Area-Selective Defect-Related Modulation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Focused-Laser Irradiation
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. MoS2 Monolayer Preparation
2.2. Optical Characterization of MoS2 Monolayers
2.3. Focused-Laser Irradiation Process
2.4. Nano-Auger Electron Spectroscopy
2.5. Field-Effect Transistor Device Fabrication and Electrical Characterization
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Ambient Photoluminescence Characterization
3.2. Chemical Analyses by Nano-Auger Electron Spectroscopy
3.3. Cryogenic Photoluminescence Characterization
3.4. Field-Effect Transistor Device Characterization
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ko, C. Area-Selective Defect-Related Modulation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Focused-Laser Irradiation. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 304.
Ko C. Area-Selective Defect-Related Modulation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Focused-Laser Irradiation. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(1):304.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKo, Changhyun. 2023. "Area-Selective Defect-Related Modulation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Focused-Laser Irradiation" Applied Sciences 13, no. 1: 304.
APA StyleKo, C. (2023). Area-Selective Defect-Related Modulation of Optical and Electrical Properties of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide by Focused-Laser Irradiation. Applied Sciences, 13(1), 304.