Stratigraphy Matters: Questioning the (Re)Sacralisation of Religious Spaces from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula
:1. Attributing and Deleting Sacredness during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
2. From Late Roman Pagan Constructions to Early Christian Churches
3. Early Medieval Churches and Mosques
4. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
1 | See Thomas et al. (2017), for a European overview and up-to-date concepts. |
2 | The list of examples used in this text neither can not be nor is intended to be exhaustive, but representative of a widely varying range of settings. It is also restricted to sacred buildings that supposedly or in fact suffered sacralisation-related change. As such, the extensive topic that examines the conversion of civil buildings (villae, thermae, halls, domestic structures…) into religious ones is not discussed here. |
3 | Spolia have been extensively studied by art historians and archaeologists for decades. For an updated view and bibliographic references for these periods in the Iberian Peninsula, see Utrero Agudo (2020). |
4 | Literature on the relationship between ancient pagan temples and Christian churches is abundant. Along with the references mentioned here, among many others based on archaeological and written evidences, see for instance Saradi-Mendelovici (1990), Caseau (2001, mainly pp. 87–94) and Sotinel (2000, 2018). |
5 | The few urban examples considered by López Quiroga and Martínez Tejera (2006, p. 143) are not clearcut. Macias Solé (2013, pp. 139–42) reviews old archaeological data and discusses the example of Tarraco, where the Late Antique cathedral was built in the temenos area, but not on the temple of Augustus sensu stricto. |
6 | Another two examples could be noted, but their controversial interpretation prevents us from considering them. First, Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (province of Lugo), whose original function during the Late Antique period (temple, nymphaeum, mausoleum…) and later chronological sequence have long been a matter of debate; for an updated archaeological review, see Blanco-Rotea et al. (2009). Second, Marialba de la Ribera (province of León), built in the 4th century, whose original function is unclear (for an up-to-date discussion see Gutiérrez González 2021, especially pp. 674–7 for the civil or funerary use of the first unfinished building). |
7 | |
8 | A similar timeline was suggested for the structure below the main nave of the late medieval cathedral of Palencia. A Visigothic crypt was allegedly built to house the relics of Narbonne’s martyr Saint Antolín, taken to Palencia by King Wamba (672), and later enlarged by Sancho III (1034). This building, however, has not been subject to systematic analysis, and it is possible that the original space, the function of which remains controversial (lower floor of a martyrium or church crypt, among others), might actually date to the 8th–9th centuries, based on building technique and sculptural elements (Villa del Castillo 2021, vol. 1, pp. 52–3, 176 and vol. 2, pp. 402–3, for the attribution of the original capital imposts and the capitals preserved in situ, which were carved in a workshop located in Mérida, over 400 km from Palencia, either to the 7th or to the 8th–9th centuries). |
9 | Calvo Capilla (2007), Caballero Zoreda (2009) and Utrero Agudo (2023), with additional bibliography about their specific archaeological features and interpretations. |
10 | The basilica of Casa Herrera is also relevant here because 9th- and 10th-century inscriptions in Arabic were engraved on the still-standing columns of the hall. For Barceló (2002) and Calvo Capilla (2007, pp. 164–5), these inscriptions demonstrate that the church was reused as a jail during the Islamic period, when the original building was almost in ruins, while for Sidarus and Teichner (1997, p. 183), the inscriptions had a funerary meaning. The basilica is surrounded by graves that reuse 6th-century imposts and columns, which probably come from the basilica itself. As such, the inscriptions postdate the ruin or destruction of the church, but the graves do not show any indication of being Islamic (Ulbert and Cruz Villalón 1991, pp. 197–201). They might belong to Christian people who kept using the location of the ruined church, which still held meaning for them but as a cemetery. |
11 | Project IS_LANDAS Islamicate landscapes in Southern Andalusia and Western Sicily: patterns of change in settlements and rural communities between Late Antiquity and the Islamic age, directed by Angelo Castrorao Barba (MSCA COFUND PASIFIC, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences). |
12 | Summarised in Utrero Agudo and Villa del Castillo (2023). |
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Utrero Agudo, M.d.l.Á. Stratigraphy Matters: Questioning the (Re)Sacralisation of Religious Spaces from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. Religions 2023, 14, 1199.
Utrero Agudo MdlÁ. Stratigraphy Matters: Questioning the (Re)Sacralisation of Religious Spaces from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. Religions. 2023; 14(9):1199.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUtrero Agudo, María de los Ángeles. 2023. "Stratigraphy Matters: Questioning the (Re)Sacralisation of Religious Spaces from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula" Religions 14, no. 9: 1199.
APA StyleUtrero Agudo, M. d. l. Á. (2023). Stratigraphy Matters: Questioning the (Re)Sacralisation of Religious Spaces from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. Religions, 14(9), 1199.