Architectural Concept and Evaluation of a Framework for the Efficient Automation of Computational Scientific Workflows: An Energy Systems Analysis Example
:1. Introduction
- automated set up and execution of computational scientific workflows and co-simulations
- reusability of integrated executables with their specific dependencies and runtime environments
- configurable communication between executables without the need for changing executables or specific implementations of interfaces and adapters by the users
- availability of an easy-to-use web interface to build, operate and manage scenarios
- parallelization and coordination of workflows for increasing performance
2. Related Work and State-Of-The-Art Technologies
2.1. Related Work
2.2. State-Of-The-Art Technologies
2.2.1. Microservices-Based Architecture
- increased resilience due to independent development and deployment of services
- fast
- better code quality
- easier debugging and maintenance
- increased productivity
- improved scalability
- freedom (in a way) to choose the implementation technology/language
- continuous delivery
2.2.2. Container Virtualization—Docker
2.2.3. Container Orchestration—Kubernetes
2.2.4. Message Channel—Redis
2.2.5. Data Ingestion/Transformation—Apache NiFi
3. Framework Architecture
3.1. Apache NiFi User Interface and Processors
3.2. Integrating a Communication and Coordination Infrastructure Using a Message Oriented Middleware
3.3. Process Management
3.4. Framework Processes
3.5. Volume
3.6. Parallelization and Synchronization
4. Results
4.1. Benchmarking
4.1.1. Memory Usage
4.1.2. Execution Time
4.1.3. Parallelization
4.2. Evaluation of the Coordination Service for Synchronization of Multiple Inputs
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Framework Requirements | Apache Kafka | Redis |
fast storage | in-memory and disk-based | in-memory |
a database and a message broker | a message service | can be used as a database, cache, and message broker |
short lived messages | can keep flushing data for longer period of time | retain data for short period of time |
small amount of data | large data size | small data size |
Model | Manual Execution Time (s) | Execution Time with Framework (s) |
land eligibility | 30.895 | 31.614 |
turbine placement | 5.245 | 5.147 |
turbine simulation | 180.357 | 178.956 |
conversion 2 | 22.406 | 23.874 |
energy demand | 30.988 | 30.615 |
conversion 1 | 0.504 | 0.517 |
all models | 238.903 | 239.591 |
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Liu, J.; Braun, E.; Düpmeier, C.; Kuckertz, P.; Ryberg, D.S.; Robinius, M.; Stolten, D.; Hagenmeyer, V. Architectural Concept and Evaluation of a Framework for the Efficient Automation of Computational Scientific Workflows: An Energy Systems Analysis Example. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 728.
Liu J, Braun E, Düpmeier C, Kuckertz P, Ryberg DS, Robinius M, Stolten D, Hagenmeyer V. Architectural Concept and Evaluation of a Framework for the Efficient Automation of Computational Scientific Workflows: An Energy Systems Analysis Example. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(4):728.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Jianlei, Eric Braun, Clemens Düpmeier, Patrick Kuckertz, D. Severin Ryberg, Martin Robinius, Detlef Stolten, and Veit Hagenmeyer. 2019. "Architectural Concept and Evaluation of a Framework for the Efficient Automation of Computational Scientific Workflows: An Energy Systems Analysis Example" Applied Sciences 9, no. 4: 728.
APA StyleLiu, J., Braun, E., Düpmeier, C., Kuckertz, P., Ryberg, D. S., Robinius, M., Stolten, D., & Hagenmeyer, V. (2019). Architectural Concept and Evaluation of a Framework for the Efficient Automation of Computational Scientific Workflows: An Energy Systems Analysis Example. Applied Sciences, 9(4), 728.