Status of the High Average Power Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser Development at HiLASE
:1. Introduction
2. HiLASE Centre
3. Kilowatt-Class Picosecond Thin-Disk Lasers
Improvements of Thin Disk Laser Operations at HiLASE
4. High Average Power Short-Pulse Thin Disk Lasers at HiLASE
4.1. Beamline A
4.2. Beamline B
4.3. Beamline C
4.3.1. Second and Fourth Harmonic Generation
4.3.2. Mid-IR Generation
4.4. Fiber Oscillator and Front-End
4.5. Frequency-Stabilized Oscillator
5. Advanced Tools for High Average Power Laser Developments
5.1. High Resolution Spectroscopy of Yb-Doped Materials
5.2. In Situ Thin Disk Deformation Measurements
5.3. Single-Shot M2 Measurement
6. Multi-Slab Laser Amplifier
6.1. Numerical Modelling of Laser Amplifiers
6.2. Wavefront Correction by a Deformable Mirror
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Novák, O.; Miura, T.; Smrž, M.; Chyla, M.; Nagisetty, S.S.; Mužík, J.; Linnemann, J.; Turčičová, H.; Jambunathan, V.; Slezák, O.; et al. Status of the High Average Power Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser Development at HiLASE. Appl. Sci. 2015, 5, 637-665.
Novák O, Miura T, Smrž M, Chyla M, Nagisetty SS, Mužík J, Linnemann J, Turčičová H, Jambunathan V, Slezák O, et al. Status of the High Average Power Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser Development at HiLASE. Applied Sciences. 2015; 5(4):637-665.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNovák, Ondřej, Taisuke Miura, Martin Smrž, Michal Chyla, Siva Sankar Nagisetty, Jiří Mužík, Jens Linnemann, Hana Turčičová, Venkatesan Jambunathan, Ondřej Slezák, and et al. 2015. "Status of the High Average Power Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser Development at HiLASE" Applied Sciences 5, no. 4: 637-665.
APA StyleNovák, O., Miura, T., Smrž, M., Chyla, M., Nagisetty, S. S., Mužík, J., Linnemann, J., Turčičová, H., Jambunathan, V., Slezák, O., Sawicka-Chyla, M., Pilař, J., Bonora, S., Divoký, M., Měsíček, J., Pranovich, A., Sikocinski, P., Huynh, J., Severová, P., ... Mocek, T. (2015). Status of the High Average Power Diode-Pumped Solid State Laser Development at HiLASE. Applied Sciences, 5(4), 637-665.