian, it runs our scheme and sends a warning message if it detects a collision. The processing delay is the time between the reception of the BSM message and the transmission of the warning message.
- Network load: This is the total number of packets sent by vehicles and pedestrians within the simulation time.
3.3. Simulation Results
- Average throughput: The average throughput at different traffic scenarios is presented in Figure 6 It can be observed that the throughput increases with an increase in the number of vehicles and pedestrians in both schemes. In different traffic scenarios, the throughput’s increase is expected because the number of transmissions increases as the number of vehicles and pedestrians grows. We observed that our scheme introduces slightly more throughput in all traffic scenarios than the pure V2V scheme. This is because pedestrians’ engagement in communication with vehicles introduces more transmission and the reception of data. However, the increase in the throughput introduced by our scheme is minimal. For example, it can be observed that the throughputs of the pure V2V scheme and the scheme with pedestrian protection in the average traffic scenario are 28.21 and 33.28 Kbps, respectively. This is a 15% throughput increase introduced by our scheme for pedestrian safety. In addition, the throughput increase is only 8% in the low-traffic scenario.
- Processing delay: Figure 7 depicts the average processing delay. We differentiate between the delay in both schemes: with pedestrian protection and without pedestrian protection. In the pedestrian protection scheme, we run our scheme after the verification process of BSM messages. In the other scheme, we only run the verification process of BSM messages. We set the verification time of BSM messages to be 4.97 ms according to [24,25]. As observed in the following Figure 7, the delay introduced by both schemes is almost constant in all traffic scenarios, even with increasing the number of nodes in the high-traffic scenario. We observe that in our scheme, the processing delay times are 13.07, 13.77, and 13.97 ms in all traffic scenarios. Without pedestrian protection, the delay times are 4.97 ms for the same traffic scenarios. The introduced delay by our scheme is only 8 ms, which is a minimal cost and proves that our scheme is lightweight and fits well in VANET safety applications. More importantly, the delay is far below 100 ms even in dense traffic scenarios, which meets the minimum latency requirements of VANET safety applications according to [26,27].
- Network load: The number of packets transmitted throughout the simulation time at different traffic scenarios is shown in Figure 8. It can be observed that the number of packets increases with an increase in the number of vehicles and pedestrians involved in communication. This is normal behavior because of the increase in packet transmission. When comparing the pure V2V scheme with our scheme, we can observe that our scheme has more packets transmitted. We attribute the increase in transmitted packets to the pedestrians’ communication with vehicles. The increase in network load due to the use of our scheme is negligible. For example, our scheme transmits 73,967 packets while the pure V2V scheme transmits 71,712 packets in the low-traffic scenario. This is an increase in the transmission of 2255 packets only (3%), which is a small bandwidth cost for protecting pedestrians.
4. Related Work
5. Limitations
6. Conclusions and Future Work
- The study of the effect of including a synchronization server in our V2P system to measure the expected delay;
- We will study different behaviors of pedestrians to consider the differences in their patterns of motion (like children, elderly pedestrians, and disabled pedestrians);
- We will include different types of vulnerable road users other than pedestrians, like cyclists and motorized two-wheelers in our study.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter Name | Description | ||
Number of lanes | 1 lane/direction | ||
Map area | 600 × 600 m | ||
Lane width | 2 m | ||
Transmission range | 500 m | ||
Data rate | 27 Mb/s | ||
Average runs | 30 | ||
Warning message | 50 Bytes | ||
Traffic scenarios | Low traffic | Average traffic | High traffic |
50 vehicles/10 pedestrians | 100 vehicles/30 pedestrians | 145 vehicles/60 pedestrians | |
Vehicle velocities | Vary in the range of 65–85 km/h | ||
Maximum simulation time | 300 s | ||
Basic safety message (BSM) interval | 200 ms | ||
Basic safety message (BSM) size | 254 bytes |
Challenge | Description | Efforts | Comments |
Context Information Exchange |
Precise Pedestrian Positioning |
| There are three types of solutions:
Network Congestion |
Energy Efficiency |
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Share and Cite
Rabieh, K.; Samir, R.; Azer, M.A. Empowering Pedestrian Safety: Unveiling a Lightweight Scheme for Improved Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety. Information 2024, 15, 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15030160
Rabieh K, Samir R, Azer MA. Empowering Pedestrian Safety: Unveiling a Lightweight Scheme for Improved Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety. Information. 2024; 15(3):160. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15030160
Chicago/Turabian StyleRabieh, Khaled, Rasha Samir, and Marianne A. Azer. 2024. "Empowering Pedestrian Safety: Unveiling a Lightweight Scheme for Improved Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety" Information 15, no. 3: 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15030160
APA StyleRabieh, K., Samir, R., & Azer, M. A. (2024). Empowering Pedestrian Safety: Unveiling a Lightweight Scheme for Improved Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety. Information, 15(3), 160. https://doi.org/10.3390/info15030160