Good Long-Term Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis in the High-Income Afro-Caribbean Population of Martinique with Free Access to Healthcare
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Definitions
2.2. Statistics and Ethics
3. Results
Evolution and Long-Term Prognosis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Total (n = 89) | |
Age, mean (years) | 32.5 ± 13 |
Women, % (n) | 93.2 (83) |
Duration of SLE before LN (months) | 39.7 ± 60.8 |
LN follow-up (months), mean ± SD | 119 ± 72.9 |
Clinical features % (n) | |
Fever | 20.22 (18) |
Neurolupus | 8.99 (8) |
Arthritis | 44.94 (40) |
Myositis | 4.49 (4) |
Cutaneous rash | 20.22 (18) |
Alopecia | 10.11 (9) |
Mucosal ulcer | 2.24 (2) |
Serositis | 29.21 (26) |
SLEDAI, mean | 17.11 ± 5.73 |
Biological features % (n) | |
Anti-ds-DNA Ab | 97.75 (87) |
Anti-ds-DNA Ab title, mean ± SD | 241.34 ± 235.40 |
Anti-Sm | 58.42 (52) |
Anti-SSA | 56.18 (50) |
Anti-SSB | 23.59 (21) |
Anti-RNP | 60.67 (54) |
aPL positivity | 58.42 (52) |
APS | 17.98 (16) |
Hematuria | 73 (65) |
Leucocyturia | 58.42 (52) |
Proteinuria, mean, g/24 h | 3.55 ± 3.72 |
Serum level albumine, mean, g/L | 25.19 ± 8.17 |
Serum level creatinine, mean, µmol/L | 118.94 ± 93.21 |
Low C3 | 57.3 (51) |
Low C4 | 60.67 (54) |
Thrombopenia | 5.61 (5) |
Leucopenia | 12.35 (11) |
Histologic features at first renal biopsy (ISN/RPS), % (n) | |
Class I | 3.37 (3) |
Class II | 1.12 (1) |
Class III | 19.10 (17) |
Class IV | 24.72 (22) |
Class V | 19.10 (17) |
Class III + V | 20.22 (18) |
Class IV + V | 12.36 (11) |
Proliferative LN (III, III + V, IV or IV + V), % (n) | 76.4 (68) |
Activity index, mean, % | 35.93 ± 28.8 (36) |
Chronicity index, mean, % | 23.1 ± 20.6 (36) |
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Suzon, B.; Louis-Sidney, F.; Aglaé, C.; Henry, K.; Bagoée, C.; Wolff, S.; Moinet, F.; Emal-Aglaé, V.; Polomat, K.; DeBandt, M.; et al. Good Long-Term Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis in the High-Income Afro-Caribbean Population of Martinique with Free Access to Healthcare. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 4860.
Suzon B, Louis-Sidney F, Aglaé C, Henry K, Bagoée C, Wolff S, Moinet F, Emal-Aglaé V, Polomat K, DeBandt M, et al. Good Long-Term Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis in the High-Income Afro-Caribbean Population of Martinique with Free Access to Healthcare. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(16):4860.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSuzon, Benoit, Fabienne Louis-Sidney, Cédric Aglaé, Kim Henry, Cécile Bagoée, Sophie Wolff, Florence Moinet, Violaine Emal-Aglaé, Katlyne Polomat, Michel DeBandt, and et al. 2022. "Good Long-Term Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis in the High-Income Afro-Caribbean Population of Martinique with Free Access to Healthcare" Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, no. 16: 4860.
APA StyleSuzon, B., Louis-Sidney, F., Aglaé, C., Henry, K., Bagoée, C., Wolff, S., Moinet, F., Emal-Aglaé, V., Polomat, K., DeBandt, M., Deligny, C., & Couturier, A. (2022). Good Long-Term Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis in the High-Income Afro-Caribbean Population of Martinique with Free Access to Healthcare. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(16), 4860.