Catch Crops in Lower Saxony—More Than 30 Years of Action against Water Pollution with Nitrates: All in Vain?
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Analysis of Documents and Statistics
2.2. GIS Analysis
- A map from the LEA (rural development and promotion on agriculture; Landentwicklung und Agrarförderung) portal on areas with vulnerable groundwater bodies according to Fertilization Ordinance [7], an administrative regulation at a national level [9], and the corresponding Lower Saxony implementing legislation [10]: (accessed on 10 February 2022).
- A map from the Lower Saxony Ministry of Environment, Energy, Construction and Climate Protection (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Bauen und Klimaschutz), which shows all areas of the Lower Saxony cooperation model according to [11] and all regions where groundwater bodies are in bad condition according to [12]: (accessed on 10 February 2022). QGIS was used to overlay layers (change in colour and transparency).
3. Results
3.1. Defintion of c&cs According to Their Agronomic Utilization
- Catch crops are grown with the purpose of preventing nitrogen leaching. Excess nitrogen may derive from the preceding crop, or it may be mineralized during or after harvest (from soil organic matter). Catch crops incorporate soil mineral nitrogen into their plant biomass, and they also counteract leaching due to a reduction in drainage water [16]. Therefore, good agricultural practice for improving groundwater quality implies that catch crops receive no N fertilization, and should not include leguminous crops. There are many field tests that prove that leguminous catch crops or catch crop mixtures with leguminous species, do not reduce the risk of leaching, respectively only reduce this risk to a minor extent [13,14,17,18]. Catch crops are, therefore, preferably cultivated in zones where the precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration, either naturally, as in central Europe, or artificially, as in arid or semiarid conditions under irrigation [17]. While yields under non-leguminous catch crops were not significantly different from those of conventional, bare fallow systems, leaching was reduced by 70% on average [19]. Nitrogen uptake is regularly 30 to 40 kg N/ha [20,21], but may reach more than 100 kg N/ha [22,23].
- Cover crops are grown to protect soils from erosion [24]. They cover the soils during periods where land would otherwise be uncovered and susceptible to losses to water and wind, particularly during the autumn and winter seasons. In the United States, cover crops are used in summer rain regions with arable production (maize, wheat, soybeans), often in close crop rotations. Farmers in these regions appreciate the effect of cover crops against soil erosion, soil organic matter increase, and weed suppression [24,25]. In the case that leaching outside the main vegetation period is not a problem, leguminous cover crops can be used as a component of mixtures or in pure form.
- Green manure consists also of leguminous crops grown to increase plant/soil health, soil fertility, and thus improve the N supply for succeeding crops [15]. Green manure is not grown for water protection purposes (in order to prevent leaching or run-off).
3.2. Historical Development of the Introduction of Different Schemes
3.3. Management Requirements of Different Schemes
- Lower Saxony cooperation model—differentiation within a particular cooperationAn overview of how the basic measure “IE” was designed and differentiated in 2010 and 2016 by the contractors OOWV and the municipalities of Norden and Bad Zwischenahn, can be seen in Table 1a. In each offered variant of the measure IE, subsidies are lower than the maximum amount calculated by the standard technical agricultural data [32] for the basic measure (see Table 1b); they range from 40 €/ha to 120 €/ha. However, the measures defined by the water suppliers are in some aspects more restrictive than the basic measure, e.g., with respect to winter-hardy species to be sown after 31 August, and N fertilization. Between 2010 and 2015, volunteer oilseed rape “IE 511” was also offered as c&c measure.
- Lower Saxony cooperation model—basic measuresTwo recent measures (IE, III) were taken from the NLWKN catalogue [33] (Table 1b), in which the measures are described, and maximum subsidies are calculated by the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture on the basis of standard calculation data [32]. Within this framework, subsidies are a matter of negotiation between individual companies and farmers, and can be modified in the cooperation arrangements. For the basic measure IE, maximum subsidy is calculated as almost 250 €/ha. Although N-fixing legumes were not allowed as a component of the seed mixture, there were no restrictions with respect to fertilization. In 2016, a result-based program “III” was also established. In order to prevent the distortion of competition, this subsidy program was formally notified by the European Commission as part of the water protection measures financed by the water abstraction fee. The full contracted fund will be paid in the case where Nmin values of the plot remain below, or equal to, the limit value of 35 kg NH4 N/ha. While acceptance of this program among farmers at first was limited, there has since been an increasing number opting for it [34].
- AECM programs in Lower SaxonySubsidizing c&c within the framework of AECMs in Lower Saxony started in 2004 with the program PROLAND, and continued with the last two programs, PROFIL (2007–2013) and PFEIL (2014–2022). The contract duration with farmers typically is five years, but can be prolonged according to the length of the program. In the first few years of PROFIL, subsidized cultivation of c&cs was targeted, meaning that it is was only offered in defined, limited scenarios; however, from 2010 onwards, measure “A7” was open to farmers all over Lower Saxony. In addition, from 2011, farmers situated in areas where groundwater is in bad condition, according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) criteria—according to [35] 60% of Lower Saxony territory—could opt for a special measure, particularly aiming at water protection (“W2”). After the CAP reform in 2014, new c&c measures were designed within the AECM scheme PFEIL, as well as in view of the new option to grow c&c as a greening measure. Although quantitively, from 2015 onwards, most c&c were cultivated within the greening scheme, qualitatively, the updated AECM schemes “AL21” and “AL22” were soon merged into one scheme focussing on winter-hardy, legume-free catch crops with restricted fertilization. From 2016 onwards (to be realized in 2017), “AL21/AL22” were offered only for farms with at least 25% of the farmland, or 10 ha of groundwater bodies, in bad condition according to the WFD.
- Greening measures within the CAPFrom 2015 onwards, in Lower Saxony, c&cs played a major role as an option to fulfil the new greening rules of the CAP period 2014–2022 (Figure 2). During this period, the total share of c&cs of all EFA options in this federal state varied between 86% and nearly 89%, in most of the cases sown after the main crop, not as an undersown crop. Between 2015 and 2020, the share of undersown c&cs slightly decreased from 12% to close to 8%.
3.4. Target Areas for the Different Schemes and Acreage for c&cs
3.5. Acreage of Different Schemes
3.6. Cost of c&c Implementation
3.7. Recent Developments and Future Perspectives
4. Discussion
4.1. C&c Cultivation and Rules on Fertilization and Nutrient Management
4.2. Expert Opinion on the Management of c&cs
4.3. Impact of CAP 2015–2022
4.4. Impact of the New Requirements for Implementation of Nitrates Directive (ND)
4.5. Impact of CAP 2023–2027
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Index | Institution/Author | Year | Title | Website |
*** | Niedersächsisches Umweltministerium | 1997 | Das Niedersächsische Kooperationsmodell zum Trinkwasserschutz—ein Beitrag zur Agenda 21 in Niedersachsen, 24 p. | |
**** | Statistisches Bundesamt, BMEL | 2004 | Agrarstrukturerhebung 2003 Fachserie 3/Reihe 3.1.9 Landwirtschaftliche Bodennutzung—Anbau von landwirtschaftlichen Zwischenfrüchten | |
* | Dahl, S. | 2015 | Bereitstellung ökologischer Vorrangflächen in der Landwirtschaft. Statistische Monatshefte Niedersachsen, 69. Jahrgang. Heft 8 August 2015, pp. 437–443 | |
* | Dahl, S. | 2016 | Ökologische Vorrangflächen in der Landwirtschaft 2016. Statistische Monatshefte Niedersachsen 9/2016, pp. 518–522 | |
* | Landesamt für Statistik Niedersachsen | 2017 | Dezernat 42—Landwirtschaft. InVeKos 2017; Tabelle 3.2E (MIT GH) Antragstellende Betriebe und Flächen insgesamt 2017 nach Art der ÖVF | (personal communication) |
* | Landesamt für Statistik Niedersachsen | 2018 | Dezernat 42—Landwirtschaft. InVeKos 2018; Tabelle 3.2E (MIT GH) Antragstellende Betriebe und Flächen insgesamt 2019 nach Art der ÖVF | (personal communication) |
* | Landesamt für Statistik Niedersachsen | 2019 | Dezernat 42—Landwirtschaft. InVeKos 2019; Tabelle 3.2E (MIT GH) Antragstellende Betriebe und Flächen insgesamt 2019 nach Art der ÖVF | (personal communication) |
* | Landesamt für Statistik Niedersachsen | 2020 | Dezernat 42—Landwirtschaft. InVeKos 2020; Tabelle 3.2E (MIT GH) Antragstellende Betriebe und Flächen insgesamt 2020 nach Art der ÖVF | (personal communication) |
**** | Landesbetrieb für Statistik und Kommunikationstechnologie Niedersachsen | 2012 | Landwirtschaftszählung 2010 Heft 03 Bodennutzung, Rechtsform der Betriebe, Ökologischer Landbau, Zwischenfruchtanbau, Bewässerung—C IV 9.3—j/10 | (accessed 10 February 2022) |
**** | Landesbetrieb für Statistik und Kommunikationstechnologie Niedersachsen | 2004 | Bodennutzung und Ernte 2003 _ CI 1, C II 1, C II 2, C II 3, j/2003 |;jsessionid=4C40835F4BA21019DB6CC33D8FCFB113 (accessed 10 February 2022) |
**** | Landesbetrieb für Statistik und Kommunikationstechnologie Niedersachsen | 2008 | Statistische Berichte Niedersachsen; C I 1, C II 1, C II 2, C II 3, Bodennutzung und Ernte 2007 |;jsessionid=3E525CB04226DD8B409230A51CD591ED (accessed 10 February 2022) |
*** | NLWKN | 2020 | Schutzgebiete Trinkwasser—STATISTIK 20 January 2020 | (accessed 10 February 2022) |
*** | Quirin, M. | 2011 | Trinkwasserschutzkooperationen in Niedersachsen Grundlagen des Kooperationsmodells und Darstellung der Ergebnisse NLWKN, Grundwasser Band 13, pp. 1-33 | (accessed 10 February 2022) |
*** | Quirin, M., Hoetmer, M. | 2019 | Trinkwasserschutzkooperationen in Niedersachsen—Grundlagen des Kooperationsmodells und Darstellung der Ergebnisse. NLWKN, Grundwasser Band 34, pp. 1–56 | (accessed 10 February 2022) |
**** | Statistisches Bundesamt, BMEL | 2010 | Fachserie 3, Reihe 2.1.2., Bodennutzung der Betriebe einschließlich Zwischenfruchtanbau Landwirtschaftszählung / Agrarstrukturerhebung |›2030212109005_korr (accessed 18 March 2022) |
**** | Statistisches Bundesamt, BMEL | 2016 | Statistischer Monatsbericht des Bundesministeriums für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Kapitel A.: Zwischenfruchtanbau in Deutschland 2015/2016 Landwirtschaft | (accessed 10 February 2022) |
** | Fährmann, B.; Bergschmidt, A.; Bathke, M.; Eberhardt, W.; Ebers, H.; Fengler, B.; Flint, L.; Forstner, B.; Grajewski, R.; Pollermann, K.; Reiter, K.; Roggendorf, W.; Sander, A. | 2018 | PFEIL—Programm zur Förderung im ländlichen Raum 2014 bis 2020 in Niedersachsen und Bremen: Analyse der Inanspruchnahme und Umsetzung. Braunschweig, Hannover: Thünen-Institut für Ländliche Räume; entera, 355 p., 5 Länder Eval 2018/8, DOI:10.3220/5LE1543226002000 | |
** | Grajewski, R.; Bathke, M.; Bergschmidt, A.; Eberhardt, W.; Ebers, H.; Fengler, B.; Forstner. B.; Franz, K.; Gröner, C.; Peter, H.; Pollermann, K.; Pufahl, A.; Raue, P.; Reiter, K.; Sander, A.; Roggendorf, W. | 2019 | Ergebnisse der laufenden Bewertung von PFEIL: Beitrag zu Kapitel 7 des erweiterten Durchführungsberichts 2018. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Ländliche Räume, 5 Länder Eval 2019/13, 207 p., DOI:10.3220/5LE1567668169000 | |
** | Reiter, K.; Roggendorf, W.; Sander, A.; Liebersbach, H.; Techen, A.-K. | 2016 | Ex-post-Bewertung PROFIL 2007 bis 2013: Modulbe-richt 6.4_MB Agrarumweltmaßnahmen (ELER-Code 214). Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut, XII, 215 p. |
Appendix B
Water Protection Area | Region | % |
Sülze | LK Celle | 82 |
Bergen | LK Celle | 77 |
Sulingen | LK Diepholz | 74 |
Kirchdorf | LK Diepholz | 70 |
Delmsen | LK Heidekreis | 68 |
Vörden | LK Vechta | 68 |
Osterwald | LK Grafschaft Bentheim | 67 |
Wildeshausen Fassung A–C | LK Oldenburg | 67 |
Hehlen und Hohe Brökeln | LK Holzminden | 65 |
Hagen/Neustadt | Region Hannover | 65 |
Wehnsen | LK Peine | 60 |
Füchtenfeld | LK Grafschaft Bentheim | 59 |
St. Hülfe | LK Diepholz | 58 |
Plaggenschale | LK Osnabrück | 58 |
Vechta-Holzhausen | LK Vechta | 57 |
Plaggenschale | LK Osnabrück | 56 |
Liebenau II/Blockhaus | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 55 |
Jeggen | LK Osnabrück | 54 |
Harpstedt, Fassung A | LK Oldenburg | 52 |
Holßel | LK Cuxhaven | 51 |
Wehnsen | LK Peine | 49 |
Sulingen | LK Diepholz | 49 |
Zeven Großes Holz | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 48 |
Wettmar | Region Hannover | 47 |
Wildeshausen Fassung A–C | LK Oldenburg | 47 |
Lühnsche Lieth | LK Holzminden | 47 |
Getelo, Itterbeck | LK Grafschaft Bentheim | 47 |
Groß Meckelsen | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 46 |
Belm, Nettetal | LK Osnabrück | 46 |
Buxtehude | LK Stade | 46 |
Schwaförden | LK Diepholz | 46 |
Heinbockel | LK Stade | 45 |
Rotenburg, Stadt | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 45 |
Grumsmuehlen | Stadt Lingen | 45 |
Schatteburg | LK Leer | 45 |
Stade Süd | LK Stade | 44 |
Moisburg | LK Harburg | 44 |
Wildeshausen Fassung D | LK Oldenburg | 44 |
Ahlde | LK Emsland | 44 |
Thiene | LK Osnabrück | 43 |
Ottenstein, Hehlen und Hohe Brökeln | LK Holzminden | 43 |
Tarmstedt | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 43 |
Walsrode | LK Heidekreis | 43 |
Liebenau II/Blockhaus | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 42 |
Holdorf | LK Vechta | 42 |
Panzenberg | LK Verden | 41 |
Surwold | LK Emsland | 41 |
Soltau, Schüttenbusch | LK Heidekreis | 40 |
Ohrte | LK Osnabrück | 40 |
Großenkneten | LK Oldenburg | 39 |
Mundersum | Stadt Lingen | 39 |
Altenwalde | Stadt Cuxhaven | 38 |
Getelo, Itterbeck | LK Grafschaft Bentheim | 37 |
Thülsfelde | LK Cloppenburg | 37 |
Geeste, Varloh | LK Emsland | 37 |
Jeggen | LK Osnabrück | 37 |
Rotenburg-Süd | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 36 |
Kührstedt | LK Cuxhaven | 36 |
Elstorf | LK Harburg | 36 |
Hesepe, Klausheide | LK Grafschaft Bentheim | 35 |
Minstedt | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 35 |
Ottenstein | LK Holzminden | 34 |
Altes Amt Lemförde | LK Diepholz | 32 |
Nethen | LK Ammerland | 32 |
Ahausen, Sitter | LK Osnabrück | 32 |
Häsebusch | LK Cuxhaven | 31 |
Himmelpforten | LK Stade | 31 |
Westerstede | LK Ammerland | 31 |
Dollern | LK Stade | 30 |
Klein Horsten | LK Wittmund | 29 |
Heinschenwalde | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 29 |
Schneverdingen | LK Heidekreis | 28 |
Lechtingen | LK Osnabrück | 28 |
Rotenburg-Nord | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 28 |
Sandkrug | LK Oldenburg | 27 |
Langenberg | LK Verden | 27 |
Hoya | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 27 |
Eischott | LK Gifhorn | 27 |
Ristedt | LK Diepholz | 27 |
Ramlingen | Hannover | 26 |
Meyenburg | LK Osterholz | 26 |
Brackstedt/Weyhausen | LK Gifhorn | 26 |
Hesel, Hasselt | LK Leer | 25 |
Ristedt | LK Diepholz | 25 |
Hoya | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 25 |
Amelinghausen | LK Lüneburg | 24 |
Engter und Engter, Niewedde | LK Osnabrück | 24 |
Kähmen | LK Lüchow-Dannenberg | 24 |
Fuerstenau | LK Osnabrück | 24 |
Pye-Hollage | LK Osnabrück | 22 |
Langenberg | LK Verden | 22 |
Varel | LK Ammerland | 22 |
Langen/Leherheide | LK Cuxhaven | 22 |
Duengel | LK Osterholz | 22 |
Rühen | NLWKN | 22 |
Garßen | Stadt Celle | 22 |
Zeven Wasserwerk | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 21 |
Rotenburg-Stadt | LK Rotenburg (Wümme) | 21 |
Harpstedt, Fassung B | LK Oldenburg | 21 |
Stade Hohenwedel | LK Stade | 20 |
Vrees/Neuvrees | LK Emsland | 20 |
Gifhorn | LK Gifhorn | 20 |
Westerbeck | LK Gifhorn | 20 |
Bexhövede | LK Cuxhaven | 19 |
Wietzendorf | LK Heidekreis | 18 |
Holdorf | LK Vechta | 18 |
Burgdorfer Holz | Hannover | 18 |
Bad Zwischenahn | LK Ammerland | 18 |
Schneeren | Hannover | 18 |
Dollern | LK Stade | 18 |
Blumenthal | LK Osterholz | 18 |
Börry Nord | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 17 |
Schönewörde | LK Gifhorn | 17 |
Fuhrberger Feld | Hannover | 17 |
Lüsche | LK Gifhorn | 17 |
Belm, Nettetal | LK Osnabrück | 16 |
Mariental | LK Helmstedt | 16 |
Maschen | LK Harburg | 16 |
Kirchdorf | LK Diepholz | 16 |
Häsebusch | LK Cuxhaven | 15 |
Annenheide | LK Oldenburg | 15 |
Nienburg | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 15 |
Sandelermöns | LK Wittmund | 14 |
Lenglern | LK Göttingen | 14 |
Eschede-Scharnhorst | LK Celle | 14 |
Stadt Burgdorf | Hannover | 14 |
Hunteburger Weg | Stadt Osnabrück | 14 |
Garstedt | LK Harburg | 14 |
Ramlingen | Region Hannover | 14 |
Winsen/Stelle/Ashausen | LK Harburg | 13 |
Hameln, Süd | Stadt Hameln | 13 |
Feldhausen | LK Friesland | 13 |
Schledehausen | LK Osnabrück | 12 |
St. Hülfe | LK Diepholz | 12 |
Adendorf | LK Lüneburg | 11 |
Hankensbüttel | LK Gifhorn | 11 |
Buchholz | LK Harburg | 11 |
Wingst | LK Cuxhaven | 11 |
Drakenburg | LK Nienburg (Weser) | 11 |
Wittingen | LK Gifhorn | 10 |
Stroot | Stadt Lingen | 10 |
Wagenfeld | LK Diepholz | 9 |
Grohnde Süd I | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 9 |
Verden | LK Verden | 8 |
Hohenholz | Hannover | 8 |
Klein Horsten | LK Wittmund | 6 |
Himmelpforten | LK Stade | 6 |
Stadensen II | LK Uelzen | 5 |
Munster | LK Heidekreis | 5 |
Poppenburg | LK Hildesheim | 5 |
Gronespring | Stadt Göttingen | 5 |
Feldhausen | LK Friesland | 4 |
Aurich, Egels | LK Aurich | 4 |
Hohenholz | Hannover | 3 |
Ritterhude | LK Osterholz | 3 |
Rümmer | LK Helmstedt | 3 |
Woxdorf | LK Harburg | 3 |
Altenwalde | LK Cuxhaven | 2 |
Collinghorst | LK Leer | 2 |
Altes Amt Lemförde | LK Diepholz | 2 |
Lüneburg | Stadt Lüneburg | 2 |
Aurich, Egels | LK Aurich | 2 |
Weesen | LK Celle | 1 |
Nordheide | LK Harburg | 1 |
Leer, Heisfelde | LK Leer | 1 |
Grasdorf | Hannover | 1 |
Harlingerland | LK Wittmund | 1 |
Benstorf | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 1 |
Stade Hohenwedel | LK Stade | 1 |
Elze | LK Hildesheim | 1 |
Bodenwerder/Rühle | LK Holzminden | 0 |
Börry Nord | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 0 |
Heinbockel | LK Stade | 0 |
Eckerde | Hannover | 0 |
Alexandersfeld | Stadt Oldenburg (Oldenburg) | 0 |
Winsen | LK Celle | 0 |
Kirchohsen | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 0 |
Haarbach | LK Hameln-Pyrmont | 0 |
Belm, Schinkel | LK Osnabrück | 0 |
Dueshorner Heide | LK Heidekreis | 0 |
Glessequelle | LK Holzminden | 0 |
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(a) Different Schemes with c&cs in the Past, at Present, and in Future | ||||
Program | Lower Saxony Cooperation Model (OOWV) | |||
Scheme | Cooperation OOWV, Municipalities of Norden and Bad Zwischenahn | |||
Measure | Volunteer Oilseed Rape | c&c before Summer Crop with Limited N Fertilization | c&c before Summer Crop | |
Code | IE 511 | IE 508, IE 509, IE 510 | IE 508, IE 509, IE 510 | |
introduction c&cs | 2010 | 2010 | 2016 | |
funding | Lower Saxomy “water penny” | |||
regional scenario | Municipalities of Norden and Bad Zwischenahn | |||
subsidy | 40 €/ha | IE 508: 120 €/ha; IE 509: 100 €/ha IE 510: 80 €/ha | IE 508: 120 €/ha; IE 509: 100 €/ha IE 510: 80 €/ha | |
contract duration | 1 year | |||
funding rules | no combination with AECM, A7 (=no double funding) | combination with AECM, ecological farming allowed (double funding, 20 €/ha reduction of subsidy); combination with registration as EFA (Greening) allowed (double funding, 75 €/ha reduction of subsidy) | ||
mand. or voluntary | voluntary | |||
result-based | no | |||
seeds; type and number of species | volunteer oilseed rape | no legumes allowed; no cereals allowed; no harvesting of turnips; seeding after 31 August only with winter-hardy species/mixtures containing ≥30% winter-hardy species | no legumes allowed; no cereals allowed; no harvesting of turnips; seeding after 31 August only with winter-hardy species/mixtures containing ≥30% winter-hardy species | |
sowing date | no active sewing; soil cultivation to promote dense growth of volunteer oilseed rape seeds | after harvest of main crop, IE 508: until 20 August IE 509: until 31 August IE 510: until 15 September | after harvest of main crop, IE 508: until 20 August IE 509: until 31 August IE 510: until 15 September | |
fertilization | No fertilization allowed | no N fertilization after potatoes, maize, oilseed rape IE 508: maximum N fertilization with 60 kg Ntot/ha (*) until 20 August; IE 509: maximum N fertilization with 60 kg Ntot/ha (*) until 31 August; IE 510: maximum N fertilization (no organic fertilizers) with 30 kg Ntot/ha until 15 September; | fertilization according to Fertilization Ordinance and recommendations of Lower Saxony chamber of agriculture: IE 508: maximum N fertilization with 30 kg NH4-N/ha or 60 kg Ntot/ha (**) until 20 August; IE 509: maximum N fertilization with 30 kg NH4-N/ha or 60 kg Ntot/ha (**) until 31 August; IE 510: maximum N fertilization (no organic fertilizers) with 30 kg Ntot/ha until 15 September; | |
pesticides | no specification | no pesticides; only mechanical destruction of plants | ||
turning over date | in spring 2011 | longest 4 weeks before seeding date of the summer crop | longest 4 weeks before seeding of the summer crop; not before 15 February | |
(b) Different Schemes with c&cs in the Past, at Present, and in Future | ||||
Program | Lower Saxony Cooperation Model | AECM | ||
Scheme | NLWKN Catalogue of Measures | PROFIL (2007–2013) | ||
Measure | Actively Sown Catch Crop or Self-Greening, Legume Free | Groundwater (GW) Protecting Manage-Ment of Arable and Grassland | c&cs and Undersown c&cs | c&cs and Undersown c&cs, Both Winter-Hardy and Legume Free |
Code | IE | III | A7 | W2 |
introduction c&cs | 2016 | 2016 | 2004 (*) | 2011 |
funding | Lower Saxomy “water penny” | Lower Saxomy “water penny” | EU-pillar II, Germany, Lower Saxony | EU-pillar II, Germany, Lower Saxony |
regional scenario for funding | water protection and abstraction areas (11% of UAA) | 2005, 2009 targeted: GW bodies in bad condition (WFD); after 2010: Lower Saxony-wide; also measure against erosion | 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014: targeted: GW bodies in bad condition (WFD) | |
subsidy | max. 249 €/ha | max. 588 €/ha | basic funding: up to 70 €/ha | basic + additional funding: up to 110 €/ha (A7 + 40 €/ha) |
contract duration | variable | variable | 5 years | 5 years |
funding rules | no | no | no | no |
mandatory or voluntary | voluntary | voluntary | voluntary | voluntary |
indicator (result-based) | no | autumn Nmin value ≤ 35 kg N/ha | no | no |
seeds; type and number of species | no legumes allowed (in ecofarming legumes limited according to water protection needs) | no specification | actively sown, no self-greening allowed | actively sown, no self-greening, no legumes (ecofarming: legumes allowed mixed with non-legumes), seed mixtures in winter-hardy species ≥ 30% of weight share |
sowing date | latest 1 October | no specification | latest 15 September | latest 15 September |
fertilization | no specification | no specification | no specification | no N fertilization: 1 June–31 May and after potatoes, maize, oilseed rape |
pesticides | not allowed | no specification | no specification | no specification |
turning over date | not before 15 February, only mechanical destruction of plant biomass | no specification | not before 15 February | not before 15 March |
(c) Different Schemes with c&cs in the Past, at Present, and in Future | ||||
Program | AECM | CAP (2014–2022) | ||
Scheme | PFEIL (2014–2022) | EFA (2015–2022) | ||
Measure | Winter-Hardy Catch Crops for Guest Birds from the North | c&cs and Undersown c&cs | c&cs, Undersown c&cs, Both Winter-Hardy & Legume-Free | c&cs and Undersown c&cs |
Code | NG1 | AL21 | AL22 | ÖVF 052 |
introduction c&cs | 2014 | 2014 | 2014 | 2014 |
funding | EU pillar II, Germany, Lower Saxony | EU-pillar I | ||
regional scenario for funding | targeted: EU protection zones 1 and 2 | Lower Saxony-wide, not in those water protection areas where c&c cultivation is mandatory | targeted: at least 25% of the farm or 10 ha of GW bodies in bad condition (WFD), not areas with mandatory c&c; max. 5% of arable UAA of farm | 5% of arable UAA of farm, farms > 15 ha; |
subsidy | zone 1: 450 €, zone 2: 330 € | basic funding: 75 €/ha, ecological farms 55 €/ha | basic + additional funding: up to 120 €/ha (A7 + 45 €/ha), ecological farms 100 €/ha; | 75 €/ha for total farmland (in 2015 85 €/ha) related to basic payment of 173 €/ha total farmland (in 2015 175 €/ha) |
funding rules | no double funding of (pillar I and II) measures: reduction for counting of AL21/AL22 simultaneously as EFA-area: 75 €/ha | |||
contract duration | 5 years | 5 years | 5 years | 1 year |
mandatory or voluntary | voluntary | voluntary | voluntary | voluntary |
indicator (result-based) | no | no | no | no |
seeds; type and number of species | cultivation of winter cereals, winter oilseed rape or grass seeds: no bird control techniques | actively sown no self-greening allowed | actively sown no self-greening (in ecofarming legumes mixed with non-legumes accepted) | > 2 species out of a list; one variety not more than 60%, grass seeds not more than 60% |
sowing date | latest 15 October | latest 1 October | latest 1 October | 15 July–30 September |
fertilization | no specification | no fertilization (except initial fertilization) | N fertilization after potatoes, maize, oilseed rape and legumes, not before 1 March | no mineral N fertilization (but manure accepted according to Fertilization Ordinance (*)) |
pesticides | no specification | no pesticides; only mechanical destruction of plants | only mechanical destruction of plants; herbicides allowed (**) after 15 February | |
turning over date | 1 November–31 March: no crop management activities | not before 15 February | not before 1 March | not before 15 February (exception on federal state level 15 January) |
(d) Different Schemes with c&cs in the Past, at Present, and in Future | ||||
Program | Fertilization Ordinance | Lower Saxony Implementation Ordinance | CAP (2023–2027) | |
Scheme | DüV (2020) | NDüngGewNPVO (2021) | GAEC 7 | |
Measure | Mandatory c&c Cultivation in Red Areas | Mandatory c&c Cultivation in Red Areas | Minimum Soil cover To Avoid Bare Soils in Periods that Are Most Sensitive | |
Code | - | - | - | |
introduction c&cs | 2021 | 2021 | 2023 | |
funding | - | - | - | |
regional scenario for funding | nitrate-polluted “red areas” according to § 13a DüV, in case subsequent summer crop is to be fertilized after 1 February; exceptions: the preceding crop is harvested after 1 October or longterm mean precipitation < 550 mm | EU-wide, national specification possible | ||
subsidy | no subsidy | no subsidy | no subsidy; “conditionality” | |
funding rules | mandatory | no funding | ||
duration of valididy | as long as zones are classified as polluted | at least until 2027 | ||
mandatory or voluntary | mandatory | mandatory | mandatory | |
indicator (result-based) | concentraton of nitrate in GW body | no specification yet | ||
seeds; type and number of species | no specification | no specification | no specification yet | |
sowing date | in autumn of preceding year | no specification yet | ||
fertilization | outside red areas: ≤ 60 kg N/ha or ≤ 30 kg NH3-N/ha until 1 October in red areas: c&cs utilized as fodder may be fertilized; c&cs not grown as fodder may be fertilized with solid manure or compost up to 120 kg Ntot/ha | no specification yet | ||
pesticides | no specification | no specification | no specification yet | |
turning over date | no specification | no specification | no specification yet |
Scheme | Cooperations | AECM | EFA (Greening) | |||
Year | Specification | C&cs | C&cs, Also Undersown | Winter-Hardy c&cs, Also Undersown | C&cs | Undersown c&cs |
2015 | area (ha) | (no data) | 116,608 | 26,529 | 237,714 | 38,649 |
implementation (€) | (no data) | 816,256 | 185,703 | 1,663,998 | 270,543 | |
subsidy (€) | (no data) | 8,745,600 | 3,183,480 | 123,916,275 | 19,826,604 | |
total (€) | (no data) | 11,929,080 | 143,742,879 | |||
total costs per ha (€/ha) | (no data) | 83 | 520 | |||
2016 | area (ha) | 40,634 | 37,080 | 17,964 | 223,774 | 37,559 |
implementation (€) | (included) | 259,560 | 125,748 | 1,566,418 | 262,913 | |
subsidy (€) | (included) | 2,781,000 | 2,155,680 | 120,886,013 | 20,366,665 | |
total (€) | 4,048,615 | 5,321,988 | 143,082,009 | |||
total costs per ha (€/ha) | 100 | 97 | 548 | |||
financed by | water abstraction fee | EU, pillar II | EU, pillar I | |||
Lower Saxony | 100% | 10% | ||||
German government | 15% | |||||
EU | 75% | 100% | ||||
duration contract (year) | 5 (*) | 5 | 1 |
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Share and Cite
Klages, S.; Aue, C.; Reiter, K.; Heidecke, C.; Osterburg, B. Catch Crops in Lower Saxony—More Than 30 Years of Action against Water Pollution with Nitrates: All in Vain? Agriculture 2022, 12, 447.
Klages S, Aue C, Reiter K, Heidecke C, Osterburg B. Catch Crops in Lower Saxony—More Than 30 Years of Action against Water Pollution with Nitrates: All in Vain? Agriculture. 2022; 12(4):447.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKlages, Susanne, Christina Aue, Karin Reiter, Claudia Heidecke, and Bernhard Osterburg. 2022. "Catch Crops in Lower Saxony—More Than 30 Years of Action against Water Pollution with Nitrates: All in Vain?" Agriculture 12, no. 4: 447.
APA StyleKlages, S., Aue, C., Reiter, K., Heidecke, C., & Osterburg, B. (2022). Catch Crops in Lower Saxony—More Than 30 Years of Action against Water Pollution with Nitrates: All in Vain? Agriculture, 12(4), 447.