Uncertainties in Liner Shipping and Ship Schedule Recovery: A State-of-the-Art Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Existing Research Gaps and Contributions of This Study
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- A comprehensive up-to-date review of the liner shipping literature is conducted with a specific emphasis on uncertainties in liner shipping operations and ship schedule recovery.
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- The collected studies are reviewed in a systematic way, capturing the main assumptions regarding sailing speed and port time modeling, objective(s) considered, key components of objective functions(s) considered, uncertain elements modeled, ship schedule recovery options modeled, solution approaches adopted, and certain specific considerations adopted.
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- A representative mathematical formulation is presented for the ship scheduling problem with uncertainties, which can be used by shipping lines to assess the impacts of uncertainties on liner shipping operations and design robust ship schedules. Moreover, the proposed mathematical formulation can serve as a foundation for future efforts that concentrate on uncertainties in liner shipping operations.
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- A set of representative mathematical formulations are presented for the ship schedule recovery problem with various recovery options (i.e., sailing speed adjustment, handling rate adjustment, port skipping, and port skipping with container diversion), which can be used by shipping lines to select the appropriate ship schedule recovery option(s). Furthermore, the proposed mathematical formulations can serve as a foundation for future efforts that concentrate on ship schedule recovery.
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- Research gaps in previous and contemporary studies on uncertainties in liner shipping operations and ship schedule recovery are clearly identified, and future research areas that should be considered in the following years are specifically underlined.
2. Literature Search
3. Uncertainties in Liner Shipping Operations
3.1. Problem Description
3.1.1. Liner Shipping Route and Ship Voyage
3.1.2. Ship Service at Ports
3.1.3. Fuel Consumption Estimation
3.1.4. Port Service Frequency Determination
3.1.5. Container Inventory Considerations
3.2. Base Mathematical Model
3.3. Review of the Relevant Studies
3.4. Literature Summary and Research Gaps
3.4.1. Summary of Findings
3.4.2. Limitations and Future Research Needs
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- More detailed and accurate historical data for liner shipping operations are required to model uncertainties associated with the main liner shipping processes and assess various mitigation strategies. The collected historical data can be further used in the development of statistical distributions for uncertain container demand, port time, and sailing time [68,81].
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- Future studies should concentrate on more detailed modeling of uncertain components in liner shipping operations [74]. For instance, the port time component can be disaggregated into various sub-components (e.g., port waiting time, handling time associated with offloading import containers, handling time associated with loading export containers). The effects of uncertainties can be further assessed for each sub-component.
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- A detailed evaluation of the existing studies on uncertainties in liner shipping operations indicates that many studies strictly concentrate on one source of uncertainties (i.e., uncertainty in demand or uncertainty in sailing time or uncertainty in port handling time or uncertainty in port waiting time). Holistic models that emulate multiples sources of uncertainties at the same time should be further explored by future studies.
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- Reliability of liner shipping services can be affected by a variety of factors [11,62], including geographical characteristics, the average age of deployed ships, previous maintenance activities of deployed ships, available handling resources of terminal operators and inland operations, and others. Future research should continue investigating the effects of these factors on liner shipping services and directly consider them for planning purposes.
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- Innovative policies should be explored to offset the effects of uncertainties in liner shipping operations. Dynamic decision-making policies can be promising [71]. As an example, delays due to uncertainties in sailing time could be mitigated by adjusting the ship sailing speed on consecutive voyage legs of a shipping route. However, the ship sailing speed adjustment decision should be made by taking into account other important operational factors (e.g., the number of remaining ports to be visited in a round voyage; increasing fuel cost due to speeding up the ships).
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- One of the common limitations in the existing liner shipping studies consists in the fact that the impacts of weather conditions are not directly accounted for when planning ship sailing speed decisions [76]. Future research efforts must focus on the development of models that directly capture the expected weather conditions on voyage legs when making ship sailing speed decisions.
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- Time-dependent port waiting and handling times should be taken into account in future studies. Waiting and handling times vary significantly at the ports depending on the day of the week and the time of day [80]. Ship arrivals should be planned for the time periods with a lower risk of congestion and port time delays.
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- Future studies should investigate various alternatives for mitigating the effects of significant delays during a ship voyage. In some instances, port skipping or partial loading/offloading of ships might be a promising decision in order to prevent the propagation of delays throughout the entire liner shipping network [81].
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- Strict port arrival TWs may not be feasible for shipping routes that often encounter uncertainties. Therefore, explicit modeling of soft arrival TWs, where ships are allowed to arrive outside the previously negotiated TW but penalized for TW violations, could be studied more as a part of future research [81].
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- It is known that fuel prices fluctuate regularly, and different ships need different types of fuel (e.g., ships sailing inside emission control areas must use low-sulfur fuel—[85,86,87,88,89]). Furthermore, ship sailing speed and fuel consumption are often subject to uncertainties [69]. Therefore, future studies should develop more comprehensive liner shipping operations planning models, which directly capture fuel price fluctuations, ship sailing speed uncertainty (and the associated fuel consumption uncertainty), fuel switching, and effective refueling policies.
4. Ship Schedule Recovery
4.1. Problem Description
4.2. Base Mathematical Models
4.2.1. Sailing Speed Adjustment
4.2.2. Handling Rate Adjustment
4.2.3. Port Skipping
4.2.4. Port Skipping and Container Diversion
4.3. Review of the Relevant Studies
4.4. Literature Summary and Research Gaps
4.4.1. Summary of Findings
4.4.2. Limitations and Future Research Needs
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- Ship schedule recovery is associated with conflicting decisions. In particular, sailing speed adjustment may allow for partially compensating delays during the voyage and maintaining adequate service levels for customers. However, such a recovery option will increase the amount of required fuel and fuel costs. There is a lack of multi-objective mathematical formulations for ship schedule recovery that are able to assist with the analysis of conflicting objectives [94,106,111]. Future research should focus more on multi-objective ship schedule recovery.
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- Future studies should concentrate on the development of innovative forecasting methods that could predict the occurrence of disruptive events and their duration [110]. The outcomes from these methods could be further used by shipping lines in the selection of the appropriate recovery strategies and offset the effects of disruptive events.
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- The shipping industry has been facing many challenges in recent years (e.g., COVID-19), and the cost of ship schedule recovery would add additional pressure on shipping lines. Risk-sharing mechanisms between carriers and shippers should be investigated further in future studies to alleviate the pressure on shipping lines and enable them to maintain a high level of customer service [110].
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- Sailing speed adjustment can serve as an effective recovery option but incurs additional fuel costs. The fuel consumption of ships depends on some other attributes as well, including previous maintenance activities, ship payload, ship age, and ship geometric characteristics [15,107]. Future research on ship schedule recovery should account for the aforementioned attributes and accurately quantify the amount of required fuel for the recovered ship schedules.
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- Decentralized decision-making with several shipping lines should be studied more in depth. A freight forwarder, for example, may arrange transshipment between the ships of two different shipping lines. These two shipping lines would coordinate their ship recovery schedules for transshipment in an ideal world. Nevertheless, since each shipping line must minimize its cost function, centralized and optimized scheduling would be difficult to execute in practice. Game-theoretic models for ship schedule recovery in decentralized settings would be suitable in such scenarios [103].
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- Sailing speed adjustment was identified as the most popular ship schedule recovery strategy. However, sailing speed adjustment alone may not be able to fully offset the effects of a disruptive event. Therefore, future studies should focus on the development of more advanced mathematical models and solution methods that consider a simultaneous implementation of various recovery strategies (e.g., sailing speed adjustment + port skipping or port swapping—[106]).
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- Certain extreme ship schedule recovery options (e.g., “cut-and-go” when a ship can leave a given port without completing its service) should be better explored by future research efforts to determine the scenarios when these options might be viable and reduce potential monetary losses due to disruptive events.
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- The effects of disruptions at ports and sea may influence not only shipping lines but other major supply chain players as well, including marine terminal operators, logistics companies, and inland operators [47]. Future mathematical models should evaluate various recovery strategies, considering the entire intermodal network effects—not just ship schedules.
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- Drones have been widely used for monitoring various assets, including the assessment of infrastructure damages as a result of disruptive events [115,116,117,118,119]. The deployment of drones for the assessment of disruptive events in liner shipping operations should be investigated as a part of future research. Drones can be used to accurately determine the effects of damages to the port infrastructure and the expected duration of port closures.
5. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Notations Adopted in the Proposed Mathematical Formulations
Set | Description of Sets | Remarks |
set of ports for the considered shipping route (ports) | All models | |
set of handling rates that can be requested by the shipping line at port p (handling rates) | SSR-HRA |
Decision Variable | Description of Decision Variables | Remarks |
sailing speed of ships on voyage leg (knots) | SSP-U | |
number of ships to be deployed (ships) | SSP-U | |
adjustment of ship sailing speed on voyage leg (knots) | SSR-SSA | |
=1 if handling rate h will be used for ship service at port p (otherwise = 0) | SSR-HRA | |
=1 if port will be skipped by the shipping line (otherwise = 0) | SSR-PS and SSR-PSCD | |
=1 if containers will be diverted from port that experienced a disruption to alternative port (otherwise = 0) | SSR-PSCD |
Auxiliary Variable | Description of Auxiliary Variables | Remarks |
number of own ships to be deployed (ships) | SSP-U | |
number of chartered ships to be deployed (ships) | SSP-U | |
arrival time of ships at port (hours) | SSP-U | |
recovered arrival time of ships at port (hours) | SSR | |
recovered waiting time of ships at port (hours) | SSR | |
recovered handling time of ships at port (hours) | SSR | |
departure time of ships from port (hours) | SSP-U | |
recovered departure time of ships from port (hours) | SSR | |
recovered sailing speed of ships on voyage leg (knots) | SSR | |
sailing time of ships on voyage leg (hours) | SSP-U | |
recovered sailing time of ships on voyage leg (hours) | SSR | |
late arrival hours of ships at port (hours) | SSP-U | |
recovered late arrival hours of ships at port (hours) | SSR | |
turnaround time of ships for the recovered ship schedule (hours) | SSR | |
consumption of fuel by the main engines of ships on voyage leg (tons/nmi) | SSP-U | |
recovered consumption of fuel by the main engines of ships on voyage leg (tons/nmi) | SSR | |
number of containers to be handled at port (TEUs) | SSP-U | |
number of containers to be carried on voyage leg (TEUs) | All models | |
=1 if containers diverted from a port that experienced a disruption will be handled at alternative port (otherwise = 0) | SSR-PSCD | |
number of containers diverted from port that experienced a disruption to alternative port (TEUs) | SSR-PSCD | |
total cost associated with container handling at ports (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with container handling at ports for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with late ship arrivals (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with late ship arrivals for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with fuel consumption (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with fuel consumption for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with basic ship operations (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with chartering of ships (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with container inventory (USD) | SSP-U | |
total cost associated with container inventory for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with container diversion for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR-PSCD | |
total revenue that will be accumulated by the shipping line (USD) | SSP-U | |
total revenue that will be accumulated by the shipping line for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total profit that will be accumulated by the shipping line (USD) | SSP-U | |
total profit that will be accumulated by the shipping line for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR |
Parameter | Description of Parameters | Remarks |
start of the arrival TW at port (hours) | SSR | |
end of the arrival TW at port (hours) | SSP-U | |
arrival time of ships at port for the original ship schedule (hours) | SSR | |
handling productivity for ship service at port (TEU/hour) | SSR | |
handling productivity for ship service at port when handling rate is requested (TEU/hour) | SSR-HRA | |
frequency of port service for the considered shipping route (days) | All models | |
maximum number of own ships that could be deployed for the considered shipping route (ships) | SSP-U | |
maximum number of chartered ships that could be deployed for the considered shipping route (ships) | SSP-U | |
number of own ships to be deployed for the original ship schedule (ships) | SSR | |
number of chartered ships to be deployed for the original ship schedule (ships) | SSR | |
number of containers to be handled at port for the original ship schedule (TEUs) | SSR | |
length of voyage leg for the considered shipping route (nmi) | All models | |
coefficients associated with the fuel consumption function | All models | |
average cargo weight within a standard TEU (tons) | All models | |
weight of a ship without containers (tons) | All models | |
maximum weight of containers that could be loaded on a ship (tons) | All models | |
maximum sailing speed that could be set for ships (knots) | SSR | |
minimum sailing speed that could be set for ships (knots) | SSR | |
sailing speed of ships on voyage leg for the original ship schedule (knots) | SSR | |
expected waiting time of ships at port (hours) | SSP-U | |
expected handling time of ships at port (hours) | SSP-U | |
expected duration for a disruption at port (hours) | SSR | |
expected change in sailing speed of ships due to a disruption on voyage leg (knots) | SSR | |
=1 if a disruption happened at port (otherwise = 0) | SSR | |
=1 if a disruption happened on voyage leg (otherwise = 0) | SSR | |
=1 if the port skipping would be a feasible option for port as a result of disruption occurrence (otherwise = 0) | SSR-PS and SSR-PSCD | |
=1 if containers can be potentially diverted from port that experienced a disruption to alternative port (otherwise = 0) | SSR-PSCD | |
available container terminal capacity for accommodating the containers diverted at port (TEUs) | SSR-PSCD | |
available inland transport capacity for accommodating the containers diverted at port (TEUs) | SSR-PSCD | |
unit cost associated with container handling at port (USD/TEU) | All models | |
unit cost associated with container handling at port when handling rate is requested (USD/TEU) | SSR-HRA | |
unit cost associated with late ship arrivals at port (USD/hour) | All models | |
unit cost associated with fuel consumption (USD/ton) | All models | |
unit cost associated with basic ship operations (USD/day) | All models | |
unit cost associated with chartering of ships (USD/day) | All models | |
unit cost associated with container inventory (USD/TEU/hour) | All models | |
unit cost associated with transporting the cargo for the considered shipping route, i.e., freight rate (USD/TEU) | All models | |
cost associated with skipping port for the considered shipping route (USD) | SSR-PS and SSR-PSCD | |
unit cost associated with misconnected cargo at port for the considered shipping route (USD/TEU) | SSR-PSCD | |
unit cost associated with handling the containers diverted from port that experienced a disruption at alternative port (USD/TEU) | SSR-PSCD | |
unit cost associated with inland transport cost of the containers diverted from port that experienced a disruption at alternative port (USD/TEU) | SSR-PSCD | |
total profit that was expected to be accumulated by the shipping line for the original ship schedule (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with basic ship operations for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR | |
total cost associated with chartering of ships for the recovered schedule of ships (USD) | SSR |
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a/a | Authors | Sailing Speed | Port Time | Objective | Objective Components | Uncertain Elements | Solution Approach | Notes/Important Considerations |
1 | Notteboom (2006) [11] | N/A | N/A | Assess the causes that might influence the reliability of shipping services between Northern Europe and East Asia | N/A | N/A | Case Study | Reliability of ship schedules |
2 | Vernimmen et al. (2007) [62] | N/A | N/A | Assess the causes of liner schedule unreliability and how these causes could impact supply chain players | N/A | N/A | Case Study | Reliability of ship schedules |
3 | Chuang et al. (2010) [63] | U | U | Total profit maximization | REV; TFC; TOC; TPC | Handling time; Sailing time; Container demand | Metaheuristic | Proposing a fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for liner shipping planning |
4 | Meng and Wang (2010) [64] | F | U | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; REV; TOC | Container demand | CPLEX | Ship fleet planning with uncertainty in container demand |
5 | Qi and Song (2012) [65] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TVC | Handling time | Iterative Optimization Algorithm; Sample Average Approximation | Minimizing the total expected fuel consumption (and emissions) |
6 | Wang and Meng (2012) [7] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC; TVC | Waiting time; Handling time | Iterative Optimization Algorithm | Consideration of waiting time and handling time uncertainties due to port congestion |
7 | Wang and Meng (2012) [66] | U | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC | Waiting time; Handling time; Sailing time | Iterative Optimization Algorithm | Sea contingency time and uncertainty in port time |
8 | Di Francesco et al. (2013) [67] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TIC; TFC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Waiting time; Handling time; Container demand | CPLEX | Consideration of uncertain port service times and empty container repositioning |
9 | Halvorsen-Weare et al. (2013) [68] | U | U | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TIC; TFC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Sailing time; Demand | Xpress-IVE | Considered changing weather conditions |
10 | Du et al. (2015) [69] | U | F | Total fuel consumption minimization | MSC | Fuel consumption | Iterative Optimization Algorithm | Considering the impacts of adverse weather on the total fuel consumption |
11 | Kepaptsoglou et al. (2015) [70] | U | F | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC; TPC | Sailing time | Metaheuristic | Consideration of potential impacts of severe weather on ship sailing times |
12 | Lee et al. (2015) [71] | V | U | Analyze the relationship amongst shipping time, bunker cost, and cargo delivery reliability | TFC | Waiting time; Handling time | Analytical Method | Proposed a methodology for ship scheduling with guaranteed reliability of cargo delivery |
13 | Ng (2015) [72] | F | U | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; REV; TOC | Container demand | CPLEX | Consideration of uncertain shipping demand in ship fleet deployment |
14 | Norlund et al. (2015) [73] | U | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC | Waiting time; Handling time; Sailing time | Simulation-Optimization | Acceptable levels of emissions and costs could be achieved with the adequate robustness level |
15 | Song et al. (2015) [74] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization; Average schedule unreliability minimization; Annual total CO2 emission minimization | MSC; TEC; TFC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Waiting time; Handling time | Metaheuristic | Developing a method to optimize the multiple objectives simultaneously |
16 | Wang (2015) [75] | F | U | Total delay minimization | N/A | Container demand | Heuristic | Consideration of heterogeneous fleet and container demand uncertainty |
17 | Aydin et al. (2017) [76] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TVC | Waiting time; Handling time | Dynamic Programming | Speed bunkering and optimization under port time uncertainty |
18 | Song et al. (2017) [77] | U | U | Total route service cost minimization; Reliability maximization | MSC; TFC; TIC; TOC; TVC | Waiting time; Handling time; Sailing time | Metaheuristic | A multi-objective model consisted of three service-reliability KPIs and two cost-related KPIs |
19 | Ng and Lin (2018) [78] | F | U | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; REV; TOC | Container demand | CPLEX | Conditional information was assumed to be available for container demand |
20 | Tan et al. (2018) [79] | U | F | Total fuel consumption cost minimization; Total ship turnaround time minimization | TFC; TOC | Sailing time | Analytical Method | Joint service schedule design and ship sailing speed optimization problem for inland shipping |
21 | Gurel and Shadmand (2019) [80] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC | Waiting time; Handling time | CPLEX | Heterogeneous ship fleet considerations |
22 | Tierney et al. (2019) [81] | U | V | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC | Sailing time | GUROBI | Ship journey times were examined for a real-life liner shipping network |
23 | Liu et al. (2020) [82] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TIC; TOC | Container demand | Iterative Optimization Algorithms | Solving liner ship bunkering and speed optimization problem |
24 | Ding and Xie (2021) [83] | U | V | Total profit maximization | REV; TFC; TOC; TVC | Sailing time | Iterative Optimization Algorithm | Balancing chances of unexpected delays and tight timelines |
25 | Liu et al. (2021) [84] | U | V | Average waiting time minimization | N/A | Sailing time | Metaheuristic | Introduced the notion of a minimum safety time interval (MSTI) in order to decrease the number of constraints |
a/a | Authors | Sailing Speed | Port Time | Objective | Objective Components | Recovery Strategies | Solution Approach | Notes/Important Considerations |
1 | Paul and Maloni (2010) [100] | F | V | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TOC; TPC | Ship re-routing | Heuristic | Disruptive event modeling at ports |
2 | Jones et al. (2011) [101] | V | V | Total cost minimization | MSC | Ship re-routing; Port skipping; Port skipping with container diversion | Heuristic | Proposed a decision support tool to emulate disruptions affecting the USA freight intermodal network |
3 | Brouer et al. (2013) [99] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Port skipping; Port swapping | CPLEX | Proving the VSRP to be NP-complete |
4 | Li et al. (2015) [102] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Port skipping; Port swapping | Dynamic Programming | Finding a suitable delay penalty function |
5 | Qi (2015) [103] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Port skipping; Port swapping | Dynamic Programming | Introduction of two major models, one for a single ship and another one for multiple ships in one network |
6 | Fischer et al. (2016) [104] | V | F | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TOC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Rewards for early arrivals; Penalization of risky voyage start times | Heuristic | Addressing disruptions in the fleet deployment for roll-on roll-off shipping |
7 | Li et al. (2016) [9] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TPC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Handling rate adjustment; Port skipping | Dynamic Programming | Considering both regular and unexpected uncertain events |
8 | Cheraghchi et al. (2017) [94] | V | F | Total monetary loss minimization; Total delay minimization; Average speed compliance maximization | MSC; TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment | Metaheuristics | Ship schedule delays were analyzed using the historical AIS data |
9 | Hasheminia and Jiang (2017) [105] | V | U | Total delay minimization | N/A | N/A | Analytical Method | Ships with a larger number of containers had a lower risk of delays at the terminal |
10 | Cheraghchi et al. (2018) [106] | V | F | Total monetary loss minimization; Total delay minimization | TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment | Metaheuristics | Problem evaluation in three scenarios (i.e., scalability analysis, ship steaming policies, and voyage distance analysis) |
11 | Abioye et al. (2019) [107] | V | V | Total monetary loss minimization | REV; TFC; TIC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Port skipping | CPLEX | Capturing enforced regulations within emission control areas |
12 | Mudler and Dekker (2019) [108] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Port skipping; Extreme recovery actions | Heuristic | Allocation of buffer times |
13 | Mulder et al. (2019) [109] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Extreme recovery actions | Iterative Optimization Algorithm | Proposing a method for the integrated development of ship timetables; allocation of buffer times |
14 | Xing and Wang (2019) [110] | V | V | Total route service cost minimization | MSC; TFC; TPC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Handling rate adjustment; Port swapping; Port skipping without container diversion; Port skipping with container diversion | LINGO | The proposed ship schedule recovery options were categorized into three tiers |
15 | Cheraghchi et al. (2020) [111] | V | F | Total monetary loss minimization; Total delay minimization; Average speed compliance maximization | MSC; TFC; TVC | Speed adjustment | Metaheuristics | A multi-objective optimization model was developed using the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data |
16 | Abioye et al. (2021) [112] | V | V | Total monetary loss minimization | MSC; REV; TFC; TOC; TPC; TVC | Speed adjustment; Handling rate adjustment; Port skipping without container diversion; Port skipping with container diversion | BARON | Capturing various realistic scenarios of disruptions |
17 | De et al. (2021) [113] | V | V | Total profit maximization | REV; TEC; TFC; TPC | Ship re-routing; Port swapping | Heuristic | Deciding on ship scheduling actions and container operations; deciding on the location and amount of marine diesel oil and heavy fuel oil to be bunkered |
18 | Du et al. (2021) [114] | V | U | Total route service cost minimization | TFC; TOC; TVC | Speed adjustment | Heuristic | Development of a machine learning-based model |
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Share and Cite
Elmi, Z.; Singh, P.; Meriga, V.K.; Goniewicz, K.; Borowska-Stefańska, M.; Wiśniewski, S.; Dulebenets, M.A. Uncertainties in Liner Shipping and Ship Schedule Recovery: A State-of-the-Art Review. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 563. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10050563
Elmi Z, Singh P, Meriga VK, Goniewicz K, Borowska-Stefańska M, Wiśniewski S, Dulebenets MA. Uncertainties in Liner Shipping and Ship Schedule Recovery: A State-of-the-Art Review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(5):563. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10050563
Chicago/Turabian StyleElmi, Zeinab, Prashant Singh, Vamshi Krishna Meriga, Krzysztof Goniewicz, Marta Borowska-Stefańska, Szymon Wiśniewski, and Maxim A. Dulebenets. 2022. "Uncertainties in Liner Shipping and Ship Schedule Recovery: A State-of-the-Art Review" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 5: 563. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10050563
APA StyleElmi, Z., Singh, P., Meriga, V. K., Goniewicz, K., Borowska-Stefańska, M., Wiśniewski, S., & Dulebenets, M. A. (2022). Uncertainties in Liner Shipping and Ship Schedule Recovery: A State-of-the-Art Review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(5), 563. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10050563