Performance of an Array of Oscillating Water Column Devices in Front of a Fixed Vertical Breakwater
:1. Introduction
2. Formulation of the Hydrodynamic Problem
- (a)
- on the water free surface:
- (b)
- on the sea bottom:
- (c)
- kinematic condition on the mean device’s wetted surface:
3. Array’s Efficiency
4. Numerical Results
4.1. Test Cases
4.2. Effect of the OWCs Orientation to the Breakwater
4.3. Effect of the OWCs’ Distance from the Breakwater
4.4. Effect of the OWCs’ Draught
4.5. Effect of the Distance between the OWCs
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
N | Number of OWC devices |
h | Water depth |
α | OWC outer radius |
b | OWC inner radius |
hc | Distance between the bottom of the external torus and the seabed |
c | Radius of the internal cylindrical body |
Lw | Distance between the closest to the wall OWC and the vertical wall |
Lb | Distance between adjacent OWCs |
β | Wave heading angle |
ω | Wave frequency |
H | Wave height |
λ | Wave length |
rk,θk,zk | Local co-ordinate system of the k OWC |
Φ | Time harmonic complex velocity potential |
Velocity potential of the undisturbed incident harmonic wave | |
Scattered velocity potential of the q OWC | |
Diffraction velocity potential of the q OWC | |
Radiation velocity potential resulting from the inner air pressure in p OWC | |
Amplitude of the oscillating pressure head in the chamber of the p OWC | |
g | Gravitational acceleration |
ρ | Water density |
Unit normal vector | |
δq,p | Kronecker’s symbol |
Mean wetted surface of the q OWC | |
I | The infinite ring element around the q OWC |
II | The ring element below the q OWC |
III | The ring element inside the chamber of the q OWC |
Time dependent air volume flow | |
Vertical velocity of the water surface in the OWC | |
Cross-sectional area of the inner water surface inside the OWC | |
Diffraction volume flow of the q OWC | |
Pressure-dependent volume flow of the q OWC | |
Radiation conductance of the q OWC | |
Radiation susceptance of the q OWC | |
Λ | Complex pneumatic admittance (air turbine coefficient) |
Air turbine coefficient optimum value | |
Absorbed wave power by each OWC of the array | |
q-factor term |
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Konispoliatis, D.N. Performance of an Array of Oscillating Water Column Devices in Front of a Fixed Vertical Breakwater. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 912.
Konispoliatis DN. Performance of an Array of Oscillating Water Column Devices in Front of a Fixed Vertical Breakwater. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2020; 8(11):912.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKonispoliatis, Dimitrios N. 2020. "Performance of an Array of Oscillating Water Column Devices in Front of a Fixed Vertical Breakwater" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, no. 11: 912.
APA StyleKonispoliatis, D. N. (2020). Performance of an Array of Oscillating Water Column Devices in Front of a Fixed Vertical Breakwater. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(11), 912.