Cyber Ranges and TestBeds for Education, Training, and Research
:1. Introduction
- It presents the current state of the art on testbeds and cyber ranges.
- It presents the findings of a set of structured interviews with organizations that have a testbed and cyber range.
- It discusses the findings and gives insights of modern cyber ranges.
2. Related Surveys
- Focus area: We categorize surveys in relation to their scope.
- Method: this category indicates the method of collection and analysis of the data that are related to the CRs.
3. Background
- Research (testing implementations including methods, tools, building blocks and systems)
- Training/Education (academia, specialized security courses and cyber-security certifications)
- Exercises/Competitions on Cyber Security (security training by means of cyber security exercises like Capture the Flag or Cyber Defense Exercises).
4. Analysis of Results
5. Challenges and Future Directions
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Questionnaire
- What is the objective of the Cyber Range? (select all that apply)
- What is the supporting sector of the Cyber Range? (select all that apply)
- What is the domain that is emulated or replicated in the operational environment? (select all that apply)
- What type of security challenges are provided? (select all that apply)
- Is the Cyber Range used for educational purposes?
- What is the type of Cyber Range environment?
- Which infrastructure platform(s) is (are) used to develop the Cyber Range?
- What type of access does it provide to participants? (select all that apply)
- What tools are used to
- i.
- Set up Vms?
- ii.
- Set up network topology?
- iii.
- Keep scoring? (flag dashboards, log analyzers, etc.)
- iv.
- Create cyber security scenarios?
- v.
- Manage the Cyber Range? (resources)
- vi.
- Monitoring the exercises ? (SIEM, IDS, etc.)
- vii.
- Generate network traffic?
- viii.
- Generate user behaviour?
- ix.
- Other functions?
- Teams, Roles and Participants
- i.
- How many teams can participate at the same time?
- ii.
- Total number of active participants?
- iii.
- PARTICIPANTS: What are the roles/functions? (select all that apply) iv. Roles
- Has the Cyber Range been used already?
- Has the Cyber Range provided any dataset?
- i.
- if yes the dataset is?
- ii.
- What type of information does the dataset contain?
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Survey | Reference | Systems Studied | Focus Area | Year | Method |
Davis-Magrath et al. | [14] | 30 | Broad | 2013 | Literature Review |
Holm et al. | [15] | 30 | ICS | 2015 | Literature Review |
Yamin et al. | [16] | 100 | Broad | 2019 | Literature Review |
Kucek et al. | [17] | 28 | CTFs | 2020 | Empirical Review |
Ukwandu et al. | [18] | 44 | Broad | 2020 | Literature Review |
Chouliaras et al. | Our survey | 25 | Broad | 2021 | Literature Review Structured Interviews |
Operator | Objective | Sector | Environment | Infrastructure Platform(s) | Dataset |
NATO Cyber Range [31] | T, E | M | EM | VW | N/A |
Masaryk University (KYPO) [32,33] | R, T, E, ED | A | EM | O | Y |
Florida Cyber Range [34] | ED, R, T, O | M | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sandia National Laboratories (Cyber Scorpion) [25] | T | G | N/A | MN | N/A |
Virginia Tech [35,36] | R, T, E | A | S | AW | N/A |
De Montfort University [10] | R, T, E | A | HCP | Q | OD |
Royal Military Academy [37,38] | R, T | A, M | S | VB, C | N |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology [39,40,41] | R, T, E | A, G, M, PE | HCP | O, TR | N |
Naval Postgraduate School [42,43] | T, E, ED | A, G, M | S | D | IN |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NCR) [44] | R, T, E, Ts | A, G, M, PE | EM, S, HCP | O, VB, VM, D | OD |
Università degli Studi di Milano [21] | T | R | EM, S | O | No |
JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JYVSECTEC) [45,46] | R, T, E | A, G, M, PE | EM, S, HCP | N/A | IH |
Swedish Defence Research Agency (CRATE) [47,48] | R, T, E | G, M | HCP | VB | ON |
Michigan Cyber Range [49] | T | A | N/A | N/A | Yes |
Silensec [50] | T | I | N/A | N/A | ON |
CYBERIUM (fujitsu) [51] | T | I | N/A | N/A | ON |
DECIDE (NUARI) [52] | R, T, E | A | N/A | N/A | ON |
Georgia Cyber Range [53] | ED, T, R, DM, DV | A | N/A | N/A | ON |
IBM X-Force Command C-TOC [54] | T, E | I | N/A | N/A | ON |
Cybexer [55] | T, E | I | N/A | N/A | ON |
Airbus Cyber Range [56] | R, T, E | I | S | N/A | ON |
Raytheon Cyber Range [57] | T, E | M, A, I | N/A | N/A | ON |
hns-platform [58] | T, E | I | HCP, S | N/A | ON |
Cyberbit Cyber Range [59] | T, E | I | S | N/A | ON, OP |
Cyber Warfare Range [60] | T, E | I | S | N/A | OS, OP |
Operator | Security Challenges | Courses | Access | Roles | Teams | Events |
De Montfort University | W, E, AP | DF, SS, IC | OP | SC, NC, CR | B, RD, G, YL, WT, P | EV, WS, EX |
Royal Military Academy | W, F, DD, AP | DF, NS, WS | RA | N/A | B | EX |
Masaryk University | W, F, E, SI, MA | DF, NS | OP, RA | CR, CS | B, RD, G, YL, WT, P | EV, WS, EX |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | W, F, E, DD, AP, R, MA | NS, WS, OS | OP, RA | SC, CR, CS, CO, IT, LG | B, RD, G, YL, WT, P | EV, WS, EX |
Naval Postgraduate School | W, C, E, DD, SI, MA, RE | C, SS, NS, WS | L | Various | N/A | EI |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | W, C, F, E, S, DD, AP, R, SI, MA, RE, RM, ISE, CM, CP | C, DF, HS, SS, NS, CS, WS, CM | OP, RA | SC, NC, CR, CS, M, CV | B, RD, WT P | EV, WS, EX |
Virginia Tech | W, C, F, E, S, SI, RE | C, DF, SS, NS, WS | RA | N/A | N/A | EV, WS, EX, EI |
Università degli Studi di Milano | W, F, SI, MA, RB | DF, WS | OP, RA | N/A | B, RD, G | N/A |
JAMK University of Applied Sciences | W, C, F, E, S, DD, AP, R, SI, MA, RE | DF, HS, SS, NS, CS, WS | OP, RA | SC, NC, CR, CS | B, RD, G, YL, WT, P | EV, WS, EX |
Swedish Defence Research Agency | W, F, DD, R, MA | SS, NS | OP, RA | SC, NC, CR | B, RD, G, WT | EV, WS, EX |
Operator | VM | Network | Scoring | Scenarios | Manage | Monitor | Traffic | User Behavior |
De Montfort University | MS | PR | Y | MF | PR | OS, SN, SU, N, W, M | D, B | B |
Royal Military Academy | A | VB | N/A | J | C | SN, N | N/A | G |
Masaryk University | A | O | C | JS, YM, C | C | NG | N/A | C |
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology | A | O | N/A | JS | N/A | OS, W | N/A | C |
Naval Postgraduate School | DC | LDT | AG | LDT | N/A | A | N/A | N/A |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | A, V, MS | O | J | YM | XT | OS | OF, D | GS |
Virginia Tech | P | CL | CC | N/A | AP | CW | N/A | N/A |
Università degli Studi di Milano | OH | O | IT | X | IT | Y | IT | N/A |
JAMK University of Applied Sciences | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Swedish Defence Research Agency | S | VB, VX | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | AI, BT |
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Chouliaras, N.; Kittes, G.; Kantzavelou, I.; Maglaras, L.; Pantziou, G.; Ferrag, M.A. Cyber Ranges and TestBeds for Education, Training, and Research. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 1809.
Chouliaras N, Kittes G, Kantzavelou I, Maglaras L, Pantziou G, Ferrag MA. Cyber Ranges and TestBeds for Education, Training, and Research. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(4):1809.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChouliaras, Nestoras, George Kittes, Ioanna Kantzavelou, Leandros Maglaras, Grammati Pantziou, and Mohamed Amine Ferrag. 2021. "Cyber Ranges and TestBeds for Education, Training, and Research" Applied Sciences 11, no. 4: 1809.
APA StyleChouliaras, N., Kittes, G., Kantzavelou, I., Maglaras, L., Pantziou, G., & Ferrag, M. A. (2021). Cyber Ranges and TestBeds for Education, Training, and Research. Applied Sciences, 11(4), 1809.