Integrated Earthquake Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic
:1. Introduction
- The sequential merging of three regional catalogs of the GS RAS and the ISC catalog, which implies the identification of duplicate events in the border areas of responsibility of the different networks; and
- The unification of magnitude estimates in the integrated catalog by constructing regression relationships for the different types of magnitude/energy class due to the exact association of data from the different catalogs related to the same event.
2. Materials and Methods
- The regional catalog of Yakutia from the annual journals Earthquakes in the USSR (1962–1991), Earthquakes in Northern Eurasia (1992–2014), and Earthquakes in Russia (2015–2019) (GS RAS) (hereinafter YAK);
- The regional catalog of the northeast of Russia from the annual journals Earthquakes in the USSR (1968–1991), Earthquakes in Northern Eurasia (1992–2014), and Earthquakes of Russia (2015–2019) (GS RAS) (hereinafter NER);
- The regional catalog of earthquakes in Kamchatka of the Kamchatka Branch of the GS RAS, 1962–2019 (hereinafter KAM); and
- The ISC 1962–2020 catalog, which is a composite catalog containing data from many world and Russian agencies.
- Earthquakes from the ISC global catalog (the abbreviation of the ISC and GCMT agency in Table 2) with the magnitudes MWGCMT and/or mbISC are the core (hereinafter CORE) (1393 events);
- Earthquakes from Russian catalogs with local estimates for the magnitude of weak events. In the intersection zones, preference is given to the data from the catalog of Yakutia (Table 1);
- Other earthquakes from the ISC (abbreviation of the ISC agency in Table 2, without the magnitude data MWGCMT or mbISC), as well as data from other agencies in the ISC catalog (16,642 events). This selection from the ISC catalog will be further denoted by ISC_Other.
3. Results
3.1. Merging Catalogs
3.1.1. Stage 1. Merging YAK and NER
3.1.2. Stage 2. Merging YAK_NER and KAM into the RUS Catalog
3.1.3. Stage 3. Merging RUS and Data from the ISC_Other Catalog
3.1.4. Stage 4. Merging RUS_ISC and CORE
3.1.5. Stage 5. Exclusion of Explosions
3.2. Magnitudes in the Integrated Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic
- MWGCMT or MSISC for strong earthquakes before 1976;
- mbISC;
- Magnitude by energy class; and
- Other magnitudes.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Catalog | Period | Number of Earthquakes with Energy Classes and/or Magnitudes | Number of Earthquakes with Unknown Energy Classes and Magnitudes |
YAK | 1962, 1968–2019 | 6600 | 46 |
NER | 1968–2019 | 7668 | 1 |
KAM | 1962–2019 | 4498 | 0 |
Agency Abbreviation | Agency | Number of Earthquakes with Energy Classes and/or Magnitudes * |
AEIC | Alaska Earthquake Information Center, USA | 184 |
ANDRE | USSR | 16 |
ANF | USArray Array Network Facility, USA | 2 |
BJI | China Earthquake Networks Center, China | 1 |
BYKL | Baykal Regional Seismological Centre, GS SB RAS, Russia | 4 |
DNAG | USA | 13 |
EIDC | Experimental (GSETT3) International Data Center, USA | 22 |
GCMT | The Global CMT Project, USA | 1 |
IDC | International Data Centre, CTBTO, Austria | 123 |
ISC | International Seismological Centre, United Kingdom | 1507 |
KRSC | Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the RAS, Russia | 2684 |
MATSS | USSR | 1400 |
MOS | Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia | 26 |
MSUGS | Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, USA | 2585 |
NEIC | National Earthquake Information Center, USA | 192 |
NEIS | National Earthquake Information Service, USA | 1 |
NERS | North Eastern Regional Seismological Centre, GS RAS, Russia | 4688 |
NKSZ | USSR | 8 |
SBDV | USSR | 107 |
SYKES | Sykes Catalogue of earthquakes 1950 onwards | 2 |
USCGS | United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, NEIC, USA | 1 |
WASN | USA | 328 |
YARS | Yakutiya Regional Seismological Center, GS SB RAS, Russia | 2256 |
ZEMSU | USSR | 1884 |
Total: | 18,035 |
Stage | Main Catalog | Additional Catalog | Threshold Value of the Metric | Estimation of the Number of Errors | Number of Duplicates | Merged Catalog | |
1 | Catalog of Yakutia YAK 6600 events | Catalog of the Northeast of Russia NER 7668 events | 0.041; 17.4; 16.3 | 5.8 | 0.5% | 2153 | YAK_NER 12,115 events |
2 | YAK_NER 12,115 events | Earthquake catalog of the Kamchatka Branch of the GS RAS KAM 4498 events | 0.041; 17.4; 16.3 | 5.8 * | – | 26 * | RUS 16,587 events |
3 | RUS 16,587 events | ISC, events of various agencies ISC_Other 16,642 events | 0.032; 12.3; 12.0 | 6.0 | 0.3% | 10,231 | RUS_ISC 22,998 events |
4 | CORE 1383 events | RUS_ISC 22,998 events | 0.044; 18.3; 18.3 | 5.9 | 0.4% | 1011 | ARCTIC 23,370 events |
5 | Exclusion of explosions EXP 116 events | ARCTIC 23,370 events | 0.05; 15.0; 15.0 | – | 0% | 116 ** | E_ARCTIC 23,254 events |
Agency | Type of Magnitude | Priority | Number of Events | Formula for Magnitude in the Integrated Catalog | Figure | Mmin–Mmax. Initial Magnitude Scale | Note |
GCMT | MW | 1 | 105 | M = MWGCMT | 4.7–7.6 | ||
ISC | mb | 2 | 1287 | M = mbISC | Figure 13a | 3.0–5.9 | |
ISC | MS | 1 | 4 | M = MSISC | Figure 13b | 5.7–7.5 | Strong events before 1976 |
YAK, NER, agencies of Russia and the USSR from ISC | KPS | 3 | 16,301 | M = 0.5 KPS − 1.6 | Figure 14a,b | 0.6–14.0 | Information about energy classes is given in the ISC bulletins |
KAM, KRSC | KS | 3 | 4050 | M = 0.5KS − 0.75 | Figure 14c | 3.0–13.1 | |
NEIC, NEIS | mb | 4 | 27 | M = mbNEIC − 0.2 | Figure 15a | 3.5–4.9 | |
MOS | mb | 4 | 16 | M = mbMOS − 0.2 | Figure 15b | 4.0–4.8 | |
EIDC | mb | 4 | 24 | M = mbEIDC + 0.2 | Figure 15c | 3.0–4.3 | |
IDC | mb | 4 | 107 | M = mbIDC + 0.2 | Figure 15d | 2.9–4.4 | |
YARS | ML | 4 | 357 | M = MLYARS + 0.6 | Figure 16a | 0.5–3.0 | Unreliable correlation |
YARS | MSV | 4 | 95 | M = MSVYARS + 0.2 | Figure 16b | 0.0–2.1 | Unreliable correlation |
AEIC | ML | 4 | 351 | M = MLAEIC | Figure 17a | 2.2–4.2 | |
MSUGS | M | 4 | 24 | M = MMSUGS + 0.1 | Figure 18a | 0.1–4.6 | |
USCGS | mb | 4 | 1 | M = mbUSCGS | Figure 18b | 4.1 | Unreliable correlation |
YARS | M | 4 | 104 | M = MYARS + 0.1 | 3.2–3.3 | Indirect correlation with energy class. The magnitude MYARS represents a conversion from the energy class KS according to the formula of Rautian MYARS = (KS − 4)/1.8. For M[3.2–3.3] up to rounding, this is a shift of 0.1. | |
NERS | M | 4 | 24 | M = MNERS + 0.2 | 2.3–2.5 | Indirect correlation with energy class. The magnitude MNERS represents a conversion from the energy class KPS according to the formula of Rautian MNERS = (KPS − 4)/1.8. For M[2.3–2.5] up to rounding, this is a shift of 0.2. | |
NEIC | ML | 4 | 13 | M = MLNEIC − 0.1 | Figure 17b | 2.5–4.2 | Unreliably used indirect correlation MLAEIC |
NEIC | mbLg | 4 | 2 | M = mbLgNEIC + 0.1 | Figure 17c | 2.6–3.0 | Unreliably used indirect correlation MLAEIC |
LAO | M | 4 | 2 | M = MLAO | Figure 19a | 4.0 | Very unreliable correlation |
ZEMSU | M | 4 | 2 | M = MZEMSU | Figure 19b | 3.4–4.5 | Very unreliable correlation |
MOS | M | 4 | 1 | M = MMOS + 0.1 | Figure 19c | 5.0 | Very unreliable correlation |
NEIC | M | 4 | 6 | M = MNEIC | 2.5–4.9 | Very unreliable correlation. Only three events with two magnitudes were found, MNEIC = mbISC. | |
ANF | ML | 4 | 2 | M = MLANF − 1 | 4.2–4.3 | Very unreliable correlation. Found only two events with two magnitudes, MLANF>>mbISC. | |
DNAG | M | 4 | 14 | M = MDNAG | 2.5–4.4 | Correlation not established | |
WASN | M | 4 | 328 | M = MWASN | 0.1–4.4 | Correlation not established | |
ZEMSU | MPV | 4 | 1 | M = MPVZEMSU | 4.5 | Correlation not established | |
YARS | MU | 4 | 2 | M = MU_YARS | 1.7–2.1 | Correlation not established | |
OTT | ML | 4 | 1 | M = MLOTT | 3.9 | Correlation not established | |
PAL | M | 4 | 1 | M = MPAL | 4.7 | Correlation not established | |
BJI | mb | 4 | 1 | M = mbBJI | 4.8 | Correlation not established | |
EIDC | ML | 4 | 1 | M = MLEIDC | 2.8 | Correlation not established | |
Total | 23,254 |
Date | TIME | Lat | Lon | Dep | Mag | ||
1 | 22.11.1969 | 23:09:38 | 57.67 | 163.51 | 25.6 | 7.5 | MSISC |
2 | 18.05.1971 | 22:44:41 | 63.93 | 145.96 | 1.5 | 7.0 | MSISC |
3 | 08.03.1991 | 11:36:31 | 60.83 | 167.08 | 16.5 | 6.6 | MWGCMT |
4 | 24.10.1996 | 19:31:55 | 66.92 | −173.04 | 22.2 | 6.0 | MWGCMT |
5 | 20.04.2006 | 23:25:02 | 60.88 | 167.05 | 23.9 | 7.6 | MWGCMT |
6 | 21.04.2006 | 4:32:44 | 60.45 | 165.96 | 14.6 | 6.1 | MWGCMT |
7 | 21.04.2006 | 11:14:16 | 61.30 | 167.75 | 22.8 | 6.0 | MWGCMT |
8 | 29.04.2006 | 16:58:06 | 60.45 | 167.62 | 10.9 | 6.6 | MWGCMT |
9 | 22.05.2006 | 11:11:59 | 60.73 | 165.81 | 13.9 | 6.6 | MWGCMT |
10 | 22.06.2008 | 23:56:30 | 67.70 | 141.39 | 18.8 | 6.1 | MWGCMT |
11 | 30.04.2010 | 23:11:43 | 60.46 | −177.91 | 14.7 | 6.5 | MWGCMT |
12 | 30.04.2010 | 23:16:29 | 60.48 | −177.60 | 18.3 | 6.3 | MWGCMT |
13 | 24.06.2012 | 3:15:01 | 57.50 | 163.41 | 16 | 6.0 | MWGCMT |
14 | 14.02.2013 | 13:13:52 | 67.52 | 142.70 | 8.9 | 6.7 | MWGCMT |
15 | 09.01.2020 | 8:38:08 | 62.36 | 171.06 | 10 | 6.4 | MWGCMT |
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Gvishiani, A.D.; Vorobieva, I.A.; Shebalin, P.N.; Dzeboev, B.A.; Dzeranov, B.V.; Skorkina, A.A. Integrated Earthquake Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5010.
Gvishiani AD, Vorobieva IA, Shebalin PN, Dzeboev BA, Dzeranov BV, Skorkina AA. Integrated Earthquake Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(10):5010.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGvishiani, Alexei D., Inessa A. Vorobieva, Peter N. Shebalin, Boris A. Dzeboev, Boris V. Dzeranov, and Anna A. Skorkina. 2022. "Integrated Earthquake Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic" Applied Sciences 12, no. 10: 5010.
APA StyleGvishiani, A. D., Vorobieva, I. A., Shebalin, P. N., Dzeboev, B. A., Dzeranov, B. V., & Skorkina, A. A. (2022). Integrated Earthquake Catalog of the Eastern Sector of the Russian Arctic. Applied Sciences, 12(10), 5010.