Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Part 1: Reanalysis of Children’s ERP Data
2.1.1. Participants
2.1.2. Visual Sustained Selective-set Attention Task (VSSAT)
2.1.3. Procedure
2.1.4. Data Collection and Processing
2.1.5. ERP Data Analysis
2.1.6. ERP Activity Paths
2.2. Part 2: Modeling of Children’s ERP Data
2.2.1. Independent Component Analysis (Step 1) and Topographic Mapping (Step 2)
2.2.2. Dipole Analysis (Step 3)
2.2.3. Translation to Adult MRI Template (Step 4)
2.3. Part 3: Simulation of Adult ERP Data
2.3.1. Electric-Field Spiking Modeling (Step 5)
2.3.2. ACT–R Simulation (Step 6)
2.3.3. Adult ACT–R Simulated Dipole Mapping (Step 7)
2.3.4. Adult ACT–R Simulated Spike Series (Polyspiking) (Step 8)
2.3.5. Adult ACT–R Simulated ERP Topographical Mapping (Step 9)
2.3.6. Actual vs. Simulated Data Comparisons: Homology Tests
MRI-mappings and Structural Test
Topographical Mappings and Functional Test
3. Results
3.1. Behavioral Performance
3.2. ERP Data
3.3. ERP Activity Paths
3.4. Comparison of ERP Activity and Localization: Preschool Data vs. Adult Simulation
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Function | Brain Region | Time (ms) |
Visual processing | Occipital | 150 |
Spatial attention | Parietal | 250 |
Declarative | Temporal | 350 |
Executive | Frontal | 450 |
Procedural | Basal ganglia | 550 |
Manual | Parietal | 650 |
Interval Bins | |||||||
(0–100 ms) | (101–200 ms) | (201–300 ms) | (301–400 ms) | (401–500 ms) | (501–600 ms) | (601–700 ms) | |
Mean Differences in Peak Amplitudes (Target – Distractor) in μV | |||||||
Frontal Network | |||||||
Left (F3) | −0.142 | 1.280 T | 0.809 T | −1.198 T | −3.855 T | −2.266 T | −0.686 |
Midline (Fz) | 1.298 T | 1.997 T | 2.275 T | −0.101 | −0.109 | −0.876 D | −1.781 D |
Right (F4) | −0.550 | 2.962 T | −1.617 T | −0.024 | 2.493 T | 1.017 T | 0.800 T |
Centro-Temporal Network | |||||||
Left (T7) | −1.644 T | −4.249 T | 0.095 | −1.375 T | −0.568 | 1.067 T | −0.782 |
Midline (Cz) | 0.805 T | 2.976 T | 0.436 | 0.371 | 2.356 T | 3.061 T | 1.074 T |
Right (T8) | 1.240 T | −0.646 | −0.946 D | −0.148 | −1.806 T | −0.749 | 0.753 |
Parietal Network | |||||||
Left (P7) | 1.366 T | −0.106 | −2.172 D | −1.772 D | 2.118 T | 0.870 T | 0.822 T |
Midline (Pz) | −2.256 T | 0.993 T | 2.139 T | −2.181 T | −3.538 T | 1.241 T | 3.268 T |
Right (P8) | −2.720 T | −1.200 T | −0.526 | −0.620 | 0.293 | 2.100 T | 0.846 T |
Occipital Network | |||||||
Left (O1) | −0.882 T | 2.402 T | 2.020 T | 0.147 | −0.059 | −0.677 | −0.314 |
Midline (Oz) | −0.045 | 0.060 | 0.561 | 0.388 | −2.287 T | −2.029 T | −1.690 T |
Right (O2) | 1.196 T | −2.431 T | −1.358 T | 1.062 T | 0.729 | −0.742 | −1.466 T |
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D'Angiulli, A.; Pham, D.A.T.; Leisman, G.; Goldfield, G. Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology. Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10020124
D'Angiulli A, Pham DAT, Leisman G, Goldfield G. Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology. Brain Sciences. 2020; 10(2):124. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10020124
Chicago/Turabian StyleD'Angiulli, Amedeo, Dao Anh Thu Pham, Gerry Leisman, and Gary Goldfield. 2020. "Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology" Brain Sciences 10, no. 2: 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10020124
APA StyleD'Angiulli, A., Pham, D. A. T., Leisman, G., & Goldfield, G. (2020). Evaluating Preschool Visual Attentional Selective-Set: Preliminary ERP Modeling and Simulation of Target Enhancement Homology. Brain Sciences, 10(2), 124. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10020124