Climate Change and Active Reef Restoration—Ways of Constructing the “Reefs of Tomorrow”
:1. Introduction: Advocatus Diaboli (the Devil’s Advocate)
2. Active Reef Restoration—The “Gardening” Tenet
3. Active Reef Restoration—An Applied Tool for Mitigation of Global Change Impacts
4. The “Gardening” Approach as a Climate Change Impact Mitigator
4.1. Take-Home Lessons
Date | Restoration Act | Environmental Catastrophe/Stressor | Major Monitoring Outcomes |
August 2005 | Populating CN; >6800 fragments | High survivorship of fragments | |
September | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
October | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
November | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
December | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
January 2006 | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
February | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
March | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
April | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
May | Monitoring CN | Category “4” typhoon (Caloy) | Increased mortality and colony detachments in nursery farmed corals |
June | Monitoring CN | Post typhoon reduced growth in CN | |
July | Preparation for CT | ||
August | CT, about 1200 colonies | Heavy precipitation causing seepage of fresh-water from reef ground | Mass mortality (ca. 50%) of transplants near freshwater seepages |
September | CN repopulated; >5400 fragments | Rough SWM season starts | |
October | SWM season; super-typhoon Paeng | Extremely tempestuous season causing mass mortalities in CN and transplants | |
November | Monitoring transplants | SWM season; super-typhoon Reming | Variable mortalities at specific site locations |
Dec | Monitoring CN | Still impacts from the last typhoon | |
January 2007 | |||
February | Monitoring transplants | Survivors grow well, reduced mortality | |
March | Monitoring CN | Normal coral growth in CN | |
April | |||
May | Monitoring transplants | Survivors grow well, reduced mortality | |
June | Monitoring CN | Unusual elevated seawater temperature, extreme low tide and high radiation | Major bleaching event. Increased mortalities. Significant high partial mortalities in CN and transplants. Reduced growths |
July | Monitoring CN and transplants | Many colonies recovered the bleaching. |
4.2. Genetics
4.3. Repository for Coral and Reef Species
4.4. Ecosystem Engineering
5. Closing Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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Rinkevich, B. Climate Change and Active Reef Restoration—Ways of Constructing the “Reefs of Tomorrow”. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2015, 3, 111-127.
Rinkevich B. Climate Change and Active Reef Restoration—Ways of Constructing the “Reefs of Tomorrow”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2015; 3(1):111-127.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRinkevich, Baruch. 2015. "Climate Change and Active Reef Restoration—Ways of Constructing the “Reefs of Tomorrow”" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 3, no. 1: 111-127.
APA StyleRinkevich, B. (2015). Climate Change and Active Reef Restoration—Ways of Constructing the “Reefs of Tomorrow”. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3(1), 111-127.