Multilingual Open Information Extraction: Challenges and Opportunities
:1. Introduction
2. Open Information Extraction
Open IE with Different Languages
3. Multilingual Open IE: A Systematic Mapping Study
- Main Research Question (MRQ): What is the state of the art of Multilingual Open Information Extraction?
- RQ1: What are the sources of publications in the area of Multilingual Open IE ?
- RQ2: What are the types of contributions made by Multilingual Open IE studies?
- RQ3: What are the types of applications made for Multilingual Open IE studies?
- RQ4: What are the available Multilingual Open IE datasets?
- RQ5: What are the tools used in Multilingual Open IE systems?
- RQ6: How are Multilingual Open IE systems evaluated?
- “multi lingual” OR “crosslingual” OR “multilingual” OR “multi-lingual”,
- “open information extraction”,
- “relation extraction”.
- F1: Remove non-English written paper.
- F2: Remove survey or review paper.
- F3: Remove paper not published in journals or conferences.
- F4: Remove paper that has some “openie” or “relation extraction” terms, but do not deal with this topic.
- F5: Remove the non-multilingual paper.
- Duplicated: Remove one of the duplicate occurrences.
3.1. Answer to RQ1: What Are the Sources of Publications in Multilingual Open IE Area?
3.2. Answer to RQ2: What Are the Types of Contributions by Multilingual Open IE Studies?
3.3. Answer to RQ3: What Are the Types of Applications Made by Multilingual Open IE Studies?
3.4. Answer to RQ4: What Are the Available Multilingual Open IE Datasets?
3.5. Answer to RQ5: What Are the Tools Used in Multilingual Open IE Systems?
3.6. Answer to RQ6: How Are Multilingual Open IE Systems Evaluated?
4. Some Experiments on Transferable Knowledge in Multilingual Open IE
4.1. Dataset
4.2. Experiment: Analyzing Cross-Lingual Extraction Complementarity
which have the pronoun ‘it’ as subject, can be translated to:“It is naturally important that food can also flow freely”,
containing as a main verb ‘é’ (is)—in this context, an impersonal verb—and, thus, does not contain a subject. Naturally, the related extraction from the English (‘it’, ‘is’, ‘important naturally that food can also flow freely’) cannot be properly translated into Portuguese.“É naturalmente importante que os produtos alimentares possam também circular livremente.”
is aligned with“The report proposes twelve representatives for the board of the new Food Authority, two of whom would be representatives of the food industry.”
“O senhor deputado propõe para o Conselho de Administração da Autoridade Alimentar Europeia doze representantes, dois dos quais em representação da indústria alimentar.” (“The deputy proposes for the Administrative Council of the European Food Authority twelve representatives, two of which representing the food industry.”)
the pronoun ‘you’ has been translated into ‘V. Exa.’ (Your Excellency), while, in the Portuguese corpus, the same sentence describes ’o senhor comissário’ (commissioner) as subject of the verb ‘afirmou’ (said), generating the extractions (‘V. Exa.’, ‘afirmou’, …) and (‘o senhor’, ‘afirmou’, …).“Commissioner, you have said on many occasions…”
Claus-IE extracted the triple (‘Mr Whitehead’, ‘has managed’, ‘in a balanced report to combine the many opinions expertly’), while DPToie extracted the triple (‘Phillip Whitehead’, ‘conseguiu’, ‘reunir de forma magistral em um relatório equilibrado as muitas opiniões existentes en o nosso Parlamento’) ((‘Phillip Whitehead’, ‘has managed’, ‘to expertly combine in a balanced report the many opinions which are around in our Parliament’).).“Mr Whitehead has managed, in a balanced report, to expertly combine the many opinions which are around in our Parliament on the establishment of a food authority.”
Similarly, DPToie was able to extract several triples for which Claus-IE made no corresponding extraction. We believe this is evidence for our idea that the difference in linguistic structure in the sentences in different languages may help a multilingual system to extract more valid information from a sentence, since, in each language, it privileges a certain structuring of the information in the sentence.“For example, Article 5 should clearly define the objectives of food legislation and …”
5. Challenges and Opportunities
6. Conclusions and Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
OIE | Open Information Extraction |
IE | Information Extraction |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
POS Tagger | Part-of-Speech Tagger |
SMS | Systematic Mapping Study |
MRQ | Main Research Question |
RQ | Research Question |
QA | Querying Answering |
RDF | Resource Definition Framework |
DP | Dependency Parser |
SRL | Semantic Role Labeling |
NER | Named Entity Recognition |
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Sentence | Uninformative Extraction |
“After the defense of Bahia rebound, Maurinho kicked and scored.” | (defense of Bahia, rebound, Maurinho) |
“The star symbol of (PT) will frame the scenario of the candidate’s programs Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.” | (PT, will frame, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva) |
Data Item | Value | RQ |
General study ID | Integer | |
Article Title | Title of the Article | |
Author list | List of the Author’s name | |
Year of publication | Calendar year | RQ1 |
Research center | Author’s affiliation | RQ1 |
Country | Country of the Research Centre or Organization | RQ1 |
Affiliation | Affiliation of the authors | RQ1 |
Publication | Source of publication: conference or journal | RQ1 |
Dataset visibility | Public or Private | RQ4 |
Dataset language | English, Chinese, Portuguese... | RQ4 |
Dataset source | Corpus name employed to create the dataset | RQ5 |
Dataset format | Sentence, document, triple, ... | RQ4 |
Dataset domain | Domain of the Corpus | RQ4 |
Evaluation | Evaluation measures used in the study | RQ6 |
Contribution type | Tool, Resource, Method, Application, Validation or Evaluation | RQ2 |
NLP task | NLP tasks employed in the study | RQ5 |
NLP tool | NLP tools employed in the study | RQ5 |
Other tool | Other tools employed in the study | RQ5 |
Extract method | Training data or handcrafted rules based | RQ5 |
Application | Construction of ontology, text summarization... | RQ3 |
Acronym | Conference and Journal Names |
EACL | European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics |
EMNLP | Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing |
EPIA | Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
HLT-NAACL | Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics |
COLING | International Conference on Computational Linguistics |
ISWC | International Semantic Web Conference |
ACL | Association for Computational Linguistics |
CIKM | Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |
ICTAI | International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence |
IEEE ICSC | IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing |
TALIP | ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing |
SEPLN | Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing |
MDPI Information | Information Journal |
Semantic Web | The Semantic Web Journal |
− | Journal of Web Semantics |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Claro, D.B.; Souza, M.; Castellã Xavier, C.; Oliveira, L. Multilingual Open Information Extraction: Challenges and Opportunities. Information 2019, 10, 228.
Claro DB, Souza M, Castellã Xavier C, Oliveira L. Multilingual Open Information Extraction: Challenges and Opportunities. Information. 2019; 10(7):228.
Chicago/Turabian StyleClaro, Daniela Barreiro, Marlo Souza, Clarissa Castellã Xavier, and Leandro Oliveira. 2019. "Multilingual Open Information Extraction: Challenges and Opportunities" Information 10, no. 7: 228.
APA StyleClaro, D. B., Souza, M., Castellã Xavier, C., & Oliveira, L. (2019). Multilingual Open Information Extraction: Challenges and Opportunities. Information, 10(7), 228.