Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Content of Vitamin C and Its Bioavailability from Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products
:1. Introduction
2. Traditional Processing—Critical Points
2.1. Low Temperature—Freezing Technology
2.2. High Temperature—Pasteurization, Sterilization, Blanching, Cooking, Steaming, etc.
2.3. Drying Technology
3. Consumers Expectations of Food
4. Innovative, Non-Thermal Technologies in Fruit and Vegetable Processing
4.1. High-Pressure Processing (HPP)
4.2. High-Pressure Homogenization (HPH)
4.3. Ultrasound (US)
4.4. Pulsed Electric Fields (PEFs)
4.5. Minimally Processed Fruit and Vegetables (MPFV)
5. Effect of Innovative Processing on Vitamin C Bioavailability
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Fruit Species | Content mg/100 g | Fruit Species | Content mg/100 g |
Blackurrants | 181.0 | Blackberries | 21.0 |
Green kiwi fruits | 92.7 | Quinces | 15.0 |
Pummelo | 61.0 | Cranberries | 14.0 |
Papayas | 60.9 | Pomegranates | 10.2 |
Oranges, navels | 59.1 | Apricots | 10.0 |
Strawberries | 58.8 | Red sour cherries | 10.0 |
Oranges, common variety | 53.2 | Avocados | 10.0 |
Lemons, without peel | 53.0 | Blueberries | 9.7 |
Pineapple | 47.8 | Plums | 9.5 |
Oranges, Florida | 45.0 | Bananas | 8.7 |
Red and white currants | 41.0 | Persimmons, Japanse | 7.5 |
Mangos | 36.4 | Sweet cherries, | 7.0 |
Elderberries | 36.0 | Yellow peaches, | 6.6 |
White grapefruit, | 33.3 | Grapes, Muscadine | 6.5 |
Pink and red grapefruit | 31.2 | Nectarines | 5.4 |
Limes | 29.1 | Apples, with skin | 4.6 |
Gooseberries | 27.7 | Pears | 4.3 |
Tangerines, (mandarin) | 26.7 | Apples, without skin | 4.0 |
Raspberries | 26.2 | Red or green Grapes | 3.2 |
Vegetable Species | Content mg/100 g | Vegetable Species | Content mg/100 g |
Green peppers, hot chili | 242.5 | Beet greens | 30.0 |
Red peppers, hot chili | 143.7 | New Zealand spinach | 30.0 |
Parsley | 133.0 | Green soybeans | 29.0 |
Red peppers, sweet | 127.7 | Spinach | 28.1 |
Kale | 120.0 | Cabbage, Chinese (Pe-Tsai), | 27.0 |
Broccoli | 89.2 | Rutabagas raw | 25.0 |
Green cauliflower | 88.1 | Green chicory | 24.0 |
Brussels sprouts | 85.0 | Green tomatoes | 23.4 |
Green peppers, sweet | 80.4 | Turnips | 21.0 |
Kohlrabi | 62.0 | Potatoes, flesh, and skin | 19.7 |
Turnip greens | 60.0 | Melons, honeydew | 18.0 |
Peas, edible-podded | 60.0 | Squash, summer, zucchini | 17.9 |
Chives | 58.1 | Parsnips | 17.0 |
Red cabbage | 57.0 | Squash, summer | 17.0 |
Cabbage, common, freshly harvested | 51.0 | Yellow beans, snap | 16.3 |
Cauliflower | 48.2 | Orange tomatoes | 16.0 |
Cabbage, chinese (Pak-Choi) | 45.0 | Arugula | 15.0 |
Green peas | 40.0 | Radishes | 14.8 |
Melons, cantaloupe | 36.7 | Red Tomatoes, ripe | 13.7 |
Cabbage | 36.6 | Squash, winter, all varieties, | 12.3 |
Squash, zucchini, baby | 34.1 | Green beans, snap | 12.2 |
Broadbeans, immature seeds | 33.0 | Leeks (bulb and lower leaf-portion) | 12.0 |
Cabbage, Savoy | 31.0 | Lettuce, green leaf | 9.2 |
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Mieszczakowska-Frąc, M.; Celejewska, K.; Płocharski, W. Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Content of Vitamin C and Its Bioavailability from Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 54.
Mieszczakowska-Frąc M, Celejewska K, Płocharski W. Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Content of Vitamin C and Its Bioavailability from Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products. Antioxidants. 2021; 10(1):54.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMieszczakowska-Frąc, Monika, Karolina Celejewska, and Witold Płocharski. 2021. "Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Content of Vitamin C and Its Bioavailability from Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products" Antioxidants 10, no. 1: 54.
APA StyleMieszczakowska-Frąc, M., Celejewska, K., & Płocharski, W. (2021). Impact of Innovative Technologies on the Content of Vitamin C and Its Bioavailability from Processed Fruit and Vegetable Products. Antioxidants, 10(1), 54.