Review of Transition from Mining 4.0 to Mining 5.0 Innovative Technologies
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Review of the Transition from Mining 3.0 to 4.0
- In the transition from Mining 3.0 to 4.0: the use of artificial intelligence to control machines and their operators without replacing human intelligence with an artificial one (control of fatigue of dump truck drivers [22] and intelligent monitoring of machines for energy consumption optimization [23]); wearable smart sensors for monitoring the mine atmosphere and equipment operation [24]); using big data to control but not to manage the state of the rock array [25]; application of machine vision and learning to improve the quality of ore processing on existing flotation equipment [11].
- In the transition from Mining 4.0 to 5.0, a combination of postmining technologies is already observed today. It included 3D modeling of reclamation and the use of neural networks to analyze environmental damage, filling the restored ecosystem in surface mining clusters with genetically modified organisms, and installing renewable wind and solar energy facilities [26,27]. Further, the technologies of underground mining and chemical extraction of coal are combined in its underground gasification [28].
3.1. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in Mining 4.0
3.2. Virtual Reality in Mining 4.0
3.3. Internet of Things in Mining 4.0
3.4. Digital Twins in Mining 4.0
3.5. Smart Sensors in Mining 4.0
- Belt 4.0—underground and surface mine conveyor condition and loading control system based on artificial intelligence, which makes it possible to eliminate sudden stops due to breakdowns completely [73];
- Air flow visualization system connected to mine ventilation equipment to radically increase the accuracy of modeling [74];
- LiDAR (light identification detection and ranging) systems integrated with GPS (global positioning system) when creating a 3D cloud to predict sudden movements of rock mass [75];
- Land area subsidence prediction in clusters with high concentration of underground mining using differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar [76];
- Integration of InSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar) and LiDAR data with analysis of photographs made by aerial drones to predict soil deformations [77];
- Remote creation of predictive maps of surface subsidence and collapse over working mine longwalls using differential radar interferometry with an accuracy of 4 cm [78], using the GrabCut method to create high-precision scalable visual attention models—the first step towards full robotization of deserted mines [79];
- Integration of data from geoscanners with information from global navigation satellite system devices to achieve the highest accuracy of 3D modeling of underground mine workings, sufficient for unmanned control of processes in underground mines (with time synchronization using pulse per second) [80]. At the same time, ground-penetrating radars are also developing in the direction of increasing the accuracy of determining the deformation of mine workings, already in the submillimeter range. For surface mines, we should note the effectiveness of such smart sensors as ground-based synthetic aperture radar, which operation is based on the frequency-modulated continuous wave [81];
- Application of the method of persistent scatterer interferometry for increasing the accuracy of forecasting man-made earthquakes by 35.2% (based on refined external model-based decomposition of deformation). Moreover, SAR single-look complex was effective for sequential analysis of surface images, followed by analysis of the spatial distribution of the interferogram [82];
3.6. Big Data in Smart Mining (Mining 4.0)
3.7. Machine Vision and Learning in Mining 4.0
3.8. Cloud Mining as a Path Digital Technology from Mining 4.0 to 5.0
4. Perspective of Transition from Mining 4.0 to 5.0
4.1. Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0 as the Platforms of Transition to Mining 5.0
4.2. PostMining and Green Mining as a Specific Feature of Mining 5.0
4.3. Biochemical Mining as a Convergent Technology of Mining 5.0
4.4. ESG Investment as a Main Finance Instrument for Mining 5.0
5. Conclusions and Prospects
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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The Ladders of Industrial Development | Achievements | Main Technological Innovations | Ladder of Geotechnology Development | Specific Innovations in Mining Industry |
Industry 1.0 End of the 17th–first half of the 19th centuries | The first high-performance machines | Steam engines, coke producing, first machines | Mining 1.0 | Replacement of manual labor by machines in secondary processes |
Industry 2.0 End of the 19th century–beginning of 20th centuries | Creation of production complexes based on electrified equipment | Electrification, strong steels and alloys, conveyor production, petrochemistry, automobiles | Mining 2.0 | Replacement of manual labor by machines in primary processes |
Industry 3.0 1970–1990th | Robotization of individual processes | Automation, analog computing, and control systems | Mining 3.0 | High-specific productivity equipment, analog telemetry |
Industry 4.0 2000th–present time | Replacing human intelligence with “artificial one” in a number of areas | Deep digitalization, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, convergent technologies | Mining 4.0 | Unmanned technologies, remote process control, digital simulation |
Industry 5.0 2050th (estimated time of expansion) | Synergy between humans and autonomous machines | Artificial intelligence as a main mean of production, Internet of Everything, cyber-physical systems, data mining, o-bots, ubiquitous augmented reality | Mining 5.0 | Unmanned mining by collaborative robots, blockchain in control and management, postmining, ESG, digital tweens, machine learning |
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Zhironkin, S.; Ezdina, N. Review of Transition from Mining 4.0 to Mining 5.0 Innovative Technologies. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4917.
Zhironkin S, Ezdina N. Review of Transition from Mining 4.0 to Mining 5.0 Innovative Technologies. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(8):4917.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhironkin, Sergey, and Natalya Ezdina. 2023. "Review of Transition from Mining 4.0 to Mining 5.0 Innovative Technologies" Applied Sciences 13, no. 8: 4917.
APA StyleZhironkin, S., & Ezdina, N. (2023). Review of Transition from Mining 4.0 to Mining 5.0 Innovative Technologies. Applied Sciences, 13(8), 4917.